A/N: IMPORTANT, PLEASE READ – Okay so this is a completely rewritten story from back in 2011 when I first started writing fanfiction. College and other life priorities got in the way, and I had to abandon the project altogether. I reuploaded the story yesterday, and I was surprised to see how many views that it brought in, but I also noticed that a lot of you did not appreciate the original plot line that I had gone with.
Sesshomaru was going to be a 'stand-in' for Inuyasha, which further down the plot would cause legality issues and add to the drama. Though this is a work of pure fanfiction, where really anything could happen, a lot of you were upset with the legal basis from which this story started. With the backlash from that idea, I decided to listen to all of you and completely re-wrote the chapter to change the ending and the course of the plot. So, if you read this story recently, just know that this chapter changed towards the end. If you haven't read the story yet ignore this whole little rant and please enjoy.
Let me know what you think!
Disclaimer: I do not own any of these characters, they belong to the lovely Rumiko Takahashi.
Rate and review, please!
Say I Do
Chapter One
Here Comes the Bride
Never in her life had Kagome Higurashi ever felt so empty; so utterly alone.
Unease bubbled within her flip-flopping stomach, spreading a wave nausea throughout her petite form. Her porcelain skin was flushed, yet clammy; crystalline hues seeing nothing but red. Hushed whispers were shared behind her; the thrum of quiet chitchat bounced off the mosaic-covered walls. It was not hard to distinguish that she was the sole topic of discussion within the room.
The heat of their stares bore down on her back, and it was enough to make her want to squirm. She shifted slightly, her movement slow. The desire to wrap her arms around herself and shy away from the crowd was strong, though the mass of silk and lace she was dressed in restricted her movements. It was suffocating, constricting; she couldn't breathe. Her throat was dry, an uncomfortable lump forming, adding to her distress. The more she swallowed in an attempt to quell the feeling, the more prominent it became.
The stems of the lilies within her bouquet gave an audible cry under her vice-like grip, drawing her attention. Glancing downward, Kagome scrunched her nose and glared at the white flowers as if they were the sole cause of the pure embarrassment that was threatening to drown her.
She blamed herself for letting it get this far.
Kagome knew that this entire situation was not going to benefit any of the parties involved without some sacrifice. She was living in a dream world thinking that something like this would not be met with some type of resistance.
This was supposed to be a happy day, one where nothing could go wrong.
This was a day that most girls dreamed of from a young age.
This was supposed to be a celebration, one of happiness and life…of love.
But, here she stood, on her wedding day, groom-less.
Kagome rationalized that she should be more upset than she currently was. Most women at this point would have broken down and called everything off. She didn't feel the pinpricks of oncoming tears forming in her eyes; there was no wave of sadness crashing down on her. There was a myriad of emotions swirling around her, but despair was not one of them. No, she mostly felt empty and alone, a numbness pulsing through her with every breath she took. Embarrassment held her in a vice, whispering within that she should just run away. It was duty and stubbornness that kept her rooted to the spot she maintained at the altar.
She was not surprised that it came to this point. All stories like this came bubbling to a climax. Though, she sorely wished her situation was not one that would leave her in this utterly insignificant position. Nothing seemed to work out the way that she wanted it to within this relationship. The whole thing was a cruel twist of fate.
It was a political marriage; arranged.
An alliance of…sorts.
Kagome's father always had a knack for technology, ever since he and her mother had met back in high school. Her mother would tell Kagome stories of her father when he was a teen, about how he would lock himself away in his garage and invent little knick-knacks to impress her. He was always curious about things; he wanted to know what made them tick.
What gave them drive.
Over the years that curiosity developed to the point where he created his own firm. It was modest at first, a small technology company that would produce software for computers, but over time it grew within power. This was the modern era. Everything was run on some sort of software. There were plenty of other technology companies that competed with her father's, but there was only one that he ever deemed a rival: Taisho Inc.
Touga Taisho was an esteemed businessman, ruthless in his field. He ran his company with the utmost care; every product produced was carefully planned, every business deal was a strategic power-play. He conducted himself in the same manner and grace throughout his everyday life. There were no friendships, no bonds, no social gatherings he would attend that would not benefit his company. It was his lifeline; the fruit of his labor and he would not see its downfall. It was no surprise that Taisho Inc. was becoming world-renowned.
