
Intuition Overdrive:

Chapter 5: The Click

Disclaimer; I do not own anything KHR related, only the plot, all else goes to Amano Akira.


"What do you mean you quit Baseball Yamamoto!"

Takeshi simply smiled. "I mean what I mean, I quit, wasn't feeling up to continuing."

Takeshi sat in the classroom, surrounded by ex team mates from the baseball club, all having heard from the Coach that they where all meeting up for some extra training as Takeshi had quit the team.

"But there is a competition soon, you can't just bail out on us before such a big event!"

Takeshi shrugged, "Then that's your fault for not practicing."

More grumbling, more agony from his former team mates, Takeshi found himself not caring a single flip, they had decided to leave him to practice by himself, not caring to practice but what was minimum. And so, instead, Takeshi found himself curious as to what to do to protect and help Tsuna. Now that he had partially given up on Baseball, for while he may never play the sport seriously again, he still love it with all his heart. So now the question is, what do he do with himself, his old man sure is handy with a knife, maybe he could help him out. Or perhaps even Reborn, sure, the man is busy now trying to find the rest of the Guardians for Tsuna, but once he is done with that, there should still be things to work on right?

Tsuna has not spoken or done much as his body shut itself down over the years, a lot of training should be in order for the Sky who is to inherit the bloodiest Mafia Famiglia in the world. Reborn had told Takeshi as much during the sleepover. Even Iemitsu had spoken bits of Vongola. How things are strained now over there, the uncertainty of the current rule. They hadn't told Takeshi much, just promised him he would know more as time went on, as he and the rest of the Guardians gather, and getting ready to take over from the current generation.

So, again, here Takeshi sat, old team mates, who he once thought his friends, where now shouting at him to come back so they had a chance at winning, demanding answers as to why he quit. It was free period, the last class before school was over. And Tsuna had slept for the whole school day, much to the chagrin of the teachers, and annoyance to the students, murmurs in school that Tsuna would get in trouble, but whenever a teacher would approach Ryohei in askance as to why he was carrying a sleeping Tsuna on his back, Hibari was there, and really, not much the teachers could do, nobody really had control over Kyoya, and those that tried would get bitten to death, for so much as humoring the thought.

And that was a thing that just happened throughout the day, Takeshi, Ryohei and Kyoya would just, bump into one another throughout the day, sure, Kyoya would not stay long, just a glance or a barely even there nudge with his shoulder, a huff of his breath as if hes not really caring for the rest of the trio they got going. But both Takeshi and Ryohei both knew otherwise, Kyoya cared, he just didn't have the energy to bother and show it openly to the rest of the world.

Takeshi got along with Ryohei though, they would talk during lunch, joining on the rooftop, Kyoya up there out of sight napping while the two talked, letting Tsuna sleep through the bonding of his Guardians.

Reborn too, watched with an attentive eye, watching through the same monitor that he had the first day he had met Tsuna, the same day he had met Kyoya, Takeshi and Ryohei. And now that Tsuna had three, Reborn was determined to find him the rest, Storm was on the way, hopefully Hayato was compatible, Reborn knew, that the loud explosive expert has been trying to find a place to fit for a while. And hopefully Tsuna would be his place, all that really remained from there was Lightning and Mist. Both of which can be hard to find good compatibility with. Mists are elusive, hard to get to know as they like to hide things in the open. As for Lightning, they are hardy, and stubborn things. They tend to explode a lot, a hard commitment to what they do. Reborn knows four

Lightnings who takes this to the extreme.

Verde, part of Reborn's own Famiglia. That straight focus the man has with his research is creepy.

Amideus, Iemitsu's Lightning, a man that could rival even Reborn when it comes to guns, but only just, Reborn is the best for a reason darned it, he got his pride on the line.

Levi A Than, Xanxus's Lightning, that trust and dedication the man has to his Sky is almost legendary within Vongola ranks.

And finally.

Ganauche the third, Nono's Lightning. Soft hearted, easy laugh, and a dedication to Vongola. To Nono stronger than that of even Levi's dedication to Xanxus.

