Just your yearly reminder that I am the worst. I'm serious when I say that the update should be by Christmas this time. I will do my best to get it done before the new year lol also, I'm still traveling through Asia for another month, so it really depends on when I get wifi.

I hope you all like this chapter! Please let me know what you think and as always, point out any spelling and/or grammatical errors because you already know that your girl neglected to proofread this. Anywho, here you are! Enjoy!

Chapter Three: Cock-a-doodle-dope

It's been a few hours since he came back down from leaving Maka and Patti upstairs and he's as irritated as irritated can possibly get. Do these fucking parties never end?

"Hey, my dude! How are you holding up?" Oh, look who decided to finally make an appearance. His 'best friend' Blake has finally come to say hi. "Okay, okay. Sorry, I didn't come sooner, but there are some damn fine girls here tonight. I brought you water. Forgive me?" The ridiculous pout he offers is barely acceptable as an apology, but he takes the water.

"Thanks … how long is this thing gonna last? I'm freaking exhausted."

"You're kidding, right? No one leaves until daybreak, pal. Killik's party rule number four. Did you not read the invite?"

"You're kidding, … right?"

"This is no joking matter." Soul pulls up the invite on his phone and, sure enough, there's an idiotic list of rules at the bottom. Dumb Killik and his dumb parties.

"Fuck, man, he expects me to just sit here all night?"

"I guess I could watch over it for a while. Go rejuvenate upstairs or something, but forty-five minutes is my limit, ya cretin."

"Awww, you do care," Soul jokingly swoons as he stands and stretches; he hasn't stood in nearly two hours. "Oh, good Lord above, I feel so old. Do me a favour and get me a life alert for Christmas, Jesus."

"Yeah, yeah. Just get outta here before I change my mind." Soul bolts through the crowd and back up the stairs, entering the room he'd left Maka and Patti in to find Maka sleeping alone. Fucking Patti will hear of this …

"Oh, you're back!" He turns to find said Queen Crazy holding a water bottle, mouth wash, and a bucket. "She threw up a few times and fell asleep, so I thought I'd clean out the trash bin she barfed in and get her something to drink while she catches a few z's! Do you think you could take over for a bit?" He sighs but nods anyway, he has nothing else he'd rather do, actually … don't tell anyone else this, but he'd rather be here with Maka than anywhere else at the current moment, even if it is just to hold her hair back as she barfs.

"Is that water?"

"Oh, look who's awake!" Fuck. Soul stiffens as he turns to look at the girl sitting herself up in bed, reaching out for the bottle. "Are you feeling better?"

"Much. After throwing up, my gut isn't as heavy and the drunken haze has lifted … a little. I will not be making any more rash decisions tonight, fingers crossed."

"That's usually how it works, though, I doubt that last part very much! Anywho, Soul here said he'd stay with you while I take a little break from babysitting. I'll be back!" She's gone before he can tell her he needs her to return in forty minutes, the sneak, but he can just text her later, he supposes.

"So you offered yourself up as tribute?" He snorts, closing the door to cancel out the music as well as a crappy ass door can before going to sit at the furthest corner of the bed from her. He doesn't want her getting any wild ideas about him having ulterior motives or anything … cause he doesn't if anyone was wondering. He's not like that, thank you very much.

"Actually, I get the feeling that I was swindled into it."

"I'm okay with that, I have much better company now thanks to that." He looks up at her from under his fringe, a smirk that makes her blush slightly as she gargles mouthwash, spitting it out and taking a sip of water.

"I'm flattered," he chuckles, rubbing the back of his neck. There's an awkward silence that befalls them, neither knowing where to take the conversation from here. He glances back over at her as she slides back down into the pillow. "You okay?"

"Yeah, … I think? I hope so."

"Just don't throw up on me, please." It's her turn to snort as she rolls to face him, her brilliant green eyes settling on his person.

"I make no promises." Soul isn't feeling as tired as he was a few minutes ago, the want to spend some time getting to know Maka overtaking him almost entirely. "So, … what's your major?"

"Music," he deadpans, making her laugh. "No, seriously. My main major is music comprehension, which does next to nothing for my future. I'm also a business/entrepreneur major, so I won't be useless when I graduate. What about you?"

"Literature major with a minor in French …"

"Ah, … that's, um-"

"A complete waste of time? Yeah, no kidding," she laughs, sitting up a bit to look at him better. He's facing mostly away from her, looking over his shoulder at her. He'd love nothing more than to snuggle into her side, but doesn't want to risk ruining anything - if there's anything to ruin, that is. No need to get ahead of himself.

