**I do not own Valdemar, it is property of Mercedes Lackey. I do not own the Gundam Boys either, I just use them for my own twisted purposes.**

***Sooooo…I finally had time to write a new chapter. I apologize to anyone reading, I hope people are still reading this. I took a summer course and I had to commute (icky), so I moved in with a friend for six weeks so I had a shorter commute and we could carpool. So, now that that's over, I can finally write again. I apologize in advance for any inconsistencies. It's been quite awhile. Hope you enjoy this. I promise to work hard on the next couple of chapters. And I am so sorry that this took forever.***

Arrows of Honor

Chapter 06: A Beginning

The shock slowly wore off and Heero mentally cursed himself for his outburst and his clumsiness. He closed his eyes, trying to rid his thoughts of the sea of blue tranquility that had invaded his mind, and stood up slowly, brushing himself off. He regained his composure and opened his eyes, grimacing slightly at the Companion still in front off him. Heero thought, face further twisting into that scowl, Damn it all.
He heard masculine laughter echoing through his head, and he scowled more deeply trying to close his mind off. No ones rifles through my head... "You've got the wrong person." Heero said calmly, smoothing his face out to gaze unemotionally at the Companion, who was still standing in front of him, waiting. "I'm nothing you would want as a Herald." He began to turn away, back toward the street.
::Companions never choose incorrectly.:: The Companion danced almost playfully to stand in front of Heero, blocking his path once again. ::Now Heero. I am Wing. You're Companion. I chose you, and no one else. No get on, or we'll be late.::
"Late. Late for what?" Heero asked impassively. "Never mind. It doesn't matter. I'm not going." Heero turned again and began walking in the other direction, but before he got very far he felt something grab onto his shirt and yank him back. He turned his head and looked back to see Wing's teeth firmly attached to his shirt, a glint of mischief on his all too human eyes. "I am not going," he said in a deathly quiet voice, laced with ice. "As I have said, I am no kind of Herald."
::Who says?:: Came the voice again, the laughter and playfulness sliding away. ::Surely you are no authority on what makes someone a Herald.::
Heero scowled again. "You don't know…" You don't know the things I've done…
::Anything you have done up until now no longer matters.::
"Get out of my head!!!" he yelled, angrily, his hard-won composure vanishing.
::I am not in your head. You need to stop projecting your thoughts at me.::
Heero nearly jumped back, but stopped himself and tried to recapture his indifference. It's a trick, he thought. He's playing on my insecurities. "Projecting?"
::Projecting. Your thoughts are practically bombarding my own. Now…If you were to come with me, you could learn to not do that sort of thing… ::
"Oh no," Heero laughed humorlessly, "you are not tricking me into this. For the last time I am not going."
::Oh, yes you are. I'm not giving up without a fight. All you have to do is come with me. If you hate it that much, and still feel you are not fit for a Herald, then you can leave. But I will drag you there if I have to.:: To prove his point, Wing backed up dragging Heero by his shirt where his teeth where still firmly clamped.
Heero stumbled backward, trying to keep from falling on his rear-end once more. "Alright. Alright. I'll go with you. Just let go." Wing released him with a look of triumph, but Heero turned around swiftly to glare at him. "But I guarantee you that I will leave, because there is nothing in me that is anywhere near what makes a Herald."
::Fine. But, as I have told you, you are no authority on what makes a Herald. Now, stop arguing and let's go!:: Wing danced in place. ::Come on, get on.::
Heero gracefully lifted himself unto Wing's back. The Companion turned, head held high, and made his way through the streets in the direction of the palace. Heero sat perfectly still in the saddle, face void of all emotion, cold eyes staring straight ahead.


