JJ wanted to say he was not nervous- after the Grand Prix Finals, him and Georgi would go pack up his flat in Russia then they would be in living in Canada. No, he was not nervous over that- he was beyond excited over that. He was nervous over the finals.

Yuri continued to hold over his head his bronze medal, and all JJ wanted to do was redeem himself. He loved how Georgi went with him every day to the ice. Georgi pushed him, and he pushed him hard. JJ was surprised how quickly Georgi stepped into it. With him not having worry about his program or even competing, his full attention was on JJ.

"C'mon Jay! I saw you jump higher in your warm up!" Georgi called from across the ice.

JJ skated and got his speed up before launching into his quad. When he landed it was wobbly.

"Yuri is going to kick your ass if you keep this up!" Georgi laughed out.

"Remind me why I love you again?" JJ said as he skated over to Georgi.

Georgi smiled and handed him his water bottle, "Cause I don't allow you to slack. A little bit more then we can head home for lunch and to rest a bit."

JJ knew they would just be back that evening after dinner. They did morning and evening skating so it was not as crowded. Pushing off the wall, JJ blew Georgi a kiss as he went to restart his routine. Loving having him there- loving that his parents could have more time with his siblings and together. With Georgi being there, he noticed his parents came to the arena less, and did more things together. It made JJ smile at how much Georgi had changed all their lives.

"Well your bed is better than mine, we can just get rid of mine," Georgi said as they made plans to move his stuff in.

"But we will need your wardrobe to fit your stuff in," JJ said.

"I'm thinking my two lounge chairs, but not the couch."

"Definitely your paintings on the walls," JJ said.

"Yes, these white walls are too… sterile," Georgi said.

JJ liked more modern art, but he also loved Georgi's art on his walls. It was colorful and full of life- plus it was so much like Georgi, he couldn't help but love it. JJ looked around his flat, imaging what it would be like having Georgi's stuff combined with his. It made him smile and move closer to Georgi on the couch. Those arms that so easily wrapped around him as JJ settled in, he knew this was the best way for him to relax and rest.

It got JJ to thinking- even the small amount of clothes Georgi had there, the way they hung in the closet next to his made him smile every time he looked in there. Also the way Georgi said 'home' when he spoke of their flat. It made him smile and giddy.

This was what it meant to be happy .

"I'm going to smear your ugly face all over the ice," Yuri growled.

JJ had to laugh. Yuri was in a foul mood as they got warmed up for the short program. Otabek put his arm around Yuri and kissed his cheek.

"Yura, you said you would be nice," Otabek said.

"No I didn't!" Yuri yelled out.

They were people around everywhere. No one had caught on that Georgi was always with them. It was said Georgi was showing his support to his skating team. JJ knew better. They were both surprised that no one had picked up how much those two were together, they were not hiding anything- though they were not out kissing and flaunting in public.

Yuri was still growling as they got ready to do their short program. JJ was skating in the middle of the pack and could feel the nerves building in his stomach. Grabbing Georgi's arm, he couldn't talk. Wide eyed and scared- all he could feel was Georgi take his hand and pull him. JJ walked blindly behind him.

Georgi pushed opened the bathroom door and pulled JJ in him.

"Jay, breath," Georgi said as he held his shoulders.

"I'm going to fuck up my program," JJ whispered.

Georgi shook his head and pressed his forehead to JJ's. "No, Jay, you're not. You are going to go out there and pretend we are back home… just practicing."

"Home…" JJ whispered.

"Yes Jay, our home . My home with you," Georgi said as he kissed his forehead.

JJ nodded though he felt his vision tunneling. "Tell me more about our home."

Georgi chuckled and wrapped his arms around him, JJ felt safe as Georgi whispered in his ear.

"Our home is what I look forward to everyday, it is where the man I love lives. The decorations aren't much… but it is home," Georgi chuckled then kissed his temple. "I never felt like I belonged anywhere till I stepped into our home… I never told you this Jay… but the moment I stepped into your flat… I knew that was where I wanted to be."

JJ lifted his head, staring at Georgi, "You mean…?"

"Me and you, always," Georgi said then kissed him deeply.

JJ held onto Georgi tightly, forgetting about his momentarily freak out. His pulse raced for a different reason this time.

"C'mon, you are about due to go up," Georgi said as he held his hand out to JJ.

JJ could only smile and take Georgi's hand. He knew he had this.

Finally, JJ had his gold medal. Standing on the podium, smiling, he kept his eyes locked where Georgi stood with his parents- Georgi's arm casually around his mother as she cried in this shoulder. His father so proud, JJ could see the tears from the podium and his father's arm around Georgi. His family .