"No, well … yeah, just a bit, but it depends on what you want to do with it, I suppose."

"I want to be a writer, but you have to be good to get noticed. I've won a few awards, but romance hullubullu always beats me out. Horror and suspense aren't as popular genres. I think I might get a teaching degree as a backup." That catches his attention; he knew they shared a love of horror films, but the fact that she writes her own stories is so impressive that he believes he's swooning.

"Can I read them?"


"Your stories."

"No. Absolutely not."

"Oh, come on. I've been searching for some really good horror stories to read and with our little convo earlier in the bathroom, I have no doubt that yours are worth reading."

"Don't try to compliment your way to the top, it won't work with me."

"Then what will?" he asks, his head tilting as he scoots closer to her side of the bed, an eyebrow up with that adorable half-smirk she's become ever so fond of within the past few hours of meeting him. She gulps but doesn't back down as his long arm slides back so that he leans into her space just the slightest bit.

"Perhaps you can persuade me with your body?" Oh, hell yeah. He won't lie, he likes where this is going, but is also afraid … very afraid. He's been known to mess shit up on occasion and it's why he just kind of steers clear of girls and romance. Not to mention he'll kick himself if things don't work out with Maka because she is a gem.

"Oh? Like belly dancing or something? I guess, if that's what you're into." She leans forward, her face coming rather close to his.

"My books are worth more than a belly dance." He gasps mockingly, a hand coming up to cover his mouth.

"A striptease? What do you take me for?" He watches as she rolls her eyes, but doesn't back away from him. "Or maybe … you're wanting a massage? Physical labour? Want me to carry you all the way back to your dorm and cater to your every need?" He refuses to let his gaze drop from hers as she shifts at the thought, seeing the emerald in her irises darken as her pupils dilate.

"Now, that sounds like a great idea. Still, … that's only worth about one, maybe two?"

"What do I have to do to read all of them?" He's surprised at himself as his hand makes contact with her waist and slides around to the small of her back, his index finger rubbing circles into the dimple near her hips to make her shiver. "Clean your house? Make your bed? … Mess up your bed?" What is he even saying?! This is why he shouldn't drink and be tired beyond belief at the same time, he has absolutely no control of his own body! Not that it's doing a bad job, if her blush is of any indication.

"... I like the last option, as long as you mess me up along with it."…. Hell. Did that actually work?! Does she…? With him? Really?! She leans down and kisses him briefly before he can think of anything to say and he is spiritually frozen to his spot, but his body - especially his freaking hands - continue to move on their own, twisting the fabric of her costume as he grips at her sides. "Do you think they would let you slip away?" And that has him thinking it over. Damn, that's right, he's supposed to be DJing this stupid party until when? WHEN?! All he wants to do is lie her down and kiss her senseless without a care in the world, but … to be completely honest … does he really care all that much … does he? No, no he does not. If it wasn't for his expensive ass equipment and leaving some other poor, unfortunate soul to suffer in the corner for the rest of the night, he'd ditch this popsicle stand right the fuck now. He only has about a half an hour left before he's supposed to go back down to suffer for however long, but he doesn't want to think about that now.

"They're blood-sucking leeches, so probably not…" His eyes are stuck on her lips because he wants.

"What?" she giggles, wrapping her arms lightly around his neck, slithering her fingers up and into his hair.

"My friends. All they do is take and never give," he explains before kissing her right wrist. "That's why I call them leeches."

"So … you're a giver?" Holy wow, and he thought that it was hot in here before. The tone she uses; the insinuation, it has him smirking darkly into her arm before nibbling on her, eliciting a gasp.

"That's right," he eyes her, his stunning ruby reds cutting through her and sending chills across her shoulders. "I love to give. It's so … rewarding." He has absolutely no idea where this courage has come from, but he is living for it. The blush that sweeps across her cheeks delights him so thoroughly that he's surprised, never having felt quite like this before. He's so taken with her.

"H-how is it rewarding?" God, he really wants to say something smart; please Lord, help him say something smart. He can tell that this talk is having an effect on her that is very much in his favour and he's honestly enjoying it, too. He decides not to think about it; his mouth seems to be working fine on its own.

