Disclaimer: I don't own Harry Potter. This is the sequel to "A New Beginning For Everything" If you haven't read that story yet than please do so. Please r+r.

Harry sat nervously in the courthouse. The jurors had just gone in to make a final verdict about Sirius's freedom. Sirius stood nervously as whispers began to form. Dumbledore stood beside Sirius. Harry's stomach lurched. Right beside him was his god sister Danielle. She had her hands folded in prayer. The only thing Harry could do was pray along with her. They both knew Sirius was innocent. They could only hope the jurors and Ministry would agree. Suddenly a little man came in with a roll of parchment. Everything grew silent.

"The final decision is made." The little Man said.

He unrolled the parchment. Harry looked over to Danielle and they held tightly onto each other's hands, both with nervousness in their eyes.

"The Ministry of Magic, hereby rules Sirius Black…Innocent." He said.

Danielle and Harry's face lit up instantly. Danielle immediately got up from her seat. She ran over to Sirius and hugged him.

"You're free father! You're finally free!" Danielle exclaimed.

Harry joined them. He was truly speechless. He finally knew he would be free from the Muggle world. And that he'd be free in the Wizarding world with a family of his own. Sirius noticed Harry's speechlessness. He smiled broadly just like in the picture that Harry had seen from his parents wedding. He was happy to see Sirius so overjoyed. Clearly everybody could see Danielle was overwhelmed. She started to cry tears of joy.

"This is truly overwhelming. I can have my life back. Along with my daughter…and my godson." Sirius said proudly.

That day was the greatest day in Harry's entire life.

It was the 3rd of August and a 17-year-old boy was packing in his room, right off of Privet Drive. This boy was Harry Potter. He was packing his bags for good. Two weeks ago Sirius, his godfather, was claimed to be innocent. And now Harry was going to move out of the Dursley's and move in with him and his god sister. As he turned to pack more things in his trunk, he noticed three packages and a letter at the edge of his bed.

"Must've gotten some gifts from Ron and the rest for my birthday." Harry thought.

Harry knew it had been three days since his actual birth date. He looked at the packages. He had a little more packing to do before Sirius would come to get him with the transporter. So Harry rechecked his luggage again. He made sure he didn't leave a single thing. When he was absolutely sure that he had packed everything he went back to the packages again. The first one was from Hermione. Her gift to Harry was a book called "So you want to be a Professional Quidditch Player" Harry laughed slightly. He took out her card and began to read it.

"Dear Harry,
Happy Birthday! I can't believe we're going into our last year of Hogwarts. These last couple of years I know have been crazy but we got through it. Ron told me you have a special anniversary present for Cho this year. He wouldn't tell me about it though…what are you planning? Well I'll see you in Diagon Alley in a couple of weeks. And I heard about Sirius! It's all over the wizarding news! I'm so happy that he's free!


Harry put Hermione's letter down; his face was a deep shade of red. He wasn't going to tell anybody else about his plan for Cho for their second anniversary. But he hoped it would be a moment they would never forget. He went on to the second package. From the messy handwriting he could tell it was from Ron. He opened his package and saw mince pies and a sweater with a quidditch cup sewn on it. He began to read his card.

"Dear Harry,
Happy 17th Birthday mate! Currently Samantha, my family, and I are roaming around the plains of Scotland. We're catching the latest Quidditch Game. It's amazing and we've learned so much. And Samantha and I have never been more in love. Also we heard about Sirius finally being proved to be innocent! We can't wait to see you both in Diagon Alley along with Danielle. Well see you in a couple of weeks!


P.S. Hagrid should be ready with that special 'thing' you want to give to Cho in a couple of days."

Harry put Ron's letter down. He was happy that Ron was at peace and happiness. Ever since his little sister Ginny's death everybody thought he'd never be happy again. As he packed Ron's package along with Hermione's he reached for the third package. It was from Cho. He smiled and eagerly opened her present up. Inside there was a picture of him, her, Samantha, Ron, and Paige last year at Hogsmeade. All of the photo genetics waved to Harry smiling. And he noticed the photo genetic Cho was in Harry's photo genetic arms smiling and waving as well. Harry placed the picture down and read her letter.