Kagome's father has crossed Touga's path early on at a business expo while showing off one of the new microchips that Higurashi Tech. put together. It immediately caught Touga's attention, who wished to directly buy it outright, including the patent to call it his own. Her father vehemently refused, much to Touga's frustration.
Thus, a rivalry was born.
It was never hostile or derogatory. There was no slander or dragging through the mud. The only thing these men attempted to do was one-up each other. They liked to push each other, gauge the reaction and see what the other would do next. It was a simple game among men; to see who would come out on top. Kagome assumed her father caught Touga's interest because he was the first person to deny him what he wanted. In a world where you were always in charge, who would stand up and tell you no?
It carried on for years, the push and pull. One man outdoing the other. Benefit galas were never dull when those two men were in attendance. The casual jibes and mocking undertones were always a source of amusement. The words they spoke were never hurtful; uncivil and full of dry humor, yes, but they were words of two men who grew to respect one another highly.
It was at one of those galas that she met him, the man that was to be her future husband.
Kagome was not prone to such events. She was seventeen at the time, young, and somewhat clueless. Pair a long dress with her naturally clumsy demeanor, and there was bound to be an issue. That instance presented itself when she was trying to descend the staircase into the main ballroom. Kagome had been running late to the festivities, rushing through the doors and down the stairs without any caution. Her high heel tangled in the trail of her gown, the movement of her body already propelling her forward. Before she could make a complete embarrassment out of herself, she was caught and pulled back against a robust and broad frame.
Turning to thank her savior, words died on her tongue. Kagome was caught within the piercing gaze of the most unique pair of golden eyes she had ever seen. He couldn't have been much older than her, maybe by a year or two. His cropped white hair was worn messily, not gelled back like the other men in attendance. Blue locked with amber, and for a moment—a bated breath – Kagome was spellbound.
Then he went and opened his mouth.
He had mocked her for her lack of ability to walk like a 'normal person,' questioned her on if she was 'all there in the head,' and then he proceeded to call her 'wench.'
Her hackles rose, left eye twitched in utter annoyance, and like a snake coiling to strike at its prey, Kagome lashed out. An all-out verbal spar had ensued. Back and forth, a battle of mockery and insults was fought. He seemed to be the clear victor with a well-placed dig about her lack of feminine figure. Kagome politely replied with a neat kick to his shin before she stomped off.
It was later in the evening that her father introduced her to his 'esteemed rival' along with said rival's family. Her first impression of Touga was that of intimidation; he was a loud and proud man. Everything about him seemed to emanate power. It was his eyes, however, that gave Kagome a different view. There was a softness; a warmth there that she couldn't quite place. It offset the towering persona that he affronted. The fire within those golden depths smothered into an inferno of tawny when he looked down at the woman next to him and introduced her as his wife.
Izayoi Taisho was even more elegant than the magazines pictured her as. With soft brown eyes and waist length ebony hair, she held herself with the sophistication and grace of royalty. Kagome mused that she technically was royalty with a husband like Touga. It was only after the introduction was made that Kagome realized it was love which was the cause for the softness around the edges of the businessman's eyes. She remembered vaguely wondering, in that moment, if someone would look at her like that one day.
The next to be introduced was his youngest son, who she immediately recognized as her would-be savior from the staircase. His name was Inuyasha Taisho.
Glares were shared, insults were passed off, and continued disagreements were huffed – much to the bemusement of both sets of parents.
It carried on for years like that. Whatever events that they attended, no matter how much they tried to avoid one another, Inuyasha and Kagome always got into some argument. It didn't matter the topic; it could have been the weather, they just didn't agree. She didn't quite grasp why he was so brash. Why did everything out of his mouth have to be a crude insult? It was like he had a hardened shell around him.
He didn't want to let anyone in and lashing out was his only defense.
When Inuyasha became the topic of debate amongst Touga, her father, and a few of Taisho's business associates at a financial gala she was attending, Kagome finally understood. Touga was explaining the idea of dividing his company amongst his two sons when he was ready to step down. The notion of his oldest being in charge was something that the group approved. However, the concept of Inuyasha running anything related to Touga's company was rebuffed, scoffed at, and utterly frowned upon.
Kagome remembered the confused look that crossed her father's face. She also recalled the burning anger that turned Touga's gaze into flat golden stone. The group of Taisho's business associates were overlooking Inuyasha's skill with finances and disregarded his understanding of the market. In turn, they decided to make it a point to discuss his apparent lack of decorum. Looking back on it now, she was positive one of the men even went as far as to call him a disgrace to the Taisho name.
