(Author's Notes: Hey everyone here's Chapter 47 & I hope you all continue to keep the reviews coming. The Rangers prepare to travel into the spirit world to embark on a rescue mission. However, their efforts find them encountering figments from the past, putting Amelia in a vital position & forcing the Dino Thunder Rangers to partake in a confrontation with a familiar foe.)

Chapter 47: Whispers from Beyond the Edge

August 5th, 2009

2:30 p.m

The Oliver Residence

"...The power itself is meant for traversing hearts to reach realms, not for venturing to traversing realms to reach hearts. Should he continue to test the boundaries of the power he yields, it comes with a high price. That is why Power Rangers, it is imperative you find a way to bring Tommy back before he uses his powers again to make it impossible...for himself to pull himself back from the edge of the void."

The ten Ninjetti Rangers stared intensely seeing the White Ranger laying unconscious on the cot as his body continue to flood with a surge of power. It was no secret that his powers suppressed everyone's expectations. In fact, he exceeded the limits of his abilities demonstrating fleets beyond imagination. Unfortunately, with all the power he tapped into, he inadvertently tapped deep into the core root of his power to reach out beyond the void of both the physical & spiritual realm.

However, they weren't expecting to discover that they were about to embark on a journey to break into spirit world, more literally Tommy's personal spirit world. There is no hidden truth that among the original twelve veteran Power Rangers, Tommy was known as the most powerful and legendary of them all, next to Kimberly. Any Ranger teams that came after their tenure knew of their story: the epic history of the legendary Falcon and Crane, the Winged Lord and Lady of the Skies. The original power couple who faced unimaginable odds and two soulmates bounded by fate and destiny who were destined to carry on the reign of the Bloodline of Power.

Still, that legend and legacy continued to be prominent despite the eternal soulmates facing the trials and tribulations that hindered their true calling. On the contrary, seven months ago when the ten original Rangers became inducted as the new Ninjetti Order, they made a oath and fealty. It was a promise to protect the bloodline destined to inherit the fable kingdom that will usher a new era once the dark ages have pass. Now, it was time to fulfill that promise and fealty they pledge to their white falcon, their leader and friend knowing he needed the support of his loyal council and court in the upcoming battle ahead.

"We need to get a move on if you people have a chance to venture the great beyond which is inside Tommy's spirit world." Quinn answered gathering materials from the storage closets and caches in the lab. To everyone's surprise, the materials and supplies he was gathering were herbs, incenses, candles, anything that had to do with mystical and supernatural stuff. "At least the kid knows how to diversify his stockpile. Gives us an edge to bust some doors down."

"So how exactly are we going to get into the spirit world, most importantly Tommy's?" Billy asked. "You said when he created his spirit world, it was personally directly linked to Tommy, and him alone. How is he able to travel to other destinations beyond the planes of the spirit world? Is...is Tommy alright?"

"Physically he is fine. If you recall, the physical body is a shell connected by the mind and driven by the heart and soul. The Elders of the Ninjetti Order believed that a connection extends beyond the body and mind. The body is a weapon controlled by the mind and the body controls the enemies around us. If the connection of the mind and body expires, it can still remain in tact through the heart and soul to drive the fighting spirit deep within." Quinn explained. "The body itself is a mere physical shell that can be preoccupied. The heart and soul of an individual is eternal and the connection remains in tact if it's bound by a kindred soulmate."

"Do you think it's possible somehow Tommy did something to inadvertently keep Kim alive this whole time?" Adam asked.

"We don't know the true extent of Tommy and Kimberly's powers. After all, they are the falcon and crane, the two most powerful kindred soulmates of the Ninjetti and anyone who holds that power has a more in depth connection to the Great Power." Rocky replied addressing the others.

"It's more than just about the in depth connection to the Great Power, it's also about the mastery of balancing the light and shadow." Quinn continued. "Previous predecessors of the Ninjetti Order who held the powers of the falcon and crane were traditionally soulmates as both animal spirits were eternal mates according to lore. What made their legend well renowned was they represented balance: two sides of the same coin. If you recall the previous bedtime stories you people were told..."

"...Through them, they were decreed the heir apparent to rule the Ninjetti Kingdom to secure the future of the order. Thus, created the Bloodline of Power." Aisha said and then turned to stare at Amelia. "The bloodline of the falcon and crane, upon their reign will bring upon "the key," the kingdom's most prize treasure that must be protected to preserve the legacy of the universe's Great Power..."

"The key of the kingdom, wait a second don't you dare tell us that our mission solely relies on the powers of a seven year old child." Jason bluntly argued. "After what happened at Rideau Circle, the Emissary know what Amelia is capable of."

"There has to be another way. I mean, she is just a child and Tommy wouldn't forgive us if something happens to her." Zack added voicing his concerns.

"You have to understand Rangers there is no concealing the little maiden's powers at this point. The power that the young lady possesses can no longer be contained and yielding. She holds the foundations of the Great Power inside of her and should the last sacred burial beneath the city of Angel Grove be unlocked, we will enter an age of unrenowned uncertainty." Quinn explained firmly. "I wouldn't be asking this but what choice do we have? Young Amelia has demonstrated remarkable fleets of power no one has ever seen and like her parents, she too possesses an power that is unbowed, unbent and unbroken."

