Garp's POV of a scene in a later Deep Blue Sea chapter. Posted early as a holiday gift to y'all, and because I'm feeling evil.

"Why so dour?"

The glare Noir sent him was not amused. Ah. She still hadn't let go of her grudge then. Damn. "In case it slipped your mind, we're fighting a war with Sea-damned Whitebeard in two days. For which I had to leave my crew behind in the New World so Akainu didn't try to drag them into the middle of this clusterfuck. Oh, and Sengoku is making me wear a fucking monkey suit."

The last words were almost a hiss between clenched teeth as Noir sent a downright acidic glare at the dress bag folded over the back of a chair.

Garp perked up. Was that- It was. He laughed. "You look good in a suit, Noir." She really did. That, and if Garp didn't find Noir's irrational hate for them so amusing, he wouldn't try to get her to wear them more often than she did. Which was never, unless directly ordered.

An hour ago Garp would have added a comment about impressing that pirate of hers. Now he held his tongue, all too aware of the report in his jacket pocket. Garp didn't think Noir would be all that fond of the Yonko after reading it.

"I'm not a monkey." Noir groused. "What are- for Sea's sake, are you certain you aren't a cat?"

Bah. A little curiosity never hurt anyone. Garp eyed the suit inside the now unzipped dress bag, before pouting at Noir. "You chose the most boring outfit possible." Black suit, vest, and tie, and a white shirt. The pocket square was better. Marginally. A pretty floral print but still no color at all!

Noir smirked at him. "Haven't you heard? Black's my color."

Well, yes, Noir's Admiral color was to be black if Sengoku or his eventual successor promoted her. That wasn't the point. "That doesn't stop you from wearing other colors!" Sakazuki, Borsalino, and Kuzan wore other colors with their main one.

"I've got white as well."

Garp glowered at the far too smug woman. Brat was being stubborn on purpose, the little shit. Fine, Garp could be stubborn too. He'd simply buy her better ties and make them a promotion gift so she couldn't refuse or toss them. Hmm, he could even add in some outrageous ones to annoy her…

"Is there a reason you're here?" Noir asked, interrupting plans for teaching the brat about unnecessary stubbornness. "I'm due to spar with your apprentices in an hour and I'd like to finish this thrice-damned paperwork before that."

"I'll spar with them." Noir had an iron clad control over her temper, but Garp didn't want to test it against Coby and Helmeppo. Not with this. This wasn't Sakazuki trying to poach Sile for the umpteenth time. This was going to be like when he told her of Rouge and Ace's deaths, after the South Blue Purges had ended. When they should have been safe.

Noir paused, pinning Garp with a narrow-eyed stare even as she lowered the file in her hand. He carefully did not grimace. Damn Observation Haki; Garp hadn't been able to hide anything from Noir since she made Rear Admiral.

"What happened."

Not a question. Not a request. This was an order for information. Now.

Garp still outranked Noir. He could refuse.

He handed over Cadence's report.

Her First Mate's name on the report garnered a moment of hesitation before grim determination settled along the line of Noir's shoulders. She flipped the file open, brown eyes scanning the summary report.

Seconds later Noir nearly ripped the report in half searching for the casualty list and she blanched. Brown eyes flicked from name to name, and Garp knew she was matching faces to every single one. Near two hundred and fifty names, almost five pages long. And on page four…

Noir froze. Brown eyes wide, hands clenched and near crumpling the damning file. Her Haki, completely unguarded for the first time in twenty years, flickered through shock, hurt, anger, grief, and a torrent of other emotions that crashed down on Noir like a tsunami.

Brown eyes pinched closed. And her Haki disappeared.

Garp stilled. What.

No, wait, there it was. As still as some of the decorative ponds around Headquarters - water so still it reflected the sky perfectly...

His former student deliberately relaxed in one full body movement. She opened her eyes, finished reading the casualty list, and closed the file. Then, body still loose in a way that had alarm bells ringing in the heads of anyone with fighting experience, Noir sat back and closed her eyes again, taking deep, measured breaths.

Garp didn't dare take his eyes off her. He'd seen Noir take down no few number of pirates the moment their attention was elsewhere. Stealth and surprise were Noir's bread and butter. Garp was not going to turn his back on an angry, grieving assassin.

At least, Garp thought Noir was angry and grieving. He still couldn't feel her at all. Garp's Observation Haki wasn't anywhere near Noir's level, but he wasn't a slouch at it. But Noir… if he didn't know better, Garp would say she was as calm as ever. Her Haki was still, not so much as a ripple indicating any sort of emotion.

"Noir?" In the past, Garp would have hugged her. As he did after telling Noir of Rouge and Ace's deaths. Now, he wouldn't presume on her goodwill.

Brown eyes opened. Garp stiffened, a chill running down his spine. What on Earth…

"I would greatly appreciate your offer about that spar." Noir said. The polite smile on her face made the hairs on the back of his next stand straight up, and the look in her eyes… "I… need a day to myself."

"Of course." Garp needed to tell Sengoku about… this. Get that First Mate of hers over to Marineford as fast as possible - and damn it would be a week at best… "Take the time you need." He didn't linger after that, retreating to the door and only relaxing once he was in his own office again.

By the Deep Blue Sea, Garp had never seen that empty expression before. From anyone.

Wait. He had.

Damn, Cadence needed to get his ass over here if Noir looked like Kuma.

As always, please review! Feedback feeds my soul, amici!

I've got two more chapters to finish for Deep Blue Sea, and then I'll start posting the last set! Might not be out until January, what with family and work obligations.