"Dear Harry,
Oh my goodness, I miss you so much. That's one of the downsides of summer vacation, I won't be able to see you. Oh well at least we'll meet in a couple of weeks in Diagon Alley. How have you been? And how does it feel to be 17? Hehe…Happy Birthday Harry. I really hope you're enjoying it. I hope you like the picture too. Remember? That was our Hogsmeade trip when it was our first year anniversary. I can't wait to see what we're doing for our second anniversary. Also I heard about your godfather Sirius being cleared! Harry you're finally free from your muggle relatives. Well I have to end this letter now, but remember I miss you and I love you so much.

Love Always,

Harry was truly content. He read the other letter. It was from the school just informing me that he was entering his 7th and final year. It also had some information about what books to get. Suddenly a yellow glow came through. Everything started to shake causing the Dursley's to come running in. In the yellow orb was Sirius with fresh new robes on without tears and rips. And his hair was cut to a normal length.

"What's going on-" Uncle Vernon began to bellow. But than he saw Sirius and stopped in fear.

"'Ello there. You must be the Dursley's." Sirius said while putting his hand for them to shake.

The Dursley's stepped back cautiously. All of them were scared.

"Y-y-you're here to take the boy I assume." Aunt Petunia said.

"Why yes. I am here to take my godson." Sirius said again stepping closer to them.

They still stepped backward again. Harry hid his face to hide his laughter. Seeing the Dursley's quiver in fear was like an early Christmas to him. Sirius still tried to shake Uncle Vernon's hand but he gave up after a while. He turned to Harry and they hugged.

"You're ready to go I hope." Sirius said.

Harry stuffed his gifts and letters into his trunk.

"Let's go." Harry said

Harry put his stuff right near the center of the room. He put Hedwig's cage right under him and he waited for Sirius to come by with the transporter. Sirius put his arm over Harry as he said the words "leaky cauldron". A swarm of yellow lights went over them and Harry's luggage. Aunt Petunia screamed and Dudley ran down the stairs tripping from his meaty legs. Within a flash, Harry and Sirius disappeared and soon they both saw Tom the inns-keeper.

"Welcome back Mr.Black and Mr.Potter!" he exclaimed with a toothless smile.

"'Ello Tom." Harry replied grinning.

"We'll be spending a couple of nights here. Dumbledore and the Ministry have something planned for us. Now Danielle and I know what it is but we can't tell you about it." Sirius said.

"Oh…wait a minute, what is it? And where's Danielle?" he asked.

"I still can't tell you. And Danielle's in the streets of London with some friends from Hogwarts for a couple of days. Pretty as bells her friends are…two of them of spectacular rings on their fingers too…" Sirius said.

Harry at this point was confused. Tom took his stuff up to his hotel room, which was room 17 ironically. Harry quickly got a hold of his cloak, wand, and of Hedwig's cage. He slipped his cloak on and made sure his wand was secure in his pocket.

"I'm going to go set Hedwig free for the day. And I'll just go and skim around Diagon Alley for the day." Harry said.

"Alright. But be back before dark. I'll be planning a feast for next week." Sirius said.

Harry nodded grinning. "Alright than. I'll be back in 3-4 hours at the most."

With that Harry waved good bye and left to the back door way to Diagon Alley. He hit the same 5 bricks and entered in.

"Go on Hedwig. Stretch your wings." He said.

He set Hedwig off while bystanders stood amazed as she flew off. Harry rushed quickly past them to avoid any questions. Diagon Alley was a bit different. Theme-wise that is. Everywhere Harry went he would see couples holding hands. This only made his heartache and his stomach lurch. It drove him mad as he missed Cho so much. Harry was thinking of sending her an owl asking if she wanted to spend the last few summer vacation weeks together. But he never got through to it. He stopped at Florean Fortescue's Ice Cream Parlor, sat down in one of the tables and drifted off with thought and new hopes. He was finally free from the Dursley's and he was truly given more freedom.

All right I stop it right there. lol. As you can see I made the sequel! Well…you're reading it right now…lol. But I hope you guys liked it. I've been writing outlines of it in this journal thing so I have chapters 2,3, and 4 written in there. All I need to do is type it up and than make sure I got reviews requesting for the next chapter. Also I'm answering to reviews for each chapter for this story so if you have a comment or question I'll be glad to do a feedback. :-D Remember to review you guys! Chapter 2 up soon.