(Sorry I haven't updated in a while but I was not all that well and had issues with my depression. Hopefully things have once again settled down and I can concentrate on writing my story's. Ok final part of this triple chapter that I hope you all enjoy reading.)

Temp single mother

Part three of three

It was now mid afternoon and Shadow was finally having some quiet time in the living room. The triplets were down for a nap and Jamie was still visiting his father. Sapphire was in her room and on her laptop watching some video clips, probably ones she shouldn't be watching.

"It is so quiet." Shadow sighed out as he began to slowly close his eyes, seeing no issues with maybe taking a short power nap before getting dinner sorted.

"Ahhh!" Sapphire screamed out in horror as she watched a video that was labelled the most scariest video ever posted.

Shadow shot to his feet in a split second after hearing his daughters screams and vanished, reappearing in Sapphire's room.

"What's the…" Shadow began when he rushed to his daughters side then caught what she was watching.

"How the hell do you get passed parental controls in order to be allowed to watch scary videos like that?" Shadow asked as he looked at his daughter for an answer.

"Erm, I guessed the password right." Sapphire answered as she gave her mother a slightly anxious smile.

"I shall be changing the password to something more harder to simply guess right. I want you to stop watching those videos and do something else ok." Shadow said as he took in a calm breath and tried to curve his anger.

"Ok I will read instead." Sapphire sweetly said with a bright smile up at her mother.

"That sound like something more suitable for you to do. Call me if you need me ok sweetheart." Shadow casually said with a shrug then chaos controlled back to the living room.

Sapphire looked at her laptop then quickly continue what she was doing and not doing what she said she will do. Shadow lazily grabbed his phone then flopped back onto the sofa. He unlocked it then frowned when he saw he had a message from Rouge. He opened up the message and read it.

"Oh shit, I forgot I was supposed to do a financial report and pay our staff." Shadow said with some panic then quickly got up and grabbed his laptop, planning to set it up in the kitchen.

An hour later…

"Come on mama needs to concentrate or I will screw up peoples wages." Shadow groaned as he had the triplets in their high chairs and they were not being quiet.

"Hey, you did that on purpose Amber, no throwing things around." Shadow seriously said as he had a soft toy thrown at him and it hit his head, knowing exactly who threw it.

"Fun, fun, fun!" Amber cried out with joy then threw another small soft toy at Shadow.

"Ha, caught that one." Shadow smirked as he quickly caught the flying toy.

"Yet failed to acknowledge that one." Shadow muttered with a small frown as Annabel chucked a toy at him and it hit the top of his head.

"Ouch, that looked like it hurt." Jamie said as he walked in just in time to see that plastic toy hit his mothers head.

"Only a little, how was your father?" Shadow replied with a little stress shown on his features.

"Yeah he is doing great, better than you I bet. The doctors say he can come home tomorrow so that makes six kids to look after." Jamie happily said as he walked further in and grabbed a toy from Annabel before she threw it at their mother.

"Great, that is good news." Shadow said as he was looking forwards to have his husband home with him once more.

He knew he will be doing a lot by himself but just having Sonic home with him was making Shadow feel relief and happiness inside.

"Ba-ba-na!" Shade called out as he began to bash his tray.

"I didn't get a chance to go shopping Shade so no more bananas." Shadow sighed and waited for what was to come.

And it happened quicker than Shadow was prepared for.

"AHH, BA-BA-NA!" Shade screamed as he bashed his try repeatedly with frustration.

"I swear he loves bananas far too much." Shadow thought as he pinned his ears back and stood up.

"Ahh!" Both Amber and Annabel cried out as they covered their ears from their brothers angered and frustrated shouts for banana.

"Alright girls, mama has this one." Shadow called over as he began to undo his sons straps.

"Ba-ba-na!" Shade demanded with a loud cry as he was being picked up.

"Want me to go get a bunch from a shop or something?" Jamie asked as he watched his mother try to calm his brother down but Shade was having none of it and kept screaming for his banana.

"Please, there is money in the top draw by the sink!" Shadow called over as he walked around the kitchen with Shade screaming in his ear.

"What's the matter with him this time?" Sapphire asked as she walked into the kitchen with a small frown.

"Come on Saffy, we have a banana run to make." Jamie said with a wink at his sister then took her hand and dragged her out of the kitchen.

Shadow sighed as he glanced at his laptop then noticed his phone going of beside it. He groaned as he approached the table then picked his phone up.

"Hello Rouge, sorry I haven't had the chance to finish the reports yet or pay our staff!" Shadow called down the phone after answering it.

"Yes I can hear why that is, do you need me to come over and help you at all?" Rouge said as she could hear Shade very clearly, even noticing he got a little louder in his shouts for banana.

"It is alright Rouge, he will settle down when Jamie and Saffy get back with bananas. I will be done by tonight ok!" Shadow said loudly into the phone so he could be heard over Shades cries.

