She had been waiting for twenty minutes when he finally showed up. The sun was still high in the sky when a black uber rolled up to the front of the house. A tall, dark figure emerged, quietly thanking the driver in a deep baritone. He turned and Sakura could see his face. She'd known all her life that incubi and succubi were more beautiful than human comprehension, but she'd never seen one in real life before. The man walking towards her, her now legal husband, was unbelievably handsome - sharp cut features and lean muscles with piercing gray eyes. "My name is Sasuke Uchiha."

Sakura was taken aback by such a normal introduction from the man that was supposed to share her bed from that day forward. "Um, Sakura Haruno, uh, Uchiha now I guess." Sakura wasn't sure how to talk to him. She stuck her hand out for a formal introduction as she was used to at the hospital. When the incubus stared at her hand, she thought she had done something wrong trying to be too normal and professional.

Sasuke took her hand, shaking it firmly, "It's nice to meet you."

"Um," Sakura said searching for a conversation topic, "don't you have any bags or something?" She noticed his lack of luggage, especially when the car had pulled away from the sidewalk. It was strange he had shown up with only the clothes on his back.

"My things are being processed right now. It'll take awhile to get all my things through customs." He glanced between his newly met wife and the house, "Shall we go in?"

Sakura nodded, following the sex demon into their house. It was bigger than she expecting, but then again it was originally owned by federal banks and given to her generation and their demon spouses. The housing was also based on one of their projected incomes - and Sakura was a newly starting doctor. She had no idea about Sasuke.

"It's bigger than I was expecting," the man said, looking at the empty halls and rooms. "What do you do for a living?"

"Oh, uh, I'm a doctor," Sakura said, "More specifically orthopedic medicine - although I'm apprenticing under Tsunade for minor surgery as well."

"So you're a busy girl," he responded absentmindedly, his eyes focused ahead of him.

Sakura followed, "What about you? What do you do?"

"I had a tutor growing up. I'm from old money - no job and probably won't qualify for one here." He stopped in the wide living room" staring at a wall of glass leading to a sun room, tiled with ocean colors and an inground hot tub, already full.

Sakura chuckled nervously, "Guess I don't have to worry about us financially."

"If I get my funds approved then you could even quit your job." Sasuke said, his tone implying a joke, but his voice remaining a baritone monotone.

"Even if I could, I wouldn't. I love taking care of people."

The demon hummed in acknowledgement. "Are you bringing any furniture?"

"Actually, some friends and I wanted to do a meet and greet tomorrow then go furniture shopping. If you're okay with it, I'd really like you to come." Sakura smiled, unsure of how he's react.

"Sure," he said, "I'd like to meet your friends. Maybe some of them know people from my ?"

Sakura was taken aback. Bedroom? Did he want to...? Already...? She felt her cheeks turning red as she stared at him. How could he be so forward - it had barely been ten minutes since they had met! "Um..." She didn't know how to respond. After all, she was still a virgin and he had to eat sexual energy to survive. Now was not when she thought she'd lose her virginity.

"I wonder if there's even a bed up there," he said, already heading up the stairs.

Sakura followed after him - would he insist they do it on the floor if there wasn't a bed? What if that was the only furniture their government had provided them? Her thoughts were racing, moving twice as fast as her legs.

"There's nothing." Sakura stopped in the doorway, green eyes fixed on her husband's broad shoulders. He turned and raised a brow, seeing that her face was red. "Are you okay? Do you have a fever? I heard humans get sick easily, but I didn't think it would happen so fast."

"What? No, no. I am not sick. I just... I blush easily..." Sakura looked away from him.

"Blushing..." He thought out - a physical reaction to embarrassment. Why would she be embarrassed... "Did you think I wanted to fuck you?"

Her face reddened even more, "You don't have to say it like that!"

He smirked, "Oh? Did you want me to? Did you want me to take you on the carpet? Maybe against the wall. If sex is the best way to break in a bed, why not a house, too."

"Now I can see why you're called a demon," Sakura pouted.

Sasuke laughed, a deep rich sound that touched Sakura in places she'd never felt a laugh touch. "Now just wait until winter."

"What's winter?"

He chuckled, "You'll see. We'll talk about it when it's more... pressing."

The two of them fell silent. Sakura then remembered her luggage in her car. "I'll be right back!" She'd moved out of her house that morning - packing her car with necessities until she had furniture to move the rest of her belongings into. There was a brown suitcase in the back of her trunk she pulled out and brought into the house. It was fairly light - although it helped that she worked out regularly. She set in the bedroom.

