Chapter Two:

"Clary stop" Simon grabbed Clary's hand. "We have to leave" Simon tried pulled his two friends back towards the general direction of the van.

"Guys, I think Jace can help us" Clary pulled away from Simon's grip.

Mattie wasn't paying much attention as she could make out the faint sound of police sirens.

"We have to get out of here now" Mattie hissed as she shook off Simon's grip.

"Why?" Simon almost yelled.

The police siren came closer and nothing could be hear over the wailing.

"Come on." Jace spoke as the wailing came closer.

"How do you know that this guy is even going to try…?" Simon started to speak.

"Mundane, we don't have the time" Jace snapped.

"Leave him alone" Mattie snapped in response, she bared her teeth again. She forced herself between Simon and Jace.

"Come on, let's go" Clary's voice immediately calmed down Mattie. Clary lead the two of them into the church.

The four of them walked through the doors of the church. The interior looked nothing like the outside. It was clean, too clean for her liking. She sniffed the air as she could pick up on the smell of other people, but she wasn't sure if this was from people who had been crashing in the seemingly abandoned church or whether it was from the Shadowhunters who used it as their head of operations.

Jace held out his arm and showed them that nothing was present there. He pulled out a blade from his back pocket and begun burning a rune into his skin. Mattie rolled her eyes and bunched her nose up in some attempt to stop the acute smell from making her want to vomit. Whereas Simon looked at Jace with a mix of confused concern and disgust at what he was doing.

"Trust me" Clary whispered.

"He's like burning himself" Simon whispered back.

"It smells" Mattie injected, as she bunched her nose up.

Jace finished burning the rune into his skin, he replaced the blade into his back pocket. He clasped his hand around Simon.

"Mate, what's going on? I'm not your type. I don't even…." Simon protested, trying to pull himself away from Jace. But he suddenly stopped.

"He must be seeing" Mattie whispered slightly. Only Jace was able to pick up on this and he looked at her and finally put together that she wasn't a mundane for definite.

"Where are we? What the hell. Is there a war going on?" Simon thought out loud.

"There is now" Jace stated as if it was fact before he started to make his way from the doors.

"I think my mother is at the centre of it" Clary spoke as she watched Jace walk away. Mattie looked over towards Clary, the werewolf could sense Clary's apprehension and fear. Mattie reached over to and wrapped her hand in Clary's and gave it a brief squeeze.

"Wait! Aren't you going to do that for Mattie?" Clary asked Jace who was only a few steps ahead of them. Jace spun back around to face the trio.

"She could see all this, but she can hold my hand if she wants" Jace smirked as he held his hand out of Mattie to take.

"In your dreams, pretty boy" Mattie laughed as she slapped his hand down.

Mattie looked at Clary and Simon, before taking a deep breath to steady herself.

"I'm a werewolf, so I've known about this my whole life" Mattie muttered.

"What?" Simon asked.

Mattie took another deep breath before speaking, "I said, I'm a werewolf, so I've known about this my whole life"

"I'm sorry about lying. But we can discus all this later and I'll answer any questions I can." Mattie said as she followed behind Jace.

"That's fine" Clary replied.

"You coming?" Jace asked Simon who was standing by the doors, almost dumbfounded about what was happening. There was an incredibly high tech government style building inside an abandoned church and one of his best friends was a werewolf and the other a shadowhunter. No wonder Simon was confused.

"What did they rob a tech shop?" Simon asked, trying to be funny. But given the high stress nature of what was happening, it fell on deaf ears.

"Simon please, just stop with the dumb questions and just listen" Mattie told him, but her for once she was trying to be as understanding as she could. Mattie just hoped that Simon was able to tell that she wasn't trying to be horrible but reassuring.

Simon gave her a brief nod in response as the four of them stopped in front of a pillar of screens. Jace pulled one of the screens in front of him and pulled up the security footage of outside the church.

A uniformed police officer stood outside the church, he raised his weapon as he pushed the doors open.

"So this cold bloodied killer is going to help us" Simon asked.

"Don't nit-pick Simon. And you're friends with me." Mattie stated, she pointed towards the door with her thumb, "And I killed a guy like a couple of nights ago"

"He's not a killer. He was protecting us" Clary replied, ignoring Mattie's comment.

