The writer was watching Family Matters in his room, while still thinking of some ideas for Part II.

"Hey!" Patrick appeared in the room. "What are you doing?"

"Watching Family Matters." The writer said. "And what are you doing in my room?"

"I'm your writing coach conscious!"

"You? Other than the fact that I don't even what the hell that is, why you out of all the characters? Why didn't I get any of the sisters, even Lisa for that matter?"

"Who cares?! Now go back and fix your story!"

"Look, I'm done with Part I. I had a blast writing it, but I really need a break!"

"But you had a terrible ending! You've upset your many readers!"

"Look, I had to tie things together somehow."

"But that was horrible! You ruined all of the character development and made plot holes!"

"What do you know about any of that? You're one of the dumbest Nicktoons ever created!"

"But in your mind, I'm strong! Now FINISH THAT STORY and make your readers smile again!"

"Okay, fine!"

Morning at the Loud House. The birds were chirping, the sun was shining, and Lincoln Loud was starting to wake up from his sleep. However, Lincoln was confused as he woke up. What am I doing over here?, Lincoln asked. What happened to Amity Park, where are those idiots in white?

"What's going on?" Lincoln asked.

"Lincoln, buddy. Can you hear me?"

"Clyde, is everything alright?"

"Well yes, just checking up on my friend during his grounding!"

"Grounding? I'm not grounded!"

"Really? You told me last night after that ghost hunt failed that you were grounded after ruining your sisters pageant!"

"What?! I thought you'd know that wasn't me,. I don't even know why they're still grounding me, especially after I saved the world!"

"Saved the world?"

"How can you not remember? Yesterday? Me and the sisters saved the world? It should be on the news!"

"Link, were you dreaming?"

"Never mind." Lincoln said.

"Tell you what. I'll recap tonight's ARGH for you. See you, old pal.

A lot entered in Lincoln's mind right now. "That wasn't a dream! That can't possibly be a dream!" Lincoln said, he tried to question everything, but after many seconds, he just gave up thinking, and laid on his bed, absolutely depressed.

"Maybe it all was just a dream." Lincoln said to himself. "Great. My greatest adventure of all time, and it was all just a dream! I can't believe this!" He started to feel even more depressed. "So that's it. I'm still grounded, and none of it happened. I never saved the world from those four villains. My sisters never helped me. I never blew up an alien prison. I never met any of the guys. I never met Jack Fenton. I never even met Danny Phantom. I don't even think he's real. I don't even know if ghosts are real. Maybe the girls were right. Maybe I did ruin Lola's pageant. Maybe I am crazy. Maybe I'm not a hero after all."


However his thoughts were interrupted when a familiar sound came to his ears.

He looked up and saw a green portal open in his room. "No way it can't be!", he said shocked. Soon, four figures came out of the portal and made Lincoln all the more happy.

"Sorry if we intruded in your personal quarters Lincoln, but we had to do this." Jimmy calmly explained. Lincoln hopped off his bed and walked up to the four "I knew it! It wasn't a dream! I really did save the world! But how did you get us away from those white suit guys?"

Timmy smirked "You should thank my reality warping computer programs! They got us out of Amity Park, and warped the world back to normal!" Lincoln was confused "So, I'm guessing from how my friend doesn't remember anything, you wiped out everyone's memory?"


"Not everyone. Only our friends, and everyone who was involved with the battle know about the whole thing." Danny said.

"Does that mean..?"

"Yes, your entire family knows about the whole battle."


"But all of you must keep yesterday a secret. Or else those dorks in white are going to come back and find us!" Danny said.

"Not even my friends?" Lincoln asked.

"Absolutely nobody." Danny said.

Lincoln then realized something. "Wait, where is Jenny?" Spongebob smiled "She's back at her house, We made a quick visit to her to give her something, speaking of..." he took out a small bag from behind his back and gave it to Lincoln.