Duo couldn't move, but then again, he really didn't want to. His head ached. His face throbbed. And his stomach felt as if someone had just kicked it. Oh, wait someone did. And on top of all that, he was delusional. Or dreaming. He could be dreaming. He had just imagined that a Companion had somehow arrived just in time to save his ass, and then decided to Choose him. Definite delusion. Couldn't be a dream. Dreams don't usually hurt as much as he was feeling.
::I'm sorry to disappoint you.:: Duo's eyes snapped open. ::But this is hardly a dream. Although it might be a delusion, you got hit pretty hard.::
Clutching his stomach, Duo slowly stood, using the wall for support. Oh, that was a mistake, he thought as his vision began to swim and blur.
He felt velvet caress his cheek and gently come to rest on his shoulder. ::You really should take it easy. I'll get you to a Healer as soon we get to the Collegium.::
Duo's vision suddenly cleared only to fade again as he laughed at the absurdity he had just heard. "Healer? I don't need a Healer. This is nothing. And I'm sorry, but you must have mistaken me for one of my kids. I'll take you over there as soon as…I can see straight."
::No…:: The Companion says again. ::I Chose you, Duo Maxwell. So, you are the one I'm taken back with me. No one else.::
"Well, I just can't go. I gotta get back, scrounge up some dinner, and make sure my kids are alright. Now," said Duo, as the world decided to finally stay in one place, "if you will kindly excuse me, I must be on my way. I am a very busy fellow you know." He moved back in the direction of the street, ignoring the steady throbbing that was rapidly flowing through his body.
::You know, if you come with me, you can tell the Heralds about your kids and they'll be taken care off. They'll get food, a place to live.:: The Companion came to walk along side him as he turned onto the street.
"My kids have food and shelter, and they have more than that they have me. And I'll be damned if I trust the Heralds and the rest of the palace to take care of 'em all right?" I'll be damned, Duo laughed to himself, too late, already am, eh?
::What's that supposed to mean?::
"What?" Duo said, startled.
::'I'll be damned.' What do you mean by that?:: The Companion asked.
Duo stopped mid-stride, his vision wavered at the sudden movement. Brows furrowed, he stared intently at the Companion. "Never mind. Listen, I'm not the type of person to go and get myself Chosen and all. I know a bunch of other kids that'd make great Heralds. Let me take you over there…" He turned away.
::For the last time, NO.:: said the Companion firmly. ::Now come on, Herald-mine. Let's go.::
Herald, he thought, I'm not a Herald. The image before him blurred only to be replaced by fire…
…and smoke…
…and the sounds of children screaming.
::DUO!:: White light broke through the fire and he found himself face to face with the Companion. ::The past is the past. But you're future lies with me. Give me a chance.::
"What…" Duo choked out, then coughed trying to find his voice. He plastered a sardonic smile on his face. "What did ya say your name was?"
"Scythe, eh?" Duo pondered the name for a minute. How fitting. "Nice name. All right, I'm in. But," he moved to hoist himself clumsily into Scythe's saddle, "I'm warning ya now, I'm with you for the time being, but I'm not guaranteeing I'll be sticking around."
::I disagree.::
"Your funeral." Duo surveyed the streets of Haven from his now elevated perspective. "Oh, and one more thing. My kid's better be taken care of, because if they're not, I will raise hell at the palace."
::Somehow, I think you'll raise hell either way.::
"Smart horse."
"I know," he grinned evilly, and they wound their way toward the palace and Collegium.