Kagome didn't know what prompted her to do it.
Maybe it was Touga's tense posture, one that was ready to battle anyone who disrespected his son.
Maybe it was the look of sadness that flashed within Izayoi's eyes.
Maybe it was the utter heartbreak that seemed to roll off of Inuyasha as he caught the tail end of the conversation. He didn't look surprised; it was like he had heard those insults before.
He looked beaten; broken.
All it took was one look - blue locked with gold.
Kagome moved on her own then, pushing into the fray of bodies. Hellfire burned into her cerulean depths as she stomped up to the nearest man, hands clenched into fists at her sides.
Kagome couldn't for the life of her remember what exactly she said as she ranted and raved to the group of elders. All she could recall from the confrontation was that Higurashi Tech, under her guidance, would never do business with the likes of close-minded, arrogant, and stuffy individuals who had their heads so far up their asses that they couldn't ascertain a decent business deal even if it were waved right under their noses.
She was cut off, mid-tirade, by Inuyasha, who promptly clamped a hand over her mouth and bodily restrained her, all while dragging her out of the building.
Kagome turned her raging emotions on him once they were outside. He remained silent, while she carried on, pacing back and forth on the sidewalk. She was shrieking and shouting about where they got the right to judge anyone. He patiently waited for her to stop, for all the anger to seep out of her as she continued to holler about the inequality of things. When Kagome finally deflated was when she got a good look at him. He looked remorseful, sad, and bashful all rolled into one.
The emotions swam within his gaze, ever-shifting, and suddenly they morphed into something she couldn't ascertain.
He then proceeded to do something that Kagome never thought he would do; he thanked her.
Inuyasha Taisho thanked her.
She never understood that look, the one that he gave her that night.
Looking back on it now, Kagome didn't think that she ever saw that wayward emotion trickle into Inuyasha's gaze again - at least not around her.
That was the beginning of their odd friendship. Much like their father's relationship, Kagome and Inuyasha were rivals with a twist. Attempting to one-up each other whenever they got the chance. Over the next couple of years, it budded into genuine friendship. Kagome was a woman entering a male-dominated corporate world. Inuyasha was the frowned upon heir to an empire. She was his rock, and he was hers. They were the only ones who truly understood each other – what it was like to be an outsider.
If she had to guess, their friendship was the basis for the idea that their fathers came up with. Watching their children grow into the young adults that would take over their companies one day. What better way to secure their future than a marriage? A marriage that would not only unite their children but their corporations as well. It would push them to the top of the technological hierarchy, securing the power for the new generation for when they took over.
A cough from behind broke Kagome from her thoughts. Perspiration was beginning to bead under the snowy veil upon her brow, and she fought an urge to swipe it away. Looking up, she caught a glimpse of Miroku Hoshi, clad in his cream and maroon ceremonial robes. The soft baritone of his voice was reciting a passage from a scripture within the golden bible he held. The young woman was thankful she was standing so close to him, he was drowning out of the whispers coming from behind her. Miroku looked up then, feeling her gaze on him. They stared at each other for a moment, his violet eyes filled with nothing but warmth.
Kagome had been introduced to Miroku through Inuyasha about a year ago. He was a personal lawyer that worked with Taisho Inc. He had a reputation of being particularly witty in the courtroom, always cracking jokes at inappropriate times. That, however, didn't stop him from outmatching many when it came to a battle of legal loopholes. Much to the displeasure of his opponents, Miroku had a knack of getting out of any situation that he was presented with. He also proudly maintained a reputation for having wandering hands. Kagome had been on the receiving end of his "caresses" far more than she had liked over the last few months.
Miroku raised his voice by a decibel then, drowning out the background noise even further. Kagome assumed that he could sense her discomfort, though, she was sure she wasn't masking it well. He continued with his hymn, and he offered her a small reassuring smile before passing a quick glance to his right, then back down to his book.
Looking over in the direction Miroku just gazed, Kagome locked eyes with her best friend and maid of honor. Sango Ito was a vision in the soft lilac silk gown that hugged her figure; her chocolate locks tucked into neat bun nestled in the middle of her head. She looked every bit the put-together maid of honor she was supposed to be, calm and collected on the exterior. However, it was the small furrow on her brow, paired with the dark scowl that was marring her angelic features which disclosed that something was wrong. Sango held her bouquet of flowers in a white-knuckled grip, Kagome noted. Pity and anger danced within her auburn gaze. Kagome knew that Sango wanted her to end this sham of a ceremony, that she didn't want Kagome to continue through this embarrassment.
