All that could be heard on the chilly evening, was his slow breathing. He had to be calm as he sighted his target through his scope. Making a shot in this chilly and windy night was no easy feat. It had been a torturous three day wait for his target to emerge.As he lay on the rooftop of the residential flat, He would only get a ten second window in which he had to blow her brains out.

The target's name was Lydia. No middle name, no last name. At least that is what her file said.

She was a major dealer in everything in the region. Of what, you ask? everything. Drugs, firearms, human trafficking, blackmail, murder ; anything vile and you bet she will have stuck her finger in that pie. She had come to the sniper's attention when she had attempted to strong arm her way into his client's territory. She had hijacked his convoys, attacked his drug labs even put out an open contract on his life. In his past life, he wouldn't have killed her but try to end her business. Now, he really didn't care for much apart from how many people he could kill and how much he could earn from each contract . That is how she ended in his crosshairs. Too bad for her she will have to enjoy the fields of asphodel in the underworld.

Which brings us to the present. For a person with ADHD, he was pretty content with himself. Staying still for three days but then again he wasn't the same.He was brought back to the present when his earpiece crackled, " Terminator? You copy? over.. Dammit boy!! Answer me.. The target will be out of range in two seconds.. over. I swear to -" before his tantrum was over, the lady's head bust open like a melon introducing her brain matter to the pavement. The bullet from the sv 98 rifle had no mercy as it traversed the 310 metres in mere seconds and brutally made itself at home in her brain.

Lydia's bodyguards couldn't comprehend what had just happened. When reality set upon them, they started running around like headless chicken. One of them was so shocked that he started giving her CPR. The sniper, still watching from his scope, was tempted to drop more people but he quelled his bloodlust. He was amused to say the least at what he was seeing. Deciding that it was enough, he disassembled his rifle and went to the rendezvous point.

John was afraid, to put it mildly. He was actually terrified of what had happened during the assassination. Their boss had told him and his crew that they were to offer support to the terminator. THE TERMINATOR. The guy was a legend. Some had even considered him a myth. He killed and tortured just for fun. His name made even the toughest run and hide under their mother's skirts. He was the bogeyman. That is why John could not comprehend why Pierce had to open his big mouth. HE had ordered radio silence. John and his crew had gathered and provided the information but from what he had heard, he knew the terminator already had the info.

Pierce couldn't understand why his boss would pay 5 million dollars for that bitches assassination. I mean, that was the price that was rumoured to have been offered. Even though John was a spineless wuss, he was still leader but Pierce often fantasized what he could do with even half that amount of money. All he needed was just a dozen guys, some C4, some teargass and some semi automatic guns. It wasn't as if they didn't know where the she devil wannabe was at all times. But Noooo, his boss didn't want any blow back so he relegated him and three other guys to the information and backup crew. He will show them. He will show them all.

That is why he was agitated when he saw that Lydia was about to walk out of the kill zone. All those weeks of following her around, bribing and threatening members of her operation were about to be wasted right infront of his eyes. That's why he spoke out and that was his fatal mistake.. He just didn't know it yet.

Now here they were in a semi dark warehouse waiting for terminator to show. There was a nervous energy in the air. "You shouldn't have spoken Pierce, " Tom, the other member of the crew, said. "Why not?, " Pierce growled, walking menacingly toward him. Now you have to understand that Pierce was a monstrosity of a man. He was 6"6 and weighed almost 290pounds. His forearms were thick and his veins ropy. He had a buzz cut having served in the army then later in prison. His strong jaws and thick neck ensured he wasn't knocked out easily. His blue eyes were crackling with anger and fear. He was literally the brawn. Compared to Tom's 5"11 stature and 180 pounds, it appeared more of a David and Goliath situation. But Tom held his ground. "He said not to you pompous ass. Now because of you, he's going to kill us all" ,Tom spat. "Not gonna happen. I'm gonna snap his neck like a twig. I think he's not as bad as he thinks he is, " Pierce huffed.