"He was protecting you two, not me. I could have handled myself and have many times before" Mattie replied. Getting a confused look from Clary and Simon, but then Clary remembered that Mattie has always had a knack for getting into fights.

"More specially you. It's kinda of our thing" Jace stood up taller. To Mattie it was clear that he was proud of himself, maybe too much? She couldn't tell.

"You have a thing that's good" Simon said under his breath.

"Ego much" Mattie scoffed.

"Jace means a shadowhunter thing. They protect humans from demons" Clary explained.

"Well, we didn't want them to take on the job, but unfortunately they did" Mattie spat out. She didn't understand why shadowhunters acted so high and mighty over the downworlders. She couldn't understand why The Clave took it upon themselves to be the Governing body of the Shadowworld. Jace looked almost offended at Mattie's statement.

"Demons. Okay I guess that makes perfect sense" Simon spoke, it was clear that he was starting to panic.

In frustration Mattie pinched the bridge of her nose, yes this was probably an overwhelming experience for Simon but he was slowly getting on her nerves which were getting shorter since she hadn't had coffee in a good couple of hours.

"Simon, you did meet my ex-boyfriend didn't you?" Mattie said.

"Because there's clearly demons running all around New York City" Simon ignored Mattie's statement, hoping that it was a joke but with her, you couldn't be sure.

"That is the first correct thing, you've said all day" Jace replied. Mattie wasn't able to pick up on what he was inferring from his tone.

"Only I get to be frustrated at my friends." Mattie snapped, she poked him in the chest.

Jace smirked in response, the fun he was going to have pushing her buttons.

The group's attention returned to a monitor as Jace pulled back up the footage of the mundane police officer entering the Cathedral. Mattie watched eagerly as the officer made their way around the church, they cleared each area of the cathedral.

"What's going on? Why does it smell like dog here?" The much taller shadowhunter from the nightclub asked as he walked over to them.

"First of all, I'm a werewolf, don't make dog jokes or I'll rip your throat out" Mattie gave a brief fake smile before she continued talking, "and second of all, I smell like coconut"

The two shadowhunters were slightly thrown off by Mattie's threats and how she managed to convey them in such a jovial manner. But for the first time since Clary's eighteenth, her friends regained a sense of normalcy. Mattie making threats no one knew if she'd follow through on them or not.

"Why's there a mundane and a werewolf in the institute?"

"Because Jace fucked up? Like turn 'off find my friend' and cover Clary's scent next time." Mattie turned to face Clary, "You have an overwhelming smell of vanilla and I love it"

"No…." Jace shuffled around his words for a moment, uncharacteristically, "There was a Circle member who followed him to get to Clary."

"A Circle member just like the ones who took my mother" Clary stated, she was sure of her words.

"And the ones who murdered my parents" Mattie whispered.

"What exactly is a circle member?" Simon asked.

"A long time ago, the circle lead a revolt and a lot of shadowhunters got killed" Jace explained "including my father"

"Since the revolt we've been forbidden to even hear about them" Alec continued.

"Well they clearly didn't get the memo" Mattie gave a sarcastic smile.

"How's that even possible. It's your history" Clary replied, highly confused.

"Same reason we ignore what Columbus really did" Mattie answered the rhetorical question.

"Says the girl who didn't even know she was a shadowhunter and the downworlder" Jace waved his hand around Mattie.

"Jace, if you're trying to insult me for being a werewolf, you're going to have to try a lot harder. I'm a New Yorker and I lived on the streets for a while" Mattie watched as Jace walked away from them.

Mattie's phone cut through the tension between her and Jace.

"I'm gonna have to take this" Mattie pointed away from them.

"Yo', what's going on?" Mattie spoke through her phone.

"Hey, Matts it's me" Lincoln's voice was quiet, something was off.

"Lincoln what's wrong?" Concern laced Mattie's voice.

"I just got to Boston"

"You should have been there a week ago" Mattie exclaimed. "I left you at the train station"

"Yeah, but some stuff happened on the train" Lincoln danced around the topic.

"Everything okay?" Mattie asked, picking up on the distress in his voice.

"Yes and no. I don't know when I'll be back" Lincoln spoke, Mattie could tell that he was running his hands through his hair.

"Linc, just take as much time as you need" Mattie sighed, she need her best friend, but he had things that had to be sorted in Boston.

