Evie woke hours later, the sun was hiding behind the clouds and the room was cool. Her stomach was doing flips, realization that Harry was in bed with her and she would have to tell him the truth. Turning over slowly she turned to face him. Sleeping he looked much younger, almost peaceful. She reached up and brushed his hair out of his face. His blue eyes fluttered as she cupped his face. He smiled widely, eyes still half closed.

"Hey princess."

"I have to tell you something…" Harry's face got more serious as a million different things flew through his head. "I don't want you to be mad at me."

"Whatever it is I would never be mad at you."

"I'm pregnant." Harry just blinked, assaulted with too many issues at once. Scared, happy, disbelief, anger, concern, they all hit him making him speechless. He knew Evie was watching him trying to judge his response and he knew he was failing to be reassuring.

"I don't know what to say Evie." Harry knew it was the wrong answer as tears flooded her eyes. "NO, don't cry. I'm just shocked is all."

"Shocked?! Well how the hell are you shocked. What the fuck do you think happens when two people have sex?" Evie had shot out of bed glaring down at him, he was completely taken aback by her anger. He'd never seen her this angry before and he wasn't sure how to react. Harry sat up slowly with his hands up to show he meant no harm.

"It's a lot to process."

Evie threw her hands up rolling her eyes. Her face was starting to turn pink. "A lot to process? How the fuck do you think I feel? While you've been off looting and stabbing people with your stupid sword I've been sick all day. Things are going to happen to MY body, nothing will ever be the same, and You! You are going to go whoring around while I'm stuck here popping out fucking babies!"

"Whoa!" Harry worked up the nerve to grasp Evie's shoulders gently to stop her pacing and her yelling. Her eyes were streaming tears and she was huffing and puffing from her rant. "One, whoring? Really? Two, I get that this is all new and scary for ye but I love ye and I worry about ye but this is my kid too." He pulled her into a tight hug. After a moment he could feel her relax and lightly hug him back.

"It is my kid, isn't it?" Harry chuckled as she swatted at him grinning.

Mal was walking up a long gentle hill. It really was beautiful here. Looking around Neverland, all she saw was luscious green landscape. The rolling hills, exotic plants, palm trees. Everything was green except the vibrant ocean below and the overcast sky above. Rounding the next corner Mal hitched her bag higher on her shoulder and stopped to take in the quaint house in front of her. It had numerous windows facing the sea and she was having a ridiculously hard time picturing a pirate let alone Harry Hook living here happily. She sighed and knew she'd have to get over her dislike of the pirate as he seemed quite loyal to Evie. The sky was threatening to begin raining and she hurried onto the porch, knocking lightly.

She heard voices on the other side of the door briefly before it was flung open and a blue haired girl launched herself out the door almost taking them both down to the floor. Mal laughed loudly and gripped her friend tightly even if she was only clad in an oversized t shirt. "Hey Evie." Mal tried to play it cool but her excitement at seeing her friend dwindled as Evie pulled back wiping the remnants of tears away from her eyes.

"Mal what are you doing here? Come in, come in!" Evie pulled her in as Mal looked anywhere but the shirtless Harry that was closing the door. Mal looked around quickly noticing how Evie's style was clearly mashed up with Harry's throughout the house. Thankfully Harry went off into a room while Evie sat her on a couch. She folded her legs under her and smiled as Evie did the same.

"It's a long story really, I just needed to see you. To get away from Ben." Tears started pooling in her eyes against her will. "Oh Evie, everything is so fucked up. I'm such a mess and I needed you!" Evie gripped her hand tightly which encouraged Mal to continue. "He's just so angry. His father ousted him. He is so mad at you, all he does is yell and drink and yell some more. I just couldn't take it. I don't want anything to do with him, I've missed you so much. I let him between us and there's no reason for it. Please forgive me Evie." Mal was sobbing as she flung herself at Evie.

That's how Harry found them a little while later, Mal sobbing and Evie holding her patting her gently. Harry brought in three mugs of tea as rain started to patter against the windows. Evie smiled at him as she took two mugs from him. He was glad to see her eyes were dry.

"Its peppermint tea…" Harry sat across from them as Evie mouthed thank you. She found it annoyingly sweet that he was considerate., especially considering her stomach was starting to turn. Mal downed the tea quickly while she sipped hers slowly. "there's a pullout bed in Evie's sewing room ye can use as long as ye want." Mal looked at Harry, unsure of why he was being so kind and unpirate like. "Or sleep on the porch, see if I care." Harry shrugged focusing on his tea.

"Shut up Harry." Evie stuck her tongue out at him as he smirked. Evie told Mal all about the house, and showed her her ring. Mal was impressed with their sacking of Olympus even though it was the beginning of Ben's downfall. Evie seemed quite content in her life if not a little pale. Which stirred up even more confused feelings for Mal, mostly with what she was going to do with her life. Evie wasn't going to be there with her all the time, she'd made a life for herself, while Mal had nothing to show for her struggles.

"Mal? Is everything alright?" Mal glanced down, drowning in her own thoughts for a minute.

"I feel like I'm intruding on your life."

"Well ye are."

"Harry!" He sipped his tea casually. "Mal you're welcome here, always. Ignore Harry."

Harry was grateful and peeved for the intrusion. Part of him wanted to talk to Evie about the baby. The other part was wishing it was something stronger in this cup than tea. He knew absolutely nothing about children, he'd never even held a baby before. How was he supposed to raise one, teach it, feed it, I mean shit what do babies even eat. He was clueless, and he was more clueless about pregnancy besides apparently it made women vomit. And in Evie's case, vomit a lot.

