Hello, It's me, the Author of this Story. Why did I write it? Well I've been in so many syoc's lately that I decided to try one for myself. Of course, as this is my first story in a while I don't expect to do a totally good job. But if you wanna to join in then go ahead.

I've had this planned for a while now and I've just started to write it now that I have an idea about what I'm going to do for the plot. I won't say anything concrete, but I can say this: This story will mostly take place during the nightlife. That's all I'm saying. Anyway there's no solid due date for the OC's and I'll just close it when I think I have enough.

"Attention! Attention! All Passengers heading to Shibuya Station, please board. I repay. All those that are heading to Shibuya Station, please board"

The Announcement blared across the area as several passengers crowded into the train.

It was a typical morning at the Tokyo metro line, with people of all ages rushing to get their tickets at their destination. One of which was a young teenager that seemed to be lost in thought. He had a gray hoodie on that shadowed his face, revealing only bright yellow eyes like a cat. He also very baggy jeans with some tears with black and red sneakers, he had a dog tag around his neck. The young boy was fiddling with said dog tag when he luckily managed to get seat in the crowded train car.

"Yeesh, what a pain." The boy thought to himself as he pulled out a slip of paper he got the other day. "Seriously, why of all people did they pick me?"

This boy was skimming an invitation for a prestigious academy known as "Hope's Peak", a school for the most talented highschool students to gain an education and ensures their success in life, guaranteed. So why was this boy complaining? Well the answer was simple…

"I don't even want to go to this stupid school"

Yes, that's correct. This boy didn't want to go to Hope's Peak, and had no plans of even accepting the invite in the first place. Despite the hopeful temptation of success this school could provide, this boy was planning to refuse the invite… well until his mom found out.

Now he was on his way to this stupid school whether he wanted to or not, and as you can see, he's not happy with that. He sighed as he pulled some red headphones hanging from his neck and put them on his ears. Picking out some tunes from his IPod, he leaned back and rested on his seat as some soft music played into his ears.

"Ugh… this ride is taking longer than usual…" The boy yawned, "Is it because I woke up early?"

The boy wasn't sure why but his body felt heavy, and his surroundings seemed to swirl and mix together. The very scene before him made him nauseous and he almost wanted to vomit.

"Maybe I can take quick nap… it's not like being late can affect me…" The boy reassured himself, thinking that it's just a lack of sleep that caused this illusion. Or maybe it was from the heat from all the packed people in the train car. He didn't know, he just felt tired; letting out another yawn.

"Just a five minute nap... It won't hurt..."

The boy slowly closes his eyes, as the distorted reality fades into the darkness.

The boy had a dreamt of relaxing somewhere calm and quiet with the sun shining it's warm light. Sadly, the last thing he'll ever see in a long time will be the sun. As it goes for the people of the night.

I know it's short for now, but I hope to make it longer as the chapters go by. Now onto the Character Form.

But first some rules:

1. No Mary/Gary Stu's

2. Be sure to give enough details that I can work with.

3. You may submit up to 2 OC's. One Girl and One Boy.

4. No submitting OC's by review. PM me if you want me to look at them. (I mean seriously, this OC form is basically a walker spoiler for your character. Think about it.)

5. No using Talents that have been used in any of the Danganronpa series both main verse and V3 verse. Be creative.

6. If you have any questions PM me

Now with that out of the way, Bring on the Submissions people! I can't wait to see what you come up with. And don't worry, if your Oc doesn't get I'll still give you credit for submitting.


Gender:(Male, Female,Nonbinary)

Sexuality: (LGBTQ are allowed)

Talent: (I encourage interesting talents)



Age: (Around 16-17. If they're older than that explain why)

Height and Weight: (Put it in feet and pounds)

Appearance: (Details)

Normal Clothing: (Also Details)



Personality: (Try to add enough details so I can work with it)

Backstory: (Same as personality, no snippets)

Friends and Family:

Likes: (at least 3)

Dislikes: (Same as likes)



The Thing they Value Most:

What kind of people do they...



Crush on:

How would they react if...

They Were In a Killing Game:

If they discovered a Body (Both Guilty and Innocent)

If they were accused of a murder (Both Innocent and Guilty):

If they killed someone and they were caught:

If they saw one of Monokuma's Crazy Executions:

What would they do if...

They ended up killing someone and had to try and get away with it:

If they had to investigate who killed someone(Both guilty and innocent):

They were in a Class Trial (Both guilty and innocent):

Other: (Anything I missed?)

Update: Thank you all for your Contribution. The Next Chapter shall be up soon. If you wanna see the line-up, wait for the next chapter.