"I'll check out Harvard for Ben" Lincoln knew how important finding Ben was important to Mattie.

"Thanks" Mattie smiled softly.

Mattie could hear the conversation that was happening about Simon wanting to enter the training room with Clary.

"There's runes all over the training room floor that would kill your Mundie boyfriend" Jace stated.

"He's not my…" "I'm not her.." Simon and Clary spoke at the same time.

"We're just friends" Simon said, despite being his feelings for Clary

"Best friends" Clary stated confidently.

"I gotta go before Simon gets his ass killed. Bye." Mattie ended her call and walked over towards the group.

"Yeah and I'm tough" Simon stated, he slightly tried to make himself bigger looking. Jace didn't look at all impressed.

"Simon, babe, you know that I love you, but you're not tough. You won't step in the ring with me" Mattie placed her hand on his shoulder, almost too condescendingly for his liking.

"Yeah" He scoffed, "Because you're a werewolf"

"You didn't know that till like ten minutes ago" Mattie pointed out.

"But I'm tough, I can handle runes." Simon slapped Jace on the shoulder. "bring on the runes"

Jace was clearly still not impressed.

"What exactly are runes?" Simon asked, not caring if he sounded stupid or not.

"They give us our demon fighting powers" a lyrical feminine voice front behind them spoke.

They all turned around to face the woman would had just spoke.

"So hot" Simon let slip. Mattie rolled her eyes as Jace cleared his throat almost too loudly. "I meant the runes"

"Don't worry you two, I'll watch over the best friend" she said as she held out her hand. "In fact I was about to make breakfast"

"On second thought, the runes might be less lethal" Jace whispered.

Mattie looked at Clary and Simon, none of them were sure if Jace was joking or not.

"Please excuse my brother's lack of manners. This is Alec" she pointed backwards, he was still clearly on edge about what was going down. She held her hand out for Simon to take, "And I'm Isabelle"

Simon grabbed her hand and shook it, clearly not figuring out what she wanted. "Lewis. Simon Lewis"

"Mattie Louvel" she awkwardly waved her hand.

"Wolfie come with us" Jace pointed at Mattie. His voice was laced with dismay.

"Excuse me?" Mattie snapped, her anger was present. Clary reached out to stop Mattie from slamming her fist into Jace's face. "You don't get to make wolf related comments or jokes"

Mattie roughly shook it off and stepped into Jace's personal space. She took deep steady breaths, "We're not friends so you don't get to make jokes about who I am"

Jace didn't response but Mattie couldn't tell whether he was checking her out or seizing her up.

"Okay, if this pissing contest is over can we please go to the training room?" Clary's voice cut through the air. Mattie slammed into Jace's shoulder as the wolf made her way past him.

"Who is that guy?" Clary asked, as the three of them watched the ending of a fight take place.

"That's Hodge Starkweather, our weapons trainer. And a former Circle member"

"Fuck" Mattie whispered, her breath got caught in her throat. Childhood memories flooded back.

"The Circle are responsible for your parent's murder. They're the reason you're an orphan." Peter's voice replayed the statements he drilled into her.

"You okay?" Clary asked was able to pick up on Mattie's distress. Mattie didn't want to response verbally so she nodded.

"After the uprising, Hodge repents and sent here to live and work in order to make amends. But he's forbidden to ever leave the Institute" Jace explained.

The three of them watched as the fight between Hodge and the female shadowhunter unfolded. From the offset it was clear that Hodge would be the victorious one.

Hodge was now standing in front of the trio, sweat was dripping off him.

"Jocelyn" Hodge let slip out when he looked at Clary. He glanced over to Mattie, he gave a soft smile.

"I'm Clary. Jocelyn Fray is my mother" Clary explained

"She was Jocelyn Fairchild when I knew her" He exhaled "she was one of my best friends."

"By the way, Matilda Louvel" Mattie raised her hand awkwardly.

She was about to completely zoned out as she was walking the thin line between her childhood memories and the present.

Peter stalked across the compound's floor. Mattie backed herself even further into the corner. She couldn't stop the tears from flowing freely. She was afraid and just wanted this to end.

Peter grabbed Mattie by her neck and pulled her up onto her feet. His hand constricted the air to Mattie's lungs for a brief moment.
"The Clave are the ones who killed her" Peter hissed.

