This started out as a mini-drabble, and after some seriously inspiring requests for more, particularly from goldcaught, who made a BEAUTIFUL picspam you all should go admire, the multi-chapter was born. This will be mostly unbeta'd with a similar for to Extra Credit. Relatively plotless and mostly smut. However, this won't be BDSM-y (though jealous/possessive!kc will definitely make some appearances). The beautiful cover was made by covoredinthecolors (itsnotacrimetoloveyou on tumblr). You should go check out everything she does!

Hope you enjoy!

"Why can't I just live with you and Steven?" Caroline asked for what felt like the millionth time since her parents' divorce, and her dad sighed on the other end of the line.

"We've talked about this, Caroline. Whitmore Academy looks much better on your college applications than Mystic High, and if you lived with Steven and I you would have to stay in public school."

"And staying with my friends would be so tragic," Caroline muttered sarcastically.

"Whitmore has a nationally ranked cheer squad. I checked and captaincy is based on staff pick rather than seniority."

Caroline was glad her father couldn't see her eye roll. "They'll still play favorites."

"Then be their favorite," her father said matter-of-factly, as though she could just walk in and immediately make everyone like her with a snap of her fingers.

"But what if they hate me? What if I don't even make the squad? Then there's no point."

"I'm sure you're better than all those other girls."

"What if I'm not?"

"Watch the competition videos. Come up with an audition routine that's better than theirs. Easy peasy."

She tried not to groan. Her father had always had unrealistic expectations, and it was beyond irritating.


"And if you lived with us, you'd have to share your bedroom and bathroom with Natalie. Do you want to share a bedroom with a thirteen year old?"

"I'm seriously tempted," Caroline muttered, flopping down on what would only be her bed for the next few days, determined to not cry. "I hate this."

"I know, baby girl. But maybe it won't be so bad-"

"Dad, he has like, eight kids."

"And you'll still get your own room and bathroom. Can't get any better deal than that."

"Um, yeah. I totally can. I can run away in the dead of night and stay with Bonnie."


She huffed, switching her phone to the other ear and glaring out the window. "What?"

"Have you even met all of them?"

"I mean, I've met almost all of them."


"Well, Freya and Aaron are already out of college, so they apparently only come over at Christmas or if they need money. I met them at the wedding and Freya seems cool-ish, I guess. She messaged me on Facebook afterwards and sent me a bunch of emoji hearts and told me to prepare for the worst. I think it was a joke though."


"Yeah. And then there's Elijah and Finn, who are also out of the house," Caroline said, absently picking at her fingernails and looking at the ceiling. "Kol and Rebekah are younger than me and they're okay, although Kol is apparently in detention half the time according to mom. Henrik's the youngest and he's still in middle school. There's another one named Klaus, but I haven't heard much about him. Apparently he was really close to his mom and he and Mikael don't get along well since she died. He's the one who's in my grade."

"Well, hopefully he'll be able to show you around a bit."

Caroline scoffed. "Don't count on it. He didn't even bother coming to the wedding because he was at like, art camp, or something. Like, I hate this, but at least I showed up and pretended that I was happy for her."

"Just keep an open mind," Bill said. "Are you almost done packing?"

Caroline looked around her room, taking note of everything that wasn't in a box yet and wrinkled her nose. "Nope. I've been distracted."

"Well, it's late, so maybe I should leave you to it. Call me whenever you want though, okay? I know it's hard, but—"

"Okay," she said, cutting him off before she had to hear any phrase even slightly similar to 'it's for the best.'. "Goodnight."

"Goodnight, Caroline."

The line went dead.


The day they moved in was hot and humid, the air unpleasantly thick and dampening her skin. The sudden trade-offs between the Mikaelson's air-conditioned home and the vicious heat outside made her sweat more than she'd expected. Her tank top was soon clinging to her skin, and she knew she'd have an unattractive tan line from the base of her cutoffs.

Mikael had hired movers for them, but Caroline refused to let them touch any boxes that had anything more fragile than her clothes. As a result, she had to load them in and out of her car herself, since the movers were paid by the hour and her mom wasn't going to let them wait for her to lug everything one by one.

She brought in the lightest ones first, running them up to her room and back, and on her second trip down she saw movement out of the corner of her eye. She turned to look and made eye contact with a sandy-haired attractively stubbled teenager, probably around her age. The drag of his eyes up and down her body was less than subtle in a way that made her bristle, and she noted the way they lingered on her legs before he met her eyes with a heated look that sent a reluctant flush spreading on her cheeks. "You must be Caroline," he said, clearly completely unashamed of his ogling.

