Restart – Epilogue
After I had recovered enough, we all went to deal with David. With the credibility we got from preventing a war, we got past the fence guard, went through the Bureau, and killed him. Afterwards, we decided that it was better if we wiped the Bureau's memories. Now it has been five years, and life is peaceful.
The factions remained, of course, although they were reformed back to their original manifestoes. A special team of auditors work once a year, the day before the Aptitude tests, to make sure that they stick to them. The research the Bureau did came out, and now Divergents are accepted as much as people with conclusive aptitude tests. The factions are fuller than ever, with refugees from the Fringe flooding in, either to our Chicago, or the newly-built and reclaimed sector of the city that houses those who want to live without factions, called New Chicago. Tobias took over as leader after the first audit came up with a certain Marcus Eaton who'd abused his family. Even now, however, Tobias still gets whispers and stares, however his famous glares soon shut them up. I took his spot as initiate trainer, although I work with Tori, too.
Christina followed her passion, becoming a fashion designer and stylist. Even in New Chicago and the remains of the Bureau, her clothes are the thing to wear. Will used his knowledge of mechanics to come up with new weaponry and devices for patrols, but also decided to be on the Audit team. Marlene decided to work as an ambassador to the other factions. I've heard many tales of times when they were surprised to see her and not a standoffish guy with a face tattoo. Though sometimes, she shows them why she placed so high in initiation. Uriah decided to become a leader, too, and I've heard that he is usually the one to crack some joke to defuse tensions. Lynn decided to start a paintball business, taking members to play matches any time they wanted. It grew so popular that they built an arena where the environment could easily be changed. The initiates' paintball session is still considered special, though, and members still vie to be part of it. She's planning on expanding it to the zipline, too. I'd heard that Caleb had become a full doctor a year ago,
The audit team, a leader and a regular member from each faction, decided to look at Chicago customs, and they kept Visiting Day, but also allowed each faction to visit each other at any time, as long as they noted who they were visiting on each visit, on kiosks at every faction exit. They also built more common spaces. I remember, one day, going through the Hart Square playground, and seeing a group of kids from four different factions playing.
"You're the piggy! Oink, oink!"
"They aren't really the piggy, Rex!
"He knows, Brian!"
"Can we all just play?"
"Sounds good to us!"
There was a group of Abnegation, hanging back while the others played.
"Hey! Sarah!"
A grey-clad girl looked over.
"Come join us!"
"I can't. It's selfish to play."
"Aw, come on! This game needs more people to play!"
"Well, if you put it that way…" Sarah replied, a small smile coming onto her face as she asked her mom if she could. Getting a nod, a small stream of Abnegation children who were being watched by the member while the others did community service went to join different games or help push a few younger kids on the swings.
But anyway, it's enough musing. I look towards the newest batch of initiates who are debating about where to put the flag. "No, they'll see that!"
"Come on, Five, pleeeeassseee tell us where you put the flag when you won!"
"The aim of the game is to work as a team to decide, not ask your instructor." I reply, as they pout. Eventually, they hide it under the carousel, and an initiate climbs a tree to scout. One flag found and a sneak attack later, my team are waving a bright yellow flag, victorious. "Pay up, Four." I yell across the clearing.
He rolls his eyes as Uriah laughs himself silly. That is, until a paintball hits him in the mouth.
Finally! It's done!
First of all, I want to apologise for the slow updates. I lost motivation for the Divergent trilogy overall. I did promise that I'd finish the story, and here we are. Second of all, thank you for reading this cringy fanfiction! Thirdly, here's some Q and A:
Q: What happened with the characters' pairings? Are there any kids?
A: Though most are still girlfriend and boyfriend, Tris and Four are planning a wedding. And there are no kids as of yet.
Q: Will there be sequels? Rewrites?
A: Maybe a rewrite if my motivation comes back. And there won't be any sequels, I'm afraid.
Q: Any other Divergent stories coming?
A: No.
Q: So, everyone survived?
A: Yes! I'm too much of a softie to let them die
Q: Why didn't you make Caleb a traitor/ make Peter good / make Christina evil etc.?
A: This is my story, and I see the characters as what they are. If you don't like it, there are many word processing apps that you can write your own fanfiction with.
Thanks again for reading my story, and be brave!