"If you are sure Shadow but if you change your mind I am only a phone call away ok. I'll talk to you later and let you get on." Rouge said with some concern then hung up.

Shadow sighed and placed his phone back onto the table then put Shade back into his high chair. He strapped him in and returned to his seat.

"I am so sorry but mama needs to get his work done or good people wont get paid for their hard work!" Shadow said in a loud voice then tried to get on with his work.

"This is not working, he just keeps getting louder and louder." Shadow thought as he glanced at his upset and angry son then sighed deeply.

"Stop!" Amber screamed out as she covered her ears.

"Stop now!" Annabel cried out as she did the same and covered her ears with one hand then chucked a toy at Shade.

The toy hit Shade in the side of his head a little too hard and now Shade was crying over something else. The pain from the impact of that toy to his head was top priority to complain about.

"Annabel that was not very nice, can't you see he is upset enough without you making things worse." Shadow said with some frustration while looking at Annabel.

"Tell him shut up!" Annabel screamed as she glared at her mother, watching him stand up and approach Shade.

"Come on Shade lets go for a little wonder, see if that helps. Do not go anywhere or I will be very cross with you both." Shadow used a calm tone with Shade while picking him up then went deadly serious towards his daughters.

Fifteen minutes later…

"We have arrived with the goods!" Jamie called out as he and Sapphire removed their shoes by the front door.

"I can't believe he is still crying." Sapphire said with a small frown as she began to walk towards the kitchen with the bag containing bananas.

"Yeah well the boy needs his fruits clearly." Jamie casually said as he followed his sister.

"You both are stars. Look Shade bananas." Shadow said with a very stressed out look at his son and daughter while rocking a screaming Shade in his arms.

"Look yum-yum banana Shade." Sapphire called out as she got a banana out of the bag and waved it in the air so Shade can see.

"Ba-ba-na!" Shade sobbed out as he reached for it while Shadow put him back into his high chair and strapped him in.

"Pass it over sis." Jamie said as he held out a hand for the banana, a small prep knife was in his other hand so he could cut up the banana.

Sapphire passed it over then Jamie got pealing and slicing the banana. No more than a minute and banana was on Shades tray. He got straight to grabbing a slice and putting it to his mouth, sobbing a little as he began to eat.

"I do not know what is with him today." Shadow sighed out as he took his seat and sat back with a small frown of puzzlement at his youngest.

"Beats me, probably senses your stress and doesn't like it mum." Jamie casually said as he placed banana on Amber and Annabel's trays before they started screaming for some.

"Or he is addicted to bananas, maybe you should take him to rehab." Sapphire said with a grin at her brother, watching him mush up banana in his hands then eating it.

"Ma-ma-ma ba-ba-ba." Shade sobbed as he laid his head onto his tray and shoved mashed up banana into his mouth in a funny way.

Shadow frowned as he watched Shade sob to himself while eating and could sense something was not right. He stood up and walked to Shades side then bent down a little. He lifted Shades head up with both hands then placed his forehead onto Shades. Shadow closed his eyes and concentrated in what his son was thinking and feeling. A smile soon appeared on Shadows muzzle as he slowly opened his eyes.

"You are teething and in pain, why didn't you tell me." Shadow softly said with a warm look in his eyes at his upset son then nuzzled foreheads before moving away and letting go of Shades head.

"Mama will make it all better ok, bear with me." Shadow said with a soft voice then vanished.

"He is so the favourite." Sapphire muttered under her breath as she narrowed her eyes at Shade, who was still sobbing and munching on squished by him banana.

"Is someone getting jealous over a one year old?" Jamie whispered to his sister in a teasing manner, having just about heard her words.

"Well come on, even you have to admit mum is with Shade more than he is with the rest of us. Just look at the way mum treats him compared to how he treats us. He gets extra attention from mum and I don't think it is fair on the rest of us." Sapphire defended the way she felt with a glares at Shade.

"Here we are, this will stop that pain and make you feel so much better Shade." Shadow said after appearing next to Shade, holding an unopened tube of baby teething gel.

"Mum loves us all Saffy and Shade needs a little extra attention right now. He is over one years old and behind in his physical development, he isn't like us. He should be at the same stage as Amber and Annabel but he is not." Jamie whispered to his sister with a faint smile.

"So." Sapphire whispered as she watched Shadow put gel around Shades gums where there wasn't teeth, which was most areas.

"He is the equivalent of a six month old baby, give him some slack sis. It's not Shades fault he is the way he is and it isn't his fault he needs extra help." Jamie replied in a hushed tone, not believing his sister was behaving so harshly towards a baby.

"There all better, right?" Shadow cheerfully said as he removed his finger out of his sons mouth then screw the lid of the tube back on.

"Ma-ma" Shade said with a smile and was no longer looking so upset.

