It was nighttime at Camp Campbell and Harrison was sneaking out of his tent with a bottle of pills in his hand, but light-sleeper Nerris woke up from the sound of footsteps and pills in a bottle. She grabbed some twenty-sided dice and rolled to see if she can sneak and rolled a twenty, sneaking around to make sure Harrison doesn't see her.

Right at the peer where he stopped, Harrison struggles to open the bottle. "Stupid child-proof caps!", he shouted quietly at nobody, unaware Nerris was right behind him. She said to him suspiciously, "What are you holding?", Harrison jumped at her words and turned around hiding the pills. A nervous smile on his face, he talked to her, "N-Nerris, wh-what are you doing here so late?" "I was gonna ask you the same thing.", she replied, "What's behind your back?"

Harrison stuttered, "Uh, what do you mean? Th-There's nothing, see?", he shows her his hands with out the pills like they vanished. "Harrison...", Nerris said in a questioning tone."I don't even use pills in my tricks.", he spoke back. "Harrison...", she said again in a more complainant tone. "I swear, I don't have any.", Harrison answered. "Harrison...", Nerris said again in a more frustrated tone. He sighed and gave in, pulling the same pills out of his hat, "There, happy now?"

Nerris asked with a strict manor grabbing the pills, "Are those...Are those painkillers, why do you even have those?" Harrison tried to lie again, "I...have a headache." Nerris gave him a stare that says 'Then why did take the whole thing? No one can have that many in one sitting, we told David that we won't take them'. Harrison gives in again, "You're good at that. I had my fingers crossed, by the way."

The 'Elvin sorceress' is getting pissed as he gave her no answer, "What the hell, Harrison?! These can KILL you! Why did you grab the whole thing?!", she shouted. "Alright, geez! You don't have to freak out at me!", the magician boy said then sighed, "You pretty much pointed it out. I...I was about to commit suicide, okay?", he answered. Nerris's blue eyes widened at his words, her face showing concern. "Wow...Oh...Oh, my god. Y-You're serious.", she said to the green eyed boy, "But why? Why you, Harrison?" He glanced over at her, "You keep saying I suck, you remind me of my brother. He always said I suck, then one day...I made him disappear. My parents are afraid of me, I keep getting better. But no matter what I do, I just can't bring him back. So I figured if I can't fix it, I'll just put an end to it.", his words made the girl feel worse about certain days.

Nerris spoke back up, "I didn't mean to remind you of that. Everyone that isn't afraid of you likes your magic, especially me." "Thought you said I was the worst yesterday.", Harrison responded sitting on the edge of the peer, "I only said that because I got a little jealous of you.", the elf-eared girl told him sitting on the edge too, "Truth is, you're one of the other campers I like. I like you a lot. I guess you could say I really like you. I even dare to go a little further than that. I give a big deal about you, a very big deal. Maybe even deeper then that.", she added scooting closer to Harrison with every sentence. "I...I love you. Not like romance exactly, but 'love' as in love you like a person that one can't without. I believe you can bring him back eventually, I believe in you.", Nerris finished. Harrison smiled at her words, "Well, I...Thanks, Nerris...", he said.

They have no idea how this'll work, but they'll keep hoping for a brighter day.