Sonadow - Never prank your husband

"I really don't know about this Sonic, what if Shadow gets mad?" Tails worryingly whispered as he and Sonic hid in a bush a little away from the sleeping black hedgehog under a tree.

"Relax bro, if there is one thing my husband need to get is a sense of humour and besides he wont lay a finger on us." Sonic assures in a whispered tone and grin.

"Ok but just for the record I don't think pranking Shadow is a very good idea." Tails sighed out in defeat.

"Statement dearly noted little bro…now for some fun." Sonic chuckled then pulled the string that was attached to a bucket above Shadows head.

It all happened in slow motion as the bucket tipped and ice cold water fell down and onto Shadow. Shadow cried out in surprise and shot up in defence, chaos energy fizzing in both hands. Sonic fell back laughing as he replayed the event in his mind. Tails on the other hand became very nervous as a reasonably pissed off Shadow growled and started walking towards them both.

"Erm S-Sonic." Tails stuttered as he backed away a little.

"Oh man that was priceless." Sonic sat up and wiped away a tear, not noticing his pissed of husband approaching them.

"So you think that was funny Sonic?" Shadow growled in a dangerous tone when he parted the bushes to see the two, soaked from the water.

"Oh hay babe, enjoy your shower. You should keep an eye on the weather before taking an afternoon snooze." Sonic chuckled as he looked up at Shadow with pure amusement in his emerald green eyes.

"You have five seconds to run like hell." Shadow warned as he charged up a chaos spear in both of his hands and walked slowly towards his husband and brother-in-law.

"Come on my love it was only…shit run Tails!" Sonic widened his eyes as he quickly got to his feet and dashed away, leaving Tails behind.

Shadow rolled his eyes and shook his head, retracting his energy back into his body. Shadow smirked at Tails who nervously smiled back.

"Relax I know this was all Sonics doing, if you will excuse me I have a hedgehog to hunt." Shadow deviously chuckled then chaos controlled away.

Sonic had managed to avoid Shadow for the rest of the afternoon and was not looking forward to going home. figuring that maybe Shadow had cooled down he decided he was going to go home and just live in hope. Sonic reached the front door and slowly yet quietly walked inside. He gently closed the door and began to creep down the hallway, until Shadow appeared by the kitchen entrance, with crossed arms and a smirk on his muzzle.

"H-hay Shads how's it going?" Sonic nervously asked as he gave a slightly fearful look.

"All is well my love, you can relax yourself for I have a surprise for you in the kitchen." Shadow said with his smirk in place.

"Really so no hard feelings for the water prank I did earlier?" Sonic raised a brow as he followed Shadow into the kitchen.

"No, after I cooled off I did eventually find the funny side of it." Shadow casually said as he took a seat up the table then removed the plate cover from the plate in the middle of the table.

"You made me chilly dogs, thanks babe." Sonic smiled brightly then took a seat and began to eat them.

"Oh yes, I figured you'll be hungry after all that running and hiding you did. Do you like them?" Shadow smiled innocently as he looked at his husband stuffing his face.

"There the best." Sonic said after swallowing his mouthful then asked, "you not having any?"

"Oh no I wouldn't eat those, I made them for you." Shadow smiled but inwardly chuckled darkly as he had added an extra ingredient into the chilly mix.

Sonic shrugged then carried on eating until they were all gone. A few minutes after finishing the last one Sonics lower belly started to make complaining bubbling noises. Sonic groaned a little in discomfort then widened his eyes in panic.

"Oh no…" Sonic whispered then dashed away to the bathroom.

"That should teach him not to prank the Ultimate Life-form or you will be Ultimately pranked back." Shadow chuckled deviously as he grabbed the empty plate and put it in the dishwasher.

Shadow chuckled as he walked to his and Sonics bedroom, he could hear Sonic in the toilet groaning and moaning as his belly grumbled in complaint from the laxative liquid Shadow had generously poured into the chilly sauces.

"He's going to be on that toilet most of the night." Shadow thought as he got into bed and snuggled into the sheets happily.

"Shadow, what was in those chilly dogs?" Sonic called out from the bathroom in the hall.

