*Written for ChocobrosWeek prompt Day 2: Prompto notices the bedroom eyes everyone gives each other in his photos.
Unsurprisingly, Noctis was the last one to wake up the following morning. Bleary eyed and feeling a little hungover, he slipped out from beneath the covers and found a potion, a travel pack of wet wipes, and bottle of water on the cooler next to him. For a moment he wondered why anyone would leave a potion out for him, but then he moved his legs and the sharp spike of discomfort throughout his insides reminded him.
Sensations, smells, sights, tastes, everything came flooding back to him. He wasn't entirely sure what to feel at the moment, so instead he just used the potion and pulled out a few wipes to clean himself up and began to get dressed.
Moments later he emerged from the tent to find Gladio tossing a few wayward branches off the haven that must have landed there during the storm. Prompto was over near the camp stove, idly poking at some scrambled eggs, while Ignis was nowhere to be found. "Where's Iggy?" Noct asked.
Prompto was the first to turn toward him. "He just went over to the road to check on the Regalia. That was one hell of a storm last night. I think there were a few power lines down."
Noct approached his best friend…lover…whatever they were now, utterly annoyed and a bit shocked how absolutely chill Prompto was considering everything.
"So…" he tried to figure out what to say. He'd never had any sort of discussion like this before. "So, umm, did I have a really crazy lucid dream last night or…" he paused, unsure of how to finish that sentence.
Prompto flipped the pan with the eggs in it and added some salt. "Or did we all bang like rabbits? Yeah. That happened. How ya feeling?"
Oh, wasn't that the question of the morning. "Other than really fucking sore, I'm just peachy. Not only was my shield the first real dick I've ever had, but Iggy wound up jerking me off and you… you did… how the fuck are you so good at that? I had no idea what I was doing."
Prompto moved the pan away from the heat. "Wait…Gladio was your first…what do you mean? You mentioned when you were drunk once that you liked being on the receiving end. If he was… shit, bravo. That's quite a feat. I thought you'd taken it in the past."
Noctis swallowed, still lacking any clue how Prompto wasn't being his usual timid self. Guess an orgy can change a guy. "I had a retainer last year, she…" He cleared his throat. "I asked her to use some toys on me and keep quiet about it. But I'd never done it for real. Not with a guy. If the council found out I'm sure I would have gotten a stern talking to."
Prompto chuckled and handed a small plate of eggs to his friend. "Well, you took that dick like a champ. I'll have to give you some tips on oral though. You gotta learn how to keep your teeth back."
The prince just stood there, holding his eggs. "I would slap you right now, but you might enjoy it."
The blonde chuckled and swallowed the eggs in his mouth. "You bet your ass I would." He leaned in and gave Noct a chaste kiss before pulling back again.
"Breakfast ready?" Gladio said, dusting the dirt off his hands before accepting a plate. "Oh hey, you didn't burn everything to a crisp. You're improving."
"Thanks, Big Guy. Oh hey, there's Iggy. I'll bring him his plate." Prompto grabbed the last helping of eggs and walked to the other side of the haven where the advisor had just climbed up the ledge, leaving the shield and prince alone.
Noctis couldn't help but watch as Gladio's gaze lingered on Prompto hungrily as he left, despite the fact that his mouth was already full of food. "You're incorrigible."
Gladio just nodded. "How are you feeling this morning?" he asked, with genuine concern in his voice. "Things moved a bit fast."
"Well there's the understatement of the year. What the hell happened last night?"
The shield arched an eyebrow. "Other than the obvious? Because, Six, I needed that." Noct just glared at him. Gladio finished his plate and sat down in one of the chairs and took on a serious tone. For an instant Noct saw a flash of Clarus in him, though he would never vocalize as much. "Look, I'm going to be honest with you, Noct. I've been attracted to you and Blondie for years, but obviously being your shield and all, it would have been inappropriate if I expressed anything. Last night when we were all crammed together and you started… well… whatever started it I'm not sure, but my inhibitions were at an all-time low and…" The shield seemed to be at a loss of words, looking more concerned than anything. "I didn't hurt you, did I?"
Noctis sighed. "Nothing a potion couldn't fix. Next time though, lets pace ourselves. Alright?"
A wolfish smile crossed Gladio's lips. "Next time?"
"Are you serious? I'm sore and will probably walk odd for a few days, but that was amazing. Why wouldn't there be a next time?"
Gladio chuckled. "Well, I didn't want to assume." There was a pause and he let out a louder laugh.
"You always did say I was a pain in your ass."
Noct rolled his eyes. "That joke was bad and you should feel bad."
Gladio laughed more.
"Hey, what about Ignis?"