But for now. Reborn had a Storm coming, after that he would see about finding the remaining two. Tsuna was getting closer to being freed from the seal, and it hasn't even been a week yet. With the hard part almost over. Reborn sought to figure out what to do with the Seal itself, while the contact Tsuna has had with the three so far has helped. Its not enough to fully remove the Seal that binds the Decimo hopeful.

But, the little thing that happened today might give a hint as to what is needed. Tsuna had never connected with Kyoya nor Takeshi in a way he has with Ryohei, the Sky's eyes had lit up, sparked with something… alive.

All in its time, Tsuna was on a good road to recovery, so all they could do was support him.


Reborn told Takeshi to return home and speak with his father in regards to training for now, Reborn was, just as Takeshi had suspected, Busy with dealing with more pressing matters. And as soon as things cleared out Reborn would deal with higher skill training than what he could at that moment, hopefully soon, Iemitsu could get Varia down here to get things started with the training. Reborn would do it himself, but he got better things to do, like dealing with Nono and his Guardians, finding the safest way to have Tsuna's own guardians deal with the Seal. So, training would have to be given to the Varia Squad. Sure Xanxus don't got a Cloud, but Reborn knew a guy who could help the elusive Skylark, but that would be later.

For now, as stated Takeshi would get help from his father. Making sure to have called the man and made sure he knew to train the son best he could, as well as what to tell the boy of things to come. As for Kyoya, Fon wanted to help him out for a little bit, with same instructions on what to tell the nephew, as Reborn left with Tsuyoshi, so that left Reborn with explaining things to Ryohei.


So there the two Suns where, walking down the streets towards the Sawada house hold. Tsuna draped over Ryohei's body like a sack of potatoes. Still very much asleep, thank the ancients.

"So, what did happened this morning mister?"

"Call me Reborn, as for what happened, you awoke to your Sun Flames proper, and from what I can tell, somewhat weakened the Seal that sits upon Tsuna's core. But not by much."

"You keep talking about this Flame stuff, I don't get it."

Reborn pondered as to how to explain it to this simple straight forward boy. "You know how blood is important to keep your body going, right?" Reborn starts.

A solid gruff nod from the boxer.

"Flames are mostly the same, only its more of an energy, than it is physical. There are seven categories when it comes to Flames of the Sky. Storm, Lightning, Cloud, Rain, Mist, Sun and of course, Sky. You are a Sun, and for now, that is all you need to know about the categories."

Another solid nod from the Boxer, he understands what Reborn is talking about, so far so good.

"All people has Flames within themselves, some has more than one, but those are rare cases, as for your Sun, it holds the ability to heal. So the moment you pushed your healing flames into Tsuna, you forced his body to relax and fall into a deep Sleep, allowing him the time to gather energy and heal from being unable to sleep for who knows how long the boy has gone without it on his own."

Another nod from the boxer, this time more on the shaky side, he had gotten most of the info from the Hitman, but some of it didn't stick quite as well with him, or it could just be that he was overwhelmed with so much happening at the same time.

Reborn stopped, looked the boxer in the eye. "Ryohei, how serious are you about following Tsuna?"

Reborn could practically see the question marks appear by Ryohei's head. The boy not quite sure how to feel about that question. "uuum, is this a trick question?" Reborn simply smirked. "I dunno, you tell me?"

Reborn watched as the young Sun pondered it over. Eyes going from a soft confused, to a hard determination. Reborn had his answer. "Would you die for Tsuna Ryohei?"

A solid huff and fist-pump from the Boxer. "If it means I can protect him, then yes, I would, TO THE EXTREME!"

And then Reborn had to ask the required question. "Ryohei, this is not a game, you understand right?"

A nod.

"This is real, you could die young, if you are not careful, not just you, but others around you could as well."

"Reborn-Sensei, I understand, you do not need to explain, I have had this conversation before!"

Reborn's face was stone, not allowing himself to show emotion.

"Did you speak with Takeshi on this?" Reborn could not help but ask.

"No, Yamamoto did not tell me, I heard it from Tsuna."