"Me have some too." Amber asked with a sweet tone.

"And me too mama." Annabel said with a smile.

"Anyone else want teething gel on their gums?" Shadow asked with a grin while looking at Jamie and Sapphire.

"I'm cool." Jamie winked as he replied.

"Nah I'm fine thanks. I'll be in my room if you need me." Sapphire replied with a small frown then began walked out of the kitchen.

"So you don't want to help me do dinner?" Shadow asked as he began to give Amber some teething gel on her gums then seconds after did the same to Annabel.

"You want me to help with dinner?" Sapphire questioned as she stopped by the kitchen door and turned around.

"If you want to, I'm not going to force you. I just thought it would be nice if we did something together but if you don't want to then it is fine." Shadow softly said as he caped the tube and walked to the fridge to put it in there.

"No I want to help with dinner but what if they start?" Sapphire asked with a small frown while pointing to her sisters and brother finishing off their banana.

"I'm keeping an eye on them in the living room." Jamie said before his mother could answer his sisters question.

"See, it will be just you and me sweetheart. I can finish up my work later this evening." Shadow said with a smile as he closed the fridge door and looked at his, now smiling, eldest daughter.

"Ok, I'll go wash my hands." Sapphire said with excitement then dashed off to the bathroom.

"So you know she is jealous too huh?" Jamie asked with a grin at his mother.

"I do yes. Would you like to get jealous too so we can spend extra time alone together or will that be a bit too much at your age?" Shadow teased his son with a smirk.

"Hey I'm all good here and fine with what we have mum." Jamie replied with a wink at his mother.

Half an hour later…

"You are doing very well sweetheart but try not to peal too much of the potato away with the skin." Shadow complimented his daughter as he glanced over at her progress with pealing the skins of the potatoes for mash.

"Ok mama." Sapphire replied with a smile as she kept her eyes on her work.

"MINE!" Annabel's loud voice hit Shadow and Sapphires ears, making Sapphire groaned out in displeasure.

"NO IT NOT IT MINE!" Ambers shouts were next to be heard.

"Is everything ok in there Jay!?" Shadow called out as he stopped filling the pie he was making and looked towards the kitchen door with a small frown.

"Yeah just a little misunderstanding, I've got it!" Jamie called back as he was trying to stop his sisters from fighting over a stuffed toy.

"GIVE BACK JAY!" Amber screamed out with some anger in her voice.

"I will be back in a minute then we can make a start with the carrots." Shadow sighed as he moved to the sink to wash his hands.

After finishing that he grabbed a tea towel and walked out while drying his hands on it. Shadow entered the living room and stood by the sofa.

"Right lets do something else instead of fighting over a stuffed bear. Jay put a movie on for them please, see if that captures their attention." Shadow said in a clear voice and got everyone's attention.

"Sure." Jamie replied then got up and made a start in doing that.

"Me and your sister are trying to make dinner so I do not want to hear any more fighting or we might purposely burn the dinner to teach you both a lesson." Shadow semi seriously said as he looked at the girls then turned and walked out.

Shadow entered the kitchen and chucked the towel onto the table.

"I say we do that anyway." Sapphire said with a grin at her mother as she paused her task, having hear her mothers threat.

"Very tempting but it will only cause more tantrums from them. Ok lets see what you have done so far." Shadow replied with a smirk then stood beside Sapphire.

"I say two more and you will be done." Shadow gently said as he examined Sapphires work quickly then went back to what he was preparing before being interrupted.

Shadow was seconds away from continuing when screams hit his ears, making him groan out loudly. Shadow sighed then walked out of the kitchen as the screams and crying continued. He entered the living room and frowned deeply as he approached his children.

"What happened?" Shadow asked while stopping next to the sofa and looking at Jamie trying to calm Shade down in his arms.

Shade was crying his eyes out and showing no signs of stopping.

"I have no idea, I was doing what you asked then all of a sudden Shade screamed and started crying." Jamie said over the cries of his upset brother in his arms.

"He is teething so he could have unintentionally hurt himself. Pass him over and I will take him into the kitchen to give him more gel." Shadow said with his tone raised so Jamie could hear him then he was given Shade.

"He so loud!" Amber called out as she looked up at her mother from on the sofa, covering her ears to block out the cries.

"Oh and you are not?" Shadow replied with a grin down at Amber then walked out of the living room.

Shadow entered the kitchen and approached the fridge to get the gel. After doing that he walked to Shades high chair, strapped him in then began to remove the cap of the tube.

"What's his problem now?" Sapphire asked as she turned around and watched her mother squeeze a little get onto a finger.

"Teething is the worst because there isn't much you can do to ease the suffering your child goes through while their teeth are growing through. You were worse than this and it was quite upsetting knowing I couldn't make the pain go away for you." Shadow said as he rubbed get all over Shades gums while Shade sobbed.