" You don't have a brain, so I don't give a crap what you think, " Arturo, the last member of the group, said. As Pierce twirled around wanting to smack him, a voice spoke from the corner. It was cold and raspy. " Stop. "

They all turned around to face the speaker.. "What did I say? " it continued. When no-one responded, it repeated "What. did. I. say? "

When the speaker came into the light, they were astounded by his physique. He was 6"1 with Raven black hair and an unkempt beard. His body was of an athletic build looked like a swimmer's .He had a nasty looking scar running from his temple to the corner of his mouth. He had on a grey three piece suit with a trench coat that was billowing in non existent wind. A cold breeze tickled the crew's noses. They could swear it smelled like the ocean. His gaze was blank and stoic but his eyes were what amazed them. They were a poisonous green with rims of red and black around them.

Tom, hoping to alleviate the tension, took a step forward "S-sir.. am sorry. I-I-I take full responsibility for -" He didn't get to finish because Pierce interrupted, pushing him aside. " This? This is the legendary terminator?. He is young.. just a "boy! ". Run along to mommy and suckle. Hahahah!! " Although they could sense, the change in the atmosphere the blank expression never wavered. He said " With the respect I've shown, it's only fair you do the same, "

"What respect? "Pierce bellowed, shoving the assassin backwards. To his surprise, he didn't burge an inch.. "Explaining yourself before I kill you."

"You mean to kill us all? " Arturo whimpered. "Yes"... "Why? ". Pierce shouted, " Think you morons. No one has ever seen his face and he's here without a mask. so... " The realization dawned on them. Although they expected to be killed, its confirmation was like a hammer to the chest. With that the crew drew their weapons and pointed it at the assassin. At this point, Pierce had backed away drawing his revolver.

The assassin gazed at them. There was a an uneasy silence with the occupants of the warehouse as each considered their options. John was the one who broke the silence. "It's not fair that you would kill us all for his mistake.. please reconsider. " The assassin replied "You said you take full responsibility for his actions? Then you also share in his fate. Those two on the other hand, can leave if they drop their weapons."

On hearing this, Arturo and Tom shared a glance with each other. Tom then said " How can we trust you? " . "You can't." was The reply. "I'm an assassin. As you've pointed your guns at me, I perceive it a challenge. One that I've accepted "

Almost immediately, as if there was an agreement, they opened fire at the assassin. What happened next could be described as graceful yet horrifying. Amazing but terrifying. It was simply magic.

It was as if the bullets were allergic to him. He spun to his left, unsheathing his knives. He lunged at the nearest person, who was Arturo. He drove the 9 inch knife through his chin and into his brain killing him instantly. Using his body as a shield, he shot both Tom and John in between their eyes. They remained standing for a while because their brains had not yet perceived that they were dead. He'd decided to leave Pierce for last.

Pierce, seeing this,started fleeing. Glancing behind him to check on the assassin, he ran into a wall. Only when he glanced up, did he see it was the assassin. He rose shakily, having already lost the gun in panic. He rolled his hands into fists and brought them up in a boxing position. "Am notnot afraid of you punk, "Pierce sneered.. The assassin chuckled and said "That wet patch on your pants begs to differ. "

Hoping to catch the assassin off guard, he threw a punch towards his face. In a blink of an eye, the assassin blocked the punch with his forearm and hit him in the throat with his palm, which he had formed into a v. While he was struggling for breath, the assassin followed with a flurry of blows to his face and chest.

Pierce felt each blow as if it were a sledgehammer. The fact that he was struggling to breathe from the blow to the throat didn't help. He was sure that he had broken a few ribs and bruised his trachea. "At least he hasn't broken my legs or hands," he thought.

As if reading his mind, the assassin locked his arm between his right forearm and left elbow then snapped it. The pain was too unbearable to scream. He just opened his mouth in horror and a silent scream as he watched his arm dangle awkwardly.

"You know, all this could have been avoided if you'd kept quiet, " the assassin whispered.

"You're a monster, your heart is black as hell, " Pierce mumbled.

The assassin replied, "You have no idea. As for my heart, I have none. But yours on the other hand.. " . With that, the assassin plunged his hand into Pierce's chest and removed said organ. "Would you look at that? It's red".

He tossed it at the still body leaking blood in copious amounts.

Turning once more to survey the mayhem he had unleashed, Percy Jackson disappeared in a mist that left a smell of the salty ocean