Disclaimer: This silly idea popped into my head one day. And I figured, why not make a one shot of it?

Undertale is Toby Fox's, and Gravity Falls is Disney's.


Frisk Thinking

"In this land of ours, there are many great pits. But none more bottomless than the Bottomless Pit! Which as you can see here is bottomless."

Frisk stood beside the large group of tourists, staring at the large hole. A bottomless pit was theoretically impossible. If they fell down there, they would have to end up somewhere, eventually. It might lead them to a series of caves, or maybe the other side of the world! Maybe this was where the idea of falling through the earth came from!

"You comin' kid?" They blinked, and looked up at the man in the fez. "The group's moving on." So they were. But Frisk wasn't ready to move on quite yet. They shook their head, and dug their heels in the dirt. No, thank you, they smiled silently. I want to look some more.

"Alright," he shrugged. "Just make sure you leave with the bus when it's time. Weird kid," he mumbled under his breath, and followed after the walking money-he meant tourists. Tourists. Once he went back into the old rickety building, Frisk turned back to the hole. Kneeling down on the soft earth, they leaned closer to look over the edge. Making sure they were still a safe distance from falling in, of course, and hummed.

What is down there? Would I fall for infinity? Or would I discover a race of mole men? Their face lit up at the idea. Now that would be something else. But… how would they find out? They didn't live in Gravity Falls. In fact, they didn't live anywhere.

Frisk, being an orphan, had no family nor home to call their own. They had been moved all over the USA. Only staying in one place for a few months before moving again. Their newest residency was in Ebott, a small village just outside of the unusual town they were in now. The orphanage directors had taken them, the children, to the so-called Mystery Shack for a field trip.

It was… different. But it was a good different. The attractions were so obviously fake, and the man Stanford Pines was an obvious liar. The adults and children were easily swayed, but they weren't. They were smart, and… analytical? Was that the right word? Frisk was only nine, so they weren't quite sure of big words.

The man was interesting though. True, his stories were false, but it was like a good story they couldn't put down. Sort of like the story of Mount Ebott.

Mount Ebott. The mountain in their town with a dark and disturbing history. Dating back hundreds of years, the legend had spoke of how anyone who climbed the mountain never ever returned. This statement had been only increased as in the past several decades, seven children had gone missing. Seven. Children. Why was it always kids? Was it because of rough lives? Curiosity? Or was it… something else?

They had a bad life too. Their parents passed away when they were two. Too young to remember them at all. The orphanages they'd gone to weren't always the nicest. They had been beaten, yelled at. It hurt. But they were too scared of death to do anything drastic. Drastic… they couldn't find anything about the second to fifth child, but they knew that was what drove the first child.


What a peculiar name. Then again, they were named Frisk. One could even say they were… frisky. Giggling, they stood back up, and went back towards the bus with the rest of their group. Chara was rumored to have been murdered by a monster that somehow escaped the barrier. The humans had shot at it, but it had the strength to bring the body away before it collapsed into a pile of dust.

They weren't sure all monsters would turn to dust if they die. It seemed weird. Like those silly vampire romance novels. When they are exposed to sunlight, they break apart and crumple. They were only guesses though. They'd never get a clear answer…

Not if they did something about it, that is.

The shining, shimmering full moon bore down on the Mystery Shack. Dipper and Mabel were curled up in their beds, completely ignorant of the happenings outside the house. More specifically, a brown eyed, brown haired, sweater clad child running down the road to its location. It took 2 hours and a bus ride to get to Gravity Falls, and a brief sprint to finally arrive at their destination. Sure, the Bottomless Pit wouldn't lead them to their answer for the monsters, but it was as good a start as any.

Alright then. They bobbed on their feet, staring down into the abyss. Even with the moonlight bathing down on them and the hole, it didn't help the darkness inside it. Besides a few vines around the edges, and rocks jutting out, it was perfectly circular. There still was no clear indication as to what had created such a phenomena, but they were going to find out.

Seeing such an adventure laid out before you… fills you with determination! Frisk grinned at the idea, and stepped back a few paces. They had nothing holding them back if this plan went south. No family, no close friends.

What was there to lose?

"Hey!" The porch light of the Mystery Shack flickered on, and the shadow of the man from before stepped out. "Who's out there?" How had he spotted them? Frisk looked up at the moon, guessing that the silvery light had lit them up too well. "Kid?" Mr. Mystery walked off the steps, carrying a lantern n his hand and was in a ratty white tank top and blue striped boxers. Ew. "What are you doin' out here? Did you miss your bus?"

He was getting to close. Too close.

They had to act now.

"KID!" The man yelled, but he was too slow. Frisk sprinted towards the hole, and flung themselves in. The wind whipped their short hair around their face, and the large sweater flapped in the breeze around their torso and arms. They could hear the man swear loudly high above them, but by that point, he had faded far behind him.

It was dark now. Pitch, inky black. How long will I fall for? Was it minutes, hours? But the child could see a flash of green far below them… coming in fast. Grass? Their body, before they could even process what was happening, rammed into the ground below. Ow! Silent tears ran down their face, and they shakily pulled their arms under them, desperately trying to push themselves upright.

Golden… flowers? They… they saved me. A large pile of the blossoms grew from a large patch of grass, and Frisk noticed the marble pillars standing tall and proud around them. Where… am I? Blinking back tears, Frisk noticed for once that it wasn't pitch black like the Bottomless Pit. There was… sunlight. Warm, welcoming sunlight, coming from high above them in a hole high above them. But… that didn't make sense. They fell during the night. And the hole shouldn't have led them here.

Did that hole… lead me somewhere else? Standing up, they grimaced. They could have possibly broken bones on the impact they made with the ground. They needed help. But judging from the state of where Frisk was, who knew when they'd stumble across another person.

The forbidden journey ahead of you, filled with fright... fills you with determination! Standing as proudly as the nine year old could, they made their way through the cavern.

Footsteps echoing off the stone falls, they entered the next room, and found another patch of grass. Had there been more people down here? There must have been. These pillars were well made, and couldn't have just appeared out of nowhere. Someone must have made them.

"Howdy!" Huh? Frisk stopped, and looked around. Was it their imagination, or had they actually heard someone say-"I'm Flowey!" Eyes trailing down, they gaped at the six petaled golden flower… and the disturbingly human-like face on it. "Flowey the flower!"

Talking… flower? There was a talking plant in front of them. They were still in Gravity Falls, right? With all the weird stories they've heard, the paranormal seemed to be second nature there, so perhaps the hole did lead them to a series of tunnels under the town. "Hmm… you're new to the Underground, aren'tcha?"

Underground. They weren't even in Gravity Falls anymore. That term was specially used for Mount Ebott and the rumored monsters that resided underneath. Frisk was in Mount Ebott. They were in the Underground; with monsters angry at humanity for their imprisonment.

Oh no.

I have zero idea why I even wrote this, but I might add more to it down the road.

Until next time!