"Oh you know, mince, spices, tomatoes, onions, sauce, liquid laxative…good night my love have fun in the bathroom tonight." Shadow calls back with a chuckle.

"What!" Sonic shouts back then whispers to himself, "I'll get you back for this babe, this means war."

The next morning Sonic was in a reasonably cheerful mood as he and Shadow sat up the kitchen having breakfast. Sonic had a plan to get Shadow back and it involved getting Knuckles and Tails to help him. Lets just say it contains feathers, glue and a fan.

"So Shads, got anything planned for today?" Sonic casually asks with a bright smile.

"You seem cheerful for someone who was on the toilet until three in the morning. To answer your question I'm going to the spa with Rouge this morning then we are coming back here for lunch…in fact I should be going." Shadow grinned then stood from his seat.

He walked over to his husband, placed a kiss on his cheek then chaos controlled away. Sonic grinned deviously as he stood and rushed out of the house. He went to Tails' first, dragged the poor kid out of his garage and back to his house.

"Sonic I really don't think I want to be apart of this little prank war you have declared on your husband." Tails said with worry in his tone for his safety.

Sonic had explained to his brother what he plans to do and what Shadow did to him yesterday evening. Now he had his phone out and was dialling Knuckle's number.

"Relax bro, this is revenge and I don't think Shadow could top this anyway." Sonic deviously chuckled as he put his phone to his ear, listening to the ring dial.

"What do you want hedgehog, go bug your husband or something." Knuckles groaned out unhappily as he answered.

"I will in all good time but I need your help with that. Do you think you can come over, I'll explain when you get here." Sonic grinned down the phone with an evil like laugh.

"No, now go away." Knuckled growled back.

"Oh come on…please and if you do you will get to see the Ultimate chicken hedgehog in person when it is all over with." Sonic whined in complaint.

"I will not…come again?" Knuckles said then questioned at what the blue hero had said.

"Oh that's right, it's a pranking war and I want my revenge on Shadow for putting laxative in my chilly dogs last night. So can I count you in, Tails is here too." Sonic explained with a slightly serious tone.

"…I'm in." Knuckles said then hung the phone up.

"Great. Knuckles is on his way bro." Sonic beamed out happily as he put his phone on the coffee table then he sat and waited next to Tails on the sofa.

At the spa…

"It's so nice to have a de-stressing morning." Rouge sighed out in contentment as she and Shadow sat in a hot tub at the spa.

"I agree, this is most relaxing." Shadow agreed with his eyes closed and a faint smile on his muzzle.

"I heard what Sonic did to you yesterday afternoon, you want help getting revenge on him?" Rouge grinned as she looked at Shadow.

"No need already did that last night. I made him chilly dogs and added an extra ingredient in the chilly…he was in the toilet right up until three this morning." Shadow deviously chuckled as he opened his eyes to look at his friend.

"He isn't going to take that lying down, you do know that right?" Rouge laughed a little at what Shadow did.

"He seemed fine this morning and cheery." Shadow said with a raised brow.

"He's probably planning to get you back, I sense a prank war coming your way." Rouge grinned with amusement.

"I highly doubt that Rouge, he should know I will out prank him and it would be pointless in even trying." Shadow frowned deeply as he spoke.

"Yeah maybe, well it's almost lunch and you said you're making it." Rouge winked as she and Shadow stood up and exited the hot tub.

"Do we have time for me to get my quills groomed?" Shadow smirked playfully at his friend.

"I suppose I could do with a wing massage. Sure but then we are leaving for lunch." Rouge smiled then they parted in different directions.

They were finally out of the spa and Shadow was just about to chaos control them back to his place when he suddenly had a thought.

"You don't suppose Sonic will actually try to prank me again?" Shadow looked at Rouge with slight concern in his eyes.

"Hard to say hun, you did mess with his beloved chilly dogs and made him sit on the toilet half the night." Rouge shrugged with a grin.

"He better not or he really is in for hell." Shadow grumbled then chaos controlled them both to his and Sonics house.