This time, reborn could not stop the eyebrow from rising. "Tsuna told you, and you know this how?"

"He's been with me the whole day, Reborn-Sensei, it really started out weird, as if it was foggy, or murky water. But over the course of the day, that fogginess dispersed, and I could hear him, sometimes it felt I could even touch him in a sense."

It was a strange feeling that fell over Reborn, here was this boy, who had not had any connections to mafia in any form or shape, but that certainty, that this boy held in his eyes, the fact that he didn't think it would happened, but knew for absolute certainty, that he has seen Tsuna, seen a side of the Sealed boy that wasn't obvious on the outside. Seen and heard in a different light than the stumbling, sleep deprived mute that is nothing but a husk that now was slung so carefully over Ryohei's shoulders.

"What did you see, Ryohei, if you do not mind me asking."

The teen's brow furrowed. Sweat began pooling at his brow, having a difficult time in recalling what he had seen. "Darkness, I think water… some sort of long chain, multiple, I think… seven of them. A soft light, pulsing like a heartbeat."

"What color was the light, Ryohei?"

"Urmm… Orange, its a bright orange, its glow is small, dimmed in a way but… its still kinda bright… its difficult to explain..."

Ryohei's face was starting to turn red. Sweat all but pouring down his face as the teen was thinking hard on what it was he saw. Or maybe. He was delving now, the way that the boy had spoken, seemed more than just a recall, more on the 'I'm seeing this now before my very eyes.' kind of thing.


The kid looked up at the tall Italian man. "Hm?"

"Welcome to the world of Mafia."


"Hello, pops. I'm home!"

"Ah, Takeshi, welcome home, come over here will you, I could use a hand with preparing the fish for tomorrow."

"Sure thing, just let me change out of my uniform first, and I'll be right down."

Tsuyoshi watched his son walk up the stairs to the apartment. A soft smile on the mans face. He has been holding a lot of secrets back with the boy, a lot of teachings he had wanted the boy to learn, and now that the kid was to be part of mafia, part of the inner circle, part of the Guardian group of Decimo. Tsuyoshi had plans, and those plans had only been strengthened by the call from Reborn, with a simple message of. "Teach him what you know."

Tsuyoshi knew that this message didn't mean just to teach Takeshi about the Sword, but how to gather information. Takeshi is a Rain, they pool information, pluck it from crowds where the rain sifts easily through the masses. And now it was time to start Takeshi on the path of becoming an informant. Tsuyoshi could not help but feel giddy about it, while Takeshi wasn't quite ready to be taught a certain swords style yet, Tsuyoshi would start with a knife.

Dissect the fish, teach the kid anatomy, starting with said fish, working up towards humans.

The anatomy of a human body is important for when one wants to be a swordsman, if you want to be lethal, go for the neck, or chest. If you want to keep people alive, go for the legs. Sure, its the simplest way of doing things. But, knowing where to cut, knowing where each major artery lies, could be the win or lose of the battle, and Tsuyoshi was determined to give Takeshi the hardest training the kid has ever felt in his life.

Takeshi soon found his way down stairs, greeted by an affectionate head rub, and an eager arm around the boys shoulder pressed into the man side in a hard affectionate hug. "What say you we work on improving your knife skill huh, son. It could come in handy if you wish to take over from your old man."

Takeshi simply beamed, an eager head nod. "Don't go easy on me then old man, I can handle whatever you throw at me."

Another head rub from the man, with a matching grin. "oh, we'll see about that."


"I have understood it, that you have been trained to use Tonfa from your mother?"

A nod from the prefect.

Fon smiled. "Then how about I teach you a little skill of my own. Self defense is good and all, but you won't always have your weapon on hand."

Fon got into a loose pose. "Come at me with the intent to kill Kyo-kun."

With the Tonfa safely put away by the sidelines, Kyoya rushed his uncle, only to be smacked on the head and steered into the floor by a leg.

"You are like a wild animal Kyo-kun, you need to watch what you are doing, raw strength can only get you so far. Again, if you will."