"Um, burgers?" He curiously asked Spongebob shook his head "Those are not ordinary burgers, those are Krabby Patties! The best burgers in the deep blue sea, made by yours truly!" Spongebob winked. "Don't worry, one bite, and it will be the best experience you'll ever have!"

"Um, cool?"

"Well, you deserve it after stopping that beam! You know I that knew all along that you could do it!"

Danny then gave something to Lincoln that he recognized. "You're giving me the ecto hands?"

Danny smirked "Hey you're gonna need them, and Jimmy here modified them to be laser pistols as well.". "You know, you really are one of my heroes!" Lincoln said. "Thanks kid, and it was awesome working with you!" Danny replied. "You're still gonna read those comics?" "Oh no, I don't need to read that fake garbage!" Lincoln said. "I lived something better!" Speaking of the boy genius, he stepped up and gave Lincoln a small remote. "Here, take this recaller!" He told the middle loud

"What is that?" Timmy asked a little confused.

"It's a communicator and a way for us to meet up. Don't you remember? I gave it to you two and Danny after our first journey." Jimmy reminded them.

"Oh yeah, I remember those! Must've been locked in my closet." Danny sheepishly said.

"Weird, it's as if we remember these because some great big force is trying to cover his mistakes!" Spongebob said to no one in particular.

Lincoln was amazed by the small device, but then was curious. "Why'd you give this to me?" Timmy chuckled "Come on dude, you're part of our team now." Lincoln's smile got bigger "Really!?"

"Are you serious?" Danny asked. "After everything you've done, you still don't think you're a part of the team? Come on, man!"

"Of course, I've had my doubts about you in the beginning Loud, but you've helped our team through this crisis and like Jenny, you're fit to become one of us!" Jimmy explained.

Lincoln looked at his four new friends and new teammates, "Thanks Guys!" He said happily, but it was time to go for the other heroes. "Well Lincoln, I'll see ya, but if you want anymore of those delicious Krabby Patties, you'd know where to find me!" Spongebob happily said before jumping into the portal.

"See ya, Lincoln. I gotta go too, since Amity Park needs saving and all that. Hope we can meet again." Danny said. Lincoln waved before Danny walked in as well.

"Well, it's best I should be going as well. Bon voyage, Loud." Jimmy said as he walked into the portal.

Lincoln stopped Timmy before he can enter the portal. "Wait, Timmy. Why are you doing this? I thought nobody must ever know your little secret about your…floating things."

"Eh, I figured I'd keep their memories, because it really stinks when your family is still mad at you for things that aren't on you! Besides, I really do trust your family."

"Thank you, man!"

"No problemo!" Timmy winked and jumped into the portal.

Lincoln couldn't believe his eyes. Despite no one but the Louds knowing about the whole battle, it still happened, and now he was a part of one of the greatest superhero teams the world ever has, even more exciting than one of his comic books. He ran out of his room, and walked towards the kitchen.

Everyone was having their typical breakfast morning. Lily was throwing her food, Lana was playing with hers, ETC. However, all of them stopped as they saw Lincoln. Every single one of them gave him a mad glare, except Lily. "Hey guys." he said in a scared tone. Why is everybody looking mad at me? Did Turner lie about him giving back their memories? Lincoln thought. Everybody was still dead silent, as if they still had memories of the pageant. "Do I still get my bre"You want breakfast?! I'll give you breakfast!" Lori snapped, as if she was about to pound Lincoln or throw a vat at him. However, she kissed Lincoln's cheek, and gave him his plate of eggs. "Here you go, little bro!" she said.

"Um, what's going on here? Shouldn't you all be mad at me?" Lincoln asked.

"Why would we be mad?" Lana said. "After we all saved the day?!"

"So you guys do have your memories back!" Lincoln said. "That must mean mom and dad still have their memories too! This must mean I'm not grounded."

"Actually, you still are." Lori replied.


"Before they went back to the spa, they took off three weeks from it after saving the world, but you're still in trouble for running off. But if it makes you feel better, we're grounded too, for destroying the van."