"And yet you make a seven year old girl sound like she is a weapon?" Justin snapped. "You're unbelievable Quinn! We promise to keep that little girl safe from harm just like what we did with her parents."

"I want to help my mommy and daddy," they all heard Amelia suddenly said looking at her unconscious dad. "That is why my daddy is in the empty place right now. He's trying to put mommy's heart and soul back together. He has a part of mommy's heart he kept safe because of their special spirit animal friends: the falcon, the crane, and even the angry green dragon. I have to give the part of mommy's heart and soul that is inside of me so daddy can put it back together. I need to do this for daddy because he told me to fight and be brave. We need to fight to save my mom from the empty place or else she'll be gone again and this time not come back."

"Amelia, sweetie it's too dangerous and I know how much you want to help your parents." Kat said to the little girl. "If something happens to you they won't forgive us."

"Daddy's special place is the only way you can get to him. He's trying to tame the angry firebird to put mommy's heart and soul back together. He's been traveling to the empty place many times without knowing it." Amelia argued back. "But the tingling feeling inside warned him about going to his special place over and over again and now he's in danger, along with my mom. The falcon and the crane don't have enough power to help daddy tame the angry firebird because mom is still sleeping in the empty place. I know it sounds crazy but I drew pictures of it!"

The Rangers were speechless in their attempt to persuade Amelia's attempts to use her powers again. However, she did possess Tommy's will and fighting spirit and the child was becoming aware of the destiny ahead of her. Immediately, she ran upstairs to her bedroom and rushed back into the lab carrying her sketchbooks. Amelia dropped them on the table and opened them to reveal the various drawings describing what they just discussed.

"Did you draw all of this?" Trini asked looking at Quinn. "Are these...visions of the future?"

"It's what Amelia sees and for someone at a young age, the ability of far and future sight is very subjective. The future changes but the events that transpire in the present can be altered." Quinn added pointing at each of the pictures. "What Amelia drew are the trials the white falcon is currently facing in his venture beyond the edge of the spirit world. You've experienced this before Rangers and you know there is always a fifty-fifty chance to alter the course of action in order for a potential outcome to work in your fortune."

They studied the picture of what looked like a woman sleeping on a chair and another one that looked like a battle between a figure in white and one in scarlet red. For some reason, something about these pictures concerned the Rangers unsure what to believe or not.

"I know you don't believe me about my mommy because of the funny tingling feeling inside of her. She's trying to remember and every time she is near my dad, she doesn't act funny because of the weird magic inside of her." Amelia explained. "I saw it when mommy took me to the cabin, she's in there but can't wake up. The voices in the far distance are calling to her. Dad needs your power to help him piece mommy's heart and soul together. I can help you...but I need you to trust me that I can be brave like my mom and dad. Please, let me do this."

"There is one place I know that will grant you entry to reach Beyond the Void. It's what they call the edge of the realm between the physical and spirit world." Quinn reluctantly answered. "But we must travel to the hidden kingdom in Reefside Forest to do so. Not many dare to step foot knowing what lies beyond the winding path for they fear what lies beyond the edge of the pathway..."

"If our battleground is taking us beyond the confines of the physical world and into uncharted territories, we'll head there." Jason said firmly as the others nodded in agreement, despite the uncertainty looming within them. "We don't know much about the spiritual world of the Ninjetti but we'll deal with it head on."

"Jason's right, we have a oath and fealty to fulfill to our Winged Lord and Lady of the Skies." Tanya added and looked at Amelia. "We'll face the danger head on but we've done this many times. Amelia, we know how much your parents mean to you and we will do everything in our power to bring them back. You have our word...we're going to save them."

"Hey, how about us?" they heard Connor and the rest of the Dino Thunder Rangers speak up. "We also care about Dr. O and Mrs. Oliver too. There is no way we're going to let you guys go on your little mind trip alone into parts unknown."

"I believe Dino Thunder Rangers you already have your assignment given to you." Quinn said smirking as he gave them one of Amelia's drawings which showed the picture of the sarcophagus, along with a picture of what looked like the Emissary and a picture of Kimberly. "In this war against the Emissary, coincidences are recurring. Tommy's pink princess is being lured by the siren call of the unknown force that beckons her in the distance."

"You mean Mrs. Oliver or Kimberly is making her way to Reefside?" Kira asked.

"I believe it's time another one of those chains binding the original Pink Ranger gets untethered. Your Dino Gems are the key component that can flip the Emissary's work upside down." Quinn said cryptically. "All you have to do is knockdown another part of the Emissary's foundation and the rest will be revealed to you. Seems like an old foe is back in Reefside looking to help maintain those bastard's foothold."

"An old foe...it can't be Mesogog nor Elsa unless..." Trent pondered until it the realization came to Tommy's former students. "No, no you mean Zeltrax?"

"Metal head is still kicking it around?! I thought he was destroyed five years ago how is it..." Ethan replied in disbelief. "...He's a Pillar of the Emissary isn't he?!"

"The true puppet master who was pulling the strings behind the scenes in Reefside five years ago." Quinn stated. "Mesogog was nothing but a mere puppet for the Emissary to manipulate but proved to be expendable once he served his purpose. Out of the seven pillars, Pan is one of the most realist pieces of shit out there. You need to take out the puppeteer before he attempts to reattach the strings again to our wayward ladyship. Two coinciding missions on different planes, fighting for the same common goal."