Fon was determined to get Kyoya ready to take on the world if he had to, and the Skylark probably would. It was a dangerous world that they lived in, an even dangerous job that Kyoya would have to do later in life.

No, not later, relatively soon, perhaps within a year, if things are going as fast as they are. Three guardians has been found, a possible fourth on the way, Reborn had felt hopeful in regards to this fourth. So Fon as well would hold out on hope for the same.

Reborn said that Ryohei is the only one so far that has truly awoken to his Flames, and has urged both Tsuyoshi and Fon to try and awake Takeshi and Kyoya as well, it would have been easier with a ring. But that is not a thing they can do as of now, so, for now, the good old way is the way to go. Pretty much beat on them until they use said Flames, sure, Fon surmised, the fastest way for Kyoya to activate his Clouds proper would be to have his Tonfa out.

And while the kid knows he has both Cloud and Mist, don't mean they are active.

So now its Fon's job to pull them out of his Nephew the best way he knows. Beating on his charge until they do. And Kyoya could use the reminder that he is not the top dog in the family, Fon is part of the Strongest Seven for a reason, its time to remind Kyoya about what the calms hides, it was time so show as to why he is the strongest Storm.


It's been about a two weeks now since the group has found out about the darker world, the blood, the death, and harsh reality of a short life, as very few grew to their senior years.

Hayato had told Reborn that he would be able to make it within the next few days.

And still no luck on the Lightning and Mist. There where some good candidates out there, but, Reborn hadn't survived this long without trusting his gut, and a lot of them felt uneasy to him, so he waited.

Iemitsu has also made contact that he has started the prep work to get Varia over to Japan for a mission, to get them out of the land, they where unruly as always and people could use a break.

Mammon had not made any contact with Reborn in a while, mostly just staying with Luce, trying to calm herself after having lost her second Sky to the ice. The Zero Point break through seal flames, so the elements of Xanxus was completely cut off from their Sky.

Reborn could only imagine the despair that the Varia crew is going through.

On a brighter note, with Reborn being unable to get anywhere with the whole Mist and Lightning thing, he thought best to start a better education for the Guardians, as soon as Tsuna was capable of taking the Mantle of Decimo, he along with his elements would have to move to Italy, or at least stay there for periods of time.

With this in mind, Reborn has started giving the teens lessons in learning Italian. Its a rough process, Ryohei is loud, and confused about the ordeal, Takeshi takes to the exercise the easiest out of them, so long as the explanation is easily enough for him to understand, he gets to it pretty well, helps that his dad is picking up the language again, so the teen gets some extra exercises at home… Kyoya hufs and is his gloomy little Cloud self, the problem isn't the learning part, he is quite adept at picking up the language all things considered, no, the problem is the fact he has to spend time with his shared Elements. He was not allowed to sit in the corner by himself, but actually sit at a table with them, as Reborn taught them his native tongue.

Tsuna is in the room with them, the boy, while not physically able to speak, is quite adapt at paying attention, even more so now that his mind has been calmed so hopefully the teen will pick it up as Reborn goes through with the teaching. That Vongola Intuition is not something to mess with, as was learned the hard way with the sealing of his Flames is anything to go by.

Today was one of these days, they met up at the Sawada Household, Tsuna's sleep day, the Guardians has dubbed it. For after their Italian lessons, Ryohei takes Tsuna for a run, allowing the teen to sleep, and the boxer get some exercise, the Sky still can't sleep on his own sadly.

Reborn was going over last weeks lesson when there was a knock on the door.

Nana was out doing some shopping, and Iemitsu was not coming over until three weeks. So Reborn walked to the door, looked out the peep hole and saw Hayato Gokudera standing there, a small duffel at his feet, and piece of paper in his hands.

Reborn opened the door. "You sure took your sweet ass time getting here Hayato."


Reborn didn't say anything a quick glance around and he hurried the teen indoors. "How are things over there?" Reborn finally said after he closed the door behind them.

"Nono's Guardians are holding down the fort best they can, ninth himself has not been physically sighted in days outside of the manor. Rumor has it, he sees everyone as a traitor, barely even trusting his own elements."