"At least we're together!" Lynn said. "We're going to make this the best grounding time in this house ever!"

"By the way, Lola. I'm sorry for wrecking your pageant. I hope I can make it up to you."

"Eh, it's just one stupid pageant! There are others out there!" Lola replied, while her eye twitched. "Besides, I still won!"

"The past is in the past, sis!" Luna said. "Though it was an epic past!"

"I still never got my flying dolphin!" Leni said.

"At least I know ghosts exist. Though my heart is still broken." Lucy said.

"I wish we had our memories erased." Lisa responded. "Because I still lost most of my sanity."

"Yep, that really was the greatest day of our lives." Lincoln said.

Luan told more breakfast puns, as all of the family enjoyed their breakfast. Meanwhile, outside, Cosmo was watching over the whole thing.

"What? Can't a guy enjoy a happy ending?" Cosmo asked. "I mean, bye readers! Wait, I haven't made the final laugh yet!

"Hey, I want the final laugh!" Sheen said, popping up.

"No, I want the final laugh!" Patrick said, then all three starting fighting each other.

Then all of a sudden, Carl appeared. "That's all folks! Ow, my...ah, you get the point!" Carl waved.


Lincoln picked up a Krabby Patty. "I wonder what Spongebob meant by an "experience." He bit onto the Krabby Patty.

His pupils widened, as he saw himself fly through a wonderful place of imagination, with Tom Jones music in the background. It was like he was sliding down a slide that was really a fry, and then dived down into the ketchup, then jumping onto a field of burgers, making him fly high into the sky, while hugging a bun.

Back in reality, Lincoln passed out on the floor. "Oh baby."

Well, that was odd, but anyways, for years, I've been trying to make this fanfic happen. It wasn't even supposed to be Nicktoons anyways, it was supposed to be CN, with a lot of KND. But I couldn't make it happen. It finally took the Loud House to get me to do something different, which is where I started writing the story. Of course, it took many re-writes. I mean, read the first "trailer", almost 99% of it never happened in this story. Like I said, I wasn't just going to give up.

For this story, I'd like to give thanks to...What?

Sam and Tucker were at the Pear store.

"No, please. Don't make me do this!" Tucker said.

"You cannot live your life dwelling over some stupid piece of technology!"

"She wasn't just some stupid piece of technology! She was my baby!" He sniffed.

"Well now, it's time for you to get over it!"

Sam then spoke to an employee. "What's the latest phone you have?"

However, as the employee talked the many amazing features, Tucker had his eyes on something else. Brand new PDAs were on sale. "What are those things?!" his eyes sparkled.

"Oh my god." Sam facepalmed.

Anyways, I'd like to thank PKSmashbros for helping contribute to this story, and I mean, a LOT OF IT. He helped me get some ideas, he even wrote a few scenes and jokes for this and part II, including the very ending, which I had to update a little. He even helped with the TV Tropes page, and created the thumbnails. It's great to see someone enjoy this story, and help me. I'm just completely thankful of that. So anyways, yeah, I knew this story would..oh, COME ON.

It was night time, and Lucy was talking to a few spirits, making a little club for herself.

"So that was how you were born? Your father was that evil Vlad man, and you were born from nothing, while you never got to experience your baby years? Well, that's even sadder than anything from me."

By her side was a familiar face. "Um, thanks?" Danielle replied. "At least it's cool to meet someone who likes ghosts like me! But please stop talking about your obsession with my half-brother."

"But he's too sexy...I mean, anyways, let's finish my poem:

Emptiness. That's what my soul feels like. No purpose like an empty box. Emptiness.

"What did you think, other ghost?"

On the right, was another familiar ghost. "Wow." said the Box Ghost. "I mean, wow man. That was really deep. That poem really spoke to me. I haven't heard anything that powerful throughout my entire afterlife. Probably because it's too relatable!"

"Would you three shut up?!" Lynn said on the left. "You're interrupting my amazing dream!"

"What did you think, pirate ghost?"