"You make it sound easy and believe us going up against Pan or Zeltrax, whatever name he goes by wasn't any walk in the park." Connor replied. "What makes you think we can finish him off for good this time? We faced him as Zeltrax but now with the power of the Emissary inside of him this is a real step up."

"Tommy and Kimberly wouldn't have chosen you guys as Power Rangers five years without reason." Jason reassured them. "If there is a collective group of individuals who can put down another member of the Emissary for good, it's you four. You guys know how he fights so use it to your advantage. If this bastard is hell bent on reclaiming Kim for the Emissary don't give him the slightest chance. We have faith you four are capable of knocking down another piece of the Emissary's foundation."

"We take him out...it gives us the edge we need to get Dr. O's wife back." Kira replied. "It won't be easy but nothing was never easy when fighting Zeltrax. Literally, we got to put old metal brain down for good which means...we gonna see some heads rolling by the end of this."

"You know where to find him. He's attempting to reactivate the sarcophagus again knowing the Emissary's resources are severely diminished." Quinn advised the younger Rangers of their mission ahead. "The sarcophagus maybe our one chance to utilize it to work in our fortunes. Besides, I need that thing in tact should what we're attempting works out. While the original crew is wandering the spiritual landscapes of the white falcon's mind, it is your job to take care of things topside on the physical plane."

3:00 p.m

Reefside Forest

In the span of thirty minutes, the original ten veteran Rangers found themselves back in Reefside Forest. However, time was of the essence as the group made the trek deep into the hidden Ninjetti kingdom once again with Amelia in tow and an unconscious Tommy. Upon reaching the plateau, the rest of the Garrison had anticipated their arrival as it looked like another war council session had already concluded.

The Rangers found themselves being greeted by Zordon as the guys carefully laid Tommy on a stone altar. Carefully examining the state of Tommy's condition with the aid of Jade and Dulcea, the three founding members of the Garrison let out a frustrated sigh confirming their suspicions. Now, it was a matter of preparing the Rangers for their upcoming trial.

"It looks bad isn't it?" Jason replied, seeing the frustrated sighs on the Garrisons' faces. Quinn's eyes continued to stare at the lone mountain that presided over the mystical and majestic fabled landscape. "So, what's the verdict with Tommy?"

"Physically, there is no harm done to his body so thank goodness for that. However, the aura of power he is admitting exceeds beyond what we can comprehend." Zordon confirmed with the group. "Without a constant or anchor to sync his powers, the falcon is flying a flightless chartered path without a barren to guide him."

"And unfortunately, he inadvertently travelled somewhere he wasn't suppose to be venturing into?" Adam replied. "So if his physical body is fine, then it's heart and soul that is the thing in trouble right?"

"Precisely, my dear frog." Dulcea explained. "The Ninjetti believe of a plane that exists beyond the physical and spiritual world. A place where the hearts and souls of those venture beyond the edge of the two worlds. The body, mind, heart and soul are connected as one with each aspect of the connection functioning within both footholds. The body itself is a physical shell, a weapon that is used as the arsenal. The mind works as the control that works the physical shell of the body. The true essence of the connection lies within the heart and soul, the aspect that is truly eternal, everlasting. The body may have expired, but the heart and soul remains as long as there is a tie that keeps it bind to the one it is kindred with. It takes a power of its own to reach out beyond the edge of the void."

"The idea of life beyond death, one of the many secrets of true immortality." Aisha replied.

"Immortality...a very fickle subject for many eons and it was the essence that sparked this discord in the first place." Zordon said with a slight chuckle. "However, we will discuss that topic on a more later matter. Right now, we have a mission to fulfill and for you to reach your destination, you must be advised that the uncharted territory you must access is not for the faint of heart."

"I think we been swan diving into many uncharted territories Zordon for a very long time." Justin said with a bit of sarcasm. "We can handle anything that comes our way."

"Then it's settle and guess it's time for this new Ninjetti council to familiarize themselves with the landscape of this kingdom." The members of the Garrison led them across the plateau to where a mountain was clearly visible. "There, along the remote trails into Macalla Mountains at the foot of the mountain lays an old village called the Village of the Whills. The village served as a bridgeway for both the physical and spirit world to travel to the edge of the void. The village is occupied by the wisps and spirits of the village dwellers that perished many eons ago in a great battle for control of the land. Today, they exist as wards that guard the path into the Macalla Mountains."

"Are they really wisps and spirits that haunt the mountain path or something else?" Tanya asked.

"Wisps, spirits, ghosts or phantoms whatever you call them, they are the echoing voices that can be heard all over this land. Yet, they are strong willed and not of the faint of heart. It is the only way you'll endure the trek into the mountain." Quinn said handing them a map. "You'll find the village, the rest will reveal itself to you."

For a minute the ten Ninjetti Rangers stared out at the sight of the mountain. In the faint distance, they heard the sounds of strange ancient whispers as they directed their eyes towards the trails leading deep towards the mountains. The more they dived into the mythology of the Ninjetti, the tales and legends became that of great intrigue. It was becoming evident that in the aftermath of this, they would be the council responsible to continue to preserve the legacy of this prestige ancient order.

"Okay so let us have a clear understanding here?" Zack said. "We have to travel along these trails that leads to the foot of Macalla Mountains to find an old village? The rumor is that it's supposedly haunted by former dwellers of the region who once discovered mastery of traversing beyond the physical and spiritual world? This village is a Bridgeway that will lead us to the edge of the void where Tommy unintentionally travelled to?"