Reborn could not hold the sigh from escaping. "Then we are running out of time. Iemitsu told me he would return to Japan in few weeks time, Varia are days from coming down here to help out with the training of the new blood, that includes you, hopefully."

Hayato swallowed a clump in his throat.

As the two rounded the corner, Tsuna was standing. Staring intently in the twos direction, or more accurately, at Hayato. The bomber could feel his blood drain from his face, he had been told that there was a sealed Sky that was in need of a Storm, at the time he had felt rage, such horrendous rage that he had wanted to destroy everything within the vicinity. And now that he was standing here, standing before this Sealed Vongola blood Sky, that anger was more of a simmer, calm, as if all he had to do was look at something and it would be destroyed… it was a strange feeling, one that he had never experience before.

He had always been the loud kid, always trying his hardest to show the world what he was made of, but right here, right in front of this Sky, the feeling of having to prove to himself that he was worthy, didn't matter. Right here, right now, he felt the calmest he had ever been, and in a sense, that was even more dangerous that his rash outbursts.

Unknown to the Storm, the other Elements was staring intently at him. They had gotten to know one another pretty well over the course of a few weeks, even if Kyoya would deny his feeling to the others, they all knew, deep down they they have gotten close. They knew they would have to get somewhat along with the other three that would soon also join in the growing groups of Elemental Familia. Reborn had even told them as much as he knew of the possible Storm that would join them, rash, loud, has a smoking habit. Hayato looked exactly as Reborn had described, all of which, with one exception. He didn't have a scowl on his face. Reborn had explained the teen as to having an almost permanent scowl on his face, but that scowl was none existing.

It could be Tsuna's Sky that had him like this. But all they saw was a deep calm. Along with a powerful Red flickering in the Storms eyes, Hayato was Tsuna's Storm.


A few days went by until they literally just stumbled upon the next element. Hayato had just fallen into the group so seamlessly, it sometimes felt the group had known him for years, not days. Hayato took over from Reborn in helping the group with homework, also a thing the Guardians did after school. Sometimes they would end up in Tsuyoshi's store, the Sawada household, Kyoya's big house of a mansion, the quiet house of Ryohei's small home, where his sister Kyoko would sometimes join them in their studies.

Kyoya would not always join them, mostly every three or four days he would have the energy to be with the group, never does he join when they are at Ryohei's place. Too small, and cramped for his liking. And the group just, understood, he was a Cloud, always drifting, preferring large spaces where he has an easier time in getting away, or sit in a corner by himself, it was normal, it was just the way Kyoya was, and they didn't bug him about it. Of which Kyoya was forever grateful, not that he would ever say that out loud, not even to his uncle.

So, here they where, on their way to the Sawada home for Reborn to continue their Italian. Takeshi and Ryohei where at the front just chatting, Takeshi was thinking about joining the Kendo club at school. He has talked much about it with his dad, that the man has some things for him to learn, when it comes to swords. So the obvious next step was to start practicing Kendo, right?

Hayato was walking with Tsuna, holding the Sky's hand so the boy could feed of off Hayato's Flames.

As for the elusive Skylark, he would meet them at the Sawada household after he was done with his patrol. So nothing new there, really.

So as the group walked through the city, Tsuna just… stopped. Hayato felt the tug as he continued walking, only to be stopped dead in his tracks. Tsuna's eyes where wide, the usual cloud was gone, a shimmer of Orange. And before Hayato knew it, Tsuna ran. Managing to get his hand out of Hayato's own, and just booked it in the opposite direction. Hayato's shout of exclamation, had the two athletes look back in surprise, eyes widening in disbelief, just watching Tsuna just… book it.

Ryohei was the first to react, ran after the suddenly very alive and fast Sky. Ryohei being the athlete he was managed to catch up, but one look at the wide eyes of Tsuna had him halter. He had just been about to grasp Tsuna by the shoulder, when he had caught sight of Tsuna's wide, almost scared eyes. He wasn't scared of Ryohei, no, but something else. For someone else, the boxer suddenly realized.