Unable to handle pressure from the emotions within her best friend's gaze, Kagome bowed her head slightly. Half-heartedly, she turned her attention back to Miroku and looked up at him through her lashes.
Kagome knew Inuyasha didn't want to get married.
Hell, she didn't want to marry him either.
When they were presented with the notion of their fathers', the two of them burst out laughing. How could they have been serious? They were friends. Best friends. Comrades within a corporate world that they knew little about. Nothing more, nothing less. They both treated their fathers' antics as a joke. They both knew very well that their parents would never actually force them to get married if they didn't want to.
It was a year ago, on Kagome's twenty-fourth birthday, that she no longer took the idea of their marriage as a joke.
It was raining that day, she remembered. It was an accident, a lock-up of the breaks as he tried to swerve out of the way of an unruly stray dog that ended up in the middle of the street. The paramedics said that he didn't suffer. It was a swift and painless death; he was gone before the car had finished rolling off the road.
A year ago, Kagome Higurashi became the unwilling and unprepared CEO of Higurashi Tech. - in the wake of her father's untimely death.
Her father always told her that a man who lives entirely is not afraid of death. Death is a painful truth. It is what is to come. He stated that death was at the end of a foggy road and we must get through the fog called life to finally see the clearing. Though she knew that he would have been content with the knowledge of the way that he passed, it didn't stop the loneliness that was like an unyielding vice on her heart. It squeezed with just enough pressure to be a constant pain, and it smothered her every day just a little bit more. There was no time to grieve after the funeral. Her world had to keep on turning, no matter how much she wanted it to stop. The inner light that she typically emitted was slowly smoldering down to embers.
Kagome had to keep on reminding herself that there was a company to run. Her father's legacy to uphold.
…and she had no idea even where to begin.
She held no regrets turning to Touga for advice, even though it landed her in this current predicament. He had taken her under his wing for the first few weeks, promising her that he would help her keep her father's vision alive. He taught her what he could from afar; he was still competition after all. It would be of no interest to him to help his business' most prominent rival stay afloat, but Kagome knew he was paying his dues to her father.
It was when things finally started to look brighter, that her world came crumbling down once more.
The board of directors at Higurashi Tech. took into consideration the circumstances to which Kagome had succeeded her father, but that did not change their minds on how they felt the company should be run. They were politely asking her to step down.
Again, she turned to the one man who she thought would have all the answers. Instead, he offered her something that she never assumed he would. Touga gave her only one solution to her troubled situation: merge the companies. With his help, Kagome would remain in charge of the Higurashi Tech. portion of things. She would have free reign to do whatever she wanted with her branch as she saw fit, and in turn, her benefit and continued growth would help his company remain at the top of the technological food chain. The only other stipulation that he required from her, besides the merger, was that she would have to marry Inuyasha.
Kagome wanted to feel swindled. She wanted to feel betrayed and back-stabbed by Touga's offer. He knew that she was in no condition to run the company the way that her board of directors would have wanted. It would only have been a matter of time before they had taken the business from her. This was her father's dream, the only thing that she had left of him. There was absolutely nothing that would keep her from running this company, and Touga knew that. He was backing her into a corner, and there was only one way out - his way. The little voice in the back of her head knew he was right, putting the companies together would only benefit them both. It would keep everything that her father worked his whole life for alive. It was like holding a piece of him, and there was nothing that was going to take this part of him away from her. She would never allow it.
So, she contested the terms.
It was then that Kagome noticed that her body was trembling slightly. Trying to get her nerves about her, she stilled her quivering muscles in an attempt to muster some vigor to get through this. The tips of her fingers were cold, her toes numb in the pinched high heels she was wearing. Another wave of nausea wracked her form as Kagome struggled to breathe. That uncomfortable lump in the back of her throat was making itself known once more.
She couldn't blame him for this. She didn't blame him for this.
How could he? How could she?
After knowing each other for the last seven years, Kagome always assumed the bond that she and Inuyasha shared would play a more significant role in this. Some small voice in the back of her head told her that she should never assume anything anymore.
She made assumptions all of her life and look at where they got her.
Kagome assumed that her father would be around when she took over the company to help guide her in the right direction.
Kagome assumed that Touga would have assisted her without an ulterior motive.
