Disclaimer: I do not own The Flash (2014) in any way.
"The doctor will be in to see you soon."
"Thanks." Barry's left foot erratically tapped on the plastic footrest connected to the old leather chair. He shot the nurse a nervous smile, barely managing to raise his cheek from his hand.
Doctors usually never made him nervous, in fact, his father was one. He was used to their gentle tones and the smell of antiseptic that never seemed to wash out of their lab coats. If he were anywhere else to be examined, he'd probably be chatting with the medical staff. But not today. Today he was at the eye doctor for his annual exam. Most people had a phobia of the dentist, but ever since he was little he couldn't stand seeing an opthamologist. Pun intended.
Barry is soon torn from his train of thought when a young woman, around his age, he has never seen before and most certainly not his usual doctor enters the room in a fluster.
"Hi, I'm sorry to have kept you waiting. Your usual doctor had a family emergency. I'm Dr. Caitlin Snow, I'll be taking care of you today." The young woman smiled warmly and reached out a hand. It took a few moments of stunned silence for Barry to extend his hand to shake hers.
"I-I'm Bart—Barry. I'm Barry. It's nice to meet you." Barry choked out, mentally chastising himself for stumbling over his own name.
Caitlin gave him a quick once-over, recognizing his troubled tone, though Barry was definitely her oldest patient to use it. "Likewise. You okay, Barry?" She tilted her head then turned to flip through his chart to give him a moment of privacy to collect his thoughts. "It's okay if you're nervous. I'm actually a pediatric opthamologist." She glanced over at him, noticing her words didn't bring much comfort to her patient. "I didn't mean that I'm not capable of completing your exam. I'm perfectly qualified." Caitlin internally winced at her words, rambling as much as the nervous man before her.
"No, it's not that. I just, I'm not great with eye exams. You would think as a scientist I could handle a simple eye test. I don't even have poor vision." He trailed off quickly.
"A scientist, huh? What field are you in?" Caitlin latched onto his comment, hoping to strike up a conversation that would keep him comfortable for the next fifteen minutes.
Barry sat up in his chair, surprised at her genuine tone. Most people zoned out after the mention of his title.
"I'm a CSI. I work down at CCPD. It's not nearly as glamorous as it sounds." Real nice, Barry. Way to bore her with the details.
"No, that sounds very interesting. I've never met a CSI before. I'm not sure I could do that kind of work, you should be proud." Caitlin affirmed with a pat to Barry's arm as she rolled her stool closer and handed him a small flat stick. "Cover your left eye and read the smallest line you can."
"Yeah, it really is. Anything to do my part." Barry trails off, focusing his gaze on the illuminated letters across the room. " A."
"Great, now your right." Caitlin smiles, happy that the nervous inflection in Barry's voice has disappeared.
The rest of Barry's appointment seems to fly by as the two continue to discuss anything that comes to mind. Caitlin almost wishes that Barry was due for his eyes to be dilated so that she could have a few extra minutes with him.
"I think we're done here. Do you have any questions?"
"Yeah, actually, I do. Would it be completely out of line for me to ask you on a date?"
Caitlin pauses from her final note-taking and looks up, cheeks burning red. Barry nearly starts to backpedal in regret when she opens her mouth to answer him. "Not at all."
Barry grins. "In that case, are you free this Saturday?"
"It's a date."
This was my entry for day 5 of SimplySnowbarry's Snowbarry Week 2017 challenge. This day's prompt was: amnesia. Read on to see how the prompt fits in! This chapter was inspired by amnesiac Barry in episode 21. I hope you enjoyed the prologue!
As always, I would greatly appreciate it if you dropped a review and/or favorite.