so the reason why I ended the previous story is that I only want a miximun of twenty five chapters. And plus it's part of my plan to troll you all. I could be a you tuber,seriously. Soooo thank you for stay with me for all these chapters. They took away my blood,sweat and tears (SEE WHAT I DID?!)

P.S. Sorry this chapter is short


Previously on 'Unexpected Summer Sparks'...

Turns out,we didn't put on the movie because we were cuddling most of the time on the couch. Honestly,I like cuddling more than watching TV. Don't blame me,I'm a romantic. Well,sort of. I'm not good at planning dates.

"Apollo?" She asked softly.


"Have you ever wondered what you wanna be after college?" She wondered,looking up at me. I kissed her head.

"Well that's easy. I'd still be your boyfriend."

She laughed softly,staring at me like I was impossible "You're such a dork."

"But I'm your dork,riiiight?" I grinned.

"No denying that. But well...I'm just a bit nervous about it." She said softly,sitting up straight so that she could see me properly. I frowned.

"What are you talking about?"

"Well..I know we both have gone through thick and thin together-" she chuckled nervously "but like,if we both get into different colleges...anything can's not like I'm saying that were not going to last! But well...I'm nervous." She finished. I smiled and brushed her bangs aside.

"If we both do get into different colleges,I doubt I'll ever see a girl as beautiful as you,Sunshine. Besides,I don't know much about college,but we always have the evenings to look forward to. Oh,and if you haven't known,there's something called technology."

"Shut up." She gently shoved me in a playful manner,but smiled. I smiled back as I took her hand and tapped the finger which the ring was on.

"Besides,who else could I ever love? There's never been anyone like you before,Penny."

Her cheeks were dusted with a tint of pink. I leaned forward and kissed her "I love you."

"I love you too." She mumbled between our lips. Suddenly I remembered something else. The day she came back from Paris and we were home alone in her room...thoughts kept whizzing in my mind at that moment. If it was taken to the next level,we might have ended up on her bed. I heard my ringtone and my eyes snapped open,our lips parting. It was Artemis.

"Sorry Sunshine,I'll just take this. Hello?" I asked,picking up the call. I could hear harsh breathing on the other end of the phone. I sat up straight,frowning.

"Artemis? What-"

"Mom's dead."


The thing about life and the people around you is that you never appreciate the little and possibly big things that you have...until they're taken away from you. And the very similar person whom we've lost and regretted later our mother.

My name is Apollo Solace. Age eighteen and about to head to college in two and a half months. I've got a twin sister Artemis and a little brother Will who's a year younger than me. I'm fatherless (because the idiot ran away with another woman) and now,motherless too.

My fingers were shaking and I crushed the letter in one hand. Who would've known that a single mail could kill you like this? I closed my eyes,trying hard not to think...but it wouldn't work. My mom was gone. She's gone to a place where I can never bring her back.

"A-Apollo?" My sister's voice rang in my ears. For the first time,I heard her voice extremly scared. I couldn't look at her,or my little brother Will,but I was well aware that they were looking at me,trembling from head to toe. Everything was slowing down around me. The last ray of hope that kept flickering feebly these torturous hours was dead. My mom was gone;nothing should be bright. I threw the crumpled letter on the floor just as I heard a stifled sob from my sister. I put an arm around both of their shoulder's and brought them close.

We were orphans now,and we had to depend on nobody but each other. The inkling of the truth was settling inside,but not he entire truth,because my mom could simply not be dead...she couldn't...I didn't want to open my eyes to the reality,whether it was true or false. I didn't want to,and I just couldn't.

"Are-are we gunna be okay?" Will asked,looking up on me. I stared into his bloodshot eyes mournfully. I wanted to say we would,but I couldn't lie to him. I just couldn't. He seemed to have gotten the answer from my expression. He closed his eyes and hung his head. I turned towards Artemis.

"Are we?" I whispered. Her bottom lip trembled and she did something I haven't seen her done for several years;she cried. And how could I hide it? What was the use? I let the tears slide. I realised that this was the first time I'm crying without my mom.