"I'm going to go find Uma, ye ladies have fun." Harry sauntered out as the girls chatted. The road to town was short but in the rain it was close to forever. He found Uma below deck.

"Heya Harry, you look like shit."

"Evie's pregnant and I don't fucking know what to do." Harry rambled out quickly.

Uma turned to her first mate very slowly trying to blank her features. But she failed and started laughing.

"The way you all screwed I'm surprised it took that long!"

"Fuck, Uma, this isn't funny." Harry sat on a nearby barrel heavily. Uma softened at his defeated look and sat next to him. "I never wanted kids."

"The way we were raised, who would? But you and Evie have a kid on the way. So are you gonna stick around or am I calling the crew together?"

Harry was speechless. They could do it. They could up and leave, sail the ocean and never look back. He didn't have to face this if he didn't want to.

"I told ye once. I'll tell ye again. I'll follow ye anywhere, but Evie is gonna be by my side." Uma nodded.

"Just had to check. Then your only option is to man up. It ain't the end of the world. You claim to love the girl, well now is your chance to show her. Go home. Take care of her, help her, figure out what you need to do.

Harry rubbed his hand down his face. "All well and good but a certain purple haired Dragon showed up on our porch."

"And what does the she bitch want?"

"Running from the king, er, ex king I guess." Uma perked up at that, misery for Ben was always an upside. "She doesn't trust me."

"You, shouldn't trust her. She left Evie easily enough the first time."

"The sooner she leaves the better."

"Well driving her off could be fun but I dint think Evie would like that too much. So stay here, help me get this shit organized and then go home and deal with this." Harry grunted a reply and started stacking the various crates and barrels. Him and Uma worked in silence as the rain picked up outside. The physical labor helped Harry to think.

He had never known anyone who'd been pregnant, not intimately anyways. There had been a few women every once in awhile on the Isle. He tried to picture Evie with a full belly, it was difficult but easier than picturing her with a baby on her hip. After a few hours he knew it was time to head back. The trek was even harder now that the rain had caused the road to be a mud pit. Stomping his boots off he opened his front door to laughter. He smiled, Evie's laugh always had that effect on him.

He found Evie in the living room. She had pulled on leggings under his t shirt and pulled her hair into a sloppy ponytail. Her smile brightened her pale face and he had the sudden urge to steal hear away.

Evie squealed as he lifted her effortlessly, he slung her over his shoulder with a smirk. "I think I'll be borrowing her for a bit." Mal couldn't hide her smile, as Evie squirmed uselessly as Harry Hook marched off with his trophy.

Harry kicked the door closed behind him, and with swift fingers locked the door. He tossed her on the bed laughing as she bounced slightly. Even frazzled she was the most beautiful thing he had ever seen.

"Ye are beautiful…"

"You're only saying that because I yelled at you." Evie pouted.

"I say it even though ye yelled at me." Harry crawled over her, stopping only when their noses touched lightly.

"Harry we need to talk about this." She closed her eyes and rested her forehead against his.

"Aye." Harry gripped her and rolled with her until he was under her. She wrapped her legs around his waist and held his shoulders.

"I'm scared Harry."

"Me too love. But people do this all the time and if those damn Boreadonians can do it we can to." Harry squeezed her lightly. "I'm here for ye Evie. Always and forever, no matter what Ye need. And no matter what this little pirate needs. Harry touched her belly lightly.

"I'm going to be a whale." Evie murmured as she burrowed her face into the crook of his neck. Harry lifted her face to his and kissed her.

"Ye'll not be a whale, ye'll be perfect." Harry kissed her more deeply. Once he started he didn't want to stop, and the soft moan in the back of Evie's throat encouraged him. She gripped his shoulders tightly as she pulled herself flush against him. She loved his warmth, and needed more. She tugged his shirt over his head and ran her hands over his bare chest and down his stomach lingering slightly over his scar. She kissed him fiercely pulling him with her as she rolled off him. Harry hovered over her as she pulled her shirt off and peeled her bra off.

Harry admired her for a moment before descending on her. His lips found her collarbone before trailing soft kisses down her sternum. Down her stomach, and when he reached her lower belly he rubbed his hand softly across it as he watched her intently. All the words he couldn't say he tried to convey in his gaze, that he would love her no matter what happened. That the baby inside her belly would only give him reason to love her more fiercely. Evie's eyes watered briefly before she smiled at him.

Harry kneeled and slid her leggings off, leaving her naked underneath him. Her breasts seemed swollen, her nipples a stark contrast against her pale skin. He wanted to touch every inch of her, his hands ran up her thighs, over the curve of her hip, across her flat stomach, brushing her ribs, and gently cupping her breasts before his mouth found hers again. She dipped her tongue into his mouth as his hand dipped between her thighs. His fingertips lightly parted her until they could rub against the most sensitive parts of her. He massaged her gently, feeling her grow wet he grinned at her gasp as his fingers slid inside her. Harry gently nipped her neck as she squirmed against him.

"Mmmmm, Harry…" Her voice was throaty as she moaned his name. "I need you Harry." He needed no further encouragement. With swift fingers he undid his pants and sunk into her. Her warmth enveloped him and she felt so swollen around him. Groaning he shifted slightly which elicited a grunt of pleasure from Evie. It had been a few weeks since he'd last had Evie and he was reveling in being surrounded by her but his self control was waning.

"I will always love ye, my princess." He leaned over her, kissing her while he pulled the length of himself out and plunging back into her roughly. She pulled back from him with a gasp.

"Oh God's Harry, again" She whispered into his mouth. She bit his bottom lip and he thrusters into her again and again at a furious pace. She came screaming and she felt tighter around him than she ever had in the past. With a final thrust he followed her. He gathered her to him and held her while he laid beside her.