He had what appeared to be a small streak of blue paint smeared across his chin, his henley clinging to him in a way that made her wonder whether it looked as good beneath the cloth as it looked from the outside.

"And you're Klaus."

The beat of silence that followed probably should have been awkward, but instead it felt loaded, thick with tension, and she only managed to tear her gaze away from him when she heard Mikael's booming voice from behind her.

"Caroline! Good to see you," he said, and she noticed that Klaus's face seemed to close down from the open interest he'd been displaying to cold indifference when he saw his father, but before she could observe any further, Mikael had pulled her into an unwelcome hug. She tried her best to be polite, patting his back awkwardly and stepping back as soon as possible. If he'd noticed her squeamishness he didn't comment, instead telling her that they were having a family dinner out to celebrate and they were planning on leaving at six.

By the time she'd nodded along to whatever restaurant choice he proposed and managed to back away, Klaus had disappeared, and she couldn't help the small tug of disappointment that she hadn't gotten to talk to him more. He intrigued her, and she couldn't figure out why.


Looking at the hem of the sundress float around Caroline's thighs quite honestly made him feel a little conflicted over whether dresses that short should be illegal to save his sanity or whether he could handle it just to drink her in.

The whole family was seated around a large table on the porch of one of the local restaurants downtown, Caroline directly across from him, her legs easily seen through the glass top of the table.

She recrossed them again, her skirt hiking up to reveal another inch of creamy thigh, and he felt his cock twitch. Knowing that just as he could see through the table, everyone else could as well, he willed himself to look at her face instead. She wasn't paying attention to him, listening to his father talk about something work-related, and he realized his lips were slightly parted as she brought the straw of her lemonade to her glossy lips, taking a sip.

He cleared his throat to suppress a groan and she stiffened, seeming to realize he was watching her and meeting his eyes briefly through thick lashes before tearing away her gaze and setting the glass down again, her tongue briefly darting along her cupid's bow.

He doubted that she meant to be provocative, mostly because he knew that if he entertained the idea she'd end up in his bed sooner or later and then wouldn't that be a messy situation to explain to Mikael and her mother. He was on thin enough ice as it was. The only real benefit to Liz moving in was that Mikael might be slightly more tolerable in an effort not to look like a monster to his new wife, but he wasn't sure how long that would last.

He was jerked back to the present when Liz said his name, tuning in late enough to miss her question. "Sorry, come again?"

"Mikael mentioned that you went to an art program overseas. Did you enjoy it?"

Ah, yes. "Art camp", also known as living with his birth father for most of the summer because Mikael couldn't stand to admit to anyone's face that he was a bastard.

He wasn't sure whether Liz even knew, but he knew better than to allude to it just in case she didn't. He hadn't had much interaction with her because he tried to be out of the house and away from Mikael as much as possible, and though he knew that she was probably just trying to make conversation, he had no reason to want to get to know her better.

Just another year until he left for college, and then he'd never have to see Mikael again.

"Fine," he said shortly, and Liz looked a bit hurt at his curt tone.

"What do you do there? Painting? Sculpting?" she pressed on, and Klaus fought the urge to say something snarky, instead shrugging noncommittally.

"Painting, mostly."

"He's really good," Rebekah jumped in, whipping out her iPhone so fast that it almost looked like magic. "Want to see pictures?"

"You don't have to—"

"I'd love to," Liz said immediately, taking the phone Rebekah was handing to her and looking at the pictures. Caroline peeked over her mother's shoulder, her teeth worrying her lower lip as her mother flipped through them. "These are really good. Do you have a studio at home?"

Klaus almost laughed, the idea that Mikael would spend a single penny on him that he wasn't required to completely ludicrous on its face, and Mikael shook his head. "No. Whitmore has one. He has to focus on swimming anyway. For a scholarship."

Liz nodded absently, handing the phone back to Rebekah. "You swim?"


He really wanted the conversation to end. Now.

"Caroline has plans to join the cheer squad. Maybe you can carpool from practice."

The vision of Caroline in what he knew was a tiny cheerleading uniform flitted through his mind briefly, and he was about to casually agree that he absolutely wouldn't mind when Caroline cut in.

"I have a car, mom."

"We're headed in the same direction anyway, love. Might as well save on gas."

