It was early morning, but David had been awake for hours. The first day of Camp Campbell was only a month away and there was still so much to do. Activities needed planning, supplies needed to be purchased, menus written down, even if they were always ignored by the quartermaster, David would write them anyway. Everything was on track so far, when the phone ran.

"Hello! David here! How can I help you on this fine day?"

"Am I speaking to David Woodworth?" a bored woman droned on the end of the line.

"Yes ma'am that's me!"

"I see here that you are a registered foster parent. Is that correct." David had to think for a second. He had started the paperwork to become a foster parent months ago. He'd been waiting for someone to get back to him, but they never did.

"Why yes, I do believe that is true," David said, uncertain.

"And are you still interested in fostering?"

"If there is a kid in need I will gladly take them under my wing!" David said full of enthusiasm.

"That's wonderful," the women said in a monotone. "We have an 11 year old boy here who needs a place to stay until we can find him a permanent foster home. Would you be willing to foster him for a few months?"

"Of course! As long as I can bring him to the summer camp I work at that is. You see I…"

"That shouldn't be a problem," the women interrupted him. "We'll have someone bring him over later today. Will you be home from 5:00 to 6:00.?"

"I will indeed!"

"Thank you for your generosity. Have a good day."

"You too!" David replied, but the women had already hung up.

"Oh boy, my dream of fostering a child is actually happening! I better tidy up. I wonder if he will be hungry when he gets here. I'd better make something to eat. Oh! And I should put some fresh sheets on the spare bed!"

David set to work prepping the guest bedroom in his apartment and moving all his Camp Campbell supplies to a corner of the living room rather than leaving them sprawled all about the house.

After the kitchen was cleaned, the floors swept and vacuumed, and the guest bedroom dusted and aired out, it was barely noon.

"I guess I have a few hours left." David thought aloud. "I wonder if I should go shopping for supplies. Oh, but I don't know what he would like. Best to wait until he is actually here."

Instead, David settled down on his couch and went back to working on his camp preparations.

Once the clock struck 4, David began to work on dinner.

"Hmm, I don't know what he will like, but no one would turn their nose up at lasagna!" David thought aloud.

"Although, I suppose he could be vegetarian. Oh! What if he is lactose intolerant or allergic to something? I'd better make a salad too, just incase. And I'll make a cheese lasagna instead of meat, just to be on the safe side."

The smell of good food had already permeated the house by the time a black car rolled up in front of David's apartment building. With his chef's apron still on, David threw open the door and walked out to the street to greet his new foster kid. A man in a dark suit and sunglasses stepped out of the driver's seat and asked to see David's ID.

"Of course," David handed him his driver's license and the man grunted. David signed a few papers and initialed a few more. Finally, the man opened the passenger door to reveal a kid in a tattered blue hoodie passed out in the back seat.

"Wake up kid," the man said gruffly as he shook the kid's shoulder to wake him up.

"Uh, what?" the kid mumbled, rubbing his eyes. Without really looking at what he was doing, the kid unbuckled and snatched his backpack off the seat next to him. He slid out of the car and closed the door behind him.

"This guy, uh, Woodworth, is your new foster parent. Don't screw this one up Max," the man said looking at his clipboard.

"Max?" David ask. 'No, it couldn't be' the thought to himself.

"David?" a familiar voice said as he threw back his hood. It was Max all right. The same Max who had been determined to ruin Camp Campbell for everyone last year, but mostly David.

"Fuck." Max said his shoulders slumping as he marched past David into the open door of the apartment.

"Take care of him," the man said, handing David a thick yellow envelope. "He's a tough kid to handle."

"I know," David sighed as the man drove off. After a moment of thought, David steeled his nerves and went inside to greet Max properly.

In the few moments that he had been inside, Max had located the guest bedroom and locked himself inside.

"Max? Are you okay?" David asked through the locked door.

"Fuck off David," came the muffled reply.

"I've got lasagna out here if you're hungry."

"I said FUCK OFF!"

"Do you want to take a shower or a bath?"


David sighed. "This is going to be harder than I thought."

Later that night, as David was watching a nature documentary on forest birds, the guest room door creaked open and footsteps sounded in the hall.

"The lasagna is still on the stove if you want any." David called without getting up. He'd decided that he needed to treat Max as he would an injured animal, give him space to decided he wanted to open up on his own.

The footsteps paused in the hall, before continuing to the kitchen. There was the sound of cupboards being opened.

"The plates are in the cabinet above the sink, and the forks in the drawer left of the stove!" David called out again. After a few moments, Max appeared in the living room, a plate of food in his hand.

"You wanna watch?" David asked, patting the spot on the couch next to him. Max opted for the chair instead, pulling his feet under him and staring blankly at the TV. It was the first good look David had gotten of Max. He hadn't grown much since he'd last seen him at the end of Camp, and he was certainly much thinner than any 11 year old should be. His hair was overgrown and desperately needed a comb. There were dark circles under his eyes and traces of a bruise on his left cheek. He needed a fresh change a cloths and a bath, but that wasn't urgent. Mostly, David focused on the fresh cut above Max's right eye.

David stood up, and his heart panged with sadness when Max flinched at his movement. David went to the kitchen and found his first aid kit. He came back and sat on the coffee table facing Max who refused to make eye contact.

"Can I clean that cut Max?" he asked gently.

"Fuck off," Max said, but without his usual energy. He sounded worn out, like he might cry any moment.

"It might get infected if you don't let me." David tried again.

"Fine," Max said. David breathed a sigh of relief and opened his kit. Gently, he pressed a cloth dipped in hydrogen peroxide to Max's cut. Max inhaled sharpy at the sting, but didn't pull away.

After smearing some cream with his thumb, David covered the wound with a big bandaid. Satisfied he closed his kit and went to put it away.

"Hey David?" Max said from his chair.

"Yes Max?" David looked down at the boy. He looked so fragile it made his heart hurt.


If this story gets a positive response I will continue writing it. So please review and leave and suggestions or requests!