"Did you get any keys when you got here?" Sasuke asked.

"Oh yeah," Sakura reached into her pocket and produced one of two keys to give to her husband. "Here. The realtor gave me two."

"Thanks." He took it from her gingerly, sliding it onto a keyring with slender black metal keys.

Sakura was still nervous and felt the need to pick up food, "I'm going to get some take-out. I'll be back soon."

Sasuke nodded.

Sakura returned to her new house about thirty or so minutes later. She had gone and picked up Chinese takeout, making notes she she waited for what their house needed. They had electricity which meant warm water, plus of course, water. They needed internet, office furniture, and bedroom furniture urgently so that Sakura could work from home and Sasuke could work on the legality of getting his own things approved for Earth.

When she entered the house with the take our bags, she noticed that Sasuke wasn't in the bedroom or any other room she thought he may be exploring. Sakura set the take out in their bedroom before she heard water running. So he was taking a bath. She knocked on the door, earning a granted request for entrance.

She pushed open the white wooden door and blushed again. He was sitting in the large tub, inlaid with the same ocean tiles as the sun room. His arm was casually over the rim, eyes half-lidded and looking up at the ceiling. He turned his attention to her, revealing red eyes, not the grey-black ones from earlier.

"Um, maybe I should..." Sakura began to back out of the room.

"C'mere," he said softly.

Sakura slowly entered, feeling the same rush of heat as before creeping up her cheeks. "What did you need, Sasuke?" She tried not to glance into the tub as she moved forward, keeping her eyes fixed on the man's face.

"There's no easy way to way to bring this up, but..." He sat up, water sloshing around him as he met Sakura's eyes, "We need to discuss meals - more specifically for me."

Incubi ate energy, Sakura thought, sexual energy from partners - and Sakura was now his only source. She nodded, "Did you want to make a schedule? Right down days and times around-."

"Unfortunately, it's not something as easily dismissed as that. It would be for normal incubi, but my sins won't allow that."


Sasuke nodded, "Each demon has a sin - incubi automatically being with lust, wraiths with wrath, and so on. However, those of us from, 'old money' and powerful families tend to have more than one sin. I have lust, obviously, and gluttony."

Gluttony? From what she learned of her husband so far, nothing about him seemed gluttonous. He seemed polite and fairly respectable to her. "So what does that mean, for your meals that is?"

He ran a hand through his dark hair, "Likely, I'll need to eat at least once a week. It really depends on how much energy I use through the day, but I'll be honest, that I get hungry often." His glowing eyes rested on her collar bone, peaking out from the summer green tank top. "Like right now."

The young woman felt a tingle begin to grow at her core, all too familiar and strange - she was turned on. "Sasuke, I've never... I am a..." Why was it so difficult to just say she was a virgin? Sure, she fooled around in high school and college, but never more than an inexperienced finger or two. She touched herself on occasion, but not every day - the thought never even crossed her mind to spend so much time having sex.

The incubus raised a brow, "Really? I would have assumed you'd be experienced with at least one partner. Your body is very appealing, Sakura." He purred her name, his tongue rolling on the "r" like it was her clit. Another tingle - this man was only speaking and yet she wanted to ride him in the bathtub. "I'll make sure the first time is good," he continued, a slow smirk creeping up his face, "and the second and the third..." He leaned over the tub, exposing his broad, pale shoulders and the muscles connecting them, "C'mere."

Sakura obeyed entering further into the bathroom, eyes still fixed on her new husband's face. She knelt down at his side, feeling the wet, cold tiles pressing into her skin. "So what now?" she asked.

Sasuke cupped her face, his large hands warm and slightly pruned from the water, "Sakura Uchiha, do I have permission to take energy from you every week, and more, for the rest of our marriage?"


"Do I have permission to have you anywhere and anyhow I please?"

"Yes, but... I think we need a safe word."

Sasuke smiled, "A safe word. Did you have anything particular in mind?"

Sakura thought for a moment, "How about 'chakra' - like energy? It'll be a little ironic."

The young man removed his hand from her face, extending his pointer finger and gently poking her forehead, "You're pretty cute."

This time, Sakura blushed for a reason that wasn't from his flirting, the earnest affection and admiration in his voice caught her off guard. "You're, uh, you're not so bad yourself," Sakura responded.