She glared at him. "Really. It's fine. I don't need to be watched, or anything."

He realized that she knew he'd been staring, that she was trying to brush him off despite her clear reciprocation of the attraction, and he smirked into his water glass when Liz admonished her for being rude.

"I just don't want him to have to go out of his way."

"I don't mind in the least, Caroline. Happy to take you home with me."

"Are you on the squad as well, Rebekah?" Liz cut in, clearly sensing the tension, and Klaus ignored Rebekah launching into an explanation of how she played football and the schedules conflicted, instead swiveling to look at Caroline again when he felt her eyes on him.

She was giving him an impressive stink eye and he met her eyes without hesitation, smirking at her when her eyes darted to his shoulder where the edge of his tattoo was peeking out from underneath his henley, her tongue darting over her lips. He reached for his water glass, raising an eyebrow, and she flushed a lovely shade of pink before hastily turning her attention to the bread basket, concentrating much too hard on evenly spreading butter on the roll.

On second thought, perhaps it might be worth it to pursue her. He liked the chase, and she seemed like the stubborn sort. He'd entice her into a no-strings-attached arrangement. Once they went their separate ways, he'd never have to see her again. There was, of course, the possibility that she might get attached. Girls often seemed to be a little over-enthusiastic when he showed even a passing interest. Worst case scenario she got silly ideas about romance. If she fell for him, that wasn't his problem. It could even be amusing.

Yes, perfect little Caroline Forbes ever so scandalously falling in love with her step-brother.

It wasn't as though he'd ever reciprocate, after all.


She couldn't figure out why her room was a sauna. One of the selling points her mom had tried to use was that Mikael's house had air conditioning, and though that appeared to be the case everywhere else, she couldn't feel it in her own room.

She went to open the window, needing to get at least some fresh air, and quickly realized once she felt cool air on her bare feet that her bed was blocking the vent.

After debating the pros and cons of moving a heavy object and making a ton of noise, she rationalized that with Klaus-the-smug-hot-douchebag on one side and her bathroom on the other, she wouldn't bother anyone important. She was soon settled with her bed on the other side of the room, the temperature much more comfortable, and she was just drifting off when she heard it.

A soft groan sounded through the wall, only loud enough that it was barely noticeable, and her breath caught, eyes going wide, heat building in her cheeks at what she was overhearing, her nipples tightening under her camisole. She'd never considered that she might be turned on by voyeurism, but the low rumble through the wall of Klaus stroking himself was unbelievably hot, the possibilities of what he might be doing filling her mind and making her wet.

She knew that this should be embarrassing, wondered if she should just move the bed back against the other wall and deal with the heat that was far less pleasurable than the one building at the apex of her thighs, but she was worried that he's hear her move, and the only thing more humiliating than that it turned her on to hear her new step brother jacking off would be him knowing.

She bit her lips as she heard a rustle of sheets and another groan, this time a bit louder, before she heard Klaus growl her name.

Her. Name.

She was holding her breath, her fingers twitching as she fought to not give into temptation, and she felt her pussy throb as she heard his ragged breathing indicating that he'd just come.

She was aching and desperate, knew that just a few quick brushes over her clit would be all it would take, but she was scared that she'd make noise. Her mother had usually had night shifts over the past few years, and even when she didn't their bedrooms were across the house from each other. She'd never really had to pay attention to her volume past "don't scream", and she honestly wasn't sure how loud she'd be. The last thing she needed was to figure it out by Klaus overhearing her and bringing it up.

Instead, she pulled herself out of bed and padded to her bathroom, shutting the door and leaning against it, her eyes closing briefly. She tried to gather herself but eventually gave up, switching the shower on and biting into a washcloth to cloak her moans as she rocked against her fingers.

She totally didn't come to the fantasy of interrupting what she'd just heard, and definitely didn't mumble his name against the cloth gagging her when she clenched around her fingers.

Nope. This was going to be completely platonic step-sibling non-shenanigans. There was no way that she and Klaus were going to Life With Derek their lives.

The not-so-innocent smirk he shot her over his tea mug the next morning wouldn't change that, nor would the fact that his abs were just as attractive as his henley had hinted at when she'd moved in.

Thank you so much for reading! Please tell me what you think. Favorite lines? Predictions? Comments? Reviews are how I get inspired to write more, and they give me warm fuzzies!

Catch me on tumblr at thetourguidebarbie. Hugs!