A little before Shadow and Rouge left the spa…

"Right this is the plan guys, I will call Shadow in here as I stand in front of the fan and bag of feathers, Tails will wait for my signal then pull the string attached to the bucket of glue and Knuckles will record it as I turn the fan on for the feathers to blow onto Shadow. Any questions?" Sonic chuckled deviously as he rubbed his hands together in a sinister like fashion.

"Yeah I have one, what would you like to be played at your funeral?" Knuckles smirked as he looked at Sonic.

"Say what?" Sonic raised a brow in confusion.

"Shadow's going to be pretty mad at you for this." Tails sighed with a shake of his head.

"Relax guys…I just saw a flash in the kitchen. Get into position now." Sonic whispered then all got to their places and out of sight, apart from Sonic.

In the kitchen Shadow and Rouge appeared and feeling very refreshed from their treatments. Rouge took a seat up the table as Shadow went to start on lunch but never even managed to open the fridge.

"Hay Shadow could you come here for a moment please." Sonic called out with a happy tone.

Shadow sighed and smiled apologetically at Rouge then walked out of the kitchen.

"What is it Sonic I'm about…" Shadow never finished his sentence.

"Now Tails!" Sonic shouted then Tails nervously pulled the bucket over.

Knuckles began recording everything, the bucket of glue that fell all over Shadow, the fan being turned on by Sonic and the flying feathers that landed on Shadow and stuck in place. The three laughed at the sight of Shadow covered in feathers and looking very shocked by what had just happened. Rouge entered the living room to find out with was so damn funny and gasped at Shadow's new appearance.

"Ha, that will teach you to prank me with laxative in my chilly dogs. Behold Shadow the Ultimate chicken hedgehog." Sonic laughed and pointed.

Shadow said nothing as he stood there and looked at his laughing husband then he noticed Knuckles was recording everything. A low growl erupted in the room, making those who were laughing stop. They all looked at Shadow who was snarling dangerously as he narrowed his eyes at his husband and friends. He bared his teeth as he growled again, hands in fists and shaking from rage.

"You think this is funny do you? well I'll show you funny." Shadow said in a dark tone then chaos controlled away.

"Now you've done it Sonic and I suggest you delete that footage too." Rouge unhappily said with crossed arms and looking serious.

"Once Shadow cools off he's going to find all of this funny." Sonic assured with a grin.

"Yeah somehow I don't think he will. We just spent the morning at the spa and Shadow has now got to get all of that out of his fur and was-but-not-now groomed quills. You blue boy are doomed to face the Ultimate Life-forms wrath. Even I don't want to be around for that." Rouge rolled her eyes with a heavy sigh.

"Oh shit…I didn't think of that, I just wanted to get my own back." Sonic said as he went a little pale.

Shadow had chaos controlled to the ARK and was heading for the shower room. He was growling and gritting his teeth as he entered. He pushed the shower button on and hot water fell down on him.

"I will get you back Sonic, mark my words you will pay dearly for making a mockery out of me and ruining my nice groomed quills." Shadow spat as he scrubbed his fur and quills clean.

It took a good forty minutes to get all the glue and feathers off. Shadow was now by the driers Gerald had designed just for him to dry every angel of his fur and was slowly calming down. Once done Shadow left the shower room and went to his old bedroom to brush down his puffy out fur.

Back at the house, Sonic and his friends had finished cleaning up the mess and were sitting up the table, all feeling worried on what Shadow would do and where he was now.

"I don't want to die." Sonic whined as he dropped his head onto the table.

"Shadow wont kill you Sonic, he loves you remember. Although that wont stop him from getting you back proper, so I would watch your back." Rouge grinned deviously at the fearful blue hero.

"That's right, he wont do anything to you that will seriously hurt you or risk your life." Tails agreed with an assuring tone.

"Yeah I guess you guys are right…besides Shadow doesn't know many pranks, he's still kind of new to this humour thing." Sonic lifted his head up and smiled a little nervously thinking, "I'm doomed."

"He will probably just punish you or something, give you a sex ban or refuse to race you for a month." Knuckles shrugged indifferently.

"Na, why would he punish himself as well." Sonic chuckled as he was starting to cheer up a little.