"Precisely, it was where the legend of the mastery of the Power of Waking originated. It can only be mastered by the heirs apparent to the Bloodline of Power and of its royal council." Zordon replied. "That is according to lore but very few have unlocked the Power of Waking within them." He then turns to Quinn giving a nod. "You know more of the lore of the Macalla Mountains and the Garrison cannot deny the one guide to lead the Rangers into the mountains."

"What about the others in Reefside? How are exactly are they going to bring that sarcophagus here?" Jason asked curiously. "While we wonder the spiritual planes and beyond the edge, what about the physical world? How will our actions affect what we do on the inside?"

"Jason has a point." Kat added. "Zeltrax and the Emissary rely heavily on that thing. They won't let it go easily. Who knows what the Emissary is planning."

"We been working on a plan but it involves syncopation from both the physical and spiritual planes for it to work." Jade added as they prepared. "Roxas and the Phantoms are already in position to aid things on the physical plane. Though the Winged Lady of the Skies' status of existence is compromised, her connection to the Ninjetti and Great Power is not." She then turned to Amelia. "The pink crane and our ladyship still endures, little defender. It is the white falcon's plight to try to coincide the heart and soul of the shadow and light within his soulmate. He is piecing together two sides of one coin to unify as one...even if it may cost him a price he must pay to do so."

"Even if Tommy succeeds, there's still a chance something will happen to him?" Trini asked solemnly hoping Amelia wouldn't overhear. To think of the possibility that if they defeated the Emissary for good, was there a price to that victory in the future? They're fighting to save Kim, but they didn't want to look far ahead to the outcome.

"We will deal with that when the time comes." Zordon abruptly spoke up. "For now, we can sense an imbalance occurring within the spaces in-between. Good luck and be careful Rangers. The trek along the mountain path is only step. Going deeper beyond the physical realm is a challenge all on its own. Only those who prove their valor and fealty to the Great Power and the Ninjetti will be granted safe passage to the edge of the void. Be mindful, brave and remember... search inside of you the power you wield."

"Right!" they all said. Zordon smiled and the rest of the Garrison gave them a nod of appreciation as the risks ahead wouldn't stop them.

"The whispers from those long ago will yield to those who have the full force of the Ninjetti." She said, leading them to the far side overlooking the mountain. "Remember; to those who possess the heart, mind, body, and soul of Ninjetti, anything is possible. The spirits of this land will bow to those who swear oath to the true claimants of the Bloodline of Power. The council who are guided by the sacred animals to fulfill their fealty. The way will be challenging, but true strength lies in those who trust it." The Rangers were given the last of the essentials needed for the trek into the mountains. The group soon made their exit from the plateau and started their journey onward.

Somewhere in Downtown Reefside

Back in Reefside, the Dino Thunder Rangers were given a tracker by Hayley to find Pan and the Emissary. She programmed it to detect the energy signatures of the sarcophagus since it was energized by the Dino Gems long ago. They scoped out the hideouts that were once used five years ago by the Emissary and got a hold of some old commercial property listings from Anton Mercer. However, every area they investigated, there was no sign of the Emissary or Pan.

They kept contact with Hayley every hour to give an updated report and for any news on suspicious activity. They were thankful Anton and Elsa decided to aid Hayley back at the lab to get some insight on the Emissary's activities from five years back. Nevertheless, the group knew these people were masters at covering their tracks.

Besides the tracker, the Dino Thunder Rangers were also given one more essential item to help with their mission. They were reluctant at first to take it because of the memories it brought up. None of the boys didn't want the burden of carrying the object around until Kira volunteered to take responsibility.

While investigating the industrial district of the city, Ethan started noticing the tracker going off near the factory areas. Every once in awhile, Kira will glance down at the object she was carrying: the Pink Dino Gem. If fortune was on their side or the powers that be somehow they prayed for a big break. They prayed for once that Lady Luck wasn't as cruel to them as they imagined.

The fact that they were going into the field with a vague battle plan and relying heavily on coincidence to get by was an understatement. Most of them wished that part of the Kimberly Hart-Oliver they knew as a friend and mentor a few years back was still inside what was known as the Scarlet Sovereign. The few times they had encountered her they came across a woman who spent the last five years deprived of the life she once knew.

Despite the mixed reactions and questions of her current state of existence, they still held onto that fading hope. Like Tommy and Amelia, his former students believed the same thing the young family did despite the emotional turmoil it put them through. This is why they signed up for this to help father and daughter give them back the person that meant the world to them.

The signal from the tracker pinged at a particular location as the Dino Thunder Rangers stopped at an infamous location.

"You got to be kidding me?!"

Connor was the first to voice his disbelief looking at Ethan who eyed the building with the same dismayed look his teammates and friends had. Not one of them wanted to set foot in that building, not after what happened five years ago. Besides, they actually witnessed the final confrontation between Mesogog and the Emissary against Tommy and Kimberly that night.

"Believe me dude, I'm in the same vote as you guys." Ethan murmured glancing as the signal on the tracker got louder. "But there's something in there of interest."

"The last time we were in this factory building five years ago we saw Dr. O's world crumble right before his eyes." Kira said, softly. "We unfortunately got front row seats to see what was Dr. O and Mrs. Oliver's last moments together. We finally put Mesogog down for good, but not without a sacrifice."