"Cathy!" Trowa tried to get his sister's attention, but it seemed that she was to intent on squeezing all life from him. "Cathy, I can't breathe!" She may be short, but she sure as hell is strong, he thought.
She finally realized him, but still kept a firm, excited grip on his biceps. Cathy smiled wildly as she looked up at her adopted brother. "She did it, didn't she?"
"Did what, Cathy? What's going on?" Trowa asked, slightly exasperated.
"She Chose you! I could tell." She said. "I mean, I've never actually seen it happen, but every child from Valdemar hears stories about being Chosen, and you were just Chosen! Oh, Trowa!" She hugged him again, squeezing him tighter than before. "You're going to be a Herald! I can't believe it." She let go so quickly, Trowa lost his balance and stumbled backward, gasping for breath. "You did just Choose him, didn't you?" She turned toward the Companion, who had been watching the scene with what could only be described as a smirk grazing her face and a noticeable glint in her eyes. The Companion bobbed her head up and down in a perfect imitation of a nod, causing Cathy to squeal and reach for her oxygen-deprived brother once again. And yet again, she began to ramble on…
"Oh, we need to get going! I need to pack your things up and you haven't eaten yet and you'll need something to eat on the way. It'll probably take you the rest of the morning to get to the Collegium, maybe longer. The streets are so crowded! Oh, but I'm sure they'll let a Companion pass easily, what am I thinking!? Trowa, you wait right here, I'll go get your stuff and something to eat. Don't move!"
And with that, she was off and running through the tents leaving a very confused Trowa standing beside a Companion not understanding anything that had just happened. He turned toward the Companion, and saw her looking at him with interest. "So…" brilliant beginning Trowa, "…Heaviarm, right? What's going on?"
::I Chose you. You're my Herald now, well you will be. You're a Herald-trainee right now. And now, you're going with me to the Collegium.:: She nudged him gently, and he absentmindedly reached to scratch the and of her nose while he took it all that she said.
"I still don't quite understand all of this. I…"
::All in due time. Everything will be explained to you once we get to the Collegium. We should be leaving soon anyway, or we're going to be late.::
"Here Trowa!" He suddenly found himself doubled over as a rather heavy pack was shoved into his arms.
"That was quick."
"Oh, well, most of your things were still packed. So, I just through in a few things, like some food and the few things you've used since we arrived, and here you go. Well," she paused and took a deep breath, "you should really be on your way. You don't want to keep your Companion waiting, do you?"
"But Cathy…"
"Go on. Off with you." She gently pushed him towards Heaviarm and helped into the saddle, after giving him a quick hug and kiss on the cheek.
"Cathy, I don't…what…you…"
"Don't worry about me, I'll be fine here." She waved a hand at him. "I'll write and I'll come visit whenever I can, okay?" She looked at the worried face of her brother. "Trowa, you'll be fine. You were Chosen. This is what you were meant to do." She reached up and touched his cheek. "I'll miss you, little brother."
"I'll miss you too, Cathy."
"And you," she said sternly, pointing at the Companion. "You take good care of him." Heaviarm moved forward to caress Cathy's cheek with her nose. "Now, get going." Trowa could see Cathy was about to cry. Is this right? he thought, maybe I should stay… But Heaviarm had already started on her way back toward Haven.
"Good-bye, Cathy!" he called to her and waved.
"Good-bye, Trowa! Always remember, I love you!" She waved and watched them leave until they vanished in the crowd around the bustling city.
Trowa sat perched precariously on Heaviarm's saddle, observing the crowds of people with quiet reserve. What in the havens have I gotten myself into?