He leaned in then, meeting her lips with his, gentle and curious at first before he slid his tongue over her lip. She let him in, his tongue filling her mouth, smooth and soft - demanding and hungry. He tasted like cold nights and loneliness, unholy desire and the color blue. She could hear him moving again, his hands migrating South to pull off her shirt. It was so easy to get lost in him, let him work his natural born skill set and take control.

She couldn't help but think of her first romance, the awkward kisses and curious tongues, the unsure hands and desire to understand. Sasuke was nothing like her high school kisses. He knew exactly what he was doing, his second nature an expert in seduction with no room for error. Before she even knew it, her shirt was off and across the room, his hands already working on getting her shorts.

His tongue and taste made her want more, it made her want to tangle her fingers in his hair and cry as he worked her clit in a way she never could. She wanted his arms to hold her down, cage her in his need and keep her there until she was exhausted. She wanted him inside of her, moving around and teasing the sweet spot hidden inside her. How did kissing make her want him so bad?

Sakura helped him get her skirt and tights off, pulling off her panties with her shirt and undoing her bra before getting in the tub with him, still kissing him with feverish need. She straddled him, his hands on her hips, leaving hot hand prints as they began to climb to her heavy breasts. She pressed herself into his hands, wanting his touch, wanting his fingers all over her sensitive buds, but the man below her tortured her. He touched her gently, playing with her nipple like it was glass bell between his fingers. He massaged the mounds slowly and gently, kneading her with his palms, measuring her impatience.

The incubus released her breasts, grabbing her hips once more, bringing her down to rub against his engorged member. She gasped against his mouth, earning a growl of pleasure from the man beneath her - she was getting lost in him, in his touch and taste and feeling. Sasuke removed his mouth from hers, meeting her lust tinted eyes, "Do you want me inside you?"

Her flushed cheeks brought out her eyes, the desire and embarrassment in them, "I already said 'yes' didn't I?"

"Hm, but I want to hear you say it."

She looked away from him, at anything like the soap dish built into the tub or the tap just above, "I... I want you inside me."

Sasuke grabbed her face, "Again."

She met his eyes and couldn't look away, "I want you inside me."

He kissed her again, sliding his member into her well lubricated entrance, slowly, slowly, pushing himself up inside of her. He could feel her adjusting to his size, stretching and expanding just for him. Instinct told him to be rough with her, it was what she wanted after all, but the body's desire didn't always match up with what it needed. He didn't want to tear her hymen by being rough, especially for her first time. Instead, he tortured her, keeping their eyes locked and sliding himself slowly inside as she spread her legs further and further and further to accommodate him.

The young woman let out a soft moan, discomfort and pleasure causing her womanhood to twitch and grow wetter. "Sasuke," she cried softly. She braced her hands on his shoulders, impatiently wanting him, wanting to ride him or vise versa - she didn't care, she was starving for what he could give her.

"Now, now, Sakura," he teased, "be patient, I don't want to hurt you - or at least, not yet." He pushed up a little roughly, a taste of what he had in store for her. "For now, you need to patient, you need to adjust to me before I can give you what you want."

They remained like that for a while, Sasuke teasing her from below, refusing to start his thrusting until he was sure she could handle him. "Sasuke, please," Sakura moaned, trying to moving on his cock, but his firm handles her in place, barely letting her feel his girth against her walls.

And then, the hands on her hips were moving her, pushing up and down on his manhood. Sakura immediately choked on a moan, her head falling down to fit between her new husband's head and shoulder. Sasuke laughed, moving her against him harder, "God, you're adorable." His nails dug into her skin, pushing her harder down into him.

Sakura couldn't think or process why he felt so good, her core was already taut and ready to explode - and he had just started moving! She couldn't stop moaning, all attempts to speak interrupted by her hitching breath. She felt her face, warm from embarrassment against Sasuke's cool skin, wet from his bath.

Sasuke let go of her hips, letting her slide down slowly on his cock. He grabbed her face and kissed her again, tongue invading her mouth. The man groaned, feeling her energy enter him and to his belly. It wasn't enough though - it never was. "You taste good," he rasped against her lips. "I want more."

Sakura shuddered around his cock, a fresh and short orgasm sweeping over her. She wanted more, too. She knew she could get off more and better with him. Sakura moved herself up on him, shivering with the smooth pleasure and going back down. "Sasuke," she moaned. "You feel good."

