
As it so happened, Penelope's father had crafted their wedding bands and Lavender's engagement ring. Penelope had been delivering them that day she and the girls had put on the Sonorus Concerto, as Percy liked to call it.

Ivy and Mitzi had of course been her maids of honour – it would have been detrimental to her health if she had chosen between them – at their wedding, while George stood for Percy.

At the reception, during their dance, she looked across the room at Mitzi dancing with Charlie and Ivy dancing with George. Lavender frowned as she saw an apprehensive look cross Ivy's face and following her gaze, she gasped at the possessive gleam in Bill Weasley's eyes as they impaled Ivy. This was the first time she'd ever seen her confident friend so…terrified. But she was unconcerned, Bill would never hurt her.

Lavender's eyes fell on Ron and Hermione. It was almost a feeling of déjà vu, almost. Percy noted the direction of her glowing glare, and spoke softly.

"Don't fret love, they wouldn't dare make a scene," he scowled at them and they hurriedly looked away.

"I know, but I can't help remembering the nasty things they said to me," she paused at the roguish grin on Percy's lips, "what are you thinking, Mr Weasley?"

Percy chuckled, "I was thinking, Mrs Weasley, that if they'd started paying more attention to me years ago instead of months ago, they would have known better than to mess with you," his eyes took on a wicked gleam, "thanks to your help, they're beginning to see exactly how much Fred and I had in common. They're afraid, they're very afraid."

Lavender giggled at his evil look. Personally, she thought he was worse that Fred. Nobody EVER suspected or expected a prank from Percy.

He was closer to his family now than he'd ever been, after he'd taken his parents aside, expressing his state of mind. After much tears and hugging and tears again – especially from Molly – they'd started communicating more with their emotionally neglected son.

When he'd announced his engagement to Lavender, there were genuine congratulations - from all except Ron and Hermione - and a Weasley family get-together to celebrate.

Lavender sighed, and she laid her head on her husband's shoulder as they danced slowly, "I'm so glad you found me Percy. I never thought I'd have a family and friends again," she said softly thinking of Neville and now Penelope, who was growing on her.

"I'm glad I saw you before you could escape to freedom behind that reception desk too," he chuckled, and then he held her chin tilting her face as he stared lovingly into her eyes, "our family is whole now."

Lavender smiled a secret smile as she furtively rubbed her tummy.

Not yet my love, our family is just starting.

The End