"Really, I don't remember that." Sapphire said as she kept watching, noticing her brother was slowly calming down and looking a little relieved.

"You wouldn't sweetheart, you were only seven months old when teething struck. There were quite a few nights I would sit up with you in the living room for as long as it took to settle you back down." Shadow calmly said with a smile as he finished putting gel on his sons gums then capped the tube.

"Oh so technically I was older than Shade because Jamie said Shade is like a six month old baby." Sapphire said with a faint smile as she watched her mother walk over to the fridge to put the gel back.

"I suppose, in a way, yes you were but regardless of age it is hard for a baby to cope with something it doesn't understand." Shadow replied as he closed the fridge and looked back at his daughter with a smile.

"Point taken I guess and it isn't his fault he needs extra attention." Sapphire softy said as she smiled at her brother, who had stopped crying and looking back at her with a smile.

"Oh, are we realising something here?" Shadow asked with a grin, watching his daughter turn her head and look back at him.

"Getting jealous over a baby who can't help the way he is was maybe a bit silly. I should always know that you love me just as much and that you did a lot for me when I was younger, I simply do not remember due to being too young to." Sapphire said with a slightly guilty look for how she has been.

"You weren't being silly Saffy and you are allowed to feel emotions as well as express them when required. I understand it can be frustrating for you when I am forced to attend to your brother or sisters while we are trying to spend time together but it wont be like this forever." Shadow warmly said as he locked eyes with his eldest daughter.

"I say we get back to doing dinner before those two start and dinner ends up late." Sapphire said back with a huge smile and was feeling more happier than she has been.

"Agreed." Shadow chuckled lightly then walked to Shade so he could un-strap him and put him back into the living room to watch whatever movie Jamie put on.

"No it is fine, he can stay in here mama. I don't mind." Sapphire said as she watched her mother start to undo the straps.

"You sure?" Shadow asked as he turned his head and looked back at his smiling daughter.

"Yep, he's cool, besides maybe we can plant a seed of interest in cooking so when he is older he can help us cook." Sapphire happily said with a wider smile.

"Alright, how about we start by giving him a pot and wooden spoon to play with while we do the hard stuff." Shadow said while doing up what he undone then walked to a cupboard.

Some time later…

"Yes, yes, yes, it is coming." Shadow groaned while dishing up the dinner, having Amber moan out how hungry she was in a sad whiny voice.

"At lease Annabel isn't doing the same and agreeing with her sister like she always does." Shadow thought as he spooned carrots onto plates.

"Your phone is going off, want me to answer it mum?" Jamie said as he was making drinks and passing them to Sapphire who was putting them onto the table.

"Just let it ring, if it is important then whoever is calling will call back." Shadow said as he finished plating up carrots then grabbed the pot with the mash that Sapphire made.

"It is daddy mama." Sapphire called out as she looked at the phone on the table where the laptop was still set up but no longer on.

"Ok answer it." Shadow said as he scooped mash up onto plates as fast as he could.

"Hello daddy." Sapphire said as she answered the phone, having to stick a finger into her other ear to block out her sisters shouts for food.

"Dinner time I take it sweetheart, your mama doing alright?" Sonic said with some concern as he can very clearly hear the shouts in the background.

"It is coming ok, mama is going as quickly as mama can without spilling gravy everywhere!" Shadow called out as he finished putting mash on the plates and was now pouring gravy.

"Yeah just a little stressed out and probably could do with a little break. We all have been somewhat difficult over the past couple of days." Sapphire answered her father in a slightly loudish voice as now Annabel was shouting for dinner.

"And here are your dinners." Shadow called out over the loudness of his daughters then gave them their dinners first.

"Yeah I know and I hate not being home with you guys but I have the all clear now and I'm allowed to come home." Sonic said with some guilt in his voice for not having been there.

"Mama, daddy is allowed to come home now!" Sapphire called out as she watched her mother put her and Jamie's dinner on the table.

"Pass the phone sweetheart and go start on your dinner ok." Shadow softly said as he walked over and held out a hand to take the phone.

Sapphire passed it over then rushed to her space to have dinner.

"Hello my love, you need picking up?" Shadow asked with a calm voice as now all was quiet in the kitchen, walking over to the side to grab Shades bowl of blended up dinner.

"Yeah but if you are busy I can get Eclipse to take me home, he does still have that phone you gave him right?" Sonic replied with a casual tone.

"Yes he does, amazingly, but if it is just a quick pick up then I can come and get you." Shadow said as he sat down and began to assist Shade in feeding with his free hand.

"Alright sure babe. So what's for dinner, I am starving?" Sonic cheerfully said and was very much looking forward to seeing his husband and coming home.

"Nothing exciting, just mash, carrots and chicken pie with gravy. There is plenty left over and I will dish you up some before I come and get you. Just give me ten minutes." Shadow casually said back as he spooned some food into his sons mouth.