Quatre blinking rapidly, thinking that somehow he must be in a dream. But each time his sight remained the same, and each time there remained a Companion standing in front of him. He was too stunned to even stand, and so he remained seated on the ground in the middle of the alley where he had fallen trying to comprehend what had just occurred.
::Come on, Chosen.:: The Companion nudged him gently. ::Get up. We have to get moving.::
"Chosen." Quatre said slowly as he brought himself to his feet. "So, you really did Choose me?"
The laughter in his mind was masculine, yet soft like the ringing of a deep bell. ::Of course I Chose you. Do you see anyone else around?::
"No...but, well…I just…" Quatre shook his head to try to clear it. "You Chose me. I'm…I'm going to be a Herald. Oh, my. I'm really…Oh, no."
::What is it?::
"I…" Quatre looked at the vision in front of him. A dream come true… "I can't," he said. "I can't go with you. Not…not that I don't want to or anything, because believe me I do. I really, really do, but my father…my father wouldn't like it. He'd…he'd kill me. He'd literally come and drag me back home. I can't…he'd never allow it."
::Quatre.:: The Companion brushed his nose against the boy's arm. ::Chosen. You've lived here all your life. You know as well as I do, that you belong to Valdemar now. If you want to come with me, and I know how much you do, then you can and your father has no say in that. We'll protect you. You are a Herald.::
"I know, but he's my father. I can't just leave like that. And Rashid…" Quatre eyes widened and he turned back toward the house. "Oh, hell. Rashid! He's going to have my head!" He turned back to face the Companion. "I have to go tell Rashid what has happened. He'll be worried sick. Please, let me go do that."
::Alright, but you must hurry. And I'm coming with you, because you are coming with me.::
"Alright, I will." Quatre turned to walk around to the front of the house with the Companion falling in beside him. "What did you say that you're name was again?"
"Sandrock…I like that name." The pair walked around and approached the front door. Quatre stepped forward to grip the handle, but it was ripped from his grasp as the door opened to reveal a very angry Rashid. Quatre shuddered and wilted under the stern gaze of his protector. "Hi, Rashid."
"Master Quatre." Rashid said in an emotionless voice. "And just where have you been?"
"Rashid, I'm sorry I snuck out, but I needed to think and then I went to this temple, and I was just going to sit down for a minute but then I fell asleep and next thing I know it's morning and I'm Chosen." Quatre held his breath as he waited for the expected outburst.
"I can't believe you just left like that, Master, and…you're what?!?!" Rashid bellowed.
"Chosen." Quatre said trying to keep his voice sounding confident.
For a moment Rashid could say nothing, but he soon noticed the Companion who had somehow managed to keep out of his line of sight up until that moment. He openly gaped at the sight of him and turned a started expression toward his charge. "You really are Chosen."
Quatre only nod, wondering at what Rashid would do next.
Rashid remained standing and gazing back and forth between Quatre and Sandrock, a slightly puzzled and uncertain look on his face, but his face eventually took on a look of determination. "Master," he said, firmly, "wait right here."
Quatre nodded, a confused expression forming on his face as Rashid turned and headed in the house and up the stairs. Anxiously, Quatre waited switching his weight from one foot to another.
::It's going to be alright, Chosen.::
::I hope so.:: he replied, turning to give his Companion a nervous smile.
Finally, Rashid returned. He held in his hands a small traveling pack, which he handed to Quatre. "Here. I've packed some of your things. I'll have the rest sent to you as soon as you get settled."
Dumbfounded, Quatre took the pack.
Rashid smiled at his Masters expression and bend down to wrap him in a bone-crushing hug that lifted Quatre right off his feet. "Congratulations, Master…Herald-trainee Quatre, and good luck."
"But Rashid…" Quatre began.
"Don't worry about your father," said Rashid, confidently. "I'll take care of everything. Now. You need to be on your way. Go on," he said, giving Quatre a push.
"Thank you, Rashid," Quatre said after he was seated comfortably on Sandrock.
"Anytime. Take care, and remember to write."
"I will. Good-bye, Rashid."
"Good-bye, Quatre."
The newly Chosen waved to his former protector as Sandrock turned and began to trot down the street towards the Collegium. Quatre tried to be excited about starting this new and exciting future, but his thoughts turned always to his father. Anxiety began to slowly overtake him, eating away at his heart.


Wufei had been standing motionless and utterly confused for sometime now. Chosen… that can't be right, was the only thing that seemed to be able to make it's way through his mind. He just couldn't comprehend the situation and the blindingly white creature in front of him. Chosen…?
"Chosen," he finally managed to get out.
::Yes, very good.:: The Companion said in that overly simplified, I'm-talking-to-a-two-year-old voice. ::You're a bright boy, aren't you?::
Wufei scowled, not liking the condescending tone of voice. "You've made a mistake." And with that he turned and walked down the street toward home.
The Companion, however, as all Companion are, was not so easily ignored, brushed aside. She quickly darted in front of him and came to stand face-to-face with him. ::Companions don't make mistakes, Chosen. I, Companion Nataku, have Chosen you, Chang Wufei. And you will accompany me to the Collegium, where you will be made a Herald. Got that?:: With each word, she had taken a step for shoving him none too gently in the chest until he had no choice but to fall gracelessly on his rear-end. He scowled up at her angrily, his pride injured.
How dare she, he thought indignantly. I'm trying to prevent here from making this horrible mistake. I'm not deserving of such an honor.
::And just why do you think that, hm?:: The Companion asked, poking him gently in the chest. ::I'm telling you, Companions don't make mistakes.::
"Well, you're about to make one." Wufei said, standing up and backing away. "There are others more worthy of being Chosen than I. Besides, I'm too old. Aren't you supposed to Choose children?"
::You are a child.::
"I am not a child. I'm seventeen."
Wufel scowled again.
::I can Choose whoever I like. And you would be dishonoring me more if you refuse such a privilege as becoming a Herald.::
Those words stopped Wufei in his tracks. He was a man of honor and he knew that Companions were creatures worthy of great respect. There was something spiritual and otherworldly about them. Even if he felt that this Companion would be making a grave error in Choosing someone such as himself for a Herald, he knew that the greater disgrace would be on him for disregarding her Choice.
He frowned slightly not liking the corner he had been backed into. He felt that with either side he selected there was something not right about it, but a choice had to be made.
He stepped forward and bowed slightly to the Companion. "Companion Nataku, I, Chang Wufei, acknowledge the wisdom in your Choice and will accompany you to the Collegium."
::There's a good boy.:: Nataku laughed as her Chosen elegantly climbed into the saddle. ::Now…we need to hurry. Or we'll be late.:: Wufei sat stiffly on Nataku's back as she plotted along. His face expressionless as he pointedly ignored the strange looks of those who had witness the exchange between Companion and newly-Chosen.


