"Hello everyone and welcome back to Ask The Warriors!" Snow grinned, introducing the show. "As promised, we have Foxleap here today." She gestured to the ginger who was waving to everyone.

"Hey dudes!" Foxleap have a little, two fingered salute.

"Hey!" The audience called back.

"Alright, alright, settle down! Here, we have our first card by 'Jayfeather's Friend'."

'I vote Foxleap!'

"You were basically the only one, haha." Snow quickly moved on.

'Dude, if I had a spirit animal, you are it. Jayfeather is just me in the morning, mondays, and everyday. Lol. But playing pranks, cracking jokes, and the occasional flirting all is from you so thank you!'

"No problem, Jay!" Foxleap grinned, proud of himself.

'Now to questions. '

'What is your thoughts on being killed off on the most lamest way ever? Like you didn't even get any final words, just dead.'

"Ugh, it was so mousebrained! Like, I am one of the best warriors ever and I just... die?" Foxleap shook her head. "If I could get my hands on-"

"Moving on!"

'We're you ever in love with anyone? If so, who?'

"Well, what do you think?" Foxleap winked at the camera before laughing lightly.

'Why is it in all warriors high stories, you're portrayed as a prankster, when you only made jokes in the books? I myself made you more as a hacker, but that's not important.'

"Because the fandom gives each character personality traits or fleshes us out a but more then we did in the books." He explained. "This causes everyone to portray us this way even if it is a bit out of character to the book version."

'Would you change anything in your life?'

"The way I died, obviously." Foxleap replied.

'And that's it! Good to see you writing again snow!'

"Now you make me feel guilty..." Snow glanced at the last update time, throwing a card at it.

"Moving on! The next question is from a Guest and the question after that was sent in by FlareOfTheMidnightPanther."

'Question for Foxleap- what is it like living in ShadowClan?'

"Wasn't he in Thunderclan?" Wolf spoke up, looking confused.

"I... maybe he visited it?" Snow suggested, not remember. "I should probably re-read the books."

"Meh, you'll be fine... I don't think the audience cares." Wolf shrugged.

'Foxleap questions:'

'Where you disappointed when your name was Foxleap instead of Foxcatcher?'

"And that is it."

"There is only one question!" Wolf pointed out. "It says questions."

Ignoring the banter, Foxleap replied. "Well, I was but Foxleap is a pretty cool name. Foxcatcher is a bit out there, I suppose."

Snow shrugged, throwing the card up in the air. "Okay! We have another card from 'Jayfeathers Friend'!"

'Foxleap, the ginger maniac.'

"Can't deny it."

'do you like being portrayed as a prankster?'

"I don't mind it." He shook his head with a goofy grin. "It just makes me fun."

'Would you rather have died in a awesome way, rather then dying cause of an infection? (Made me mad)'

"Yes! Obviously! I could have least died in battle or something!" Foxleap exclaimed.

'Out of the three, who are you closest to? Ivypool, Berrynose, or Hazeltail?'

"I mean, I don't know." Foxleap looked a bit stumped.

"I don't know either." Snow shrugged, throwing the card up in the air. "Do you know, Wolf?"

"Nah." Wolf shook his head.

"Okay, moving on! The next question is by 'Mudstream' and then 'Dogwolf12'!"

'Foxleap, how did you feel after jayfeather hissed at you when you when you were an apprentice about your plot to feed Toadkit rabbit droppings? Shocked or angry?'

"Starclan, that was forever ago." Foxleap wrinkled his nose, running a hand through his ginger hair. "Uh... I mean, feeding a kit rabbit droppings seems kind of mean so I think I deserved it... and that is coming from me."


'Do you regret dying at the time that you did?'

"Of course! I was only 32 moons!" Foxleap exclaimed. "That is only, like, 2 and... 7/12 years? Like, really!"

'How do you feel about your sister training in the DF?'

"Upset, of course! Everyone knows the Dark Forest are all evil!"

'What's the best part of StarClan?'

"Ooo, that is a good question... probably hanging out with everyone. And having it always be Greenleaf."

"That would be my answer too." Snow agreed with the ginger, tossing the card aside. "I mean, probably."

"Are there anymore questions?" Foxleap glanced at Snow.

"Yeah, one more from Joseph Ida." Snow confirmed, reading the last card.

'Anyways I have some questions:'


'If you saw that Mousepaw was stuck in a tree, how would you get him down?'

"Tell him to jump, obviously!" The ginger started to laugh.

'When did you find out Hollyleaf's obsession with the Warrior Code and what was your interoperation of it?'

"I mean... she always has been a rule follower?" Foxleap shrugged. "I never really was directly around her. It didn't really affect me so I don't really have a opinion."

"We're done!" Snow threw the last card in the air. "Now I have to gather all the votes and put them on the board... We got a lot of them. Oh! And each person can only vote for a character once. Just letting you know."

Crookedstar - 3

Onestar - 2

Cinderheart - 2

Yellowfang - 4

Crowfeather - 4

Honeyfern - 2

Ivypool - 2

Scourge - 2

Cloudtail - 1

"We keep getting ties!" Snow groaned, hitting herself in the head. "We would have had a three-way tie for first if I didn't take Foxleap off."

"Ha, that means I am one of the best." Foxleap boasted.

"Oh, go back to Starclan." Snow grumbled, looking over the board. "Hmmmmmmmmmmm Crowfeather or Yellowfang? Crowfeather or Yellowfang?"

The host paused for a moment before deciding. "Yellowfang. I think she has been on the board the longest. Okay everyone! Put in your questions for Yellowfang! We'll see you next time! Bye!"