"Yeah and that was five years stolen from Dr. O and Amelia when the Emissary took Kimberly away from them." Trent sighed. "Kimberly died that night in Dr. O's arms, then he buried her and mourned her. What they did to her, bringing her back from wherever she was...no words can describe it."

"But yet she is still in there somehow fighting and surviving after all these years." Connor reassured. "If we know our former teachers those two will go through hell and back for each other. They are each other's world and the one thing those two care about more than themselves is their daughter. We can sometimes question Dr. O's emotional state and judgment, but we can't doubt the lengths he'll go to for the ones he loves."

"That's why we're here...to help Dr. O finish what was started five years ago with this war between the Garrison and Emissary." Kira replied. "And for Amelia's future too."

"For a little girl only seven years old, the world around her suddenly got bigger and confusing." Trent said. "Still at the end of the day if there is one thing Dr. O would wish for that is for Amelia to have a normal, happy childhood."

"And yet those bastards who tore through our city are raising hell in both Angel Grove and Reefside." Ethan said as they continued to explore the factory. The signal on the tracker got louder while they continued to ascend up the abandon factory. They remained cautious and on alert as they heard someone or something in the building. Kira felt her hand getting warm which got the attention of the guys.

"Okay the Pink Dino Gem is reacting to something...or someone in this building." Kira stared in awe at the glowing gem. "Guys, my gut tells me that the gem isn't glowing by coincidence. We're close to the source of whatever it is we're looking for."

"Then what are we waiting for?!" Ethan replied as they continued to climbing up the building.

The signal on the tracker beeped faster and faster until they found themselves in front of the access to the rooftop. Connor opened the door and took the lead. The four young Rangers headed up to the roof and surprisingly found themselves staring at the source of the tracking signal.

It wasn't hard to recognize the face of the original Pink Ranger but she had her back turned to them. They could vaguely hear Kimberly talking to herself as if she was somehow drawn to this place. On the contrary, they weren't sure if they either walked into a trap or something unexpected.

"I...I...can sense you guys coming from a mile away." She suddenly spoke up and turned around. "I don't know what's happening to me but something is calling to me."

"Kimberly?! Mrs. Oliver, do...do...you know who we are?" Kira asked. "Do you remember this place? Do you know what happened here?"

"I'm not sure but something tells me I been here before. Something went down here from a previous life that is urging me to recall." Kim said. "I'm getting these flashes and you people were in it too. Did I know you in a previous life?"

"You did because you and Dr. Oliver were our mentors when we first became Power Rangers." Connor replied. "This...this was the place where it happened."

She looked around for a brief moment and suddenly she was hit with flashbacks of a battle. She shuttered for a moment and for a brief minute saw an image of herself and Tommy wearing Black and Pink costumes fighting what looked like Emissary ninjas alongside someone named Mesogog. However, she was drawn to the glowing pink rock that Kira held in her hand and something about it made her stare at it in awe.

A few moments later, she was hit with a flashback of seeing herself being stabbed with a dagger by Mesogog and closed her eyes. There was a moment she saw what looked like Tommy cradling her in his arms dying from her wounds. The memories continued to come back to her in quick flashes as she continued to look at the Pink Dino Gem.

"I was here and this is where it happened." Kimberly said, trying to come to grips of the memories she relived. "Did...was this the place I...I..."died?" I was killed here five years ago at this exact place. Tommy, he was with me in my final moments? Something brought me here to the place where I experienced death. I want it to stop, the voices that call to me." The Dino Thunder Rangers suspected that the Pink Dino Gem was somehow triggering Kimberly's memory lapse. "That gem?! The power...I feel it."

"Maybe this is what you need if you let us help you, Kim." Kira said as she took a step forward holding out the Pink Dino Gem. "I think you know the voice calling out to you because he needs you help. You're the only one that can help him, your Winged Lord of the Skies, your white falcon. You may have been lured to the place where your life ended. However, the irony in all of this is...I think this is where your life is about to restart once again. So tell us, what are you looking for?"

"I'm looking for what I desire, what I'm longing for but I don't feel whole." Kimberly said as she flinched but then extended her arm out. "I think I know who I am. I know whose calling out to me. The power waking up inside, it calls to me, to her, and the one with the traversing heart. I know what I want and that is to wake up."

"Then...then take that first step to finally wake up."

"Don't you dare grab that?!" A panicking and sinister voice bellowed out a moment too late the second Kimberly reached out to grab the Pink Dino Gem. It started glowing in her hands but she let out an agonizing scream due to the power surge. The four young Rangers turned around to find themselves outnumbered and surrounded by Pan and the Emissary. They got into a fighting stance as the power of the gem became too much for Kim as it once again reconnected itself to her. "What have you done?!"

At that moment, Connor took the lead with Trent and Ethan providing backup. The guys looked at Kira as the the trio put themselves right in the middle to protect the Yellow Dino Thunder Ranger and Kimberly. The guys knew the odds were stacked against them but everything was now being set in motion. If this was their mission, then they were going to fulfill a promise that was long overdue for five years.

"What we're doing is our mission and we're going to make sure we complete it, even if it means finishing what we started with you five years ago!" The Rangers declared defiantly holding up their old Dino Morphers ready for a fight. "We been waiting a long time for this Pan. Or should we call you Zeltrax like old times?"

