It was a dark and stormy night...

Laura and Robbie stood at their front window, watching as furiously dark clouds raged across the sky over Oxford. The howling wind and impending torrent of rain would not dampen their spirits. They had taken up the habit of expressing gratitude to each other at this moment of each day. Sometimes they spoke about serious or passionate feelings, other times more lighthearted and primal needs were appreciated.

Patting his stomach and sighing Robbie went first, "I'm grateful you did the cooking tonight." He stood behind her and gently caressed her shoulders.

Laura's body melted into relaxation and she replied, "I'm grateful I did the cooking tonight as I was rather hungry and did not want to discover a meal on the table of dubious nature." There was something else. "Robbie that feels nice on my shoulders."

Always the good detective and happy he had been a good listener he said, "You mean instead of how I used to put my arm around your neck?"

"Well yes, I do mean that. Sometimes it felt like you were getting ready to strangle me, not really of course but in our line of work those thoughts do seems to arise."

Robbie put his arms around her waist. "I guess you can teach an old grouch new tricks. If you had not told me I would not have known how you felt about it." Even though he had scrubbed his hands before dinner, Laura could detect a faint whiff of wood glue. Robbie's latest project was a birdhouse for the garden. They had spotted a pair of doves frequenting the area and were hoping to entice them to stay.

They stood contentedly silent for awhile watching the sky continuing to darken until the clouds burst open and rain began to pour down. Both instinctively turned towards the pet door to see first Daphne, the blonde kitten, then Osborn, the old dog, scramble inside.

Daphne meticulously shook small drops of water off her legs and proceeded to leap onto Osborn's bed planting herself in the middle. Osborn gave a clumsy body waggle to rid himself of the water on his back then plodded over to the bed trying to decide on which side Daphne had left the most room for him. Daphne of course had her own bed but much preferred to bunk in with her canine housemate. Osborn gave his variation of a shrug of acceptance and eased himself onto the edge of his bed pushing himself into Daphne as much as he dared.

Laura shook her head. "Osborn's grateful for a small piece on his own bed. Daphne really likes to push it, doesn't she?"

Robbie did not agree. "I'm sure Osborn finds giving up most of his bed is a small price to pay for the companionship Daphne offers him. He's amazed a creature as lively as Daphne wants to be with him. Plodders like him don't usually end up with sassy young blondes."

Laura shrugged, "I was worried about him after Monty died, that he would be too stuck in the past to enter into a new relationship."

"Only a fool would do that." Robbie was oblivious to the dramatic irony of his remark. "We don't have to worry about Osborn suffering a loss again."

Laura wrinkled her brow. "Meaning what?"

"Well, Daphne's so much younger than he is, he'll have her as a companion for the years he has left."

She considered her next words carefully. "It doesn't always happen that way." Left unspoken was the fact that Valerie Lewis had been a couple of years younger than Robbie. Laura checked Robbie's face to be sure he had not retreated into an old unhappy chapter. Then she shifted her gaze to examine the seemingly confident and fearless cat and knew that underneath was the soul of a vulnerable creature. "Daphne would be devastated to lose Osborn."

"She's so young and full of life. When Osborn passes she will find a new relationship."

The violent pelting of raindrops on the window was too loud for them to hear the noise that Laura knew was coming from Daphne, a contented purring sound like the motor of a well tuned automobile. "Don't be too sure Robbie. Haven't you noticed Daphne has not made any friends other than Osborn, doesn't want anything to do with any other cats or dogs in the neighborhood? She tolerates Donald from down the road because he is Osborn's friend. Osborn is Daphne's soul mate; I can't imagine her bonding with anyone else. If he goes first she'll probably devote herself solely to mouse and mole patrol in the yard, and perhaps some creative toilet roll sculptures."

Robbie gave it a think and realized Laura was right, as usual. "They should both go off together then."

"It's out of our control. Let's just be grateful for what is happening now. Look how they embrace the present and are content with their current situation." She pointed at the happily sleeping Osborn and the amused eyes of Daphne as she lightly tapped the dog's stomach as it rose and fell with each breath.

Laura's phone interrupted the moment. Fortunately it was a personal text message, not a summons to work. It was her niece Caroline sending Laura and Robbie a photo of a picture drawn by her daughter Flavia, Laura and Robbie's goddaughter. A crying baby was being rocked back and forth in a canoe by two people, one small and fair haired, the other tall and dark. Caroline once told them that Flavia insisted on the same story being told before bedtime each night, how Auntie Laura and Uncle Robbie took care of her after she was born, while her Mummy was sick. Flavia claims to remember being rocked in the canoe.

The message following the photo simply said, 'Thank-you'.

Caroline had future plans to create a children's book based on her daughter's early days with Robbie and Laura. Flavia, the budding artist, would provide the illustrations. Both godparents wondered if anyone would be interested in a story about the pair of them caring for a baby.

Robbie and Laura turned back to the window as the rain dwindled to a gentle patter for a few minutes and then the storm was over. The clouds slowly began their journey to another locale, nudged by a gentle breeze. Laura pointed at the sky. "Look, the first star."

Robbie spoke quietly in her ear. "Did you make a wish?"

Not ready to call it a night yet, the corners of her mouth turned up as Laura spun around to face Robbie and she responded fervently, "I did!"

Reading her mood, Robbie gestured his arm towards the drinks cabinet. "Gin, with a slice of lemon?"

Her smile broadened. "I'd be most grateful, Robbie."

A/N: The Hobsonfan family has much to be grateful for as we recently welcomed a new grandchild, a healthy baby boy. I hope all of you and your families are doing well during this world wide pandemic. -H
