Hey everyone

Sorry it took so long

With multi stories to work with your writing time can be limited

So Enjoy

I don't own any of this

Chapter 1: The day everything changed part 1

(Dream world)

The skies were dark, clouds were dark grey, buildings were destroyed, and fire and smoke were everywhere, the stench of darkness and death hangs in the air.

In the midst of the ruined city there were enemy troops patrolling, breaking down places where people were hiding and some were taken to prison camps and some were executed.

In the midst of the carnage and chaos there was one person bound by chains being taken to his execution through the city by the enemy and that was Rito Yukki.

They made their way past the graveyard where his friends and family were laid.

Soon they came to the heart of the city and waiting was the enemy's leader the one who conquered Earth.

"Well, well Rito I must say for a human you held out for so long but now it's time to say goodbye." he said pulling out a jagged blade.

"Any last words?"

"Yeah I got 7. Go fuck yourself in hell you bastard!" he said.

"Cocky to the end. Well say goodbye." the leader said bringing the blade down to Rito's neck.

(Exit Dream world)


Rito woke up with a major shock, he felt his body a bit cold and he saw in his bed were Momo and Lala.

Didn't want to wake them up he quietly snuck out of bed, grabbing a spare pillow and blanket and went to sleep on the couch for the night to try quiet the storms in his mind.

But what he doesn't know that things are going to change him one way or another.

The next morning Rito woke up and he look like hell, he went to the bathroom to wash up, and when he felt his gut was hurting he then puked into the toilet after doing that 3 times he flushed it and then brushed his teeth and used mouth wash to clean his mouth and then took some meds he told Mikan his sister that he's not going due to him not feeling well and went back to bed.

However the nightmares came back and Rito did not get much sleep and went back on the couch to sleep again and the same thing happen again.

The next morning Rito was the first up and decided to make his own breakfast, last night he didn't get much sleep and he's in a bad mood, after making and sitting down on the table he ate his food, drink some OJ and then wash his plate and all and then headed upstairs to wash up.

After he showered and dried off, he went to get his school clothes on and then headed out just before everyone else woke up.

An hour later Rito arrived in school and managed to get in class and decided to doze get some rest.

Later everyone else arrived and things proceed as usual with one change there was a sign on Rito's desk that said 'do not disturb or else' on it.

Rito's friends can see him sleeping and they noticed a red aura around him and that made them nervous a little.

At Lunch Rito decided to eat alone as he doesn't want to be disturbed by anyone.

However that changed when Yami came flying to eat her favorite food.

She noticed Rito eating alone instead of his friends.

"What are you doing alone Rito?" she asked him taking a bite.

"Just want to eat alone today." he said.

Yami can see in his eyes that he had a couple of rough nights and right now he doesn't want to be mess with and can see something that makes even her a little nervous.

So she decided to leave him be and not want to disturb him.

"Hey Yami before you go I have one piece of advice." he said.

"What's that?" she said.

"Maybe you should change your assassin's clothing and get some pants unless you want everyone to see your panties while you fly around." he said not looking.

Yami was about to say something but then she heard some boys below doing some wolf whistling and cat calling at her and she saw looking up her skirt as she was in the air and she turned red.

"I hate perverted things." she said as her hair turned into fists and swoop down to beat the crap out of them.

"I told her so." he said as he finished up lunch and went downstairs.

As he reached downstairs he heard someone screaming it was coming from the girl's bathroom the other students heard it as well, Rito ran down and kicked the door open and what he saw next shocked him.

It was Yui and Haruna being hold by an alien with 4 arms and had a predator alien look as his face.

"So human you're the one engaged to Lala? So here's your choice surrender her to me or watch me make these two my own." he said.

"Like hell you will! Let them go or you will die!" Said Rito darkly.

"You kill me? HA! I like to see you try." he said.

"Very well but remember I warned you!" he said.

Suddenly something inside Rito snapped as a deep power within him awakens and now he felt it surged through him.

Rito felt that rising within him as his body was covered in a red aura and his eyes turned red.

Then without warning Rito moved and punched the alien in his gut making him dropped the girls.

"Run Now!" he told them.

Yui wanted to say something but seeing Rito's eyes she felt spooked and ran with Haruna to safety.

"You'll pay for that brat." said the alien.

"No you'll pay with your life!" said Rito.

Both of them charged at each other.

Everyone else were outside the door and heard a lot punching, kicking and other fighting noises and they were scared to move.

