Years Later

Not sure if anyone will read this, but I decided we need more Kanna and Riko Saikawa stories! The fanart was not made by me, I found it online. These will be one-shot stories, some with plot, some with fluff, some with plot and fluff oh my! I really fell in love with the Kobayashi dragon maid anime, it's just so light hearted and sweet. Normally, I am not into slice of life anime, but with dragons it made the genre so much more interesting. Ok, enough of my rambling, I'd really like to hear from you all. If you enjoy the one-shots, I'll keep writing them. Also, there maybe be some moments with Tohru and Kobayashi.

Chapter 1

Saikawa was exhausted, studying to become a teacher is no easy task. Currently she is attending college and has to achieve many observation hours as she has just started her college years. She yawns as she opens the door to her small apartment. While it was small, it was enough for her and her favorite roommate to live in peacefully. It wasn't far from their old childhood homes, which was nice, it allowed them to visit their families frequently, when time allowed.

"I'm home" Saikawa announces, as she knows her roommate would be home.

"Welcome home" She hears the much-needed welcome tone, coming from the family room. No doubt the older roommate is watching television. She takes her shoes off first before entering the little living room. Saikawa can't help but smile as she sees the white-lavender hair young woman laying on her couch. While tired, she seems to gain a small amount of new energy as she makes her way to sit beside the older woman, placing her backpack on the floor next to her feet. She lifts the other woman's head so that her head could rest on her lap. "Tired?"

Saikawa smiles. "Exhausted, but in a good way. Kids are so wonderful, but so full of energy. Were we really like that as kids?" She laughs.

The familiar blank gaze seems to study every inch of Saikawa, it makes her blush. Despite all these years of knowing Kanna, it feels like she's still that little girl crushing on her best-friend. Kanna lifts her hands up to cup her cheeks gently, Saikawa's face manages to somehow become even redder than before. How is it that this girl had so much power to make her melt at a simple touch? She doesn't even ask, she hasn't needed to ask since their early high school days as Kanna brings Saikawa's lips to her own. Burning heat covers all over her cheeks, her heart beats so fast it feels heavy against her chest. She can feel Kanna's tongue inside her mouth, dominating her tongue and Saikawa allows it, she craves it.

Kanna loved the taste of her girlfriend's mouth more than any food craving she could ever have. She licked every inch inside her mouth, memorizing the taste. She soon pulls out so that her human could breathe. While dragons needed to breathe as well, she could go longer without, but she needed to remember her human's needs.

Saikawa was breathing heavy as she takes in every ounce of oxygen as she can, she suddenly feels light headed as she often did after a kiss like that. She beams a bright blissful smile down at her dragon. It took Kanna years to finally tell Saikawa that she was a dragon, it wasn't till their first year in high school she finally opened up to her. Kanna expressed her feeling to Saikawa, that they were no longer just childhood crushes, they never have been for Kanna. Once Kanna explained to Saikawa she was a dragon, it explained so much. Her intelligence was beyond most kids their age, her understanding of sexual desires was also far more knowledgeable than most would be at their ages. What really surprised her was learning how much older Kanna was. While she was actually between 50 to 60 years old, she appeared to be the same age as Saikawa in her human form. However, she was told that dragons age much slower than humans. While 50 seems a lot to a human, it's extremely young for a dragon.

"Do you want to go for a flight?" Saikawa questions the dragon.

Kanna studies her human thoughtfully, she can easily see how tired she is. "Are you sure?" Saikawa nods happily. She loved the feeling of flying on Kanna's dragon form, feeling the wind through her hair, she felt almost invincible, like nothing could ever hurt her. She always felt safest with Kanna. While Kanna wasn't one to really show much emotion, Saikawa knew her feelings. She knew Kanna would always protect her, just as she would Kanna.

The young dragon sits herself up and stands to walk out towards the small balcony. Their apartment was the top floor of a 20-story building. Kanna leaves the sliding door open as she steps outside, knowing that Saikawa was closely behind her. Within seconds the young dragon soon takes form. Saikawa can't help but smile proudly at the gorgeous being that stood in front of her. She is a feathered white dragon with sea blue eyes filled with such intelligence, and they gazed into Saikawa's green eyes, giving her, her full attention.

Kanna kneels down so that Saikawa can climb on just as she has done many times since their high school years together. Once up, Kanna uses the perception blocking spell, she has finally been able to master thinks to Tohru's training over the years. Soon as the spell was cast, Kanna spreads her wings and took to flight. Saikawa looks in awe at the nightly gorgeous view, never growing tired of these special moments with her dragon.