I really should finish a story before starting another one but I'm gonna do this anyway. enjoy also I'm going to put my story Force Brothers up for adoption. i liked the story but i think someone else could do it better.

Mal and Jay where sitting on the roof of the dorms, The purple haired teen leaning agenst her friend her face streaked with tears , a few hours earler having fought with Ben about her magic and contuning to act like a villian.
"I'm tired Jay" Mal admitted to her friend " sometimes I just wish i could go back to the isle but i can't,and I can't be myself here eather."
"Mabey we can leave Arudion with out going back to the isle" Jay replied
"you really think I'dlet you go anywhere alone mal?" Jay qustioned "Just look for a spell or make one."
"Ok" Mal agreed "We'll meet back here in 10 minutes. Go pack."
Time Skip
10 minutes later
"Are you ready to leave them behind ?" Jay asked
"carlos and Evie are happy here Jay." Mal replied sadly "I left ben a note telling him what happend and breaking up with him."
"You found the right spell." Jay asked changing the subject
"Made one. You ready?" Mal answered then began to chant quietly. " Take us far away from this place to a land where we can be truly happy so we can make a new life so we can change and do it right."
As she finished the spell a bright light flashed and when the two teens landed they both fell unconchous.
Leverage P.O.V
"Eliot, Eliot, there's two kids in the ally." Parker said over the coms
"What do they look like Parker?" Eliot asked
"There's a girl and a boy." Parker replied " The boy has long black hair and leather clothes on, the girl has purple hair up to her sholders and purple leather clothes on."

"I'm comming down right now Parker be careful." Nate said as the teens began to stir.

"Sophie can you come down there starting to move." Parker requested

" Almost there Parker." Sophie replied

Suddenly the girl in purple woke up her eye's flashed a dangerous green and green smoke began to come from her body.

"What the." Parker asked

"WHERE AM I" the girl screamed. " AND WHAT DID YOU DO TO JAY?!"

ok this is the first chapter rember to adopt my story Force Brothers