"Awesome, ok I'll see you soon love, bye." Sonic said with some excitement then hung up after getting a bye back.

Shadow put his phone on the table and gave Shade another scoop of food before standing up and walking over to the countertop. He quickly plated up dinner for Sonic then cover it before placing it in the oven to keep warm.

"Ok, I need to get your father and I shouldn't be too long. Just eat dinner and Jamie you are in charge." Shadow gently said as he walked back over to Shade and scooped a little more blended up food into his mouth.

"I'll move over there and feed Shade while I eat dinner." Sapphire said with a cheerful voice then grabbed her plate and got down from the table, walking over to the empty space by her baby brother.

"Thank you sweetheart. Please do not start and just behave while I am gone. Yes I am talking to you two." Shadow said and was mostly looking at Amber and Annabel, who were nicely eating dinner in a slightly messy manner.

"I good." Amber said as she chewed a carrot while looking at her mother

"I very good." Annabel said as she held her spoon that had mash on then put the spoon into her mouth.

"Oh yes you both are such angels." Shadow sarcastically said in a cheerful tone then teleported to the hallway to slip on his skates.

"Remember no trouble or I may hold out on the cheesecake in the fridge!" Shadow called out as he slipped on the last skate then chaos controlled to the hospital.

"Yeah you heard mum, any trouble then no awesome cheesecake." Jamie said with a grin at his sisters as they sat in their high chairs and ate their food.

"Mama's cheesecake worth being good for." Amber casually said while picking up another carrot.

Shadow appeared inside the hospital then made his way to where his husband was. After arriving he approached the private room then opened the door with a smile. Sonic was sitting on the edge of the bed, leg in a thick case from foot to right up to his thigh and had crutches close by. Shadow closed the door up, walked over to his husband and stood right in front of him.

"Chaos I have missed you babe." Sonic said as he opened up his arms and grabbed Shadow into a hug, which was returned.

"And I you my love." Shadow whispered as he kept hugging Sonic and was feeling so happy to be getting his husband back at home.

"So we ready to get the hell out of here?" Sonic asked as he and Shadow broke the hug and locked eyes.

"First is there any paperwork that needs signing?" Shadow asked with a smile and hoped it was already sorted with so they could just leave fast.

"I have no idea, the doctor who checked me over half an hour ago didn't mention any and just said I was fit to leave. I kind of stopped listening to him after he said I could leave." Sonic replied with a sheepish smile up at his husband.

"You are seriously that desperate to get home huh, ok I will go find out." Shadow smirked with a hint of amusement in his voice while speaking to his husband then he turned and approached the door.

Shadow left the room then walked down the corridor until he reached the reception desk on this floor. He stood and waited for the woman behind it to finish on the phone and after a couple of minutes she put the phone down.

"Yes hi, I want to know if there is any paperwork that needs signing before my husband leaves your care?" Shadow politely asked with a faint smile at the human.

"Yes there is but he isn't due to go home until tomorrow." The woman replied with a small puzzled look and was wondering why Shadow was asking her this today.

"Right, ok, Sonic just said to me a doctor gave him the all clear and he can leave. Are you telling me he got it wrong and he is not allowed to come home this evening?" Shadow asked with that smile turning into a small frown and he was not sounding that happy now.

"Erm well in his notes it says he isn't due to be discharged until tomorrow morning after a nurse checks him over and gives him aftercare advice." The receptionist said as she got up and walked to the trolley behind her that had all patients note files on in this area of the hospital.

"It was only half an hour ago, is it possible that his notes haven't been updated yet?" Shadow asked as he watched the woman look for the right file.

"Here we are. Ok, yes Dr Smithy saw your husband half an hour ago and he did say Sonic was fit to leave on the agreed day which would be tomorrow." The receptionist said as she read the update the doctor write in after seeing Sonic half an hour ago.

"Trust my husband to not listen to all the doctor has to say. Is there any chance he can come home now? I mean if all is well and his leg is not an issue then surly he can come home this evening." Shadow said with a small frown and was getting a little annoyed with his husband for not paying attention.

"I'll just page Dr Smithy before he goes off duty." The receptionist said as she put Sonics notes onto the space by the computer then picked up her pager that was sitting on the desk space by the phone.


"Remember, you start then I will tell mum and he will not be dishing out cheesecake." Jamie casually said with a grin at Amber who was about to throw a bit of mash at Annabel.

"Yeah, why can't you both be like Shade? He is being very good and eating his yummy dinner." Sapphire said with a sweet smile as she spooned some food into her brothers mouth.

"He is a mama's boy and suck up." Amber said as she looked at her sister and brother then grinned deviously.

"O-k and where did you hear that phrase from and how would you know what it means?" Jamie asked as he looked at Amber then widened his eyes as he watched her throw mash at Shade.