Another couple of hours later and it was now just Sonic at the house and with every passing minute, Sonic was getting more nervous at a possibly still angered husband. Shadow was still aboard the ARK and was laying down on his bed thinking on a way to get Sonic back.

"I could always put itching power in his shampoo or get kinky in the bedroom and leave him hanging while his legs and arms are tied up. Na that just cruel, I know I'll what I can do." Shadow shot up when he had the perfect idea on how to get his husband back.

Shadow chuckled darkly then chaos controlled back home. He appeared in the living room and right in front of a now very scared Sonic. Shadow raised a brow at this then faked a hurt look with sad eyes.

"You're scared of me?" Shadow made himself sound really upset by this and even forced himself to form tears in his eyes.

"Hur, what? No babe of course not. Come here." Sonic said as he gently pulled Shadow in for a hug and embraced him securely.

Shadow returned the hug and nuzzled into Sonics neck as he deviously smirked at his idea he will be setting up tomorrow but right now he needed Sonic to think he wasn't going to get revenge.

"That's right bring him into a sense of security and make him feel safe." Shadow thought as he kissed Sonic on his neck.

"Why don't we have an early night my love, I'll even let you take the lead on things." Shadow seductively purrs then licks Sonics neck slowly, earning himself a soft moan from his husband.

"Oh I'm up for that love." Sonic moans out then grabs Shadows hand and dashes them both to their bed.

Sonic pushes Shadow onto the bed then removes his shoes and gloves as Shadow does the same. Sonic climbs on top of Shadow and connects their lips into a heated kiss. After a few minutes of roaming Shadows mouth with passion, Sonic breaks the action and looks at his husband with lust in his eyes.

"Don't forget to wear a condom my love, unless you want to become a father." Shadow breathlessly says as Sonic grins down at him.

"Maybe I do babe." Sonic whispers then connects their lips once more…

After two rounds of sex the two collapsed on the bed and breathing heavily. Shadow lazily moves to lay across Sonics chest and as soon as he was comfortable he fell asleep. Sonic chuckled at this and looked down at him with a hazed smile, his own eyelids getting heavy. Soon Sonic fell asleep as he held Shadow closely to himself, his last thoughts were, "Please get pregnant."

The next morning Sonic was the first of the two to open his eyes. He smiled happily down at Shadow as he shifted him off his chest. This made Shadow stir from his sleep and opened his eyes.

"Morning babe, I hope I wasn't too rough with you last night." Sonic grinned as he spoke then got out of bed.

"Oh no my love, I enjoyed it very much. It was even more blissful the second time round." Shadow smirked as he sat up in bed and locked eyes with Sonic.

"So any plans for today?" Sonic smiled as he asked, hoping Shadow wasn't going to set up a prank on him.

"No not really, might just stay at home and relax. Maybe do a little tidying up around the house, you know that kind of thing." Shadow gives his husband one of his rare smiles then gets out of bed.

"Right cool…fancy a shower with me?" Sonic asks with a suggestive wink and grin.

"That all depends my love on what you are suggesting we are going to do?" Shadow give him a sexy smile with half lidded eyes.

"I was thinking I would pin you against the wall and sex you up some more." Sonic purrs as he slowly approaches Shadow.

"Anyone would think you want me to get pregnant, I'm assuming no protection will be used again?" Shadow purrs as he wraps his arms around Sonics neck and rests his forehead on Sonics.

"And what if I am?" Sonic whispers then licks Shadows cheek all the way to his ear then adds in the same whispered tone, "I don't here any objections from you."

"I object at the fact that we are still in the bedroom and not in the shower pinning me against that wall you mentioned." Shadow seductively purrs with closed eyes as Sonic nibbles the tip of his ear.

"I second that objection." Sonic chuckles then grabs Shadows arm and gently leads him to the bathroom.

After their sexy shower time the two were cuddled on the sofa, Shadow had his head resting on Sonics chest and arms around Sonics body as Sonic had one arm around Shadows body and lightly scratching Shadows ear.

"Did you mean it when you said you want to get me pregnant?" Shadow sighs out in contentment at the soothing scratching motion his husband was doing to his ear.