"... want me to show you?" He tilts his head into her arm, smirking up at her as he watches her gulp. She seems to only manage a nod in response and Soul isn't sure if it's because of him or her need to sate her dirty desires. Either way, her affirmation has him pushing himself up to greedily devour her, his lips passionately melding with hers and he can't hold back the automatic groan that escapes into her mouth as she grips his shirt tighter and gasps in reciprocation to his heated attack. He finds himself unconsciously sliding himself up the length of her thighs that he's been laying across and pulls her down so that she's comfortably under him, caged in his arms as he kisses her senseless. He's never felt so at ease during such a situation before. He usually feels like throwing up when he's making out with anyone, especially when even slightly intoxicated, but with Maka, he feels confident … like he maybe, just might know what he's doing. The way she presses her hips up into his is just encouraging him even further and he knows that if they keep going on like this, he won't be able to stop.

A knock at the door has him jumping off of the bed and to the chair in the corner, a pillow skillfully landing in his lap because no way in hell is he letting anyone catch him like this, but then he realizes that Maka is laying there alone with her eyes wide and face flushed. He takes a bit of pride in the swelling of her lips as she stares at him with obvious lust and - oh, fuck it. He throws the pillow at the opening door, expertly hitting whoever is entering right in the face, and lurches himself back onto her to capture her lips once again. Her arms wrap around his neck and embrace him so fully that he's slightly surprised at her willingness to show such intimacy so publically. Then again … she had done so once before already; he's more surprised at himself, to be completely honest. Soul doesn't even stiffen at the, "Oh, wow, okay," that comes from the door before it shuts. He's pursuing happiness, dammit; screw anyone who dares step in the way.

Unfortunately for them, however, a few minutes brings the most devastating of occurrences: Blake. 'Nough said. The asshat couldn't last twenty minutes in the corner and held no squabbles in breaking up Soul's long-awaited makeout session with literally the perfect woman. What are friends? He really wants to know because he fucking doesn't have any. That comment about Blake caring? All lies.

"You gonna take care of that before going back down?"

"I was about to," he grits out as he tucks himself away. He wouldn't stand out too much in the crowd of people grinding, but … still. "But someone couldn't wait another fifteen minutes."

"Dude, Tsu is here, and you know how much I've been obsessing over her for the last six months. Your one night stand can wait."

"Oh, go fuck yourself. It wasn't gonna be a one night stand, you dimwit. I hope for both of our sakes that Tsubaki acknowledges you this time." They walk down the stairs, Soul's grimace making the few who make eye contact extremely uncomfortable. Blake smartly says nothing as he follows, obviously rethinking his selfish actions. Here he is, once again stuck in the corner to watch a horde of horny fucks getting down and dirty while not being able to think about anything but Maka. He glances at the time because, God, does it seem to be dragging, to find that it's 3 a.m. He sighs, eyeing the stairs again in hopes to see Zombie Nurse, but no such fucking luck. The night only continues like this until, finally, Kilik ends it, sending everyone home at about 6 when the first sign of daybreak appears. Soul packs up his stuff and waits around for a bit, still crossing his fingers to see Maka and maybe get her number. In the end, though, he can't find her and heads home alone, Blake having apparently succeeded with Tsubaki. He all but collapses when he gets home, not even bothering to wash the makeup off of his face before falling into bed. Being awake for nearly 24 hours should never be a thing. Dreams come quickly as he drifts into a blissful sleep, all full of a gorgeous, green-eyed, honey blonde whose lips taste like cherry and has legs for fucking days. He despises Blake a lot right now, but he'll get his later.

It's been about two weeks since the party; everyone has moved on to Turkey day - no, he doesn't call it 'Thanksgiving' because he's being blackmailed into going home for the stupid holiday, where he will be force-fed massive amounts of turkey and potatoes (both sweet and regular, in every god-damned shape and size), and pie, and so on and so forth - and if you hadn't noticed yet, he doesn't exactly get along with his family. He can only hope that a magical storm hits and his flight gets canceled so that he can stay and make quesadillas with Blake. Then he would be thankful.

He'd also be thankful if that girl, Maka, would come out of hiding. He's literally been on the lookout for her since the party had ended at fucking six in the morning - no wonder Kilik had been so adamant about the length of the playlist, he had almost run out of songs! He really is hoping to run into her, but thus far, he's having no such luck. Even Patty has no idea where she's been, which is weird because Patty knows all, and Maka apparently runs in her circle. Really, though, she has a huge ass fucking circle of friends, so … he's not so sure what difference it will make. Still, Soul knows near to no one and she knows everyone and someone has had to have seen this chick. All he wants to do is find out what song she had wanted him to play for her and then … maybe ask her out? He thinks she might be down for that … possibly. If she weren't so freakin' hard to find, he'd know by now, dammit.