The mash flew and landed right between his eyes. He blinked a few times as he turned his head and looked back at his amused looking sister, watching her grab a carrot to throw at him next.

"Bad!" Shade shouted out with anger in Black Arms while he glared at his sister.

This made all stop and look back at him. The carrot Amber was holding slipped out of her hands and fell onto the floor as she stared at her brother with wide eyes.

"Did he just speak in?" Jamie whispered with shock as he looked at his brother, who was still glaring at Amber.

"Bad, bad Amber!" Shade seriously said in Black Arms while he wiped some mash off his head.

"Yep." Sapphire answered Jamie as she grinned at Shade.

"So what is Shade saying?" Annabel asked as she tilted her head while looking at Shade.

"He said bad Amber and he wouldn't be wrong either." Sapphire answered while glancing at her sister then stood up and went about to get a cloth to get that mash off her little brother.

"I want to speak Black Arms too." Amber said with a pout as she crossed her arms and glared down at her half eaten meal.

"I am sure you will pick it up when you are older, me and Saffy did. I would advise you eat dinner before mum and dad come home and see that you are refusing to eat." Jamie calmly said with a smile at his sister then shoved mash into his mouth.

"There you are Shade all clean." Sapphire softly said as she washed the mash off her brother then chucked the cloth into the sink before re-taking her seat.

At the hospital…

"Hello Shadow, I am Dr Smithy. Sorry for keeping you waiting." A middle aged looking wolf softly said as he approached Shadow waiting at the receptionist desk, stopping next to him.

"My husband, can he come home this evening or not?" Shadow asked with a semi serious tone while turning to face the doctor.

"True he is all fine and showing no issues with his leg but I did tell him he needs to stay over night after saying he was fine to leave on the day he is due to go home." Dr Smithy said with a hint of nervousness while locking eyes with Shadows not happy ones.

"If there isn't any issues and he is fine then what is the problem with him coming home now?" Shadow asked as he gave the doctor a suspicious stare.

"There are not issues at the moment but I would like him here tonight for we are going to change the pain relief medication and we just want to see how that is for him. I am sure even you can agree it wouldn't be nice for Sonic to be in pain and have no way in getting something stronger during the night. I did explain this to Sonic so I do not know why he didn't tell you." Dr Smithy said with a smile at Shadow.

"I doubt he was listening and all he heard was he was fit to leave. Thank you for informing me and I am now going to get his butt back into bed then make sure he knows what is happening." Shadow calmly replied with a small frown then chaos controlled to his husbands hospital room, appearing next to the bed.

"So?" Sonic asked with a cheerful tone and smile up at his husband.

"Sonic because you were not paying attention you didn't hear what Dr Smithy was telling you. You are to stay over night to see how the new pain relief is for you so you need to get back into bed." Shadow calmly said with a smile as he grabbed the crutches and went about putting them out of his husbands reach.

"Aw but that is so unfair. I just want to go home where I can be with you and the kids." Sonic moaned out sadly as he was assisted back into bed by Shadow.

"I know my love and we want you back home too but this is important. It would be very upsetting if the new medication wasn't strong enough and you was in pain." Shadow softly said as he tucked his husband into bed then placed a prolonged meaningful kiss on Sonics lips.

"But I am allowed to come home in the morning right?" Sonic asked after the kiss broke and was looking into Shadows eyes with a hopeful look.

"Yes, I will pick you up after you get the ok to leave and please make sure you tell the nurses on duty if the pain relief isn't working. I have to go before there isn't a house to get back to. I love you and please say something if you are in pain." Shadow said with a warm smile then placed a kiss on Sonics forehead.

"I will and love you to babe." Sonic said with a disappointed look then watched his husband vanish.

Shadow appeared in the hallway and slipped off his skates. All was very quiet and calm which was making Shadow feel nervous. He walked towards the kitchen then entered, feeling quite shocked that all is how it should be.

"Where's daddy?" Sapphire asked with a smile as she looked at her mother while giving Shade the very last spoonful of dinner.

"Your father got it wrong and didn't listen to the doctor properly. He is to spend one more night to see how the new medication is then he will be home in the morning. Thank you all for behaving while I was out and eating your dinners. I'll just clean up a little then do the cheesecake ok." Shadow explained with a smile then got with his next task, cleaning up after dinner.

"We have some really cool news to tell you mum." Jamie said as he stood up and walked over to the sink with his empty plate.

"Oh and what might that be?" Shadow asked with a curious tone while he began to wipe the stove.

"Shade can speak Black Arms better than English." Jamie said with a cheerful tone while glancing at his mother, who stopped wiping and looked at him.

"Say what now?" Shadow asked with some shock at hearing this.

"He spoke Black Arms perfectly with no mispronunciations." Jamie said with a grin and looking amused at his mothers shocked expressions.

Shadow turned around and looked at his other son who was just happily sitting in his high chair with a smile.