The shield wiped his eyes and regained his composure. "What do you mean?"
"Well… you said you were attracted to Prom and I, but didn't pursue it because it was inappropriate. What about Ignis?"
Gladio suddenly became tight lipped.
Realization prickled the edges of Noct's mind. "Gladio?"
The larger man let out a sigh. "Well I guess that cats out of the bag."
"Dude! When?"
Noct had never seen Gladio look so sheepish before. "Started about three years ago. On and off." He shrugged, looking over to where Ignis and Prompto were talking at the edge of the haven. "What can I say?"
"Here you go, Iggy," Prompto said, holding a plate out for the advisor. "How's the car?" Ignis took it, but didn't make eye contact and seemed withdrawn. "Specks, you alright?"
"I…" He cleared his throat. "I must apologize for my actions last night. I was…not myself. I hope I didn't harm you."
Prompto shot the advisor a playful sultry look. "Oh no, I'm great. Harm away."
Ignis shot him a glare. "Prompto, I'm serious. I was caught up in the moment and I lost control. I shouldn't have been so selfish and-" Prompto leaned up and silenced him with a kiss. It lingered for a few long seconds, but Ignis never pulled away. When they broke apart the strategist just stared at him, wide eyed.
"I'm gonna have to stop you right there. I'm a professional at the whole self-loathing thing, and lemme say, it doesn't look good on you." Ignis opened his mouth but Prompto cut him off. "You give and give and give to us all the time, Iggs. It's alright to be selfish once in a while."
The strategist just stood there, seemingly lost in thought.
"Did you enjoy it too?" Prompto asked after a few seconds of silence.
Ignis' brow furrowed. "What kind of question is that. Of course, I did… that's the problem. There's no going back to what we all were after this."
"Is that a bad thing?"
Ignis looked ponderous for a moment, looking over at the prince and his shied joking with each other near the campfire as they usually did. Though their playful touches lingered longer than they had in the past, it appeared as if nothing had changed…and yet everything had. "No," he said, "I suppose not." Ignis gave Prompto a weak smile and ate some of the eggs. Looking down at his plate he seemed to have remembered something. "Prompto, what ever happened to those mushrooms you got yesterday? I was going to cook them this morning."
Prompto hid a nervous gulp. "Oh, those. I had to toss them. They got all slimy overnight. Guess we should have put them in the cooler after all."
Prompto pulled his phone out of his pocket. "Hey, why don't you go talk with the guys. I need to check some e-mails. Kay?"
Ignis looked a little hesitant to talk to the others, but he would have to do so eventually. "Very well, but don't be long. I'd like to break down camp soon and head to an outpost. I think we could all use a decent shower."
"Amen to that." Prompto shifted in his pants. Doing laundry wouldn't be a bad idea either.
Ignis turned and walked away back toward the others while Prompto flopped down on the edge of the haven and brought up his internet browser. Before he did anything, he went into his history and began deleting everything he'd ever searched about catoblepas mushroom and their unusual status effects on humans. Wouldn't want any evidence after all.
After his history was clear he went into his albums and browsed the photos he'd saved over the past few weeks. He had separate files for everything, but this specific album had pictures he'd specially put aside as 'research'. A photo of Noct looking dreamily at Gladio and Ignis during a sparring match, Ignis staring at Gladio's ass when he thought nobody was watching at Hammerhead. Another was a picture Ignis took for them at the docks where Gladio was giving both Noctis and Prompto a hungry look while they fished at the end of the pier. Lastly was Prompto's favorite and the reason he'd sought out this whole endeavor.
It was a picture from last week in Lestallum, when the four of them had split a bottle of liquor and had a grand old time playing cards and shooting the shit. Late in the evening Prompto decided to take a drunken selfie with Noct. Prompto was looking into the camera as always, but the instant before he pushed the button Noctis had turned and drunkenly placed a kiss on Prompto's pulse. On top of that, in the background Ignis and Gladio were talking to each other at the breakfast bar, shoulders touching and faces mere inches apart.
He'd tucked this picture away, not showing the others the next time they reviewed photos together. Prompto had to admit, it was almost sad that this may have never happened without his little status effect push, but he didn't regret it. According to the internet, the mushrooms he got only cause inhibitions to lower and existing attraction to increase. So, at the very lease he was assured that if he was just imagining the bedroom eyes everyone was giving each other, he would be in the clear and nothing would happen.
"Hey, Prom," Noct called from the other end of the haven. "We're heading out, come help wrap up camp."
Prompto called back, "Be there in a jiffy."
He was glad his assumptions were correct.
OT4 for the win. Thanks again to Goldslactuar for brainstorming this chapter.