"Boss! We reeled a big one!" One of your soldiers says as he reels in a human-sized fish from his fishing pole. The human-sized fish looks at you angrily, but doesn't say anything. You carefully take him out and then wrap him up with bandages, so he won't be able to run away, since it seems he can breath out of water too, which can also mean he can run away with no problem.

The bigger the fish, the more meals you can make with it. Although you couldn't catch the giant monster in the oasis, this is certainly larger and meatier than the medium sized purple fish. As he keeps attempting to escape, he only gets more tired, and he eventually gives up on trying to escape, knowing that it's pointless to keep trying.

He then turns to you, saying "What are you going to do with me, cook me?" You chuckled, and replied "Well, fish are tasty, so what did ya expect?" And tied him up on the roasting spit. "But boss, isn't that thing for pigs?" One of your soldiers say. "In the wasteland, we can use it for anything as long as it's edible." You reply with a salt shaker in your hand. "This'll make him tas-"

"What are you doing to my friend?!" Rebel shouts as she interrupts your plan. She just noticed the noise going on. "What you're doing to him is torture, and is actually physically hurting him. Look at yourself, you really think what you're doing is fine?! Brother, you disgust me…" The green fish looks at you angrily. "Yeah, you heard what she said. Don't even know why'd you wanna eat me in the first place, I'm practically human."

Rebel seems to always get mad at you whenever you try to mess with a couple of filthy mutants. She even made friends with some of them, like this green fish guy. Speaking of eating fishes, you sorta lost your appetite once he said he was once human, and not once a normal fish, since you're not interested in cannibalism.

So, you let him free for now, and he scurries back to wherever he came from. Rebel seems to be slightly relieved, although she sounds as if she's fed up with your daily routines: Harassing the passerby mutants minding their businesses as usual. But it's fun to do that. She should learn to simply mind her business, or better yet, leave and never come back.