The phone rang in the dead of night, waking Combat Medic Ziegler from sleeping. "Hello? Mercy on call". She knew who it was, but she didn't need to play into it's hands. Her love affair with Bastion didn't affect her anymore, she liked to believe. Bastion had figured out he could do the same things with Tracer, so there's no need for Mercy anymore.

"Woo weet woo", the robot said over the phone. Angela knew he was sorry, she hadn't told him actions like his could break a girl's heart. A short sigh was let out, but the Nurse put the phone down and went back to sleep.

"What did she say?" Tracer asked the robot with an annoyed look on her face; but Bastion didn't answer. "Oh don't worry, I can make you feel better…" the small British woman laid back on a stool in a rented hotel room, with her legs spread open so her shaved pussy could be seen by anyone watching. Bastion turned towards her, his thick plaything ejected from his waist.

"Yes… please do it my love, show my clitoris how it's done, and forget about the Nurse. I'm yours now". Tracer pleaded. Bastion didn't want to argue, he looked in between Tracer's naked valley and saw a wet mess, the thing he needed to fix. The robot went forward and shoved his artificial cock into her. Tracer's first reaction was unexpected, her head flung back and her tongue whipped back with it. "Aughhh! So good…". Tracer was panting and sweating like a wild animal, because that's what she was, Bastion thought, so he should be wild too.

"Beep beep beep", Bastion said in the heat of the moment, turning his thrust speed to the maximum, even though this command was supposed to be done by a human, he didn't care.

"Oh God yes, my mind and pussy are breaking at once, your robot-cock is going crazy inside of me". Ribbons of blood streamed from Tracer's clit here and there, but it was only her second time so Bastion knew it was ok. "Oh yes, I'm gonna, I'm gonna-". Spraying noises came from Bastions waist, his "load" was dumped into Tracer, and Tracer's fluids flooded around Bastions plastic member. "I came, and I couldn't have asked for more love…" was said, and Tracer had quite the expression. Sweat poured over her cheeks, and her tongue couldn't have been longer, and finally her eyes rolled back into her head.

"Wee weet wee-oo" Bastion remarked, but he knew why he did this. The robot missed Ziegler, and doing it with Tracer wasn't the same. No tits to squeeze, blood made him uncomfortable, and it just wasn't the same. Bastion left the hotel room, he didn't waste all of his robot cum on the British chick, he still had some left for Angela.

Thanks for helping me make it to the Third Chapter! Sorry for the wait, but do look for the fourth (and final) chapter soon! But don't worry, it doesn't end there. There will be more Fan Fictions coming from me soon enough, and if i get enough requests to continue this one a little while longer, I will!

(I do not own any of the characters I write in my Fanfictions, nor do I condemn human fucking robots as natural, please don't take this seriously. I'm just here to have fun!)