Ryohei still grabbed onto Tsuna shoulders at long last, turning the teen around so he could a better look at Tsuna's face.

The teen was gasping for air, sweat pouring down his face, and it was like a switch had been flipped, Ryohei just understood, Tsuna had felt something, something close by, and before really understanding what happened. Ryohei let got of his Sky. "Show me." it just… plopped out.

So Tsuna turned to run again, Ryohei on his heel Takeshi catching up in the distance. With Hayato further back, not used to the whole running stamina thing.

Tsune made a hard right, Ryohei watched his Sky almost stumble as he made the turn, as if he did it last second, and what the boxer found, as he himself made the turn, was a child. A little boy bawling his eyes out, in a tiny cow onsie with horns sticking out of the sides of the kids face.

Tsuna fell to his knees, picked up the distraught child, while Ryohei just watched as the kids green eyes just widen. As if something in their small mind just fell into place, tears welled up in the child's eyes once more, holding Tsuna around the neck, just crying, crying and crying and crying some more.

It was around this point that Takeshi managed to catch up. Ryohei had gotten quite the lead on the Ex-baseball player. The Sun and the Rain shared a glance, sparks of Blue and Yellow flaring up between them as they made eye contact.

Sparks of green electricity was starting to appear at the child's horns, around this point is the moment Hayato rounded the corner, out of breath, and very much about to fall to the ground in exhaustion. He was not the running type. More on the, I'ma explode you in the face kinda type.

As Hayato took in the scene before him, the green electricity, the shake of Tsuna's body, the quiet looks that the Rain and Sun where giving him, he could feel his own Storm well up in his eyes. The realization that he actually knew who this kid was, had met the kids parents, well, more specifically the kids father. This, is Lambo Bovino. Of the Bovino Famiglia, Allies of Vongola, but currently on shaky terms with said Famiglia.

What their third son was doing out here in Japans streets alone, and not in Italy he didn't know, but… This couldn't be good.


Reborn was moments from having his palm meet his face in frustration. Sure, the good thing in all of this is that Tsuna has now found his Lightning. The bad thing, is that said Lightning is a five year old child, who is currently supposed to be on European soil, the third son of Brad Bovino, who is on very strained relationship with Vongola at the moment, thanks to Ninths little barrage of everyone is out to betray him kind of deal. Iemitsu has a lot on his plate, and does all he can to keep things friendly, but managing only just.

With a barely with-held sigh, Reborn turned to Hayato. "You are the last person who saw Brad, correct?"

Hayato nodded, with Takeshi seated on the floor, knees held to his chest, hie eyes empty, staring out into space, much like what Tsuna tends to do, something about the whole ordeal has him shook, something he can't really explain, Tsuna was currently in bed, resting as he clings to the small child, who has passed out from exhaustion. The teen wasn't asleep, more on the staring out into space, much like his Rain downstairs, also, that clarity that had stated to appear in the Sky's eyes, where now gone, back was the dead, unreadable eyes, that Reborn had first seen when he had first met the boy.

Ryohei wanted to clear his head, the ordeal has him just as shook as Takeshi, only difference is that while the Rain morns for his Sky by being quiet and cold like a cold evening downpour, Ryohei, being a Sun, felt the need to do something, so he left the house to take a jog, to get rid of the adrenaline still pumping through his system, Leaving Kyoya in the kitchen, nursing a cup of tea, trying to absorb the information he had been given, something in his gut, around the time Tsuna had ran, had the prefect feel… drained, tense and suddenly hyper aware of everything he had been doing.

Fon was sitting with his nephew, Reborn had called him the moment that the group came in, slightly shaky, out of breath, Tsuna hunched over, and tripping over his feet, despite being held by his Elements, with a bundle in his arms. The teens didn't need to tell the hitman what had happened, he could see it clear as day, no explanation was needed to tell that Tsuna, on his own, had found his Lightning. Had exerted all of his existing energy that he has been stocking up on with his Guardians for the last few weeks. And now they where back to square one.

Reborn has been fighting the urge to punch something for the better part of hours now.