Reefside Forest

As the events in Reefside City continued, deep in the hidden Ninjetti Kingdom the ten original veteran Rangers alongside Quinn and Amelia continued with their mission. It only made the trek longer carrying an unconscious Tommy with them. They were already miles away from the plateau and spent most of the day trekking along the mountain trail path. The sight of the Macalla Mountain became bigger the closer the group approached it. They were warned about obstacles earlier by the Garrison but haven't encountered any along the way. However, the ghost stories and urban legends of this particular region of the kingdom were highly noted making the Rangers feel on edge.

They came across the many bones of those who once settled in the region along with the remains and ruins of old encampments and settlements along the trail. It was also noted that there were some remains and bones of those that didn't look human that looked like what many would claim to be mythical creatures. Quinn took lead as their guide briefly giving the Rangers an insight to the history of the Macalla Mountain region and various urban legends told long ago.

It reminded them that there was life beyond Earth and in the universe and it left them to question how long has this kingdom been here and who have traveled to their planet many eons ago. Yet, something about this region gave off an unsettling feeling as if the land itself was truly haunted by the spirits of the many who lived and ventured here once upon a time. How many legends and stories were told that gave this place its validation for the many unsent souls who were destined to roam from the great beyond. By the middle of the afternoon, they came across what looked like a battle outpost along with the bones wearing the tattered remains of ancient robes.

"What is this place?" Aisha asked.

"Looks like some sort of battle graveyard." Observed Billy.

"I wonder what happened to them all." said Kat.

"Personally I rather not find out." Jason retorted. "This place is a definite ghost town."

"This goes beyond an average ghost town." Rocky replied as the Rangers were startled by another ominous round of whispers echoing in the air. It was hard to ignore it because it was multiple whispers and echos. Suddenly, they flinched as soon dozens of wisps and pyreflies began to rise up from the ground. It looked like hundreds of multi colored crystals or sparkles dancing around in the air but they couldn't make what it meant.

"We're almost close to the foot of Macalla Mountain and the village." Quinn announced looking around at the hundreds of pyreflies. "It's a rare occurrence for the spirits of the region to provide safe travels to those who dare venture up the mountain trail." They watched as Quinn walked over to the bones of the remains clothed in ancient robes as he quietly stood over them. Reaching into his pocket, he pulled out what looked a coin and dropped it in the circle. "For old time sake."

"Who were they?" Adam asked curiously.

"One of the many dwellers who once resided in this region. This was an outpost long ago for vagabond travelers journeying to the mountain village." Quinn explained looking at the remains. "These bones were once priests who offered spiritual guidance and prayers for those who wished for safe passage. As a token, one gave a tribute in the form of a coin to pay homage to the spirits that perished long ago." However, Amelia looked at the bones and observed them carefully. She saw a mental image of a young boy and girl from many years ago. For some reason, the two young kids she had a vision of were of great importance once upon a time.

"These people were more than priests or shamans. They were very powerful and mysterious people that used to live here before." Amelia said looking around the area. "A boy and girl once passed here a very long time ago. The mountain people said they learned a very, very top secret. I can hear them whispering and echoing in the wind, the sounds of the many people who are like the tiny spotted colored lights dancing. They learned how to travel to the empty place a very long time ago and taught other people how to do that. These people had many secrets but kept them for very good reasons. Is that true, Quinn?"

"What is she talking about?" Justin asked and then turned to Amelia. "Did your special powers make you see something, kiddo?"

"I drew him before...the boy in the story who formed the Garrison, and the girl who was his second in command." Amelia explained, much to Quinn's amusement. "Did they also learn the very special ability like what daddy did too? The one that got him stuck in the empty place? Those kids it's like they know mommy and daddy."

"The founder of the Garrison, he had that power too?! The Power of Waking?!" The Rangers interrogated.

"The Power of Waking extends to more than the revival an restoration of one's heart and soul. It also incorporates the means of retaining eternal consciousness beyond the physical and spiritual world through absolute selflessness." Quinn said. The others readily agreed to continued with their journey. It was nearing sunset when they finally came in full view of Macalla Mountain. At the foot of the mountain was a clearing with an abandoned settlement which could only mean it they reached the village. It was evident that the place had been long deserted but the exterior of the buildings had been kept well preserved over the many years.

"Incredible, this looks like something out of a painting." The Rangers stopped right at the entrance of the village. The visual setting of the village reminded them of an impressionist's artists interpretation of a rural mountainside landscape. There was a large stream and pond that ran through the village and a waterfall near the base of the mountain entrance. Jason stepped forward trailing behind Quinn as the Garrison founder observed the land.

"Even the whills themselves kept the land itself in a state of eternal consciousness." Quinn said, but he figured the Rangers still had some inquiries to ask.

"The remains of those ancient priests or shamans we passed earlier." Jason asked. "Were they the founders of this village?"

"Look, more pyreflies again rising up." Zack said.