"Yeah, I think it's about time we started a family, don't you agree?" Sonic smiles down at Shadow as he replies softly.

"I do not have any problems with raising a child with you my love…just birthing it." Shadow says as he lifts his head up to look at Sonic.

"I'll be there every step of the way and I'll even throw in a daily massage anywhere you like." Sonic grinned a little.

"Anywhere I like eh…just remember you said that." Shadow smirked playfully then got up off of Sonic.

"I've just remembered I need to quickly pop out for some thing's. I wont be gone too long ok." Shadow adds with a smile then leans down and kisses Sonic on the lips quickly.

"Sure babe, take your time." Sonic smiles back then closes his eyes in bliss.

"Humm, I might just do that and a coffee would be nice also. I'll see you later." Shadow softly says back.

Shadow chaos controls to Rouges front door and rings the bell. Rouge opens the door and grins at her friend.

"You seem happy for someone who was covered in feathers and glue. Come in hun." Rouge says as she steps to one side to allow Shadow to enter.

"Oh I haven't forgot and I will get Sonic back. I just need to set everything up first." Shadow replies as they both walk into the kitchen and took a seat up the table.

"So, want my help?" Rouge asked indifferently as she looked at Shadow.

"I would say I do. After all it's only fair if I'm allowed assistance from a close friend since Sonic did. He may have declared this war but I will win it in the end." Shadow chuckles darkly with a smirk.

"So what do you have in mind?" Rouge grins playfully, excitement in her eyes as she asks.

"Well stage one is complete, put my lovely husband in a state of security and make him feel safe. As for the next stage I'm going to need a lot of dark blue fur and make up as well as padding and something sharp for claws and teeth." Shadow explains with a sickenly sweet tone and smile.

"Oh I think I get what you are going to do…you're going to make Sonic think he's gone werehog again. I like how you think hun although I do believe we are going to need extra help with this one." Rouge chuckled deviously at the idea.

"Who do you have in mind?" Shadow chuckled darkly as he asks.

An hour later...

"I don't know, I'm all up for helping to prank Sonic but don't you think this is a bit much?" Amy says as she, Rouge and Shadow were at the mall shopping for what they needed.

"Amy no we don't think it's a bit too much and besides the only other thing I can think of doing it banning sex. Right now that's not an option for us so it's this." Shadow smirks as he replies to Amy.

"Why isn't banning sex an option?" Amy raised a brow in puzzlement.

"Why would he want to, that's self punishment." Rouge grinned at the pink hedgehog.

"We are trying for a baby and Rouge is right why would I want to punish myself as well." Shadow chuckles lightly at the girls wide eyes.

"You're trying for a baby…oh wow. Dibs on baby-sitter." Amy squealed out in excitement.

"Request granted so long as you help me get this prank sorted and complete." Shadow smirks as he replies to the excited pink girl.

"Wow I never thought I would hear you say those words hun…hope it works out for you both." Rouge smiles sincerely at her best friend.

"What could possibly go wrong? So what else do we need?" Shadow shrugged then smirked at the girls as he asked.

With Sonic...

"Wow you and Shadow are going to try for a baby?" Tails excitedly asked with a happy smile.

"Yep and I also think he's forgotten about yesterdays prank too. I'd say that's a bonus in my books." Sonic grinned as he lent on the door frame with crossed arms in Tails' garage.

"I would say you are one lucky hedgehog Sonic and I would also suggest no more pranking Shadow, he might change his mind about wanting a baby with you." Tails suggested with a serious look.

"Yeah that's true, got to show him I can be responsible and grown up." Sonic agreed with a smile.

With Shadow and the girls...

"Ok we have everything so alls we have to do is wait until he falls asleep after a lovely drink I'll made him later this evening. I'll call you when his down for the count then we can get creative in the bedroom." Shadow chuckles sinisterly as he rubs his hands together, a little like Sonic did yesterday.

"I think we will leave the creativeness in the bedroom to you and Sonic hun." Rouge winks with a light laugh.

