This story is another request per guest, I hope you enjoy it! I had to go back and re-watch a few episodes so it took me a bit to write this.

"Those meddling kinder are ruining my genius plan." Squeaks Professor Pericles

One Green eye roams over the many large Kriegstaffebots "They simply have one piece, yet they refuse to give it to me."

He wasn't stupid, genius was in his title. The professor knew very well that mystery inc. had entrusted the safety and wellbeing of said disk to the canine of the group, all thanks to hidden surveillance cameras in the mystery machine.

"Those misguided fools, I will have that last piece of the planispheric disk."

Pericles flies above the lair, smile adobe his feathered face as a plan begins to form "Scooby, will hand over that disk to me, or I'll destroy the one thing he cares about most."


The Mystery Inc gang, Fred Jones, Daphne Blake, Velma Dinkley, Shaggy Rogers and Scooby-Doo seemed to be at a stand still at Coolsville Park.

"Well, at least we've got one piece of the disk." Speaks Fred "That's good, right?"

"Yeah, but what are we supposed to do with it?" Questions Daphne "It's pretty much useless on its own."

"True, but like, its safer here than in Professor Pericles wings." States Shaggy "Scooby won't let it out of his sight, right, Scoob?"

Scooby determinedly shakes his head, normally he'd be enjoying a humongous sandwich at this time, only this bird really got under his skin. "Right, Rhaggy."

Fred sighs, he couldn't honestly say he was happy with this case, solving it seemed to be a matter of life and death "Let's put the disk away and get ready for class, gang."

"I don't think we should leave the disk alone, Fred." Speaks Velma "Professor Pericles is smart, he could easily figure out where Scooby hid it."

"But if we stand by and guard it 24/7 he can figure it out just as easily, Velma." Answers Daphne "I'm with Freddy."

"I trust Scooby-Doo to pick a good hiding place." States Shaggy, hand patting the top of his best friends head "Go hide it, buddy"

"Pick a good spot, Scoob. Somewhere no one would ever thing to look." Says Fred "We'll wait right here for ya."

Scooby looks from each of his smiling friends, mouth now full of said final disk "Rhanks, ruys"

The canine walked for a bit in debate, he could easily bury it, only that's exactly what a normal dog would do "Rhmmmm"

A bucket? No, an old squeaky toy? Too easy! Underneath a rock? Child's play "Rwhere ran I rhide rit?"

The canine left the park as sudden inspiration hit, Professor Pericles would expect him to hide it with food ... But he'd never think to look at the old Coolsville Cemetery.

Tombstones lined in a row, flowers and messages from loved ones adorn the graves of the lost, Scooby continued forward, in search of the perfect area.

"Rwhich one, rwhich one?" So many good stones he could use, but the one that stood out the very most had a fractured chip where part of it had broken off.

"I rike rit" Scooby lowers the disk into the dip, the disk in turn fitting in snugly, after a few re-arrangements of a bush nearby, the disk is safely covered "Rerfect"

With the mission accomplished, Scooby-Doo strode his way back to his friends. "Rericles rwill rever rind rit"

Daphne played with her long red hair, Freddy daydreamed of traps, Velma pondered how to get closer to Shaggy and the shagster himself waited patiently for his pal.

"How much longer is Scooby gonna be?" Asks Daphne bored

"It's only been fifteen minutes, Daphne" mutters Velma in annoyance

"Relax, Daph, Scoob's got this!" Beams Shaggy, eyes catching sight of said dog "There he is now, hey Scooby!"

Scooby slammed to a halt, knocking over Shaggy in the process "Roops, rorry, Rhaggy."

Shaggy laughs "Like, its fine Scoob, no harm done."

"Is it hidden?" Questions Fred "Did you need any traps? You know, just in case?" Hopefulness in his voice.

Scooby shakes his head "Rope, rits rhidden real rood, ruys."

"Then let's get going, like, I'm starved!" States Shaggy as his thin stomach growls.

"You're always hungry, Shaggy" mocks Velma "But, we all probably should get heading back."

Fred spins the mystery machines keys "Let's go, gang"

The four teens and canine sleuth happily hop into the hippie van, for a few seconds they could all pretend they were solving simple, meaningless crimes like old times.

Daphne finished freshening her lipstick and black mascara, blue eyes catching sight of the time "Jeepers! Fred, you better step on it, we're already late!"

"Like, who cares if we're late? The most we'll get is detention." Speaks Shaggy, a handful of Scooby snacks are swiped from his right hand.

"Besides, I myself think a vacation is like, required." States Shaggy, the teen glaring at his canine before laughing the theft off.

"You know what? Shag's right" agrees Fred "We've got so much going on, but when's the last time any of us was able to get out for awhile? Enjoy a drive?"

"Well you all might be ok with ditching school, but I for one am not." Declared Velma, hands crossed in front.

Fred sighs, he knew by Velma's tone and the look he was getting from Daphne there was no winning "Sorry, guys"

Shaggy pets Scooby on the head "Like, it's ok Fred, thanks for trying"

The ride grows quiet, the guys too afraid to make the girls anymore upset and the girls annoyed at said boys.