Varia needed to get their asses down here asap. They needed to Find Tsuna's Mist, they needed to get them trained properly, education higher, more brutal than Reborn has been up til this point… But, Tsuna is weak, Reborn has been unable to find suitable Elements, Hayato being the only exception, as the hitman knew of the searching Storm, he knew that Hayato was a special case, because he has spent some time with the teen to know this.

Sure, Reborn had known about Lambo, but this was back when the kid had barely been born, before they even knew what Flame he had, so excuse him for missing that little tidbit… He has tried to get in contact with Viper/Mammon, or whatever the woman wants to be called these days, she is part of the strongest seven and part of the Varia Quality, she should know about good candidates for a Mist for Tsuna, but she is not responding, she has shut herself off from the world, feeling the loss of her second Sky, spending time with their shared Sky, and if Luce 'a Sky' isn't able to soothe the Mists mind. What hope does Reborn.

They are running out of time. Timoteo is going off the hinges, allies are starting to be pushed away, becoming the enemy, and now this, a Vongola Allie Familia's child is now the hopeful Decimo's Lightning.

Reborn really, Really, wants to punch something.

A touch to the Hitman's shoulder, had it not been for the familiar touch of Storm, Reborn would have socked them. Reborn turned around, and stared Fon in the face. Before the hitman could even open his mouth, the Soothing Storm beat him to it. "Call her."

Reborn actually faltered a bit at that. "What are you-"

"Luce, Reborn. When was the last time you spoke with our Sky."

"She don't need to worry about this, I got this und-"

"You don't, Reborn. This has gotten so far out of your comfort zone, you've all but lost your mind. You're a hitman, a teacher, your job isn't to deal with a fallout of the strongest Mafia Famiglia and its allies, your job is one dedicated to your students. All of whom are on the verge of collapse, because, my dear Sun, you have gotten so focused on teaching, and helping this batch of Elements, that you have forgotten about your own."

Reborn was at a loss of words. And now, that he really took that breath, and stopped hyper focusing on Tsuna and his Elements, he could feel deep in his chest, the string that ties him to his Sky, is a lonely one, it has only been work, work, work, for the last couple of weeks, he hadn't even so much as called Luce, or even Aria, this disappearing act was more a Verde thing, where he would sink into his work for weeks and only resurface exhausted, really touchy and huggy with everyone. 'Yes, even Skull.'

But, as stated, that was a thing Verde did, Reborn, he at least called once a week, no matter where he was at. And he hadn't done that, as he let that sink in, he could feel the longing in his core, the longing to hold his Elements close. And Fon, this beautiful bastard of a Storm, was the one to remind him of this.

With a content sigh, Reborn felt the stress fall from his shoulders, as he allowed his body to lean onto the Storm besides him. "I'm not going to live this down, am I?"

And Fon, the bastard that he was, simply smirked. "I'll try not to let it get around, my dear Sun." Which translated to, nop, I'm going to tell pretty much everyone.

Reborn sighed, gave the stupid dork of a Storm a nudge with his shoulder and walked off towards the door. "I'm going to go ahead and punch something, then, I will be making some calls, can you handle things here while I'm gone?"

Fon smile softened. "All you need is to ask, my friend."

Reborn left the building, the moment the door clicked shut, Fon's soft eyes hardened, Reborn was taking on too much work for one person, sure, the man was the best there was, but damned it all if Fon wasn't going to help out where he could. Reborn had given him the go ahead, and Fon would do just that.

Fon turned to the gobsmacked Hayato that had just been standing there watching everything with wide eyes. Said eyes widened further as Fon grabbed the teen by the arm, walked over to Takeshi, still curled up on the floor, pulled him up by his free arm. Shouting for Kyoya to get his ass over to him, or so help him.

Reborn wasn't the only one that could be scary when push comes to shove.

It was time that Fon showed just how bad of a Storm he could be, it was time, to get these teenagers to actually do something other than mope about, like, Oh, I dunno. Oh, right, like fuckings be there for their exhausted Sky, he is tired not dead.