God, he needs something to distract him. He's been lying with his head off of the side of his couch for like an hour now, just staring up at the ceiling as he thinks of ways to track down Zombie Nurse. The weekends can be literal hell if he does what he unintentionally did yesterday and finishes his homework on a Thursday night. Three-day weekends are supposed to be a blessing, dammit! It's one of the reasons he picked this school, but noooo, all of his dumb, blood-sucking friends have to be busy. They take and take, and never give. He needs new fucking friends … or a girlfriend. Maka pops back into his head and he decidedly forces himself to just stop because, Lord have mercy, he's been thinking about her way too freakin' much. And every time he thinks about her, he thinks about their little escapade, and when he thinks about that, he suddenly gets the urge to - ugh, no! He needs to change things up, think about something that kills that entire buzz all to-fucking-gether. His brother does the trick instantly and he cringes. Okay, he's over that thought, too.

Maybe he could pick up a shift at work. It might not be too late, it is only about 9 a.m., and he could use the extra cash … but does he really want to? Meh.

He rolls to the side, ungracefully sliding off of the couch and onto the floor, his face in the recently cleaned carpet - what? He was bored. After a few minutes, resulting in his laboured breathing from lack of oxygen, he finally decides to get up and try to find something to do. Maybe he'll head over to the library and get some books for that book report that isn't due until February … He leads such a useless existence.

Soul goes and takes a quick shower, not bothering to hide away his crimson and snow out of sheer laziness and the knowledge that no one will fucking be on campus anyway. Most students go frolic somewhere away from the school grounds for the weekends. There's plenty to do around here, hiking, kayaking, all that feel-good nature stuff; there's also a city about an hour away where the nightlife folk can go clubbing and all that. Too bad all of his friends suck sweaty, hairy, old man balls, otherwise he'd be doing something more productive than roaming around campus on a free Friday with no real fucking homework to do.

He makes it to the library soon enough, the walk there only about twenty minutes from his apartment off-campus. He enters quietly, shocking the librarian as he makes his way past her to the elevator. He needs the poetry section, which is up on the third floor. It's completely dead at the moment, as he's only seen one other being since he entered and that was the librarian, who for sure thought that he was a ghost. Don't believe him? Should've seen the look on her face.

He makes his way through the rows, the eerie sound of fluorescent lights buzzing as the shifting of his clothes fills some of the quiet. He's looking for something that will sate his desire for creepy literature, Edgar Allen Poe being an obvious choice, but he also wants to surprise his prof. Didn't Emily Dickinson write that one - ah, what was it called… - I Felt a Funeral, in My Brain? Yeah, he thinks that's right. He searches for a moment, finding it quickly and reading it over with a pout - not scary enough. He skims, pulling Edgar from the shelves because he might as well, when he spots Robert Browning. Ooohhh, Porphyria's Lover could be a possibility, too. It's not exactly creepy, but it's still good.

Soul's ears are met with a yawn and he straightens, looking up and down the aisle in confusion. He hadn't noticed anyone there when he entered; he thought he was alone, but after setting down the few books he had selected on a nearby desk and surveying the area for any inhabitants, his ruby reds land on that of a shining, dirty blonde head. His eyes narrow as he watches from behind; that head looks familiar, a lot like the one he has been attempting to find for the past two weeks.

"Demon nurse?" he asks, the words coming out just as they had the first night they had met. She spins in her seat, shock evident in her features; she probably thought that she was alone, too.

"Ah? Oh!" Her hand comes up, finger pointing at him. "You!"

"Me," he smirks, a sort of amused look warping his features. He lifts his appendage in much the same way she has hers, only exceedingly more dramatic. "Maka, right?" His voice doesn't quite match up with the movement, but she giggles mildly nonetheless. He stares on as her hand drops, resting on the back of the couch that she's sitting on. He had been correct when he had thought her to be a beautiful, popular-looking girl under all of that grey makeup she had adorned a few weeks back. In fact, she's even more striking than he had originally imagined. His chances with her are decreasing drastically by the second.

"Yup, that's me. I'm guessing Patty told you?"

"Indeed, she did. I've actually been looking for you…" Well, that didn't sound creepy at all.

"Really? Um, …" Her face is red, a gentle smile still in place as she shifts awkwardly, gesturing for him to come sit with her. He does, persuaded easily by her charm. "Why is that?"

"I never did catch what your song request was." Way to play it cool. "I was curious."