Haven had become a very large city over the years, so that even a ride from the poorer sections in to the center could seem like an interminable amount of time, especially with all the crowds. People were everywhere, crowded in the streets, buying, selling, shouting, walking, just everywhere. And of course, children as well as adults would stop to stare as a Companion passed, a newly Chosen Herald perched upon his or her back.
Duo rode along, perched sulkily on the back of Scythe. He shifted uncomfortably in the saddle trying to find some way to make the ride endurable, but ended up clutching his stomach in pain. The ride would never be comfortable, especially being injured the way he was. He made no sound however, no noise of pain or protest. He had lived through worse, much worse. A short ride tour of Haven was nothing.
The noon sun beat down on him as he passed through the outer wall from the poor sections into the slightly less poor sections and on through the merchant streets. Scythe turned suddenly and without warning, as Companions were known to do, and strode down an alley. He turned again onto yet another crowded street. Duo obliviously observed the various peoples they passed as Scythe picked up his pace slightly.
So many purses, so many pompous snobs…Duo's hand itched to snatch just one. It would oh so easy.
::No stealing.::
Duo jerked upright at the unexpected voice. Scythe laughed as Duo clutched the saddle to keep from falling off. He grabbed his throbbing stomach again, and the world began to spin. "That's not funny," he said as he willed the world to stand still. "I could've hurt myself, you know. I thought Companions had to get their Chosen there in good condition…or at least in one piece."
::More or less.:: Scythe chuckled. ::But seriously, no stealing. You'll make me look bad.::
"Yeah, yeah." Duo looked ahead this time, trying to keep his eyes away from the wasted riches around him. Spotting a flash of white up ahead, he squinted and tried to make it out. The sun glared of another blindingly white Companion just ahead of them.
"Hey, who's…?"
::Ah, maybe we're not going to be late after all.:: Scythe said as he trotted a little faster heading towards the second Companion.
"What's that supposed to mean?" Duo's brows furrowed.
Scythe brought himself to walk alongside the other Companion. Duo, still puzzled decided to greet his new traveling companion. "Hello there," he said, turning and he found himself staring into a pair of blue eyes, whose cold depths sent shivers down his spine. Duo paused for a moment, uncertain of whether or not he should continue, but was determined on plowing headlong into introductions. "Name's Duo Maxwell. Newly-Chosen, as I'm assuming you are too."
Heero had been content to ride through Haven in quiet solitude, but it seemed like fate, also read 'Companions', had other things in mind for him, as the arrival of this other Chosen and his Companion seemingly shattered his silent brooding. He turned slightly as he heard the familiar chiming hoof falls that singled a Companion and discovered a young man, around his age if not younger. The first thing he noticed was the strangely colored eyes, a startling violet, the long braid, and the welcoming smile. Well, those would have been the first things he noticed, instead he took in the bruised jaw and the way he was hunched over slightly, arm protected covered over his stomach. Someone roughed this guy up. Doesn't look to difficult either, he thought as he continued his quick examination: very thin form, probably malnourished, ragged clothes. But Heero was used to seeing what others didn't, and he saw the sinewy muscles, and the sharp eyes. This guy's probably quick on his feet, but I bet he still gets caught sometimes, he thought, observing how the other Chosen seemed used to the pain and injuries.
Heero took in all this information with one quick glance then turned back to face forward easily ignoring the introduction.
Duo watched as Heero blatantly brushed him off. Nice guy. Real talkative too.
::Apparently, he doesn't want to be here.:: Scythe said.
Well, Duo thought at his Companion, seems we have a lot in common then. Duo's gaze turned forward, but he glanced at the other boy from the corner of his eye. Those eyes look familiar, he thought, but he couldn't place them. He took in the messy brown hair, the darker complexion, the well-worn, dark clothing, and the strength in the visible arms. He appeared quite young and even weak at first glance, but Duo guessed that he was probably around sixteen and strong as hell. Oh, yeah…seems like a real nice guy…
::You know,:: Wing said to his Chosen. ::You could at least give him your name. Maybe say 'hi.' It's not that hard, really. You could start a conversation even.::
Heero ignored the comment, repeating to himself, I won't be here long. I'll be back on my own by tomorrow.
::That's what you think.::
Heero scowled.
Meanwhile, Duo continued to stare forward trying to keep his eyes from drifting closed. He was suddenly so tired. His stomach ached painfully, and his entire head was throbbing from his jaw to his crown. His vision blurred slightly, and his head tipped forward. And then everything went black.
Heero saw him fall from the corner of his eye. Reacting quickly, his legs tightened around Wing and he leaned forward to grab Duo before he ended up face first on the stony street. The Companions stopped mid-stride and Heero returned Duo to a steady position in the saddle. He patted the side of Duo face lightly, trying to wake him up.
"Hey." He said softly. "Hey, wake up."
Duo eyes shuddered slightly and open. He winced a little but came quickly to himself. "Yeah, I'm fine. Um…what happened?"
"You fell."
Duo paused for a second before giving a shaky laugh and a nervous smile. "Hey, well, guess it's bound to happen…never ridden a horse."
Both Companions snorted indignantly at the word 'horse' and Duo smiled evilly.
"You should have your injuries looked at." Heero said, as the Companions began moving once again.
"What, this?" Duo asked pointing to his jaw. "This is nothing. A scratch, really." He laughed again and waved a hand.
Heero simply snorted in reply and returned to observing the road in front of him. They road on in silence for a while longer, but Heero kept an eye on Duo, watching for any signs that he might repeat his early fall. The other boy seemed to be wide awake now, but Heero noticed a fine tremble running along Duo's arms and looked a bit paler.
"Heero Yuy." He said quietly.
Duo jumped, startled. "Uh, um, what?"
"My name's Heero Yuy. This is Wing," he repeated.
"Oh," Duo chuckled timidly. He patted his Companion's neck. "Uh, Duo Maxwell. This is Scythe. Nice to meet you, Heero. Wing."
"You too."
They continued to ride in silence, but a less awkward one then before.