And the moment Ryohei walked through those doors again from his jog, Fon would drag him up by the ear if he so had to.

Time to teach these Elements the meaning of a fuckings bond.


After punching some of the stress out on a nearby tree, a phone call to his elements, to of which Verde and Viper ignored him (which was normal.) Skull was the frantic crybaby he always was, but the desperate tears of worry, was a welcome feeling Reborn wouldn't think he'd miss. Lal just chewed his ear out, for so much as even forgetting, calling him stupid among other colorful names. Colonello was similar, just more on the laughing his ass off on the behest of Reborn's pride.

Luce was really the one he needed the most to hear the voice of right now, listen to her as she spoke about watching his work load, watching his health, and that she would always be with him if need be. And Reborn wasn't sure what it was, but that small conversation turned into hours, how many he wasn't sure, not sure how long he sat in the park, phone to his ear as he listened to his Sky's voice, catching up on the weeks he hadn't called.

Before he knew it, it was dark, Nana was the one to find him, telling him something about Fon shouting the ears of off the boys, scolding them in a way she had never thought possible for the quiet man. Reborn could not help the smile that spread across his face, sitting on the bench with the lover of the Young Lion in this quiet air. It was soothing, and, a thought befelled Reborn as he sat with this Mist. Turned his head and really looked at her.

"Maman, a question if you would?"

Nana's head fell to her side, a confused look on said face. "hmm? What is is Reborn-Kun?"

"What do you take of this theory of mine?"


The sight that greeted Reborn as he met back up with Fon and the young Elements was one of sheer hilarity, hadn't Reborn been the man that he is, he would have laughed his ass off at the sight of the four teenage boys sitting on their knees, sweating bullets, white faced with Fon standing over them, shouting about their job as fellow Elements to be there for one another, to support, to touch, to help, to speak, to hug, no questions asked, and the hard glares that Fon was giving Kyoya, even had the prefect white faced.

Tsuna and young Lambo was excused from the shouting, but still they where within the room, Tsuna dead faced as always, little Lambo held to his chest, white faced, but very much happy the outbursts isn't directed at him.

The moment Reborn made himself known, knocking on the door as he entered. "I see I missed quite the show."

Like a switch, Fon was back to his calm self, a comfortable smile on his face, not a hair out of place, no evidence he has been shouting at the teens for hours of proper mental care, how feelings would seep into the bonds, how recognizing which of the Element they are bound to belong to, so on and so forth.

"Ah, Reborn, you look a lot better, how did the punching go?"

Reborn simply smirked, touched a hand to the Storms arm, feeling the pulsating joy from said Storms emotion flow through him. "It went good, so, actually speaking of, I think I have an idea as to how we can find Tsuna's Mist."

Fon smiled, giving the Sun a hug, the turning to the group of teens, eyes trained hard on them, taking joy in the way they stiffened, or better yet, the way Takeshi and Ryohei jumped in their seats.

"Well, Reborn, I believe we are all ears."

Reborn took the stage, gesturing towards Tsuna. "Tsunayoshi is the catalyst. Use the bond, and hopefully with that Vongola Hyper Intuition, we should, much like with how he was able to find Lambo, find the Mist most likeliest to bond with Tsuna."

The room went silent, the teens looked to one another, then to Reborn. Takeshi being the first to break the silence. "That's a thing that will work?"

Reborn met the Rain's eyes. "I do not know, but it is at least worth a shot."


VxG: soo, 6k just short of 7k something words, and we are getting closer to getting Tsuna Unsealed. Not the road you thought I'd take, did you. Sure, it might seem OOC for Reborn, but Canon is where Timoteo is the sane one. He has control of Vongola pretty decently, and again, Reborn's only job was to train Tsuna in becoming boss, Reborn in this fic is Unsealing a bound Sky with limited body functions. He got caught up in helping Tsuna, preparing him best he can to take over a crumbling Kingdom, that he forgot about his own Elements. Hopefully it seemed as in character as possible.

Anyway, remember to vote in the poll at my page, and I'll be hoping to be writing more for you all in the future. Bye now, and have a good day.