Disclaimer: I own nothing

On a hillside cliff in Athens, Ares draws his battle axe and prepares to attack Wonder Woman. The snow is falling fast. Wonder Woman swings her sword at his neck, only for Ares to counter it with his axe. Ares kicks her in the stomach and swings his axe at her but Wonder Woman counters the attack with her shield, which she blunts Ares with and then she throws her shield at him, disorienting him. The shield came back to her and she spun vertically and kicked Ares in the jaw. She then used a low sweep to knock him off his feet. She begins to impale him only for Ares to disintegrate her sword. She pulls her leg and knocks her down and they both then get back on their feet. They both fly up.

Ares blasts Wonder Woman with a huge amount of energy and sends Wonder Woman flying through several buildings. When Ares catches up to her, he punches her to the ground and placed his foot on her back. "You are so pathetic, Diana. And here I was thinking you were the best Themyscira had to offer. Only weapons made by the Gods can harm me." Wonder Woman grabs his leg and throws him off her. Ares is sent flying through a few buildings. They both fly up. "You can't win Diana."

She throws her shield at him but Ares sends it flying in another general direction. The God of War was powerful, powerful indeed. He blasted her with an energy blast but Wonder Woman blocks the attack with her indestructible bracelets and stands her ground. Using them, she countered the attack and sent the energy blast back at him. Five A.R.G.U.S. planes then show up and begin firing missiles at Ares but with little or no effect. "Stay out of my battle primitive mortals!" Using his godly telekinetic powers and crunches them up into big metal balls and sends them to the ground. Ares lands on the ground and sees 10 A.R.G.U.S. tanks and 500 A.R.G.U.S. soldiers surrounding him. They begin throwing everything they got at Ares. Gas bombs, grenades, armor piercing rounds, javelin rockets, machine gun bullets, RPG missile, tank rounds, and mustard gas. None of it was effective. Not even a scratch. Ares then began to build up power. Ares releases a lot of energy in a single blast-field and it disintegrates all 500 soldiers and all 10 tanks.

Wonder Woman then grabs Ares with her Lasso of Truth. She flies up, high. And she has her Lasso go farther with Ares going with it. Once it reached the outer atmosphere, the line stops, and Wonder Woman yanks Ares back down and Ares just kept falling until it left a small crater in the street. Wonder Woman floats down and sees Ares, who is exhausted, get back up on his feet. "This is not possible! I should not be drained!"

"You said only weapons made by the Gods can harm you. Let us finish you off." Wonder Woman ties a loop with her Lasso and ties it around Ares' neck. She then uses the electric wires to wrap the other end around. She pulls Ares up to the wires where she hanged him. "Hanging you with the Lasso of Truth is not enough though. Let us give the Lasso the charge it needs." Wonder Woman picks up her shield and throws it at the wires and the wires get cut. The electricity is syphoned into the Lasso of Truth and Ares gets electrocuted. Ares was still breathing. "You are still breathing, but you are weak enough to be taken back to Themyscira to stand trial, there you will either be killed by the Gods, or banished to Tartarus." Just then, the whole legion of A.R.G.U.S. soldiers appeared. "You men, get him down. I will take him back to Themyscira from here." Amanda Waller shows up. "Amanda, you fried the wrong man. Ares manipulated the Joker who manipulated Superman into committing the Metropolis incident. And if you think you can hold the God of War in prison, don't make me laugh."

"I assume you have proof?"

"He will not deny it when he comes around."

"Very well Wonder Woman. But I will accompany you to Themyscira to hear this."


Meanwhile, Superman was facing Supergirl and Batman, who is wearing his kryptonite armor. The three of them knew this was part of Ares' plan. Superman shoots his heat vision at them and Supergirl countered with her own heat vision. Batman charges at him and Superman swats him away. He pins Supergirl to the ground. He tries to punch her only for his fist to be caught by Supergirl. His hand opens. A kryptonite baterang hits Superman and he throws Supergirl at Batman. Batman gets back up on his feet and begins punching him. Left hook, then right hook, then left and right and he just kept doing that repeatedly. He the grabs Superman's neck from behind and makes a chokehold. Superman grabs him and throws him to the ground and then punches him but misses. Superman is then hit by Supergirl. Back and forth, Supergirl and Batman kept punching and kicking Superman. Superman eventually uses his super breath to blow away Batman.