Quatre wondered why it seemed to be taking an unusually long amount of time to get to the Palace and Collegium. Granted, there was no direct route to the Palace Gate, but the nobles' estates and the upper class households were fairly close to the Palace. It shouldn't be taking as long as it was. Or Quatre was just nervous.
::Sandrock?:: He sent to his Companion.
::Yes, Chosen.::
::How come it's taking so long to get there?::
::It's not taking long at all.:: Was the reply. ::We'll be there shortly.::
Quatre sighed. He peered around looking at the sides of two stone buildings. They hadn't entered onto a main street since they first departed Quatre's home. Sandrock had been taking them along alleyways and back streets, and Quatre was sure he was now utterly lost. Not that that was much of accomplishment for Sandrock, considering that Quatre was the boy that could never leave home. It always amazed Quatre how he managed to sneak out and wander around Haven without becoming hopelessly lost. Then again, Rashid generally found him after a few hours and escorted him home.
Eventually, they came to the end of yet another alley and approached a busy looking street, but instead of heading for a different alley, Sandrock turned onto what appeared to be one of the main thoroughfares in Haven. Quatre was so mesmerized by the crowds and shops along the road he failed to notice that Sandrock had brought them to walk along aside another Companion. He turned to continue his investigation and was startled to find someone riding beside him that he jumped and nearly fell off Sandrock.
::Easy there, Chosen.:: Sandrock said with amusement. ::Don't want to fall off.::
::I was just surprised. I didn't know we were expecting company on our trip.::
Sandrock chuckled but gave no reply.
"Hello." Quatre moved to get a look at his new traveling companion and found a rather stiffly seated, and stoic young man. His jet black hair was pulled tightly back in a severe looking tail. His skin was darker then the average Valdemaren making him appear as if he was from out-Kingdom, but with Valdemar one could never tell. Quatre could barely see his eyes, but from what he could see they appeared to be completely black, and almond shaped, adding to the foreigner look. He gave off a very strong and noble air as he sat in his Companion's saddle. "I'm Quatre. Quatre Raberba Winner, and this my Companion, Sandrock."
Wufei turned and gave a curt nod in greeting to the small blond and his Companion. "Chang Wufei and Companion Nataku."
"Greetings to the both of you," Quatre said with a smile. "Have you been traveling long? Or are you from Haven?"
"From Haven." Wufei replied. "Although we have been traveling long. It seems to be taking forever to get the Palace." He glared down at the back of Nataku's head.
"Yes, I know what you mean." Quatre smiled as Sandrock's ears swiveled around to listen. "We appear to be taking a rather round about way of getting there."
They moved along in silence for a short while until they came to a sort of intersection with a smaller road. Sandrock and Nataku slowed their pace slightly as they crossed the overlapping street. Quatre looked down the busy avenue. "Look here," he said to Wufei. "It seems we have company."
"Yes, and there are two more over here."