"Shade, did you enjoy your dinner?" Shadow asked in Black Arms, wanting to know if Shade could understand it when it was spoken to him and if he could reply in the same language.

"Yum, was yum!" Shade replied in Black Arms and was smiling wider now.

"Oh my chaos you can speak and understand Black Arms." Shadow said with more shock as he looked at his cheerful son smiling at him.

"I want to too." Amber whined with a sad look at her mother.

"You and Annabel will eventually pick it up like Saffy and Jay did." Shadow said as he slowly began to smile warmly at Shade then turned around and got back to wiping down the cooker and stove.

A couple of hours later…

"Ok that is two out of three all clean and ready for bed, now to give Amber her bath." Shadow thought as he placed Annabel on the sofa and picked up Amber.

"No, watching!" Amber shouted out as she wriggled to leave her mothers tight arms.

"Sorry but it is bath time and you got cheesecake sauce in your quills." Shadow said in a calm manner as he walked out of the living room where all his children were and made his way to the bathroom in the hallway.

"I no want bath!" Amber screamed as Shadow entered the bathroom and closed the door shut.

"Well tuff, you are all messy from dinner and need washing." Shadow firmly said as he placed Amber down then got with sorting her out for her bath.

"Don't care, I no want bath." Amber said as she sulked while her mother got her undressed.

"So you are going to leave rainbow ducky to have a bath alone with no one to play with?" Shadow said with fake sadness as he finished undressing his daughter.

"Ray-bow ducky is alones?" Amber said with a teary look up at her mother.

"At the moment he is so how about we get you into the bath so he wont be." Shadow softly said with a warm smile, watching Amber slowly nod and reach her arms up to be picked up.

Soon enough Amber was happily playing in the bath with her rainbow coloured rubber duck while Shadow washed sticky quills clean.

"Mum, auntie Rouge is calling , you want me to answer it!?" Jamie called out as he stood on the other side of the bathroom door while holding Shadows phone.

"Yes please, say I am just giving Amber a bath and I will call back later!" Shadow answered as he kept massaging shampoo into Ambers quills.

"Alright!" Jamie said then walked away while answering his mothers phone.

"Mama, I tired." Amber said as she stopped playing and turned her head to look up at her mother.

"Lets get this done quickly then we will have a nice story before bed." Shadow replied with a warm smile, earning a nod from his daughter.

Some time later…

Shadow slowly snuck out of Amber and Annabel's bedroom with a sleeping Shade in his arms, hoping to chaos nothing loud happened at this very moment. He mentally sighed out in relief as he was in the clear and out of the bedroom. He closed the door up then walked into Shades bedroom to put Shade into his bed. With success he walked out calmly and closed the door up.

"Ok now to finish off my work on the laptop but before that I should call Rouge back." Shadow thought as he walked down the hallway towards the kitchen where his laptop and phone was.

Shadow entered the kitchen and raised a brow at the table for his phone wasn't there. He rolled his eyes and walked out to go to the living room, forgetting it was in there now.

"Don't forget to call auntie Rouge." Jamie said with little interest while he and Sapphire sat on the sofa together watching a move on the TV.

"I was about to do that. I will be in the kitchen finishing off my work on the laptop if you need me." Shadow replied with a roll of his eyes as he grabbed his phone from the coffee table.

"Sure thing mum." Jamie said as he kept eyes on the screen.

Shadow walked out and reached the kitchen in no time. He closed the door up, leaving a gap, then began to call Rouge back as he walked to the table to sit in front of his laptop.

"Hello Rouge, sorry it took so long getting back to you, had to get the triplets to bed first." Shadow said as he opened up the laptop and switched it on.

"It is fine hun, I thought that is what you were doing. Have you had a chance to do the reports and pay our staff yet?" Rouge asked as she sat comfortably on her sofa at home with a mug of hot chocolate in one hand.

"No but I am getting it done now before anything else takes my attention away from it." Shadow said with a semi serious tone while he logged into his laptop.

"Yeah I would get it done while it was quiet too. How is Sonic doing by the way?" Rouge said with a soft voice then took a sip of her drink.

"He is doing well and will be home tomorrow morning at some point. Hopefully he will do as he is told and rest but I do not think he will. I think I may have to cuff him to the bed just so he doesn't keep wondering about on those crutches the hospital is lending him to use." Shadow casually said as he began to get up the work he started earlier so he can finish it.

"I say you do that anyway hun. After the last couple of days you deserve some fun and relaxation time with your hubby." Rouge said with a hint of amusement.

"Maybe it would be best to wait a while before I have my way with Sonic, I do not want to make his leg worse or cause him pain." Shadow replied as he began to type while having the phone between shoulder and ear.

"You have a point, best to wait a couple of weeks. Well I will let you get to your work so you can finish quicker. I am sure you are dying for some peace and quiet." Rouge said with a gentle voice.

