Hey guys thanks for all the reviews and to everyone who's reading this! It's been so fun to write and I really appreciate all your kind words. Sorry it's taken me awhile to get this next chapter out, but I promise even if I take awhile I'm not giving up on this story! Just some quick news, this fic has been nominated for the Best Romance category in the TMNT fanfiction challenge! I am so incredibly honored and even if I don't win, the fact I was nominated means the world to me! So yeah, enough of my sappy rambling, on with the story!

Her fingers swiftly tussled at the sides of her head, moving her shoulder length ebony locks side to side. A perfectly winged eye squeezed shut for a moment, while the other watched her hair move.

Grabbing some more lipstick, she rubbed it against her lips, follow the soft curve of them, before grabbing her purse and heading out the door of her studio apartment. It was her day off after working a long night shift, and though most people would prefer to turn this into a rest day, Karai got bored too fast. Making lunch plans was much more entertaining then lying on her couch all day.

She found her friend seated at a booth in their favorite pizzeria, Michelangelo's Pizza. Not only was the food delicious (and BOY was it delicious) but the owner's friendliness and attitude made it a no brainer to return. She quickly rushed to sit across from her.

"Sorry I'm late."

"Nah don't worry about it." Shini flopped her hand. "I did put an order in already though. Figured by now I know what we're gonna get."

"Buffalo chicken pizza?"

"With an extra serving of blue cheese!" Shini quickly added on with a smirk. Karai shook her head with a laugh. Her and Shini had been friends since kindergarten. Shini was always the most loyal person in her life. Which she was mostly grateful for, except those few times she drove her absolutely nuts!

"How was work last night?"

"Eh you know. It was basically the same." Memories from the previous night flashed in her head. Suddenly a pair of blue eyes shone bright in her memory and without her even realizing it, a smile smeared on her face.

"Wow. You are definitely hiding something." Shini took her out of her thoughts, her eyebrows raised. There was no way she was gonna let Karai not tell her.

"Oh no no. Not really. I mean there was just, I mean he was just-"

"He?" Intrigue laced her words. "There's a He in your life?"

"No no no. He's not in my life. He was just, there, for a night. But not even a whole night just like 20 minutes. It's seriously not-"

"Karai." Shini quickly shut up her rambling. "What. Happened?"

Karai sighed. Unsure of why he made her so flustered. He wasn't even here anymore.

"Look it really was nothing. Just some guy that came in and complained about his ex. That's it."

"There is absolutely no way THAT'S it."

"Order up!" The familiar voice of the restaurant's owner filled their ears, a pizza in his hand. "Figured my most loyal customers deserve some special treatment, soooo" two homemade cheesecake slices were set down next to the pizza.

"Oh my goodness Mikey! You didn't have to do that!"

"I know." He winked. "Can I get you dudettes anything else?"

Shini shook her head. "This is more than enough! Thank you so much!"

"No problamo! Just holler if you need ANYTHING at all!"

Both of their mouths watered at the sight. He truly had a pizza making gift. They both simultaneously grabbed a slice, stuffing it into their mouths.

"Ohhhh myyyy goddd." Shini spoke with a mouth full of food.

"It's like I forget how good it is until I eat it again." Karai responded, dipping her piece into more blue cheese.

"Don't think I've forgotten by the way! This ridiculously good pizza hasn't distracted me that much."

"You're really gonna be so disappointed when you find out how little there is to know." Karai brushed a piece of hair behind her ear.

"Then just tell me. Why're you hesitating!"

"Okay look." She placed her slice down, and sat back, staring directly at her friend. "He was kinda flirting with me a bit. Then he started complaining about his breakup and started apologizing to me, saying that I deserve better and stuff. So then I walked him out to his ride. And he claimed he was gonna come see me again sober. That's it."

"Was he hot?"

"I mean, yeah he was," her heart fluttered for a moment as memories of him came back, "he was cute."

"Think he'll actually come back in?"

"Ha. Doubt it. He probably doesn't even remember that happening. He was verrry drunk at the time. And even if he did, it sounds like he's still into his ex so."

Shini took another bite.

"Well you're right. I'm slightly disappointed."

"I told you!" Karai laughed. She didn't tell Shini about how he was still on her mind or how just the thought of him made her heart beat faster and a smile to appear on her face. She didn't totally know why she didn't want to. Perhaps she was embarrassed to have let this stranger make her so giddy. Embarrassed by her hopes of seeing him again.