All he needed was Georgi to believe in him- to make him believe in himself.

JJ knew he had it in him, but something about the finals always got to him. Having Georgi by his side made everything go from a ball of nerves, to just another day on the ice. Cameras were flashing around them as he held up his medal, wrapped in his country's flag- proud.

His parents took them out to dinner, to celebrate. A bunch of skaters were all going out, but JJ wanted it quiet with the people who meant the most to him. They laughed all through dinner- JJ on a high from his win.

Even as they were back in their hotel room, JJ's high had not left him. The minute they were through the door, he had Georgi backed to the wall kissing him. He was on top of the world, and he wanted nothing more than alone time with Georgi.

"My King," Georgi breathed out as JJ kissed down his neck, holding his hands above his head, pinned to the wall.

It made JJ moan hearing Georgi say that. He loved Georgi so much- and loved how better he was with him.

"Where is Georgi?" JJ asked as he looked around the arena. Yuri was about to finish his skate and he was up next.

"He said he would be right back," Mr. Leroy said.

JJ shifted back and forth on his feet. He knew Georgi would not miss this. Ten minutes ago Georgi had kissed his cheek and said he would be right back. JJ kept looking around, just knowing he would be here in time for his exhibit.

Yuri finished another hell-fire-on-ice exhibit and stood there waving and smiling. Stuffed animals in the form of every cat imaginable being thrown on to the ice.

Georgi was cutting this close. As the girls skating around collecting the debris on the ice. It was only a few short moments and he was called out to the ice.

Looking around again, JJ felt his father push at his shoulder.

"Get out there!" Mr. Leroy said.

JJ took a deep breath, crossed himself and entered the ice. Raising his hands to greet the overwhelming applause. He could do this, he knew Georgi was somewhere watching him.

The thing about skating your exhibit- the lights were lowered while a spotlight was on you. It made it hard to do jumps and quads. JJ did not care. He jammed his exhibit full of them. He did powerful moves, loving every moment of it.

He want to leave himself on ice- even as the spotlight followed him around the ice. He wore a simple costume in green and purples. It moved easily over his body as he did spread eagle jumps. Everyone cheering for him, the Canadian flag waving all around the arena- JJ was happier than he had ever been.

As his program came to a close- JJ heard the music stop short as he was wrapping it all up.

"What the hell?" JJ said to himself as the spotlight moved off of him.

On the other end of the rink the spotlight highlighted Georgi, skating slowly towards him, wearing a tuxedo. JJ couldn't move. He swore he was stuck to the ice at that moment. The spotlight was back on him as another was on Georgi.

The arena burst into cheers as Georgi gracefully skated his way. He could not take his eyes off of Georgi, seeing him dressed so formerly, smiling so sweetly at him.

As Georgi approached, he slid down to one knee and stopped right in front of JJ. JJ placed a hand over his mouth as Georgi held out a box and opened it.

There were two rings in the box, both gold with Celtic knots engraved on them. JJ had forgotten how to breath as he looked down at Georgi. He knew tears were already in his eyes.

"You have been the best thing that has ever happen to me. I love you with all of my heart and it would give me the greatest honor to spend the rest of my life with you. Jean-Jacques Leroy, will you marry me?"

JJ couldn't talk. He was not sure if he ever could. Throwing himself at Georgi, he wrapped his arms around him, kissing him deeply.

Roses were thrown down onto the ice, and the cheers had gotten so loud it was deafening. JJ had not stopped kissing Georgi yet.

"Jean-Jacques! Do we have an answer?" the man over the loud speaker asked.

JJ pulled back, almost laughing.

"YES!" JJ yelled as loud as he could, kissing Georgi again.

The arena bursted into another set of applause as they pulled from the kiss, and Georgi put the ring on his finger. JJ took the other one from his box and put on Georgi's finger. JJ knew his cheeks were going to hurt from smiling so much, and he didn't even know he was crying till Georgi wiped his thumb across his cheek. They were both on the ice on their knees and JJ leaned down, grabbing a rose that had slid over to them and handed it to Georgi.

"I even had your parent's blessings," Georgi said they stood up and he put his arm around JJ.

They skated together off the ice and JJ's parents were both crying, hugging them both.

"Of course you would have to outdo me," Yuri growled out.

"Oh Princess! You have to be my flower girl!" JJ said.

Georgi and JJ both laughed as Yuri's face turned blood red and he stormed off. Turning back around, cameras all around them, JJ kissed Georgi. He wanted the world to know he was taken.

This is the end of this story! Thank you everyone following! This has been too much fun writing fluff! You can find me on Tumblr as Phaytesworld! XOXOX