Kagome assumed that she would be marrying someone that she loved.
Inuyasha took the news of their betrothal much better than she initially anticipated. In any other situation, he would have caused a riot, flinging foul words and inanimate objects around the room. He would have carried on like a sulking child until he achieved his way. However, he took one look at her, blue locked with gold, just the same as the first day that they met. As his father broke the news, she felt his eyes bore right down to her very soul. Inuyasha was searching for something. A hint of doubt perhaps? Kagome wasn't sure, but whatever it was he didn't find it.
She knew what he saw when he looked at her. What he gazed upon was unadulterated sadness and empty pleading. Kagome didn't remember how long they remained like that. The silence weighed heavy in the room, Touga, a long-forgotten participant in the conversation. They merely stared at one another. Cobalt irises being smothered by tawny hues.
In the end, Inuyasha submitted with a bow of his head.
Kagome never questioned why he agreed to the marriage the way that he did, but she was eternally grateful.
When the news of their engagement broke, and the merge of the two companies was solidified, the corporate world erupted into chaos. Competitive companies were asking for meetings to discuss future deals, current employees were looking forward to the new changes, and Touga took it upon himself to announce that he would be stepping down.
Both of their lives were falling into disorder. Here they were, left to their own devices to plan a wedding and to pick up where their fathers left off with their companies. Kagome knew Inuyasha was doing this solely for her benefit. It was a debt that she did not know how to repay. She swore that they could get through this together; that they would get through this together. Inuyasha was still her rock, and she would always remain as his. Once everything had calmed down after the wedding, they would figure out their lives together.
What she was not expecting, however, was that on the one day that she needed him most – the one day that they swore they would conquer hand in hand – Inuyasha would abandon her.
Nothing over the last few months would have indicated to Kagome that she would end up alone at the altar. Inuyasha carried on the same, always with that headstrong attitude that rivaled her own. He made it a point to check in on her most days under the pretext of making sure the wedding was not causing her too much stress. Kagome knew better, though. She knew that he was visiting her to calm his fraying nerves. They had come to an unspoken understanding. Or at least, she thought that they did.
The merger would take place after their wedding, and they would run their companies alongside one another. Though they were not marrying for love, there was still mutual respect, and that was more than what some had in their marriages. Together they were going to unite the different aspects of their lives and attempt to achieve the goals that they always strived for. Inuyasha would finally be in charge, and she would keep her father's dream alive.
How was it, that if there was this understanding, she now stood all alone?
There was a low growl that emanated off from her right. Without having to turn around, Kagome already knew that the gurgled grunt came from Touga. She could feel his anger from where she stood. Most of that frustration was directed towards his son, but Kagome was also a guilty party behind his volatile mood. He was the last person Kagome informed when she found out Inuyasha had run off.
Miroku had been the first to know that the would-be groom had gone into hiding. Miroku had gone to Inuyasha's apartment before arriving at the church to find his friend's home ransacked. It looked like whoever left had gone in a hurry without concerning themselves with cleaning up the mess they made. Miroku knew right away that he had run, hiding from his responsibility to Kagome. It was not until he found the note laid out on the granite counter-top that his fear was confirmed.
Kagome was getting ready for the ceremony when he brought it to her. She could tell by the look on his face when he entered her dressing room that whatever Miroku had to share with her would not be pleasant. He didn't say a word when he handed her the note. It was a crumbled piece of paper that looked like it was torn from some notebook. Short and to the point, written in Inuyasha's typical chicken scratch were the words that stomped away the small amount of happiness Kagome had been feeling that day.
I'm so sorry, but I just can't do this.
- I
She was confused at first, remaining silent for a long time. The first emotion that erupted within her was anger. Of all days he had to pull something like this? What was wrong with him?
Though, that anger was quickly settled into calm resolve. Kagome promised herself that there would be nothing, absolutely nothing, that would stop her from taking over her father's company. If Inuyasha was not going to help her along that path, then so be it. She knew the wedding needed to happen for the merger to occur and she needed this alliance to occur. There would be a wedding, with or without a groom.
Without a word, Kagome crumpled up the letter and politely told Miroku that he needed to leave so she could finish getting ready for the service. The look that crossed his face as he processed what she said was priceless, and Kagome wished she had a camera to capture that moment. The slack-jawed shock plastered all over his face was the only amusing thing that could have occurred from that entire situation. He remained like that for a solid two minutes, attempting to pull himself together. He tried to talk her out of this pony show, – pleaded – to save herself the embarrassment of this whole ordeal.