"Oh." It sounds almost disappointed and he thinks that maybe - just maybe - he might have a sliver of hope? "I thought … oh, never mind."

"No, what is it?"

"It's nothing really."

"You've made me curious once again." He stares at her, leaning forward with his elbows on his knees as he looks over at her. Are his palms sweating? He rubs them together nonchalantly, and yes, yes they fucking are. Socializing with attractive young women who may or may not be interested in him makes him nervous. Socializing with a specifically attractive young goddess with eyes that seem to glow, burning holes right through him, make him sweat … like he's been working out for hours … like he's in the middle of the desert and she's water. Holy shit, he needs to chill the fuck out. What is wrong with him?

"It's, well, a bit embarrassing. I thought that you might have, um … wanted to talk about other things that happened that night."

"Oh." Oooooohhhh. So she is thinking about it. "I was kinda hoping we could talk about that, too," he admits, his body relaxing at the realization that she's probably been thinking about it just as much as he has if the blush cast over her skin is of any indication. He can see her visually relax as well, sighing out the air she had been holding in because of the obvious awkwardness in the air.

"Oh, good. Good." Silence. They both look away from each other and Soul wants to ram his forehead into the table sitting next to him. Why is this so hard? Like, how do you talk about a drunken make-out session with a stranger that you could potentially really fall for? Lord, have mercy and help the poor sucker out!

"So … um, yeah …" He tries and fails to start up the conversation again, attempting to get his brain to turn the fuck on.

"Maybe we shouldn't talk about it?"

"I think we should." Had that really just left his mouth without his permission? Really? "I would like to do it again, under different circumstances." … Really? He wants to hang himself. Do they have ropes in the library?

"Oh," she laughs, easing the tension. "I mean, if I'm being honest, I would, um … really like that." What?

"What?" The surprise has to show as clear as a cloudless day because, by golly, she snorts, her hand shooting up to cover her nose and mouth. "What are you doing this weekend?"

"Um," she clears her throat. "N-nothing, really."

"Would you like to maybe go grab a bite to eat? Talk horror films and music?" She's smiling brightly as she sucks her bottom lip into her mouth, making his eyes dart down into dangerous territory. He isn't sure if he can pull himself away from the enchanting way she nibbles and bites as she thinks with positively the cutest damn smirk he's ever witnessed. He finds himself wanting to lean in and continue where they had left off but immediately thinks better of it, forcing his gaze back up to meet her awaiting stare.

"I would like that," she finally says, shutting the book she's been holding and setting it down on the table. "But only if you kiss me again." He can deal with those terms. Without another word, he leans forward, his hand lifting to hold and guide her face to turn to him. Planting his lips greedily on hers, he growls as she gasps, her hands gripping the cloth that cover his pecs. This is not at all how he thought his day was going to go, but he isn't complaining one damn bit. Soul nibbles down on her bottom lip before sucking on it lightly, her actions from moments prior fueling him. His other hand finds her hip and begins rubbing soothing circles into it, making her moan and he is absolutely fucking done for.

Make-out Advice for Dummies: never start making out in a public area where one - or … two, rather - could potentially get caught by others, namely the librarian, which he and Maka most certainly had. It was a slight blow to his pride, getting scolded and kicked out of the library, but it gave them the chance to actually talk instead of snog. Soul is honestly fine with either; he thinks he rather likes her wit, but ... he likes her lips, too.

"Stop looking at me like that," she whispers, offering a fry for him. He leans forward and bites, his eyes never leaving hers.

"Like what?" he mumbles, a smirk unabashedly spreading his lips. She narrows her eyes at him playfully, shaking her head as she tries and fails to hold back a grin of her own.

"You know what."

"I assure you, I don't." He has sussed within the last two hours getting to know her - after they had been kicked out of the library - that he likes to tease her. She's much more fun to tease, even more so than Blake when he's crushing on that Tsubaki chick super hard. Soul is actually pretty impressed with himself. He doesn't talk to girls very often, and he tries his best to be somewhat normal, but this is probably the most comfortable he's found himself to be around a female, especially one that he's interested in physically, mentally, and probably - most definitely - romantically. He's becoming even more of a sap.

"Where do you live?" she asks suddenly, putting all of her trash on her plate.

"Nearby," he responds, raising an eyebrow at her as he rests his chin on his fist. "Why? Wanna swing by?" He means it as nothing more than a joke; another way to tease her, but the look she gives him screams 'yes' and he can't help but gulp.

