Lucifer hummed lightly as he strolled up to the mission office with Sakura and Satsuki flanking him. Ignoring the tired glare and bloodshot eyes of Kushina he grinned sharply and felt a sense of satisfaction at her retreating to the side. "So, what are we doing today?" he asked with a chipper amused tone. He'd slept great, woke up with his girls practically laying on top of him and Kushina not to mention Natsumi and Minato looked bloody ragged; all in all a great start to the day in his books!
"You taking this damn seal off us and letting us back in the compound!" Kushina snarled with her eyes flaring up. His anger was one thing, that was justifiable considering all that happened. Hell, it was actually merciful considering! Outright stripping her, Jiraiya, Tsunade and Natsumi of all knowledge related to Uzumaki techniques as well as Minato and Jiraiya of their summon contract was unexcusable.
"Nah, not happening and I'm not letting your husband or Jiraiya resign the Toad contract. You see there Kushina, I talked to the great Toad Sage. Told him what you all did, showed him proof of it all. Plus it is the clan heads right to exile traitors. You broke every tenant the clan had regarding family when it came to my case" Lucifer said with a shrug. "Next point. I have the paperwork from Uzushio, signed by your father my grandfather the last Uzukage before Uzu was destroyed, where Jiraiya was exiled due to trying to sell clan secret seals to fund his prostitute hiring problem; sworn affidavits from witnesses now long dead included. Luckily Jiraiya was caught but when he was banished the slimy bastard made off with the Toad contract. Lastly don't even begin to bitch at me about barring you, your daughter, Jiraiya, Tsunade and your husband access to the Uzumaki bank accounts. Only the clan head and their chosen council is supposed have access. The matter of fact you let your spouse, your daughter and two non main family have access would put you to death by Uzushio law was it still around. Not to mention facilitating and participating in the abuse and torture of the rightful clan heir by birth right. Any other complaints?" he asked with a scowl.
Minato looked with skeptical eyes at Lucifer when the bit about Jiraiya came up. "Those people are dead so the affidavits are meanlingless" he said in a measured tone. He wanted to get back in his sons good graces but the agitation of being played with was not doing his patience any help.
"True but I didn't say it was the only proof there was against Jiraiya now did I? After all" Lucifer leaned forward with a with slight malicious shark tooth like smile "you are by no means innocent. In the affidavits the person Jiraiya was trying to sell clan secrets to were members of your clan Namikaze." He saw the surprise register in the mans eyes. "Namikaze Satoru, Namikaze Jintou and Namikaze Shinji were the three Jiraiya tried to sell Uzumaki clan secret seals to" he said turning to round his gaze on Kushina, her skin paling as the implication set in. "You married the spawn of the clan that tried to steal my clans secrets, another reason I call you a traitor and stripped all knowledge from you."
Sakura had the good mind to pull her boyfriend back as Kushinas eyes were hard amethyst marbles aimed directly at her husband. Drama first thing in the morning was not what she wanted. She saw the look that Satsuki shot her and rolled her eyes since the obsidian eyes filled with the same annoyance. Before the screaming match between husband and wife could erupt the emerald eyed kunoichi cleared her throat. "We were going to request a change of team baka" she said slapping Lucifers arm affectionately.
"Oh right. You two are incredibly distracting you know" Lucifer said with an easygoing grin as he glanced between the two kunoichi. "Your wife and student, one of my more active torturers in my youth but I'm sure you don't care about that, have to spoon feed your daughter every little thing during group training. They had to leave solid clones to protect her and our client during our C turned A-rank mission. Frankly I'm confident enough to bet if Sakura, Satsuki and I were to enter the chunin exams we'd make it through and be promoted."
Minato grimaced and said nothing. He'd read the mission report of Natsumi not contributing anything to the last mission and her miserable efforts when they trained as a team. His mind reeled when he remembered one particular fact that made his eyes brighten a fraction, not nearly enough to be noticed but just enough to register he heard Lucifers words. "Did you have a jounin in mind? Since you three seem so adamant to stick together it would take a fairly skilled jounin to keep pace with you three and despite many claims our jounin corp is full of mostly average skills men and women."
"Oh yes, the three of us have two in mind actually" Satsuki said with a tiny smirk tugging at her lips. "They even put their offers in writing and signed it. Had it legally notarized as well for the inevitable time this would happen and no one could claim forgery."