"Not that kind of creativity Rouge…although if you have any suggestion in that department I'm all ears." Shadow smirks playfully at Rouge.

"Shadow, getting off topic here." Amy rolls her eyes as a small blush makes its way to her cheeks at the sex talk in front of her.

"Quite right Rose, ok Sonic will be home soon so why don't you both make yourselves scarce and I'll give you both a call later. Sonic is so going to lose this war, I can't think of anything he could do to top this prank." Shadow triumphantly grins as he speaks.

"No not without really upsetting you hun." Rouge though as she and Amy left the house then went their separate ways.

An hour later...

"Hay Shadow, I'm home." Sonic calls as he walks in through the front door with a cheery tone.

"In the kitchen cooking dinner." Shadow calls back as he stands in front of the cooker and stirs the pot of stew.

"Smells awesome babe." Sonic says as he makes his way to the kitchen then over to Shadow, giving him a hug from behind.

"It wont be too long now ok." Shadow sighs out happily as Sonic nuzzles into his neck then kisses him there.

"Then maybe after dinner we could have some dessert in bed." Sonic purrs in a low whispered tone, sending shivers of pleasure down Shadows spine.

"Oh I would very much love that." Shadow moans out as Sonic moves his hands down Shadows body and strokes Shadow between the legs teasingly.

"Or we could turn out the heat on the stew and have dessert first." Sonic seductively says as he continues to get some arousal from his husband.

"I don't need telling twice." Shadow replies as he cuts the heat and drags Sonic to the bedroom.

Forty minutes later the two are back in the kitchen and Shadow was dishing up their evening supper. The table was set and fresh crusty bread rolls were placed in the middle. Shadow carries the two bowls over and places one in front of Sonic then takes a seat with his. Shadow sits with slight discomfort at the rough treatment he got from Sonic then they both began to eat. When supper was finished with Shadow cleared away the dirty dishes into the dishwasher and puts it on a hot wash. Seeing the time he smirks and begins to get some hot drinks going for them both. The tea was made and Shadow added the sedative into Sonics mug then stirs it in well.

"Sonic come to the bedroom and have some tea in bed with me, after your welcome to own my ass again." Shadow calls as he makes his way to their bedroom with two hot mugs.

"Way ahead of ya, already in here." Sonic calls back with a light chuckle.

Shadow smiles when he sees Sonic in bed then passes him his tea, climbing into bed after. They cuddled closely and managed not to spill a single drop on the bed as they moved. Soon the tea was consume and Sonic was looking very sleepy.

"My love you look tired, maybe a little nap before out sex session would give you the energy." Shadow softly suggested with a warm smile.

"Y-yeah good…idea love." Sonic manages to say then the lights went out.

Shadow watched him fall asleep then smirked darkly, rushing out of bed and to the phone.

"He's out for the count." Shadow said to Rouge on the phone.

"Good, I'll pick up Amy on the way, see you in ten minutes." Rouge chuckled then hung up.

Two hour later…

"Oh my chaos, he looks just like he did the first time…we are all artists, quick lets take pictures." Amy excitedly said then all got their phones out and snapped a couple of photos each.

"I'd say our work here is done…the sedation wont last much longer and he will be awake in less than an hour." Shadow deviously smirked as he spoke to the girls.

"Right, why don't we go into the living room and have tea so not to look suspicious." Amy suggested with a bright smile.

"Actually not a bad idea. I hope you both can act surprised and shocked when you see him." Shadow grinned as the three walked out of the room after tidying away the left over materials.

Just under an hour later Sonic groaned and moved to his side as he slowly opened his eyes. He felt rough and his body seemed heavier than it usually does. He slowly sat up and moved over to the edge to get out of bed then he froze with wide eyes. His fur had changed colour and was much darker and ragged looking. He lifted up his arms to see they were bulky and his claws sharper and longer. He quickly got out of bed and dashed to the mirror in the bedroom.

"Any minute now lady's." Shadow whispered with a chuckle.

"AAHHHHAA." Sonic screamed in fear and panic.

"Right get ready." Shadow sniggered as he sipped casually at his tea.