"The remains that we passed at the outpost, they were a collective group of high priests of the Ninjetti Order long ago. Ancient beings, like Zordon and the Garrison from long ago who formed together to protect the legacy of the Ninjetti and the Great Power's history and secrets. When the Garrison was formed many eons ago, we were required to learn and understand the history of the Ninjetti in order to safeguard the heir apparent to the Bloodline of Power. When the founders first established this kingdom, it was tasked to chronicle the history of the Great Power and the Ninjetti from beyond the stars." He paused to allow them to take time to take in everything he said. He also recalled his memories and those of his fellow Garrison members during their early formation days. "The last time we came upon this village, it was known as the Village of the Whills, the bridgeway beyond the physical and spiritual realm. It was over four thousand years ago, the settlers of this area came upon wayward travelers and taught them the secrets of the Power of Waking. Only a few selective individuals were given that opportunity to partake in a mastery of skill pilgrimage."

"Well the history of the Ninjetti just keeps getting interesting." Muttered Tanya.

"The Village of the Whills is known as a pilgrimage stop solely dedicated to initiate a rite of passage to members of the Ninjetti Order." He led the group around the village until they came upon the waterfall. The Rangers felt a sensation rush through them and they suspected that this reclusive village was anything but ordinary. It was as if the spirits of this land still lingered as if everyday life still resumed.

As they ventured through the village, they were hit with a multitude of flashbacks or memories being relived like a movie. They saw flashes of the earlier days of the founding members of the Garrison bringing a young boy and girl to the village square. There were images of the high priests of the Whills training the Garrison in the ways of the Ancient Ninjetti and eons later applying that same training with the young boy and girl. What startled the Rangers was seeing a later vision of the young boy and girl grown up many years later and seeing their coins being blessed by the high priests and inhabitants of the village. They were being addressed in an ancient language.

"The boy and girl in the visions we been seeing?! He was the boy who started Earth's chapter of the Garrison four thousand years ago?" Adam replied as the others opened their eyes. "The girl was his second in the command. They were the predecessors of the Bloodline of Power?! The first Winged Lord and Lady of the Skies?! The falcon and the crane?! They were bestowed their claimant when they completed their mastery of skills in their pilgrimage?!"

"You all came here too over four thousand years ago?!" Trini asked as the Rangers decided to settle their unconscious leader on the ground in the village square.

"We wouldn't have survived the trek to Macalla Mountain and to the Village of the Whills if..." They felt a swift gust of wind sweep through the village as the pyreflies began to rise up. The waterfall began to glow along with the water flowing from the village stream. They were hearing chants in an ancient language as the pyreflies took spectral shapes shrouded in a faint multicolored glow. To their surprise, spectral forms resembled that of the the high priests they saw earlier in the outpost each standing on opposite sides of the waterfall. However, their glances were drawn to Amelia and Tommy as if they knew who they were and in a show of courtesy gave a formal bow.

"The Power of Waking, it's the mastery of skills test anyone inducted into the Ninjetti faces." Quinn explained looking at the shining waterfall. The Rangers were confused and also wondering what all of it meant. Something told them that the glowing waterfall was their way to where Tommy was currently stuck. "Beyond the veil of the physical and spiritual realm, one must master a state of eternal consciousness. It is more than just the restoration of one's heart and soul, it's about achieving an eternal state of immortality through a fleet of absolute selflessness. The mountain inhabitants that long ago resided upon this land are known as the Whills, the ancient high priests and priestesses of the Ninjetti Order. They will only teach the mastery of skills to those...who are the true council and heir apparent to the throne of the kingdom. The Whills have granted you passage to venture beyond the veil to complete your mastery of skill. You are the future of this new order and new guardians to the heir apparent of the Bloodline of Power. It is your fealty and oath...to ensure that the true lordship and ladyship complete their mastery of skill to reclaim their claimant."

"Exactly where the hell are we traveling to if we step through that waterfall?" Jason asked.

"You'll find yourselves venturing into the spirit realm of the white falcon. However, there is a presence that guards the pathway to where your lordship currently presides in his attempt to awaken the beating heart in the void." Quinn continued and glanced at Amelia and Tommy. "The veil will remain open as long as the little defender keeps the bridge in tact. Should you find Tommy, he will need your council to guide him to rediscover the power slumbering in him. Everything is already being put in motion and all you have to do is set things up on the other side of the veil."

"Please, find my daddy and my mommy you guys?" Amelia spoke up addressing the group. "I can feel them both in the empty place. Daddy is fighting the angry Firebird but he needs mom to wake up. But he can't put mommy's heart and soul back together without waking up sleeping tingling feeling in him. I know you can get in there, especially you Uncle Jason. All you have to do...is make someone you once fight yield."

"We promise we'll save your parents, you have our word, little lady." Jason agreed as the others nodded. "Okay then, let's do this. Amelia, watch over your dad."

"Don't worry I always will keep an eye on daddy." Amelia reassured them.

"Be mindful of what surrounds you beyond the veil. Focus on the task at hand and travel onward beyond the edge to seek out the Winged Lord and Lady of the Skies. And remember, there will be a gatekeeper task at delaying your venture. Only a trial by combat will grant you amnesty to traverse forward should you make the familiar looming shadow yield to the lordship's council." Taking a deep breath, one by one the ten original Rangers walked into the shallow stream of water towards the waterfall. All at once, they closed their eyes and reached their arms out into the cascading waterfall. For the Rangers, it felt like they were pulled on the other side as a blinding light took over. However, in reality, Quinn and Amelia watched the moment they stuck their hands in the waterfall, they all glowed their respective colors and fell unconscious. He moved to lay each one of them comfortably on the ground at the edge of the shallow riverbank. The spectral forms of the ancient priests continued to watch over the group continuing to mutter in an ancient dialect.