Sakura picked up as she twirled a strand of her bangs. "They surprised us at first, Satsuki and myself that is. One a master swordsman able to pull the wool over everyones eyes, even you" she said procuring a document from her weapons pouch. "The offer written, dated and signed by one Hayate Gekkou." She placed the document on the desk and barely raised an eyebrow at the look the Hokages face.
"And by law of this village any clan with a retainer or vassal clan beneath them may pull them from their position to fulfill their duties. But I don't need to so that since this person more than willingly offered it since she was one of the only ANBU not to torture me as a child because you sent her on so many missions outside the village" Lucifer said. pulling out a second document. "A written, signed and dated offer put forth to us three by ANBU agent Neko and Uzumaki clan retainer by blood, Yugao Uzuki."
Kushina decided mentally to save her tirade at Minato for later as she snatched up the documents and scanned them. "These are fake. They have to be" she said to herself.
"Summon them here then ask for yourself if they did or did not write those. I don't lie and neither do my girlfriends unlike a whole village that I could think of" Lucifer said with a harsh glare that could weather stone to dust. Yugao had told her she hated Naruto and that was why she was never in the village! But...had she been lied to? Had Yugao actually cared about the formerly sunshine blonde child and was never around because Minato knew this? Had he purposefully put one of the few remaining live retainers on external missions so Naruto would have died without protection?
Minato cursed and paled internally at being called out. When their eyes were still shut he had been guilty of doing just that, purposefully sending Yugao on A or S rank missions outside the missions hoping she would die. He snapped his fingers summoning two ANBU agents, a hawk and otter mask adorned their facrs. The suppressed rage on Lucifers face made him nervous, though it did not show, and order them to bring Hayate and neko to his office.
Sakura felt the tightness in Lucifers muscles as she wrapped her arms around of his own. Whispering soft words in his ear before kissing his cheek softly saw him tense a moment before he forced his hody to relax, his fingers gently teasing the skin of her stomach through her shirt making the kunoichi shudder internally. 'Damn it Lucifer, you're paying for this later' she thought feeling a slight wetness to her panties as his fingers idly traced over a particular spot she loved touched on her stomach.
When the two ANBU returned with their assigned targets in tow Lucifers eyes darted between the pair. Hayate hadn't changed in the least. 'Actually hes taken to wearing a bandana now but otherwise the same. Even still chews on a senbon for idle motion' he thought. When his eyes met Yugaos, who was dressed rather casually as a jounin which meant today was probably a rest day for her, he saw her eyes widen in recognition. The next thing he knew the purple haired kunoichi slapped him hard across the face.
"You bastard!" Yugao growled dangerously upset but visibly shaking in relief. She'd recognize those eyes anywhere, so warm and kind but carefully guarded. Eyes that glimmered with regret for obviously upsetting her but relieved to see her after so long.
"Nice to see you too kity cat The years have been kind you" Lucifer said rubbing his stinging cheek with his free hand before holding a hand up to keep Sakura and Satsuki from doing anything stupid. "Shes upset for nearly the same reason you two were with me only Yugao was protective of me as a kid before I met you two. Isn't that right Yugao nee-chan" he said extracting him arm from Sakura.
Yugaos visible trembling intensified for a moment before her body seemed to relax. "Its good to know you're safe and alive kitten" she said drawing Lucifer into a tight hug as she nuzzled his shoulder, the familiar teasing escaping her lips easily like it was only yesterday she'd seen and not what felt like a lifetime ago when he was so small and need his 'kitty cat' to protect him as little as her job allowed.
"We'll get to you in a moment" Lucifer said with a snarl before he kissed Yugaos cheek softly. "This is no social call Yugao. You and Hayate signed those written offers to train Sakura, Satsuki and a redheaded boy with them by the name of Lucifer Morningstar right."
"Of course. We happened upon them doing an insane workout and were impressed by the strides in multiple fields of the ninja arts. Nintaijutsu, seal infused kenjutsu, traditional elemental ninjutsu utilized in ways we didn't think to use them before" Hayate said without his trademark 'sick cough'.
Kushinas eyes filled with dread as the pit of her stomach sank.
"Now, those offers are still valid yes?" Satsuki asked as she picked at a nail with one her kunai.
"Yes, we need a bit more excitement since everything has been stale lately" Yugao said not letting go of the hug she had Lucifer trapped in yet.
Lucifer himself chuckled softly and merely patted Yugao on the head. Sakura and Satsuki looked a bit off put but did nothing since it was obvious the purple haired kunoichi only thought of him as a younger sibling. "Then you two are in luck. Sakura, Satsuki and I need a sensei or two. New team formed and all."