AN: Ok, this should be the last new story for a while. I'll work on other stories. I promise I'll try anyway.
Harry Potter sat on the Hogwarts express silently, breathing was shallow, limbs were thin, eyes closed and wearing a cloak.
"Excuse me, have you seen a." A girl with bushy brown hair asked rudely as she barged in.
Harry pointed a finger to the bathroom nearby, the hand shaking and dropping without warning.
"Thank you!" She said as she closed the door and left, never even thinking about the fact that the hand looked almost broken…
Harry gave a silent sigh of pain as she left, unable to handle it anymore he collapsed onto the floor, the cloak covering his body perfectly, making him seem invisible. He then decided to just sleep… Just dream…
Children ran around the building, some played with Captain Foxy, some played with the Freddy's, some played with the Chica's, some played with the Bonnie's, but none played with the second Foxy, nicknamed as Mangle by most, children had ruined it so badly that it could barely function… Until one night…
A young child, 4 or so, wandered around the pizzeria at 11;50, coming across the Toy Foxy, and playing with it, trying to put it back together again… But sadly, it turned 12, and the animatronics AI told it to put the child into a suit, it malfunctioned and the child's body was destroyed, the Soul merging with the machine's body…
Real world
Harry groaned as he got up, keeping the cloak around him and, with shaking legs, made his way to the boats.
He was joined by the girl from before, a roundish but scared looking boy, and a twat. Well, that was his first thought, a second look showed that it was just a redhead, which was a twat. He would have given a hearty chuckle if he wasn't sure he would collapse and the cloak would fall into the water, it wasn't even his cloak, he was just borrowing it.
As everyone entered the great hall, harry took off the cloak and carefully, with shaky arms, wrapped up the cloak and placed it in a pocket. He was definitely different to what would be expected, for example he had snowy white hair instead of black, bone white skin, two rosy cheeks, frail limbs, something hanging out from under his right arm, and a yellow right eye, his left eye socket empty, a tiny light in the back making it seem demonic. He also looked quite feminine. Very different to the memories and pictures of the boy-who-lived from when he was 1.
"Potter! Harry!" McGonagall called out, unaware of the problem there would be.
Harry took a single step forwards before collapsing on his face, the metal thing clattering next to him, at such an angle where a yellow eye could be seen in on the left side. He slowly, with a pained expression, crawled his way to McGonagall, ignoring the laughter that came from his struggles. He stopped as he reached the steps, unable to drag himself anymore, forcing McGonagall to levitate the hat onto his head from where he lay.
The hat looked around the mind, finding a clutter of sheets, thoughts, video tapes, memories, snow globes, emotions, and other odd things.
"Hmm… Odd, this is a mess of thoughts…" The hat muttered inside of the boy's mind.
A burst of loud static came from a pile of metal nearby, getting the hat's attention.
"Hmm? What do we have here?" It questioned as it floated closer to it. Closer inspection revealed some sort of metal machine, unable to move on its own without failing.
Music started to play inside the mindscape, as the pile transformed into Harry, standing on his own but very clearly struggling.
"Time for the main attraction
The story must be told
Time for a chain reaction
It never gets old
Some bots get satisfaction
Breaking the mold
Some bots are just distractions
Some bots are just gold
I'm not the bad guy
I'm just a bit surprising
It's not worth losing sleep
It's not worth analysing
There was a time
Not so long ago at all
I was just like you
Can you hear my call?
Now I'm popping in
Over here, over there
I'll be checking in
But you'll never be aware
In the beginning I kept a keen eye
On the state of affairs with the new guy
Now I got a new gig
Let me know if ya dig
Ain't going home so I better go big
Just gotta glance at Cam 2B
Then you get a little surprise
You may say that I'm breaking your mind
In my opinion you're much too kind
Time for the main attraction
The story must be told
Time for a chain reaction
It never gets old
Some bots get satisfaction
Breaking the mold
Some bots are just distractions
Some bots are just gold
You did a good job
Watching those little screens
It warms my servos and circuits
To hear some fresh screams
But don't get me wrong
You were very brave
When faced with friendly singing animals
You never caved
I'm finished training, done explaining
No more facts are left remaining
Now you know the gist of it
You're a perfect fit
I don't want to hear no more complaining
I'm passing down this Golden opportunity
Eternal scrap yard immunity
Take it with pride and enjoy the ride
You'll forever be a part of this community
You may say that it's all in your mind
But in the end, I think that you will find
You are the main attraction
Your story must be told
You are a chain reaction
That never gets old
Some bots get satisfaction
Breaking the mold
Some bots are just distractions
Some bots are just gold
You are the main attraction
Your story must be told
You are a chain reaction
That never gets old
Some bots get satisfaction
Breaking the mold
Some bots are just distractions
Some bots are just gold…" Harry sung the song, his voice sounding like a young girl instead of a young boy. The hat was then booted out of the mindscape.
"HUFFLEPUFF!" It called out, deciding that, since the boy seemed so… Mangled, he should go to the house where he could be fixed.
Harry crawled to the table painfully dragging his clothes along the stone, most hadn't noticed them at first, but they were quite feminine, almost like a dress, with a pink bow contrasting with the white of the main clothes. He stopped before he could reach the table, a horrid sound coming from somewhere as he slumped lifelessly.