Wow, am I late to this fandom. :.D I actually started writing these like three years ago and thought, hmm lemme share now since CLARK IS APPARENTLY DEAD BUT ALSO NOT? Fuck if I know man, BvS's ending made me so mad (in a love/hate way) but those JL teasers look good.This will be 21 drabbles. Inspired by Capital Cities "Farrah Fawcett Hair.
In the aftermath of Zod's attack on Metropolis, it took three days for the dust to settle. For three long days, it was dark as night, and it reeked like concrete dust and smoke. For three days, people and emergency workers and victims were uncovered in the dark under the haze of concrete dust. For three days, twisted steel skeletons were peeled back to expose those who had taken shelter from the wreckage.
For three days, the newly named Superman worked tirelessly, following the coordination of the National Guard that flooded into Metropolis in the wake of the disaster.
It was three long days without rest. Three long days without sunrise or stars.
Three long days without the sky, but on the third dusk, the wind picked up and finally blew away the worst of the miasma.
This was the first sunset in three long days.
That night, Lois was in one of the 'shelters'— her old apartment had been too close to the damage, in an area evacuated by the emergency services. Some of the Wayne high rises had been opened to the displaced, and Lois was in the tallest one on the highest floor, the condos no one wanted to take when the electricity was shut off and there were no elevators.
Because of her relative isolation, for the first time since she'd found Clark and named him Superman, she felt comfortable enough to kick off her heels and really acknowledge all that had happened.
From her lonely new perch, she could see all of Metropolis, and over the old skyscrapers and new scars of destruction she could see the sunset.
That third day, after the point in time where the rescuees would stop being found and only corpse would be uncovered from the deepest parts of the wreckage, sitting on the lonely balcony of her high rise, she saw Clark again for the first time. He appeared almost suddenly, floating in front of her, and when she smiled at him an invitation, sitting beside her.
There were no words, none that they were ready to give or ready to hear, so they sat quietly and watched the sunset.
Thanks for reading! Drop a review on your way out if you liked this drabble. More to come~
October 16, 2017
5:02 PM