"Lets just say I am moments away from pulling my quills out just for a little me time." Shadow chuckled as he had to at lead admit he needed some alone time and was willing to do anything for ten minutes peace.

"Then I will leave you to it and call you in the week ok, bye hun." Rouge said with a light laugh then hung up.

"Ok lets get this done quickly then I can go have a nice quiet soak in the bath." Shadow muttered to himself as he placed his phone on the table then got cracking with his work.

It took just over an hour for Shadow to finish the rest of his work, and send copies to Rouge, and now he was shutting down the laptop. He sighed out in relief as there was officially nothing else needing doing today so he was free to have his bath then go to bed afterwards.

"Mum, you might want to come into the living room and see this." Jamie calmly said as he opened the kitchen door as wide as it would go and gave his mother a look of worry.

"What is it this time?" Shadow groaned as he stood up then followed his son into the living room.

Shadow looked at the TV, that had some emergency broadcast on, and crossed his arms while looking unimpressed. He raised a brow as he watched live footage being shown of Eclipse standing at the edge of a tallish building holding a laser gun in one hand.

"Listen out for your sisters and brother guys, I have an alien to deal with." Shadow said with a deep frown then chaos controlled, appearing beside his brother at the edge of that building.

"Eclipse what is the matter, it is not like you to threaten the world." Shadow asked as he spoke in Black Arms, not wanting everyone knowing Eclipse was actually threatening to destroy everything and everyone.

"All those people down there are evil!" Eclipse shouted out in Black Arms as he turned to face Shadow.

"Ok what happened?" Shadow calmly asked as he kept speaking in Black Arms.

"Those heartless jerks keep upsetting Becky and telling her how disgusting she is for dating me. So what if I am not a Mobian, it shouldn't matter right? I mean is she wrong to be dating me and not a Mobian?" Eclipse said with tears in his eyes and his anger fading into deep sadness.

"There is nothing wrong with you and her dating and if people have an issue with it then they can go screw themselves. It is no ones business but yours and Becky's, they have no right to be saying anything about you both being together." Shadow softly said with a faint smile at his upset brother.

"ECLIPSE!" Becky called out loudly as she pushed the roof door open and ran over to the brothers with tears in her eyes.

"Please just get down and do not do anything stupid ok." Becky said as her tears began to leave her eyes and was now standing right by Eclipse and looking up at him.

"I think she thinks you are here to kill yourself not to threaten to end the people who are upsetting you and Becky." Shadow said in his brothers head as he looked down at Becky.

"Yeah and I think she doesn't need to know about that or I will be in huge trouble from her." Eclipse replied inside Shadows head then carefully got off the edge then seconds after was grabbed by Becky and hugged tightly.

"So can I leave him in your care now Becky?" Shadow calmly asked as he jumped down and stood by the hugging pair.

"Yes Shadow and thank you for making sure he didn't go through with it." Becky said as she calmed down on her crying and looked back at Shadow as she spoke.

"Good and remember my door is always open if you need anything." Shadow softly said with a smile then vanished back home, appearing in the living room.

"So is uncle Eclipse good now or does he still want to outright slaughter everyone who is doing him and Becky wrong?" Jamie asked as he and Sapphire looked at their mother for an answer.

"He is fine and is with Becky now. I suggest you forget this happened and get to bed. It is almost nine at night and it is school in the morning." Shadow calmly replied as he looked at both Sapphire and Jamie.

With a few muttered complaints from his children they did walk out to go to bed. Shadow smiled happily then chaos controlled to his bathroom, planning that bath now before anything else happens. He began to run it then he went around the house to turn lights out and lock up for the night. Five minutes later and Shadows bath was ready. He turned off the taps and took off his gloves and socks. He was seconds away from getting in when there was a soft knock on the door.

"Yeah?" Shadow gently called out then watched the door open.

"Just a very quick question before I go to bed." Sapphire sweetly said as she stood there with a smile on her muzzle.

"Quickly alright." Shadow replied with a small frown and crossing his arms.

"Can I sleep with you tonight?" Sapphire asked with a slightly fearful look at being alone tonight.

"Wait you watched more of those scary videos didn't you?" Shadow asked with a suspicious look at his daughter.

"I might have watched a couple more but that is not why I don't want to sleep alone. I think there is something in my room watching me and I don't like the feeling so can I sleep with you tonight?" Sapphire said with a begging expression for a yes.

"Yes fine, go ahead, I'll be there after my bath ok." Shadow said with a sigh then smiled softly as he watched Sapphires eyes light up and not looking so scared.

"Thank you mama, enjoy your bath." Sapphire said with happiness then closed the door and jumped onto her parents bed.

"Sure it has nothing to do with those scary videos, I so need to think of a better password." Shadow thought with a shake of his head while uncrossing his arms and finally getting into his bath.