"SHADOW!" Sonic called as he stumbled down the hall and into the living room with a fearful look in his eyes that only grew when he saw Amy and Rouge drinking tea with his husband.

"Oh my chaos what the hell." Amy called out with wide eyes and pointed at Sonic.

"Sonic, is that you?" Rouge gasped in shock.

"Shadow call Tails, I think it's happening again." Sonic panicked as he went to walk forward but stumbled and fell on his front.

"Sure thing…" Shadow said with a fake concerned look and tone.

Shadow dialled in Tails' number and waited for an answer.

"Hello Tails we have a problem…could you and Knuckles come over as soon as possible please, I do believe it's the night of the werehog." Shadow slowly said with a fake worried tone.

"Oh no not again…I'll pick Knuckles up on the way just stay calm." Tails said then hung the phone up.

"Sonic Tails is on his way and is picking Knuckles up. Just stay calm and relaxed." Shadow slowly said with a fake worried expression at his husband.

Amy and Rouge glanced at each other with an inward grin, both thinking Shadow should go up for acting.

"I don't wanna be a werehog." Sonic whines out with some despair in his voice.

"Look on the bright side my love, we did talk about owning a pet." Shadow smirked playfully, Sonic giving him a dry look in return.

Ten minutes later Tails and Knuckles rushed through the front door and into the living room. they froze as their eyes landed on Sonic. Tails had a needle in one hand and slowly walked over to the group and in front of Sonic, Knuckles doing the same.

"Sonic listen I can reverse this but it means a painful injection ok." Tails calmly said, knowing Sonic hates needles, maybe just as much as water.

"What! Oh hell no bro." Sonic growls lightly and swats the needle out of Tails' hand and it lands in front of Shadows jet shoes.

Shadow pretends not to see it as he takes a step forwards and puts his foot down onto it, crushing the syringe and making the liquid drain into the rug it landed on.

"Shadow, you broke the syringe. Now how are we going to get Sonic back to normal?" Tails cried out in a panic.

"Simple…by removing the makeup and padding." Shadow chuckles darkly as he replies.

"W-what?" the boys, apart from Shadow of course, shout out.

"Consider yourself pranked my love. this should teach you not to mess with the Ultimate Life-form." Shadow smirks deviously with crossed arms.

"But, but." Sonic was at a loss of words as he looks down at himself then back up at his husband with wide eyes.

"I can not take all the credit, Amy and Rouge helped me." Shadow smiled innocently at Sonic.

Sonic chuckled then laughed out in hysterics, falling onto his back.

"Ha-ha, you got me good babe, man I really thought I was…and it was just…haha hahaha." Sonic laughed with relief and joy.

"It was just a prank?" Knuckles asked with a dry look at Shadow and the girls who helped.

"Yep." Amy smiled sweetly.

When Sonic was back to his normal look and the materials thrown away, the friends all left the house and returned home, all hoping the war was over between the married couple. Sonic and Shadow locked up and went to their bedroom. Sonic closed the door up and grinned at Shadow as Shadow was making his way to the bed. Before Shadow could get in, Sonic pounced onto him and pinned him belly down on the bed.

"You know love, you are lucky I didn't transform into a werehog, I'd pound your ass every five minutes." Sonic purred then nuzzled into the back of Shadows neck, nipping it a little roughly.

Shadow gasped and let out a pleasurable moan at the nip.

"That's right bitch moan out some more." Sonic chuckled as he whispered to Shadow.

"Damn I love it when you talk dirty to me." Shadow breathlessly moaned as he felt hands travel down his body…

The next day Shadow and Sonic had decided to just laze in bed all morning. Their war was on hold for now but Sonic had vowed to get his own back on Shadow, he just needed the perfect plan to top Shadows. Sure it was going to take a lot of thinking and planning but Sonic was prepared to do it. He wasn't going to just give up and allow the Ultimate Life-form this victory over him, he would never live it down.

"Sonic…I kind of feel sick." Shadow softly said as he groaned a little in discomfort then rushed out of bed holding a hand over his muzzle…

There you have it, please let me know if it is any good and there will be more on the way, all comments are helpful but please no haters thnk you.