Kagome refused.
There was nothing that anyone could do to sway her. She needed to do this. It was for her father.
Miroku had somberly left her after their small debate, to which she took the time to notify her mother and her maid of honor that there would be no groom waiting for her at the end of the aisle. Sango vowed his death by her own two hands, but her mother looked at her with understanding. She didn't try to stop her from what she was about to do. Kagome figured it was because her mother understood better than anyone what it meant to keep this company within the Higurashi family.
Confusion was evident in the church when she was guided down the aisle by her little brother, only to be given away to a non-existent groom. Kagome did her best to drown out the background noise. It helped that Miroku carried out the ceremony as if it was normal only to have the bride present.
She could do this. She would do this.
"-gome." Cerulean eyes that were lost within her memories came back to vivid life. Miroku's gaze held that familiar warmth, though, there was a pinch of worry in those indigo orbs. Lips quirking slightly in a small, half-hearted smile, Kagome let Miroku know that he had her attention once more.
When he spoke again, his voice was just a hushed whisper, meant for only her ears. "It's time for the sharing of the vows Kagome," he breathed in her direction.
His eyes drifted towards the vacant spot next to her before he locked eyes with her once more. They merely stared at each other, an awkward silence now descending upon the entire church. She knew that he was worried about proceeding, seeing as it was usually the groom who stated his vows first, but with no groom here, Miroku didn't know what to do.
"Is there any way that we could skip this part?" She hissed through clenched teeth, panic contorting her features while her eyes darted between Miroku and Sango.
Miroku responded in a sheepish whisper, "Well, I could say a few words instead of you reciting your vows, but we still have to exchange the rings, and we very well can't skip that part."
How could she do this?
How could she put herself through this?
Kagome was in denial. She knew it. Her friends knew it. Every person sitting in the church knew it.
Kagome wanted to believe – to hope – that this wasn't happening. That this whole thing was just one of his immature pranks. He always knew how to get under her skin; always knew which buttons to push that would get a rise out of her. She wasn't expecting him to run through the front door with grandiose proclamations of his undying affection towards her. She knew those words wouldn't be real.
However, she was expecting something - anything to deny that this was happening. If she just continued with the ceremony, it would give Inuyasha enough time to make it for the essential parts…right?
Kagome screwed her eyes shut.
'Breathe, Kagome,' she chastised herself internally.
What was she going to do? If this wedding didn't happen, then neither would the merger. It would only be a matter of time before the board of directors asked her to step down once again. Could she convince Touga to forget this entire thing? Perhaps after seeing the stress that it was causing them both, then maybe, just maybe, he would ignore the whole notion. She felt like she knew him well enough to try and convince him that they could continue with the merger without this stipulation.
She released a strangled noise from the back of her throat, something between a whine and a sob. Kagome could feel her shoulder shaking, but she wasn't sure if it was a reaction to the stress her body was undergoing or the harsh reality of her entire situation crashing down on her. She could feel everyone's eyes on her. If they were an uncomfortable weight at the beginning of the ceremony, they were now an unfathomable and unnerving mass suffocating her. Kagome didn't want to open her eyes and look around her. If the emotions that Miroku and Sango held were any indication to go from, she was sure that if she took one look at her mother, it would break her. Her mother's eyes were always so calm, so welcoming. Even after the loss of her father – her mother's life partner – she still presented a peaceful and openhearted aura.
It was what got Kagome through her father's death. It helped heal and lift the veil of the sorrow.
Now, she knew that if she took one look in her mother's eyes, it would solidify that this was over. Her mother would tell her just to stop fighting it, to accept this situation for what it is. She could almost hear what her mother would say.
'It's alright dear,' she would declare in that soft voice of hers. 'You tried your best, and that is all your father would ask for.'
This dream of running her father's company was coming to an end. Every aspect of her life was slowly slipping through her fingers like sand. No matter how hard she tried, she couldn't find purchase to keep all the pieces together. Kagome knew that she had talked herself up. That even though she attempted to prepare herself for going through this ceremony alone mentally, there was little she could do to make herself genuinely ready for the events.
Slowly, she opened her eyes, unshed tears glistening in oceanic depths.
Kagome quickly looked towards Miroku, "You were right Miroku, I shouldn't have done this. I... I-" Her words cut off as a choked sob made its way up her throat. More tears threatened to fall, and it took every ounce of strength Kagome had to stop them.