"Maybe?" She looks down coyly at her half-eaten burger, the minx, and his mouth goes dry. "I mean, I was thinking we could watch some horror films … none of my friends like to watch them with me."

"Absolutely," he answers, probably too quickly. "None of my friends watch them with me either."

"The bloodsucking leeches?"

"Those would be the ones," he chuckles. Soul reaches across the table without thinking, tracing circles on the back of her hand. She smiles, which delights him more than he can express, and starts talking about a book that she finished the other day about a deaf girl living out in the forest alone and he is absolutely taken with her.

They finish eating within the next 15 minutes - much too quickly for Soul's liking - and slowly make their way to his apartment. Half of him is hoping Blake isn't back from the city yet, but the other half, the insane half, hopes that he is back so that he will behave himself once they're behind closed doors alone. Can he behave himself? He can recall a few moments in his past with her that he hasn't … like, at all. How has he been so calm this entire time? His hands are fucking sweaty again. What does he do?!

"Oh, my gosh. Hot ride! Who's Harley?" … He's in love.

"You like motorcycles?"

"Yeah, I think they're super sexy, not to mention practical."

"And dangerous."

"Oh, you wuss," she laughs, stepping closer to his bike. "They're good on gas, small, and cheap."

"Inexpensive," he corrects. The smirk on his face goes unnoticed by the subject of his affection as she rolls her eyes at the comment, squatting down to get a good look at the footgear shifts."I'll have you know that this Harley-Davidson Dyna Super Glide is not cheap by any means." She stands, looking up at him and he can see that she's about to say something smart until he proudly pulls out the keys to said motorbike, and the look on her face nearly has him hunching over chortling.

"This is yours? Like, … what?"

"Why do you say that like it's so surprising? What, am I not cool enough to own a motorcycle?"

"No, it's not that; you just keep catching me by surprise. It suits you."

"You're only saying that because you want to ride it."

"I do! Can we, pleeeasssee?" He holds back a grin as she clasps her hands together just under her chin, stepping nice and close as she beams up at him.

His arms snake around her before he can stop himself and he feels absolute confidence as he says,"So, … you like to ride things?" This is the first time her face ignites into a fiery blush as fierce as this and he is basking in it so thoroughly. The smirk on her face doesn't make him second guess himself at all, especially as she steps closer into his space and tilts her head back as she looks up at him.

"Only hot rides."

"I'm intrigued."

"YOOOOOOOOO!" Damnnit, Blake - damn it all to hell. "OOOooooohhh, shit." Soul turns to all but glare at his roommate - no, he's no longer his friend for obvious reasons - with everything he has, and he means everything. If his facial expression is anything to go off, he knows he's done him wrong one too many times and should've kept his damn 'yo' to himself.

"What the hell do you want?" comes from the small figure in his arms and he looks down at her with an adoring expression; isn't she just the best?

"Woah, she's feisty. I like it."

"Yeah," Soul agrees, not sparing him a glance as Maka continues to pout, eyebrows crossed in her upset.

"Why are you still here?"

"Damn, I'm sorry. Didn't realize I've offended you."

"You're the cock-blocker from Halloween, no duh, you've offended me."

"... oh, shit. That was you?"

"Be gone, Blake. My queen has had enough of you."

"Yeeeaah, I've had enough of you. Shoo!" With a wave of her hand and a kick of dirt in his general direction, Soul finally lets out a soft chuckle, drawing her in closer to tuck her under his chin. Blake's right hand comes up to his chest, showing mock offense as he pushes out his double chin.

"Well, I never."

"You're not allowed in the apartment tonight," comes her muffled demand from Soul's chest. She peeks out as both boys look at her with confusion. "Is it okay if I spend the night?" she asks, leaning back away from him so that their eyes can meet and there are no words; he has no words. Nod, NOD! He succeeds in nodding in the affirmative, a dumb look on his face because he really did not expect any of that. Maka is so forward, even when sober, and it scares him just a little, but he also finds it extremely attractive and is in absolute awe. "Good."

"What is even happening right now? I am so lost."

"You don't need to know," Soul says with finality and leans down to press his lips to Maka's. Her surprise is found in the gasp that is barely audible, but it still excites him. It's a chaste kiss, so brief and fleeting that she groans slightly with disappointment as he pulls back to smirk over at Blake.

"You're definitely not allowed back tonight or tomorrow."

Yupp, smutty chapter coming soon. Sorry for the huge-ass delay. Love you guys 3

Much Love~!
