A/N: This was always going to be a short chapter, because I've made too many emotional ones over the last month. This is the last one for the Season 5 fic, and so I bid it farewell.

Until Season 6 my friends!

Episode 27 – Girl Meets Graduation

They stood on the rooftop of Riley's apartment building, the same place they had celebrated their last graduation, the same place they celebrated so many other occasions, where so many heartbreaks happened, where their lives changed and changed each time they went up there. They had just come from the graduation ceremony, where they all walked on stage and received their high school diplomas, where Riley had watched her friends receive a number of awards. Riley had been elected as the student speaker, the valedictorian over Farkle and Smackle, she couldn't believe it, and at first none of them had believed it either.

The reason she had gotten it over the two geniuses was because she not only was one of the top students in the school, but because she did so much while she was a student. In the end she didn't speak, she accepted the honor, but instead she asked if they could let her bring in someone else to talk to the graduating class. The surprised look on the faces of her principle, her father, her friends and her teachers.

She thought back to the ceremony, as the older man stood up there waiting to speak on Riley's behalf she couldn't have thought of someone better to speak to the graduating class. Mr. Feeny had taught so many students, he even taught her a few things over the years.

"I have been asked to speak in place of your valedictorian, Riley Matthews, she believes that I would be the best person to speak to you. I know that many of you are wondering who I am, but you have probably learned lessons from me without knowing it. I taught one of your teachers, I've worked with the superintendent of school, and they have all taught something to you in one form or another. My name is George Feeny, I was once a middle school teacher, a high school principle, and a college professor. Mr. Cory Matthews, was once my student and I know he has taken my lessons and taught them to you. My lesson to you all right at this moment, is that the next step of your life is going to be difficult, but if you have come this far you as this moment right now, and yes life is difficult, but there are so many rewards that come from your hard work. For now, cherish these moments, cherish your friends, your family, and your education because it will take you to places you would never have thought possible."

The students didn't know what to say but they all listened to the man standing in a room full of strangers, they understood what he was saying and in the hour after the ceremony when they were all saying good bye to their teachers they understood even more. The moments were short but precious. That's why while they celebrated on the roof full of everyone they knew and loved, they were a family, stitched together by fate.

"Hey Riles, what are you thinking about?" Maya asked after she had noticed that Riley hadn't really moved to talk to anyone.

"Just the next phase of our lives," she answered. They had all decided not to say where they were going to school until they all had to leave. They knew where Riley and Lucas were going because of their fight but the rest of them decided to stay quiet.

"Yeah well the next part of this is college," Maya said smiling at her.

Riley smiled at Maya, "I'm going to spend the summer working," she said admitting her plans for the first time. "I'm going to work on the ranch with Lucas and Pappy Joe, maybe look at Texas in a different way."

"That sounds amazing," Maya said but her eyes said something else. "Why did you wait until now to tell me?"

"We only talked about it after prom, and I think that I need to make these memories with just Lucas… I want to see what his life was like before we met."

Maya smiled, "Yeah well…"

"I'm not abandoning you Maya," Riley said automatically knowing that Maya feared losing people the most.

"I know I guess it's going to be weird."

"Not really," Josh said as he walked towards them. "I'm going to be here working with you all summer before you leave to go to school."

"You heard about the trip?" Riley asked her uncle who nodded.

"Cory's been freaking out, but don't worry too much he'll freak out if you so much as walk down the block."

"Ain't that the truth," Zay said joining them. "He'll freak out over anything, he'll probably have your phone tracked or something."

"He's not that bad," Riley said wishing she was telling the truth but knowing that her father was that extreme.

"So how are we going to deal with our room situation in college if you're gone," Cassie said making Riley's head spin for a moment.

"What?" Riley said looking at her friends.

"Sorry, I know I messed up, it just came out," Cassie said as she tried not to look at the group.

Farkle, Smackle and Lucas joined them when Riley yelled out, "We were going to tell you over the summer as a surprise," Farkle said while Lucas looked at them confused.

"We're going to go with you to that small school, because we have a lot more to learn in regards to our friendships," Smackle said.

"You're all giving up your schools to follow me and Riley to ours?" Lucas asked looking at their friends.

"Yes," they all answered.

"I'll be there in a year for my master's program, but I'll visit in the meantime," Josh added.

Lucas and Riley both stood there shocked at what they were all doing, they were following them to their new school. It felt like when they had graduated middle school and they moved her father to the high school, except now they were following her instead.

"We're your family," Zay said to the both of them. "And we stick together."

"We can go to those fancy schools when we go for our Ph.D.'s," Farkle said.

"I still have a lot to learn about friendship and human relationships," Smackle added.

"I'm still new to this group, but you all have given me so much more than I could have asked for," Cassie smiled.

Lucas took Riley's hand and smiled at her, "It looks like our family is following us to college."

"Well except for your father, as much as he would love to torture you, he's not allowed to leave," her mother said as she walked over. Riley couldn't help but laugh. "He still has a lot to teach your brother about, and I want to make sure that he is still there to teach him."

Riley knew that she had the best family in the world, her father as much as he cared needed to stay and teach the younger generation. Her mother had to save the world one lawsuit at a time, her little brother had a lot of growing up to do, along with Ava. She would visit as much as possible, but she needed to grow as well away from her parents. The best thing she could do for her parents is take all the lessons she has learned from them over the years and change the world herself.

This was the next step of her life, she was going to savor the moments she had, and the ones yet to come. This was her past and her future right there at that moment. They were her family, put together over time.

"To the next step of our lives," Riley said smiling at everyone.

"To the next step," they all said before coming together for a group hug.

A/N Pt. 2: Did you really think that I would split them up? I'm not a complete savage you know.