"He won't make it easy for them to reach my parents but he guards the way out of kindred ship. The burning rage and fury over what was done to his soulmate still boils."

"Maybe that is why he let your father through in the first place, thinking he can tame the unyielding fire that burns wildly. The fiery and uncontrollable urging that looms beyond the edge of the void holds no boundaries. On the contrary, this is the mastery of skill you have presented to them knowing full well how this will play out. Two sides of the same coin will be reforge but yet, it will remain unbowed, unbent and unbroken. Light and shadow will still contradict one another for control and dominion."

"And yet...you still risked it all knowing what you did because they're asking you." Amelia said receiving cryptic glances from the spectral forms watching over them. The power inside of her felt a heavy weight upon her body. "They're speaking about your future Quinn and the results of your actions and reactions to what will happen."

"It doesn't matter now because I fulfilled my promise I couldn't make to your family five years ago." Quinn stated.

"But still they say that you have fulfilled your fealty and oath to the Garrison." Amelia replied staring curiously. "They keep saying soon it will come to a head. Quinn, are these weird floating glowing things fortune tellers? Can they see into the future? Does this place show people the future because they're saying they can see mine."

"I don't know what to say to you little one except the priests of the Whills speak on behalf of the ancient spirits and the Great Power. It is their fealty to fulfill the will of the Ancient Ninjetti and follow it. They are more than just lingering spirits, they see into the past, present and future." He answered her. "However, any explanation I give you will be irrelevant because I knew the moment I made this trek up the mountain."

"What is it then? What did you do Quinn?" Amelia asked.

"I have sealed my own fate and destiny to set in motion your parents' next course of action." Quinn said looking at them. "By doing so, they have confirmed who will write out this final chapter, even if it means my time is limited to see it played out."

Inside the Spirit World

The Rangers opened their eyes and let out a light grunt. They were looking back and found that there was no waterfall behind them or village. Instead, they found themselves standing in front of a luxury estate lakehouse. Something about it looked elegant, poised but also gave off that feeling of isolation and reclusiveness. It looked like it was dusk judging by the weather but something about this house urged the Rangers to step in. Slowly, but cautiously Jason led the way and carefully opened the front door of the house and walked inside.

"Where are we?" Justin asked.

"Judging by the looks of things, I think this is the spirit world." Adam answered. "We've hadn't had much practice back in the day on venturing into the spirit world unlike Tommy and Kimberly. This is something beyond the extraordinary."

"The fact that somehow we found a way into Tommy's personal spirit world?" Jason pointed out looking around the foyer of the house. He observed the interior design of the place from the furniture to the decor. He saw that there were a multitude of pictures hanging all over the house. They were images of the happier days of his little sister and best friend. "You can tell that this place does have Tommy and Kimberly's personal touch to it."

"You can say that again." Zack replied as they ventured to the upstairs foyer. "So why does Tommy's personal spirit world resemble that of a luxury lakehouse?"

"They used to talk about it about this dream about living out by a lakehouse should they retire from "this life" and raise Amelia." Trini said looking around. "The lake is very symbolic to them because it represents the foundation of where their love started."

"Okay so we're here on the inside." Rocky said. "The question is how do we go further in to reach where Tommy is."

"I'm not sure but this seems too easy." Tanya said warily. "Quinn says that we got to be mindful and focus on the destination we want to get to. He did warn us that there is supposedly a gatekeeper that will keep us from reaching Tommy...and Kimberly for that matter."

"Tanya has a point so we can't take things easily. Nothing is never easy when you're inside one's personal space." Jason advised the others. They spotted a door down the end of the foyer and felt a familiar pull to it. The closer they approached, they felt the stirring and restlessness of the presence of the falcon and crane. It sounded like the the mated animal spirits were calling out to one another. The ground began to tremble when they heard an angry screech of a firebird and the loud roar of a dragon which meant something ominous was about to come.

"Okay that doesn't sound welcoming." Kat said. "Unless those animal cries mean we might be trespassers to them."

"Well we're almost close and we got to get to that door." Jason urged the others on. "I got a feeling that Tommy is beyond that door and he needs us." Before Jason had the chance to turn the handle, he heard an eerie tune that sounded like it was being played on a flute. However, it sent a chill to him and the rest of the Rangers the louder the music got. They heard footsteps slowly approaching them until something was projectile in their direction forcing the Rangers to quickly drop to the ground. There was a sinister and familiar malicious evil laugh that followed afterwards that halted the Rangers' progress.

"Oh no, no this can't be happening?! Tell me this is some sort of sick joke our minds are playing on us."

"This is no sick joke." Jason said gritting his teeth at the figure standing before them. He knew that costume all too well after all these years. Deep down, he knew that looming shadow that long existed in Tommy laid dormant in the confines of Tommy's inner heart. It was the other side of their fearless leader's coin that had the ability to shift both the forces of light and darkness to its core. Jason took a step forward ready for a fight. "I knew you somehow would be lurking in the shadows waiting for us."

"It seems like nothing doesn't get past my old adversary, doesn't it Red Ranger?"the familiar adversary maliciously said. "Looks like you found the way in."

"And it looks like if we have to get to Tommy and Kimberly...we have to get pass the gatekeeper that stands in our way," Jason said glaring. "What do you say, Green Ranger?"