The Flying Dutchman sighed, with an annoyed expression on his face. "This is stupid! What am I even doing with my life? WHAT AM I DOING?!" he screamed.

"I said, SHUT UP!" Lynn yelled, throwing a bowling ball at the Flying Dutchman.

Okay, so that's done with. Music really did influence how I wrote this story. I started listening to a lot of music while hearing this. In fact, speaking of music, I can imagine the whole theme of this story is Sweet Victory, or if this was real, an Avengers-esqe version of the song, with parts of the shows theme songs. Okay, next scene.

Hooks were down on the Bikini Bottom again. This time, it was by three fishermen, who weren't even human.

"Caught anything yet, Heffer?" Rocko asked.

"Still nothing, pal!" Heffer replied.

"It's been hours!" Filbert said. "Why don't we just call it a day, and go get sodas and pop that new movie about the clown and those kids?"

"Why are we even using cheese instead of worms anyways?" Rocko asked.

All of the fishing poles started to move. "Hang on! We've all finally reached the jackpot!" Heffer said. Rocko lifted his pole. "Ah, I got me a shoe!" Rocko said to the brown boot. Then Filbert lifted his pole, which had a DVD.

"What's this? The unaired sketches of Studio 10! Why would this be in the ocean?"

Heffer was still bringing his. "Watch this, boys! I'm about to strike gold!" He lifted his pole, and saw a starfish eating the cheese on it. "Bon Jour, boys!" Patrick said, as Heffer threw him back into the ocean.

"Why are we always getting the creepy things?" Heffer asked.

"Wait just a minute, I just realized." Rocko said. "This ain't our own universe, and fish are the sizes of us! Are there any other creatures out there that we don't know about?"

"What kind of crazy stuff are you saying?" Heffer asked. "What, you think there are people that are bigger than us?"

"Well, actually, now that you say it.." Rocko said, as he heard a loud boat horn.

"Guys, I think that's a cruise ship coming!" Fillbert said.

"I don't think that's a cruise ship!" Rocko replied.

On the side of them, a boat that looked like the size of the Titanic came cruising on the right of them, as the three of them screamed in horror.

EDIT: 12/10/18 I've been revising a lot of the story lately, and I'd figure I'd add this part.

Jenny was now in her room.

"Unbelievable. I save the world, and I ended up grounded over some stupid phone bill." Jenny said. "The price I pay for being single."

Suddenly, Jenny's telescreen erupted from her chest, with Jimmy's trademark logo on it. "Hello, Jenny. It's me, Jimmy Neutron. I've recorded this message for an offer. Even if we defeated the Evil Syndicate, there is still a possibility that there are threats out there, perhaps ones bigger than the Syndicate. This is where you come in, along with the allies you've fought with in Amity Park." As Jimmy was saying this, pictures of SB, Timmy, Danny and Lincoln popped up. "Jenny, I'm inviting you to join the team. You don't have to respond immediately, but if any future conflicts arise, I'll be here in my universe. Your choice." The message turned off.

"Wow, my first super team since those Teen Teams." Jenny said. "But I'm fine on my own. I don't need them to take down evil...Do I?"

Of course, as she was pondering this, Cluster ships flew in the sky.

Well, there's more where that came from.

Inside a small room, a picture of Timmy Turner was being used as target practice. First with two darts, then a knife, and then a flail.

"Those idiots!" Vicky said. "They had one chance to destroy those twerps once and for all!" She torched the picture of Timmy. "One chance,with all the power in the world was in their hands, and they wasted it!" She then torched another pair of dolls, which resembled all of the main six heroes. "How stupid do you have to be to lose to a bunch of dumb brats?!" She then torched her bed. "Well, I will show them! I will show both those dumb villains, and the twerp with his friends! I will finish what they failed to start!" She then torched everything in the room. "Watch out, twerp! Because next time, it's my move!" Vicky gave her trademark evil laugh, but then stopped as she noticed how burnt her room is.