They heard something that made their blood run cold.


Everyone felt their spine tingled and their heart stopped for a moment.

Just then the door opened and they were scared and coming out was Rito and they breathe a sigh of relief.

He was covered in blood and got scraped up a bit, but he was ok.

Just then Yami came in with a bag and went to clean the mess and took the dead body away.

Haruna then ran into Rito's chest holding on to him as she cried on his shoulder.

Yui wanted to scold Rito for breaking rules and making her worried but she ran into his arms as well.

Rito felt them sobbing on his chest and decided to take them to see Mikado the nurse and tell her what happened and told everyone to head back to class and they did.

"Come on let's get both of you treated." he said walking with them.

Both girls felt safe and warm in his arms but they wonder what's happening to him?

When they got to the nurse office Rito told Mikado what happened.

"Sounds like you encounter a skeleton-ling." she said.

"What are those?" he asked.

"A kind of predatory alien that conquers and want to have everything, apparently they want to be the next king of Lala's empire and they send one of them to try to force you to give her up." she said.

"Well one of them won't be bugging us again." he said.

"What do you mean?" asked Mikado.

"I can't really explain it but I took him out for good." he said.

"You kill him?" she asked.

"Yeah with some kind of power within me I can't really explain but it responds to my emotions." said Rito.

Mikado was about to say something when Lala. Momo, Nana and Run came in and Yami came in after.

Lala, Momo and Run latch on to Rito while Nana went over to Mikado.

Mikado explain what happened and that left all of them shocked.

"You're saying that Rito, our Rito took out a Skeleton-ling and lived?" said Momo.

"Yes." answered Mikado.

"Yeah right like the beast can fight let alone kill." Nana mocked.

That made Rito angry as the aura covered him again and this time came up to Nana.

"WHAT WAS THAT? I COULDN'T HEAR YOU." he said in a deep booming voice that spooked everyone.

"Nothing." she said scared.

"That's what I thought." he said.

Everyone felt his aura as if a deep and ancient power awakened within Rito and wonders what it could be?

As for Yui, Nana and Yami they felt a little turned on by that.

Just then thunder flash across the sky making a booming noise.

Then suddenly some came from the sky and crashed at a park a few miles NE from here.

"What was that?" said Momo.

"I don't know but I am going to check it out, Yami come with Me." said Rito.

"Can we come Rito?" asked Lala.

"No you and your sisters stay here in case things turn south and the last thing I want is your dad coming to chew my neck off, besides Mea will protect you all and I need Yami's expert fighting skills for this and if anything happens she'll fly back to you." he said.

"But Rito-kun it's too dangerous." said Haruna.

"I'm sorry but something tells there's a lot more to this and things are getting more dangerous." he said.

"Let's go Rito." she said revealing her wings.

"Rito please don't go." Haruna pleading and so did the others.

But Rito shook his head and went with Yami and headed out leaving the others.

"Lala call Zastin we're going to need some protection." Said Mikado.

What everyone else don't know is that Rito and their lives are hitting the point where their lives change forever.

Rito and Yami flew to the park and landed to find out what was it that crashed landed on Earth.

They looked around and they found 2 ships one crashed and the other not damaged.

Just then a white hooded figure came out from the crash ship and looked like he's hurt bad and was covered in blood.

The figure came to the two and Yami readied her blades, but he collapsed to the ground.

"Hey you ok?" asked Rito.

But before they can do anything else, 6 shadowy figures with yellow glowing eyes and pointed ears came from the other ship armed to the teeth with blades.

"Ok punks hand the elemental lord to us or die." they said.

"Elemental lord? Never heard of them and even if we did the answer's no." said Rito.

"Alright then get them!" they said charging.

Yami went at them and Rito powered up following her.

Both side clashed.

Yami use her multi hair blades to block and counter them and then land the killing blows while Rito was able to keep the injured one safe by placing him at a tree and was about to join Yami when he had to dodged a giant fist coming at him.

Rito look to see a giant cover in ice holding a giant club ready to strike.

"Shit." he said and power up.

He then dodged it and then charged at the giant's legs deliver a punch that the giant go down on his knees and then using his new power he took the giant's club and used it on its head shattering him completely.

"Well that's over." he said.

He then powered down and then without warning Rito felt something pierced his chest.

"What the?" he turn to see the shadow figure stab him but the figure look like an elf a monstrous one of pure darkness a dark elf.

