There was a black void. Then, there was a white light in the center of the darkness until it dispersed, revealing a bunch of creatures and humans. There were eleven monsters and ten humans. The monsters were known as Flowey, Toriel Dreemurr, Papyrus, Sans, Undyne, Alphys, Mettaton, Muffet, Asgore Dreemurr, Asriel Dreemurr, and W. D. Gaster. The ten humans were known as Frisk, Alicia (Patience), Nicholas (Bravery), Jessica (Integrity), Daniel (Perseverance), Amelia (Kindness), Cody (Justice), Chara, Bete Noire (w/ her partner, Akumu), and Victoria (Hate).

The twenty-one people there began to look around and at each other and most of them went on guard. Toriel and Sans stood to protect the humans (excluding Chara, Bete, and Victoria), Undyne and Asgore went to the defense, Flowey went to be with Frisk in fear of Chara, Chara raised her blade and went to defend Asriel, etc. etc.

"Enough of that." An angelic and mothering voice stated to everyone.

Everyone turned to the source and see Kami with Shinigami and Yami.

"We summoned your souls here for a reason." Yami said to them.

The humans and monsters looked at each other before dropping their stances but they were cautious of each other. They turned to the three deities in front of them.

"So, I thought we all died." Sans said to them "How are we here?"

"You all did die." Shinigami said to them, causing everyone to look at him with surprise "However, I summoned your souls here. While most of you are innocent, not all of you are innocent."

"Then why gather all of us here?" Toriel asked to them "Why bring all of us together if some of us are not so innocent."

"We have discussed it for a bit after your world's end. And we have come with the conclusion that there are some of you who would want to be redeemed." Kami said as she looked at Chara, Victoria, Bete, Flowey, and even Asgore, which those five were looking sad about the mention of their sins before looking with hope of redemption.

"How can we redeem ourselves?" Chara asked to the three deities.

"There is a boy known as the Child of Prophecy." Yami said to them, getting their attention "The Child of Prophecy would change the shinobi world forever, either for the good or for the bad. However, something has happened and the prophecy has been driven off course, resulting in the creation of an Alternate Universe, one of which the poor boy, should we not alter it, be a slaved weapon for the corrupted Konoha."

That caused a lot of gasps from everyone around with a few shedding tears for the poor boy's fate.

"What kind of monsters would do that to a child!?" Undyne shouted in anger at the very idea of turning a living person into a weapon against their will, not even Asgore was that heartless but he was close.

Shinigami nods "That is why we are sending you to the Child of Prophecy. Since this is a AU and not the original, whatever happens will be entirely up to the boy. However, we are sending you to this boy to teach him everything you know and even stay with him to completely change the world in your and the boy's own way."

"He will be our successor?" Bete asked to them.

Kami nodded "In a way of thinking. Do you agree?"

They looked at each other before nodding, making the three deities smile. Then, they sent them to their host and future successor.

The monsters and humans found themselves inside a sewer. They began to look around, seeing the pipes that had blue and red pipes and the water was not that high and they were even on the water surface.

"What kind of a place is this?" Flowey asked, seeing that he was on the water and not in grass.

"This happens to be my jailer's mind, parasite." A deep rumbling voice stated from behind them.

They all turned around and see a giant cage door and then they see a pair of giant blood red eyes that had fox-like slits. And then they see red energy from within the darkness, giving the fox a silhouette of his giant appearance.

Flowey immediately hid behind Frisk and Chara in fear. The monsters along with Chara, Victoria, and Bete went onto their guard.

"So… I guess we can asume that can talk about our stories and why we are all here?" Sans asked to the fox.

The Kyuubi began to think before shrugging "I don't see a reason why not to. Because, you just appeared so I can only guess you came here willingly."

"I actually expected you to be more difficult." Asgore stated with confusion "Considering we're the intruders."

The Kyuubi pointed at the seal of the gate "Well, I am sealed in here so I can't exactly fight you. The best I could is pierce you with my claws, but you are well beyond my reach." The prove the point, Kyuubi thrusted one of his paws out and the claws were a foot long away from the monsters. Then Kyuubi pulls back his paws "So what brings you twenty-one here?"

"We were offered a deal of redemption so we can all go to the afterlife with smiles and see our loved ones together as a big family." Frisk said to the Kyuubi "While most of us are innocent, there are some of us are who are not and we are here to help them as well as the boy you have sealed inside."

The Kyuubi nods "Alright, let me tell what has happened in the kit's life."


The monsters and humans were shocked and horrified when they learned all the abuse he has taken in his life and all the suffering that was done to him. Some of them were crying at the misfortune of the boy.

The monsters tested the child's soul and learned that it was the combination of all the emotions, but without hate.

With some help, the mindscape was now the Underground with the Fox changing into an anthropomorphic nine tailed fox that was, surprisingly, female. She was now wearing a red kimono.

As they waited, they were talking about their lives in the Underground before going to the surface world. However, it changed when the door opened and they looked, seeing Papyrus and Sans with another human.

The human was a child of six years old. He wore a white shirt, blue shorts, black sandals, and he had sun-blessed yellow hair. He had whisker marks on his cheeks and he had cheerful and joyful blue eyes but also hiddenly held pain.

Toriel smiled when she saw the child "Hello my child, my name is Toriel." She greeted with a bow before smiling "I am a caretaker and adopted mother to all the other humans here."

"W-Where are we?" The young human child asked.

"We're in your mind, young one." Gaster answered with a smile.

"M-my mind?" The boy asked.

The Kyuubi nodded and she sat Naruto down to explain.

One Explanation Later…

After Kyuubi and Gaster explained about the situation of what was going on and everything, Naruto was on the verge of tears.

"W-why would you want to help me so much?" Naruto asked them "I don't even know any of you."

"We have seen your life and we have felt your pain and we wish that you gain a better life than the one you would be destined for." Toriel told Naruto in a caring tone.


Naruto began to cry tears of joy and he hugged Toriel and the others began to embrace him. As they embraced, they began to glow and Naruto's soul multicolored. There was red, orange, yellow, green, light blue, blue, purple, pink, and black and it was surrounded by a layer of a white.