United We Fall and Live!

Chapter One: I Already P-promised, But…

Parappa and his friends, Sunny, PJ, and Katy, were all sitting outside eating a small meal at a small restaurant. The friends chatted about what had happened during their week and their new plans to come, for it was the eve of spring break and much was sure to commence. "I got promoted at the café!" Katy said with pride. "Now that I'm getting paid more, you know what I'll do?" The blue cat paused, wanting her pals to guess.

PJ took a bite of a foot-long sandwich. "Buy a car?" he said, looking at a conveniently placed poster for a car sale on the side of a building.

"Start a garden?" Sunny smiled. Parappa nodded along with the flower girl, eager to please.

Katy grinned. "No, I'm going to buy Lammy a great present I know she'll love!"

Parappa shifted in his seat. "Oh man, is it close to her birthday? I forgot…"

"No, silly, Lammy's birthday isn't until September!" Sunny scolded the dog, who was suddenly forgetful. She turned back to Katy. "What's the present for, then?"

Katy's tail swished as a look of happiness came onto her face. "Oh, just being such an amazing girlfriend~." She swooned.

"Why don't I get presents for being such a great friend?" PJ mumbled, causing Katy to shoot a strange look at him. The quad's waitress came up to their table, asking for the payment for the food. As Sunny, Katy, and PJ were distracted, Parappa looked onto the streets with mild interest, where Parappa Town was bustling.

Spring break was just a day away and people of all ages were getting ready. Older teens, with their gaudy and intense fashion strutted in their friend groups, discussing loudly about parties they were to go to. Large posters for discounts in stores, restaurants, and attractions alike were scattered left and right. Adults were planned out their vacations with their families.

I hope they don't take the worst plane in our flight service, Parappa thought with a small frown. Someone needs to get that captain guy to a doctor. A very fast person bolting down the road served as Parappa's distraction. He could hear the frantic whimpers and nervousness from his spot. "Is that Lammy?" he whispered.

He turned to his friends, who were now cleaning up their areas and getting ready to leave. "Hey guys, I'll see you all later!" Parappa said cheerfully. The other three let out short goodbyes as they went on their own. Parappa, however, stayed where he was. "What's Lammy doin' running around like that?" he wondered.

The question was short lived, as the nearly blurred speeding sheep came into view again, from the other side. "Hey, hey hey Lammy!" Parappa called, causing the lanky lamb to stop in her tracks.

She bounded over to the short puppy with a slight smile. "Oh, h-hello Parappa! What's up?" she said nervously.

"Oh, nothing. I was just wonderin' why you were running around like that," Parappa answered, "You weren't being chased or anything right?"

Lammy gasped. "Of c-course not! It's just…well…" Lammy sighed. "I p-promised I would help P-Paul Chuck make a few custom 'Lammy made' g-guitars at two b-because I'm sort of like his…a-apprentice now? I don't know? But I forgot that a-a few days ago I said that I would h-help Prince Fleaswallow at his store after I broke s-something of his by accident and-"

Lammy paused, breathing heavily as more and more words came out. Parappa looked concerned, and was about to cut in, but Lammy continued. "But on the way to Fleaswallow's t-this guy wanted to have me play at his d-d-daughter's birthday…. I t-tried to say I didn't have time b-but…" She trailed off with a sad whimpering noise.

"Sounds like you need some rest, Lammy!" Parappa exclaimed.

Lammy frowned. "What am I gonna do? I already p-promised, but… I just…" she let out a groan.

"Hey hey, I'll let those guys know that you have to cancel, alright?" Parappa said with a sympathetic smile. "You should go to your apartment and rest!"

Lammy let out a huge sigh of relief. "Thank you so much, Parappa!" she said with delight. "If I ever need to repay you, I will!" And with that, the lamb jogged off into the direction of her apartment, resting easy.

"Phew man, that felt good!" Parappa said to himself. With a smile, he walked towards Fleaswallow's shop, the next closest spot. It was great being a good friend! Parappa eyed an ice cream shop as he walked down the streets. Certainly some strawberry ice cream wouldn't hurt!


Lammy let out a content sigh as she flopped down onto her bed. "W-what a relief…" she mumbled, grabbing her stuffed toy and snuggling it. However, just as she relaxed, anxious thoughts flew through her mind. What if the people she promised were angry? What if Parappa didn't actually tell them? Was she just going to be here all alone for Spring break?

A couple of knocks at the door interrupted Lammy's troubled thoughts. As she opened the door, she was slightly glad somebody had taken her mind off of her brain. She was even more elated when she found out it was Katy behind door.

"K-Katy! What brings you here?" Lammy exclaimed, her smile unable to be disguised. She loved Katy so much.

"Do I need permission to visit my favorite ewe?" Katy purred as she gave Lammy a small kiss on the cheek. Lammy blushed, giggling a bit. She loved it when Katy called her 'her ewe.'

Lammy took notice that her girlfriend was holding something behind her back. Katy smiled as she noticed Lammy's eyes trailing. "Oh, this?" Katy said, pulling out a present box. "Why, it's a present I got for my perfect girlfriend just for no reason!"

Lammy let out a small 'thank you' as she took the box, unraveling its wrapping, revealing the object inside. She let out a slight gasp of cuteness as she saw the gift: a plush toy. Lammy examined it. It was a white bear with light green highlights, and a robotic function. It was one of those talking toys that could move around when turned on. It was extra soft and fluffy, and an adorable face.

"A…Soft Bear Friend?" Lammy read off the box, slightly confused. What a silly name!

Katy smiled. "Yeah! It's sort of a weird gift, I know, but since it was said to be almost therapeutic , and since you like stuffed toys, I thought it could help with your anxiety!" she cheerfully stated. Lammy pressed a button on the bear's paw, causing it to squeak out 'I love you!'

Lammy giggled a bit. "Cheesy…" She grinned gave Katy a hug. "T-thanks a lot, Katy!" Lammy paused for a beat. "Do you have any plans for spring b-break?"

"Ah, about that…" Katy's voice sounded a bit down. "My parents are taking me to visit my family up a few cities over for a while. That's why I wanted to give a present, so you wouldn't get too lonely."

Lammy looked disappointed. "Oh…W-well I understand, Katy, so…" Lammy took a deep breath. "I honestly d-don't know what I'll be doing…"

Katy tried to be reassuring. "There's always Ma-San or Parappa to hang out with, Lammy, so maybe you could see what they're doing?" She placed a paw on her girlfriend's shoulder. "I'll have to start getting ready now, so I guess this is goodbye."

Lammy didn't know what to say as a last in person message. "W-wait!" she said, "You aren't taking a plane, a-are you?"

"No way! It'll take a couple hours to drive up there, but a plane costs too much just for that!" Katy walked closer to Lammy with a hug and a quick kiss. "I'll be back before you know it, okay? Just call me."

Lammy nodded, love in her gaze as Katy walked out of the apartment. "Well, I guess it's j-just you and me, little guy," Lammy murmured, stroking the soft fur of the toy. She flopped back onto her bed. "I guess I don't have to do anything anymore, so…I guess I'll just take a nap…"

With that, Lammy had quickly fallen into a light slumber. The toy was held in between her arms as she napped. A breeze from an open window gave the room a nice, chilled temperature. However, that window was never opened by Lammy herself.

Hello everyone! I'm back with a new fandom and a new fic! The Parappa fandom is small, but I hope you guys like this! This is a multichapter story! Things will just get better! (Also, where did linebreaks go? are you okay?)