Cinder was examining the female in front of her carefully before questioning everything around her as well. She found herself in a rigorous state as she could hardly remember anything. All she could remember was an aching pain surfacing on her head in such a dark area. Darkness... Just the thought of such made her pissed. She hissed angrily before glancing at the female besides her one more time.

Ruby Rose, was it?

She looked at her, lost in a concerned gaze and holding in her urge to scoot away from her as much as feasible. She knew she was just a kid by the innocence hidden in her eyes, the way she held her posture in an informal fashion, and her choice of clothing added to the fuel of the lively soul inside her.

It was awfully strange. She gave off such a good vibe for a child such as herself in Remnant. Unfortunately, her presence also gave off red flags. It was official. Her mind was playing such mean tricks on her. And she wouldn't tolerate such any longer.

The female with red tinted black hair had an expression of mystification and vex as she began to question through a small stutter, "Um. Are you okay? You hit your head pretty hard."

The ashen haired woman stayed silent for a brief moment before blurting out quietly through invisible webs in her throat. "I'm not... Where am I? And what's going on? Why are you in here with me? What connections do we have with one another-." She found herself nearly yelling in pain, cutting off her sentence and gripping her head harshly. Her palms felt wet on the source of suffering, warm and yet dry. The sticky susceptibility persuaded her to move her hands and find a horrifying scene. Nothing...

"Ma'am," Ruby beckoned the scared Cinder, who stared intensely through gritted teeth.

"I will ask once more," She growled angrily. "Where am I? And why am I here with you?" Her new found state and growing rage that caused her blood to boil and red to corrupt her vision made the younger female shiver immediately. She found herself stepping back and looking down a bit. Only to have her attention caught once more by a small gasp escaping the woman in front of her.

Possessing a face full of regret and turning completely away from her company, Cinder apologized quietly as she clutched her blankets as if for security. Why did she just suddenly blurt out at the poor girl? Why did she lose her cool so suddenly? Succumbing to irritation and embarrassment, she thought it would be well to stay in silence for the remainder of the time. However, before she could try to do such, her ears perked up slightly when she heard the sound of metal separating from it's beloved threshold.

Amber eyes met with two newcomers that connected glances with it's owners. She had found a male and female, both looking awfully older then her. The female possessed very light-blonde hair tied back in a bun with a curl hanging down the right side of her face. Her eyes were bright emerald green and she wore thin ovular glasses.

She had dangling teal earrings that match the hanging pendant on her collar over a white long-sleeved, pleated top that has a wide keyhole neckline and gauntlet cuffs that flare in pleats at the wrist. Her lower body was covered by a black high-waisted pencil skirt with bronze buttons and black-brown stockings. She wore black boots with bronze heels, and a cape that was purple inside and black on the outside. The cut of the cape was stylized to end in flames and arrows, with a row of diamond-shaped bronze beads on the back.

The male almost looked like an older sister to the female besides him. Having silver snow white hair as fine as clouds on a partially clear day, along with brown eyes full of wisdom, the man wore shaded glass spectacles and a small, purple, cross-shaped pin on the cowl around his neck. His outfit mainly consisted of an unzipped black suit over a buttoned vest and green shirt. He also wore black trouser shoes and long, dark-green pants. He also seemed to wield a cane to help him walk or to add onto the fact that he had experienced much of this world.

In their presence, Cinder concealed herself slightly, the blankets hugging her chest as her hands tightened on its body. At the sight of the sudden actions, the male began sternly, "Cinder Fall. Do you know me?"

"I don't," Cinder replied cautiously, her eyes narrowing in defense. "Who are you? And how do you know my name? Who is that person and why has she been here this entire time?" Her finger pointed to the black haired female, her hand never leaving the embrace of her covers.

Glancing slightly and quickly at his student, the man answered casually, "That would be my student, Ruby Rose. A well known huntress in training that is a freshmen and possesses skills on using the most dangerous weapon ever known to men," With a look at Ruby, she squeaked softly and covered herself a bit behind an emotionless Glynda. "She's been keeping you company this entire time so you wouldn't be alone or be worried."

Cinder let her eyes meet with Ruby's, reticence surrounding them both and creating a wall between both. Only to be smashed down when the ashen haired woman nodded slowly and whispered, "Thank you. Ruby Rose."

"Oh, it was nothing," She told her with a small blush and looking away from her in an awkward position. She almost uncovered herself once more from her teacher.

However, the blonde woman stopped her with a single hand to blurt out severely, "Ruby, you are free to go back to your dorm room and see your teammates." Though she begged to differ and plead to be there, she knew how she negotiated. Which she never did. She was an authoritative person, which means her say goes.

Sighing softly, she nodded and headed towards the door, but before she left she searched for Cinder's eyes once more to word, "I hope we get to see and talk to each other. Get well soon, okay? And welcome to Beacon."


It was too late. The young girl was gone. The woman was alone again. It was as if nothing ever changed. She was alone to begin with and was such periodically. Her partner absent, she scooted away from the adults slightly, wishing she could defend herself from what could happen and come her way. The two adults approached her continuously before the man sat lightly onto the end of the forgotten woman's bed to begin again, "Do you know who I am?"

Her head shook instantly, eyes shaking as their eyes connected in emptiness.

"So you do not know anything or anyone about where you are in general? Nor this building? Hardly anything," He further questioned. All he earned as a few shakes of her heads, only for her to answer suddenly,

"I do know my name is Cinder Fall. And I am in my twenties. Mid-twenties. And I live in Remnant, Vale. I also have skills in sword combat for some odd reason. Aside from that along with general information, I do not recall or know anything. I'm sorry," She apologized.

"You have no reason to apologize for something you cannot recall," Ozpin assured, smiling softly and throwing a few quick looks at Glynda. "It is very nice to meet you, Cinder. I am Ozpin, the headmaster of Beacon Academy. The one behind me is Glynda Goodwitch. We are here to help you regain your memories and assure you that you have nothing to worry about. What would you want to know?"

"... Am I allowed to answer with everything," She questioned in a guiltless state. Causing the silver haired male to laugh lightly, he replied,

"There is nothing wrong with that answer. Don't worry and do not fret. For we will tell you all that you wish to know. You can trust us."

The woman was hesitant on the two. Trust was a strong word and a strong entity. How in the world could she ever trust two people she doesn't even know? Then again, she trusted that female that she didn't know at all. What made them any different? At this point, she was going to need all the help she could get. And hopefully soon if she wanted to know herself and this world like the back of her hand. Thinking it over, she nodded and whispered, "I trust you two. You both seem to be very nice. You and Ruby. So why wouldn't I trust you..."

With one last glance at Glynda, Ozpin whispered an okay. And with that, began to plant his seed of knowledge on her mind...

"You are Cinder Fall.

A special and helpful huntress to all of Remnant..."