"You're the reason she's dead" Peter's hand squeezed Mattie's neck once again.

Mattie dropped to the ground with a thump. She crawled across the ground.

"Get up" Peter barked at her.

Mattie shakily climbed to her feet.

Peter threw a metal pole at her before he picked up his own.

"Fight me" he barked before he lunged at her. He swung the pole about her head. Mattie narrowly missed it as she dropped to the ground.

Mattie stabbed forward with her pole. Peter dodged it with ease. He moved quicker than Mattie expected and he slammed his pole into her knees.

A soft whimper of pain escaped the pre-teen wolf's lips.

"Mattie" Clary placed her hand on Mattie's forearm. Mattie quickly shook off any lingering thoughts from her childhood.

"Yea?" Mattie asked, sort of confused as to why everyone was looking at her.

"Louvel, right?" Hodge asked. Mattie nodded in response, "Marcella Louvel's kid right?"

"Yeah, I am. Why did you know her?" Mattie asked, she secretly hoped that Hodge did, she wasn't able to go back to Marcella's old pack for any information.

"I knew of her." Hodge's voice dropped.

"Oh" Mattie's voice dropped completely. Her disappointment was clearly evident.

"But I knew someone who knew her. She was a fantastic warrior" he quickly added.

"She was" Mattie swallowed the lump in her throat.

Clary took off and Jace quickly followed after her. Mattie ran a hand through her hair, and pulled out her phone with her other hand. She unlocked it and pulled up Ben's contact information. She listened to it ring out.

"Yeah, this is Ben. You know what to do. Leave a message and I'll try to get back to you" Ben's voicemail played out.

"Damn it" Mattie hissed and kicked the wall as the loud tone played out.

"Hey, Benny, it's Mattie. Call me back when you get this please. Shits went down and I sort of need to know that you're okay. I hope you're okay Ben" Mattie sighed once she ended the call. As she returned the phone to her back pocket, she kicked the wall.

One of the shadowhunters who was walking by her stopped and watched what she was doing.

"What? You got a problem?" Mattie snapped, she threw her arms into the air. She was more than willing to make a scene, if it came to that. The shadowhunter said nothing and started walking the away from the werewolf.

"Good" Mattie yelled after them. She sighed as she sniffed around for Clary's scent. She couldn't hear where Clary and Jace direction they went off in. After a few seconds she was able to pick up Clary's smell and ignore to the best of her ability the rest of the smells.

Mattie tentatively followed after Clary's scent. She rounded a corner to see Clary leaning against a wall.

"I can't remember anything. There's just this blackness" Clary exclaimed in frustration.

"Your mind was wiped" Jace stated.

"That's not possible. Is it?" Clary asked.

Mattie shuffled on her feet as she listened to the conversation unfold.

"If you know a Warlock" Jace shrugged his shoulders

"A warlock?" Clary questioned.

"Half demon, half human" he explained, for Clary's benefit.

Mattie cleared her throat to get their attention. Jace spun around to face her, Clary looked up from the ground.

"Clary's mind was wiped by Magnus Bane." Mattie rubbed her thumbs together as she walked towards them.

"And you know this how?" Jace asked, he was sceptical but he did believe her.

"Jocelyn told me." Mattie reached out to her best friend and held Clary's hand in her own. "I'm so sorry for not telling you but it wasn't my secret to tell."

"Mattie, now isn't the time." Clary let Mattie's hand drop, as Clary did this, Mattie could feel her own heart drop. "So you're saying if we find the real Dot, we can find my mother and the cup"

Mattie swallowed the lump in her throat, her gaze was fixed on her feet. She knew that Clary's hostility was going to be a likely outcome but she hadn't expected it so early. She thought that they were better friends than that, but clearly not to the extent that Mattie thought they were.

A/N: So here's chapter two, I hope you enjoyed it. I wasn't able to update until now due to a lot of deadlines for uni, but most of chapter three is done so hopefully it won't be another almost two month wait. I hope you find Mattie an interesting character. and if you want to yell at me, my tumblr is abcbarricadeboys then put this after the url /tagged/fic%3A-tenebrae for edits and all that jazz. Please leave a review if you feel like it because I am shallow and live for validation.