Supergirl keeps fighting her cousin. She punches him in the chest but Superman then counters with his heat vision. Supergirl grabs his face and pushes it upward redirecting the heat vision. It did not last very long. But it lasted long enough for Supergirl to throw him against the wall and cover his eyes. Superman however uses his heat vision at full power and burns a hole through Supergirl's hand. Superman is then attacked by Batman who is repeatedly punching and kicking him. The kryptonite in Batman's armor continues to weaken Superman. Superman knew he could not beat Batman in hand to hand combat. However, Superman knew Batman long enough to counter his moves. The next time Batman threw a punch, Superman caught it. Superman then kicked Batman in the knees, however due to kryptonite exposure, his strength was limited. Superman threw Batman onto the ground. Batman gets up and tries throwing a few punches at Superman, but they are repeatedly being blocked. Superman then karate chops Batman in the guts. Batman falls to his knees. He tries to get back up only for him to be knocked down again. Superman grabs Batman and throws him at the wall. Batman gets back up. Superman's eyes glow red. But Supergirl grabs Superman's leg but Superman kicks her away. This worked long enough for Batman to tackle Superman to the ground. Batman continually punches Superman. Batman pulls out a glowing yellow knife and stabs Superman in the shoulder. Batman removes the gold kryptonite and throws it away. Superman is temporarily depowered. Batman picks up an injured Supergirl and walks away. "That knife, Bruce, what was it?"

"Gold kryptonite. Enough exposure can depower Kryptonians permanently. However, the amount of exposure you have, you won't have your powers for the next 72 hours." Batman takes Supergirl to the Batjet as Superman lies on the ground, bleeding and powerless.

The next day, Superman's regeneration capsule in the Fortress of Solitude has fully healed Superman's kryptonite-related wound. He returns to the Hall of Justice. Hawkman and Hawkgirl were in the training room, Martian Manhunter was reading a book by H. G. Wells, Doctor Fate was meditating, and Green Lantern and Aquaman were playing a game of chess. Wonder Woman walks up behind Superman. "Kal, I am going to take a leave of absence. I have to return to Themyscira. To tie up some loose ends."

"Ares' trial?"

"Yes. Zeus has already decreed that if Ares is found guilty, he would spend eternity in Tartarus."



"I don't know what came over me in Athens."

"It was grief for Lois. Batman would've done the same thing if he hadn't made himself incorruptible."

"Return to Themyscira. The world is going to need the Justice League more now. I won't be able to get back into the field for another two days."

"See you then Kal." Wonder Woman walks out of the room.

The next day, in Themyscira, Wonder Woman watches as Ares is thrown into a portal into Tartarus. At a Gotham City hospital, Lex Luthor begins to wake up. The nurse walks over as he groans. "What did I miss?" He asked. In the Hall of Justice, Superman receives a note from Batman. He reads it.

"Clark, I know we haven't been the best of friends recently. But it seems I was wrong about Ares. I wished we had worked together to stop him, but our pride had to get in the way. I am sorry for Lois, and I am sorry for Metropolis. I wish we agreed on the Meta-Human Registration Act. I really do. But I will still resist it. And if this world is going to be at peace, then none of the Justice League will be locked up." Just then, an alarm from the Fortress of Solitude goes off. Superman looks on the screen to see none of the Phantom Zone containment fields broken. The phone rings. Superman answers it.

"Superman, this is Amanda Waller, we have a code red situation in the Fortress of Solitude…"

"Yeah, please hold."

"No, don't…" Superman presses the hold button as he knows what is going on. He reads on.

"But should you need us, for any reason, we'll be there." In the Fortress of Solitude, Batman and Supergirl have busted into the prison where the Flash, Cyborg, Shazam, Green Arrow, Black Canary, and Zatanna were being held. Supergirl uses her heat vision to break them all out. Batman looks at them and says "Justice League unite."