The journey could have continued in such a way, had it not been for the horde of robots blocking the road.

"Hang on!" The mystery machine comes screeching to a stop, launching Shaggy and Scooby forwards.

"Zoinks!" Screams Shaggy, pointer finger out "Like, its Professor Pericles!"

Said bird internally laughs upon seeing the shocked faces, Scooby's quickly turning into a snarl "Why hello, Kinder! Fancy meeting you all here."

Not one teen replies, causing the bots to take a threatening step forward "Won't you please exit the vehicle? I only wish to talk."

Scooby scoffs unbelievably "Ryeah right"

"Come on gang, those robots don't seem very friendly." Says Fred as the blonde slides out of the car "Be careful, Daph"

Pericles smiles as slowly but surely the teens all exit the van, Fred guarding Daphne, Velma to the side of Shaggy and Scooby blocking his human companions.

"That's much better, now as for why I'm here. I've come to offer you a deal, Scooby."

Scooby glares after the initial shock wears off "Rwhat rind rof ra real?"

"One that gives us both what we want." Answers Pericles cryptically, the bird signaling a bot behind the teens.

"And what is it we get, Pericles?" Asks Fred skeptically

"The deal is only for the dog, he will get what he wants most and I shall get my piece of the disk." Rebuttals Pericles "This is a one time deal, Scooby. And I highly suggest you take it, before someone gets hurt."

Scooby looks confusingly over his friends faces, what he wanted most was right in front of him, not one of them harmed in any way. "Ryou're rluffing"

Pericles laughs "I'd hoped you'd take me at my word, but, I guess I'll have to use force."

The members of Mystery Inc's eyes widen at the declaration, only to be confirmed from the high pitched scream coming from their friend.

"Like, let go of me!" Screams a struggling Shaggy, currently in a kriegstaffebots grip "Help!"

"Rhaggy!" Yells Scooby, the Great Dane attempts attacking said bot "Rut ry Rhaggy rown!"

"You put him down! Let him go!" Orders Daphne, head turning from the scene to her future boyfriend "Freddy, do something!"

"Jinkies! You can't just take him!" States Velma, fists clenched in anger at her sides "Shaggy!"

"This is going too far, Pericles! Let Shaggy go." Demands Fred, the blonde leader stepping forwards.

Pericles one eye never leaves Scooby's figure, watching the mutt try to help his human was truly pathetic "Do I have your attention now, Scooby?"

Scooby growls and snarls, chasing down the robot holding his best friend captive as it begins to walk "Rhang ron, Rhaggy!"

"Scooby-Doo!" Shaggy kicks and punches, but it's no use against the Mechanical body of armor imprisoning him. The teen can only sit tight as he's walked to Professor Pericles side.

The parrot hovers next to the struggling hostage, claws messing with his brown hair "The disk for Shaggy, a fair trade, wouldn't you say? I get what I want most and so do you."

For emphasis Pericles on the danger, said bird has the robot squeeze Shaggy tighter, eliciting a pained shriek from the boy. "Hey, like that hurts, man!"

"I'll give you three hours to make your decision, we'll meet at the abandoned storehouse, I'm sure you all can figure out the one. You bring the disk, or Shaggy is dead."

Pericles perches on the shoulder of the bot holding Shaggy, the trio now hovering in the air "Auf Wiedersehen Mystery Incorporated."

"Like, HELP!" Echoes Shaggy's voice as the teen and his captors make a hasty exit. "Scooby-Doo!"

Scooby runs as fast as he could in pursuit, until he looses sight of the fleeing group in the clouds. "RI'm romin Rhaggy!"

"What are we going to do? We can't let Professor Pericles get the last piece ... But Shaggy" cries Daphne into Fred's arms.

Velma re-arranged her glasses a top her nose, changing the glare to an unseeing shine "We'll save Shaggy and keep the disk."

Fred eyes Scooby, the Great Dane still facing the direction his friend had disappeared in "We're a team guys, we can't just leave Shaggy ... Even if it means giving up the disk."

"Pericles said the choice was up to Scooby, that's why he abducted Shaggy. Who better to use against him?" States Velma "He must have found out Scooby was the one who hid the disk."

"But do we really have to hand that creep our only leverage? Why not set a trap, you love traps, Fred!" Pipes in Daphne.

"That's up to Scooby" says Fred causing said dog to turn around "We'll do whatever you feel is best, Scoob."

Scooby stares, his friends were willing to give up all they had to save Shaggy "Rhanks ruys, RI'm rost rwithout Rhaggy."

"We'll get him back Scooby, I promise that Shaggy is coming home." Declares Velma "What's the plan Fred?"

"Scooby, go get the disk, we may need it. Girls, you're with me to my place, we've got less than three hours to set a trap that an escape artist bird couldn't get out of."

So I know this story is based on the Mystery Incorporated season of the show, which means Scooby speaks perfectly, but it just didn't feel like Scooby-Doo to me when I wrote it that way. Stay tuned, the worst is yet to come! Also Kinder is German for kids and Pericles uses this phrase often :)