"I know." He removed his mouth from hers, turning her around to face the tub's edge. Sakura grabbed the rim, keeping her legs spread as she felt Sasuke rise to his knees. "Now hold still," he growled, "I'm not going to be gentle anymore." The man leaned forward, pressing his hands against hers, and then thrusted. He pushed hard and fast, in and out with no signs of rest.

Sakura couldn't stop moaning, pleasure all consuming and wild. Her core was already knotted again, and the wet sounds of their joining was competing with her voice. She threw her head back, moving her ass to meet his thrusts, crying out his name as her end came closer once more. The water around them swayed and splashed over the edge of the edge, Sasuke's powerful thrusts and Sakura's receiving causing water to no longer remain in the tub.

Sasuke bit her shoulder, sinking his teeth into her soft flesh. He groaned as his own end came closer, causing his cock to push out against his wife's walls. She felt so unbelievably good, like no other meal he'd ever had. "Fuck," he dragged his canines down her back, leaving red lines and indentation where his teeth had been. "Hold onto the tub, I don't want to hurt you when a cum."

"What?" Sakura tried to ask, but her husband's fingers entangled with hers, tightening. His thrusts got erratic, needy almost, pushing harder and harder against her g-spot. "S-Sasuke, I'm c-cum-."

She didn't get to finish her sentence when a wild wave of pleasure overtook her, rocking her body into an orgasm she'd never had. Feeling Sakura milk his cock with her womanhood, pushing him to his own orgasm. He growled, deep and low as he erupted inside of her.

The incubus's hot seed filled her, more than a hundred times the normal amount for a human. It filled her womb, hot and wanting, pushing and filling her with his desire. "Fuck," he sighed, exhausted and full, "That was a good meal." He slipped himself out of his wife and laid against the back of the tub.

Sakura felt her legs give way without her husband supporting her. Her lower body collapsed into the water, her upper body panting, trying to catch its breath after such a rough orgasm. Sakura looked down at her belly, surprised to see how far it was pushed up from Sasuke's semen. She looked like she had a food baby, her mostly flat stomach now pushed out and slightly round.

"I feel kind of bad," Sasuke panted, "I barely explored your body. Then again, we have a long time together."

Sakura kept trying to catch her breath, the now shallow luke-warm water lapping against her back. "Do you normally," she panted, "Do you normally make so much-?"

"Semen?" Sasuke chuckled, reaching for Sakura and pulling her back into her lap. With her back to his chest and ass on his cock, the young incubus laid his hands on her belly. "My species, Sakura, has trouble procreating, especially with each other. We've evolved to over produce semen and eggs to ensure pregnancy - although, that hasn't helped us much." His hands were huge and warm against her skin.

Sakura looked down at her belly, seeming to stick out with Sasuke's hands on her. "I guess I'm pregnant, already. With all of that cum you put inside me..."

He started to make circles on her skin with his fingers, "Not necessarily. When it's between a demon and a human, both parties involved have to want a pregnancy. It's strange, but magical creatures don't always make sense."

"How am I going to-?"

He shushed her, pushing down below her navel and sneaking a hand down to massage her clit. "It'll normally come out on it's own, but I'll help you get it out quicker." Sakura whimpered, pressing harder against Sasuke's chest, and grinding against her cock. He shushed her again, more teasing than before, and increased the pressure on her belly. "Plus, my bodily fluids act as an aphrodisiac. I'd hate for some left over cum to get an orgasm out of you. I'd rather pleasure you."

A light pressure against her cervix and then a flood of heat. Sakura could feel it all escape her, rushing out as her clit was being rubbed. She didn't want to look down at everything that had come out of her, but she couldn't help it. There was so much white escaping into the water. He made all of that? The average human male could only hope to make that much in his lifetime, let alone in one act of passion.

"That's a lot, even for me," he purred in her ear. "I'm a little turned on." His rubbed his hardening cock against her ass. "Do you mind going another round?"

"Did you eat?" Sakura panted, her green eyes meeting his once more grey eyes. "I thought once would be enough."

He kissed her under her jaw, "It was, I'm full, but sometimes, I want to eat for the fun of it. I'm not just lust, remember, I'm also gluttony." The finger that had been playing with her clit resumed its movement, teasing her so he could watch her squirm under him. "And you make me want to eat until I'm bursting."

Wow! I've been so busy with school I actually stopped working on The Arena - the one project keeping me sane! Sorry to dissapoint my Voltron fans, but for my SasuSaku fans, I finally have that prequel! I have a follow up chapter talking more about Winter and what is has in store in the works. I hope you all enjoy! Please leave a review to tell me what you think!