Trowa had never been so nervous in his entire life. And this was something coming from the boy that had knives thrown at him on a daily basis. He had been riding through the congested streets of Haven all morning and now the early afternoon sun was beating down on him. It actually was a rather pleasant spring day, but he Trowa's nerves were shot and he kept imagining the hot sun glaring at him and burning his flesh. He hadn't spoken to Heaviarm since they had left. He knew there was no point, she avoided any question he asked and refused to explain anything further then she already had, which was not at all. Although he was getting a lovely tour of Haven, Trowa was still utterly confused and all he wanted to do was go back to Cathy, back home.
While her rider sat in a daze, Heaviarm turned and made her way down a different, virtually deserted street. ::We're almost there, Chosen.::
Trowa jumped, startling out of his trance. "What?"
Laughter echoed through his mind. ::We're almost there. Just another turn up ahead and we'll be just a short block away from the Palace gate.::
"Oh." Trowa gazed ahead, across the intersecting road and he become aware of a pair of riders coming toward him. He then noticed another pair riding along the main road. Heaviarm turned onto the larger street at the same time as the pair across from him to bring them all riding together down, side by side. Trowa gazed down the row to get a look at the others, and a few of them doing the same thing. He saw a cold-eyed young man on the opposite end, who remained staring forward. Next, he found a rather startling pair of violet eyes observing him. That young man smiled and waved in greeting and Trowa found himself smiling in return. Then, there was another, foreign-looking young man sat stiffly in his saddle, determined to look no where but straight ahead.
Finally, Trowa turned to observe the rider to his immediate right and almost jumped out of his saddle. Beside him, was the same blond boy that he had seen the day before, smiling at him. Trowa smiled nervously in return, for it appeared the blond recognized him as well, and nodded a quick greeting.
They all remained quiet as they continued on their journey, which almost ended anyway, each one having their own reasons for not wanting to break the silence they had fallen into.


On the street located just outside the Palace gate, the atmosphere was surprisingly quiet for such a bright, spring afternoon. But no one questioned the silence, because for the few people out and about in that area, the reason was obvious. People could only stop and stare wonderingly at the sight before them. Five Companions, with five newly Chosen Heralds, rode side by side down the street of Haven. For any who had lived in Valdemar, learned in Valdemar, fought in Valdemar, this sight was significant. Fate had great things in store for these five young men, but as everyone in Valdemar knew great things tended to come with a great price. The question was, how great would that price be, both for these five young men, and for Valdemar as well.


***Alright. I was again apologize for taking so very, very long for this chapter. I am so, SO sorry. But it's a long chapter, a very long chapter, so you forgive me right? If anyone is still reading this story please review so I know that I shoul actually continue it. I have so many ideas. I just have trouble getting them all written down...in chapter form. Please review! Alright, I'ma go get to work. Also, I'm thinking of starting a new story...I'ma gonna write a chapter and see if it gets a good response amd then I'll see if I continue. If you see it please read it. It's going to be sorta like this one...a fusion with Sharon Shinn's 'Samaria' Novels. Anyone read those? I love them. LOVE. Alright...getting to work. Ja ne! REVIEW!***