Rito pushed the elf off and then yanked the sword out of his chest and killed the dark elf, then he slumped to his knees and then fell to the ground with blood pouring out of him.

Yami finished her foes off and saw Rito fallen.

"Rito!" she yelled flying to him.

The hooded walked over to Rito and took something out and pour it on the wound to close it up.

"What are you doing?" she asked him.

"Saving his life." he said.

He then took out some bandages and patch the wound up, next he then took out a brush and a ink bottle and then painted the Kanji symbols on Rito's chest and the symbols represent fire, water, wind, earth, wood, metal, light, darkness and spirit and lightning.

"What's this?" asked Yami.

"I am performing a ritual that will save this person's life." said the figure.

"What's happening to Rito?" she said.

"He's dying and he just awaken his powers of an elemental." said the figure.

"Elemental and who are you?" asked Yami.

The figure took his hood off and his face look like an older version of Rito but with white hair and blue eyes.

"My name is Neos and I am an Elemental and so is this young man but looks like he still got an long way to go." he said.

"What kind of ritual are you going to do to save Rito." asked Yami.

"The one involves giving my life to safe his and changed him into a powerful warrior, but he will no longer be human." said Neos.

"No longer human?" said Yami.

"Yes and I am too injured to continue the fight against Loki." said Neos.

"Loki?" Yami said.

"Yes he was the one that send those monsters after you and he's not to be trifled with, but now I must complete the ritual or Rito will be gone forever." said Neos.

"Now stand back as I do this." he said.

Yami did that and Neos began the ritual.

Neos began chanting some words that Yami never heard before and suddenly things started to happen, first the ground shakes, then the trees were shaking, the winds howling, lightning flash across the sky, then fire erupted from the ground, water pour from the clouds, beams of light and shadow appeared, Neos then pulled out a metal sword, and a spirit orb appears.

"Now Elements of the universe hear my call and combine with this one boy so he can protect the peace! Now fuse!" shouted Neos.

Suddenly a huge flash of light surrounded Neos and Rito as Yami had to shut her eyes.

The ritual kept going for 30 minutes until the light fade and Yami opened her eyes to see a giant pillar of crystal appear and Rito was inside it.

"Rito!" Yami yelled ready to smash it.

"Stop! Don't smash it or you will kill him." said Neos weakly.

"Why not?" she asked.

"Because right now he going through metamorphosis because of the ritual and it cannot be interrupted and when it's done he'll be healed and be better and stronger than ever." said Neos.

"How long?" asked Yami.

"2 ½ to 3 years tops." said Neos.

Yami was shocked by this, they had to wait that long for Rito to get out of there, but how she tell the others?

Then she noticed that Neos was fading away.

"What's happening to you?" she asked.

"Like I said the ritual requires a life to be offered to save someone and now I did that I can move on and join with the others that have fallen." he said.

"But before I go take this." he tossed Yami a flash drive.

"Show this to the others and they'll understand and good luck farewell." he said.

He looked at Rito and said to himself "Be on your guard Rito Yukki you'll need your new powers to combat against Loki and his evil and your friends will help master your powers count on it." He then turned into a spirit falcon and flew into the stars.

Yami looked at Neos flying off and then at Rito as he was changing.

Just then Lala and the others arrived and saw Yami and then the pillar Rito was in.

Yami explained what happened and now they have to wait for Rito to be freed and they all felt sadness taking over them even Mikan.

Yami then handed Mikado the drive and then flew off to be alone for a while.

Mikado and Tearju looked at the drive and something tells them that this is only the beginning of a greater battle that will lead to war.

To be continued

Whoa that was a lot of work to do.

Sorry it took so long but I was able to get it done.

This will be 4 parts the next one will deal the time Rito is changing as the world goes by with the others dealing with the long wait.

The 3rd will have Loki sending a tough warrior to attack and Rito will awaken and the last one will deal with everyone checking Rito's new appearance and powers.

Now make sense the Loki in this will not be the marvel one you know but something similar and more will be explained in the coming chapters.

Now Rito will have access to one element and that's wind and over time with practice and training he will unlock the other elements and the elementals history will be told in ch10

And like it said in this when Rito comes out he'll no longer be human.

After the 4 parts are done the lemons will began on ch5 but a break on ch10 before resuming on ch11.

Now I must rest for a bit.

I'll be back on this later as I got a couple stories to update.

So I'm off

So R and R no flames and no disrespectful words

Until next time

This is darkboy18 logging out
