One-Shot: A Place Called Home

A calm night was settling fast over a festive Christmas Day in Stars Hollow, Connecticut. In the potting shed behind the Independence Inn, Lorelai and 11-year-old Rory Gilmore prepared for bed. The nightly ritual required a little adjustment this evening, as Rory would be trying out her brand new trundle bed at the foot of the mattress that now solely belonged to her mom. This would be the first time the little girl had her own place to sleep since she had dozed in the bassinet as an infant, at the foot of Lorelai's bed.

"What do you think you'd want for Christmas next year, sweets?" Lorelai asked as she tucked her daughter in.

Rory shrugged. "It would be pretty hard to top this Christmas. More books, maybe." Then, an unexpected return question: "What about you?"

Lorelai bit her lip and frowned, wondering if she should answer. Rory was growing fast... and the potting shed wasn't exactly growing with her. Or either of them. Lorelai knew what she would want this time next Christmas... but it would take a Herculean effort and a windfall of money to make it happen. Still, she answered honestly. "I want us to have a real house."

Rory's gaze softened sympathetically. "Mom... it doesn't matter to me where we live. But if it makes you happy, I'll dream with you." Seeing her mother's eyes fill with tears at Rory's selflessness, Rory began to sing one of her favorite new show tunes to comfort Lorelai. It was based on the classic Charles Dickens story, but Rory had fallen in love with it after learning it was by the same composer who wrote all her favorite Disney films: "There's a place called home, I can almost see, with a red front door and a roaring fire and a Christmas tree. Yes, a place called home, full of love and family. And I'm there at the door, watching you come home to me... To a place called home and a life for two..."

"You'll have everything you could ever want!" Lorelai sang along even as she made the vow herself.

"All I want is you!" Rory smiled.

"And a place called home, you and I will always be," mother and daughter sang together. "In the dark of the night, let your heart come home to me... To a place called home, and to life with you. Where the days are long, and the love is strong, and the dreams are true. To a place called home, you and I will always be. In the dark of the night let your heart come home to me. To a place in my heart, where you're always home with me..."

The song done, Lorelai smiled. "Alan Menken. Can't beat the tear-jerkers!"

Rory giggled. Lorelai tucked her daughter into the covers of the trundle bed and kissed her forehead. "Good night, sweets. I love you!"

Rory stared up at Lorelai, eyes full of adoration. "Oh Mom... you have no idea how much!"