Miroku remained silent, glancing over at Sango with pleading eyes. He was silently willing her to do something about this. Perhaps if they intervened now, they could save their friend the continued embarrassment of carrying on this charade.
Kagome took a deep shuddering breath and closed her eyes again. She just needed a minute, just a minute to collect herself. She focused on her breathing.
In. Out.
In. Out.
The only announcement of his arrival was the sudden warmth of a body next to her own. The musky scent of a forest after a heavy rainfall invaded her senses. It was crisp; clean. A welcomed balm that began to sooth her tousled array of emotions.
When Kagome once again opened her eyes, she was met with the sight of Miroku; both eyebrows arched so high they were lost behind his bangs. It took him a moment to collect himself, but when he did, Kagome swore she saw a flash of humor dance within those purple orbs. Confusion wracked her brain and, hesitantly, Kagome turned her head to peek at the person standing next to her.
He was permeating his usual air of nonchalance, looking like he wanted to be anywhere else instead of where he was currently standing. His hair was a waterfall of silver, though it was cut shorter than the last time she saw him. Instead of curling down to his mid-back, it was now just brushing past his shoulders, neatly pulled back into a low ponytail that rested at the nape of his neck. He was clad in a suit much like his father's; traditional black jacket and matching slacks, complimented with a maroon vest and matching bow-tie. It made the color of his eyes flare to life.
Sesshomaru Taisho was a picturesque being of aristocratic authority, mixed with an unparalleled god-like arrogance left him as infamous in the corporate world as he was in the tabloids. His personality befits the power and rank that he held. Like his father, Sesshomaru was a calculating man, but much colder to the point where it was difficult to approach him. He gave her the same first impression that she had of his father – intimidation. Though, where she eventually warmed up to Touga, Kagome never felt comfortable in Sesshomaru's presence.
The last time that they spoke was the night that Inuyasha had announced their engagement. She made the mistake of asking him how he was fairing that evening, to which he answered with a glare and silence. At a loss for how to even continue to engage this type of man in casual conversation, Kagome politely excused herself before hastily scurrying off to an area of the house that didn't seem so frigid.
The only person that Kagome saw Sesshomaru interact with that night – willingly – was his father. Even then the conversation seemed strained, with Touga taking over most of the discussion. Kagome didn't know how she felt about him. She couldn't read him. He was elusive; a mystery. Sesshomaru was a man that was indescribable when it came to appearance and demeanor. Many men sought to be him, and many women sought to be with him. Kagome got the feeling that he didn't particularly like her even though he never voiced his dislike out loud.
She was indifferent towards him; someone that just happened to be around him on occasion. They were not friends. Hell, they weren't even acquaintances.
That being said, it didn't explain what he was doing, standing next to her at the altar.
Sesshomaru looked at her then, a fleeting glance from the corner of his eye. Kagome saw the barest hint of disinterested gold before he turned his gaze upon Miroku.
"Continue," He deadpanned.
Kagome's eyebrows scrunched in utter confusion. What was he talking about?
Continue what exactly?
It was then that she realized that he was talking about the exchanging of vows. Kagome quickly snapped her head in Sango's direction. The brunette looked to be caught in the same surprised stupor that she was. She glanced back towards Sesshomaru and opened her mouth to protest, but Miroku cut her off before she could even get a word out.
"Will you be standing in for the role of the groom?" He questioned in an almost – dare she say – pleased voice.
Sango recovered from her surprise at the question. "Stand in?! That is highly illegal. Of all the harebrained schemes that you have come up with over the years Miroku, this takes the cake! You are a lawyer; you should know better!" She screeched from her position off to the right, voice echoing throughout the cathedral. "Are you out of your mind Miroku?" Sango questioned, "Enough of this, I should have never let Kagome carry on this far. We need to end th-"
"Quiet." Sesshomaru softly demanded, his tone leaving no room for argument.
He briefly glanced at Sango, pinning her with a glare before his eyes trained back on Miroku. An eerie silence descended upon the church at that moment.
No one spoke.
No one whispered.
No one even breathed.
After a lull of uncomfortable silence, Sesshomaru finally offered a response to the original question, "I am no stand-in."
Sango, who, at this point was closing the distance between herself and Kagome, stopped dead in her tracks. Her face contorted into another blatant expression of shock. Miroku rose an elegant brow at the stiff response but kept his mouth firmly closed.
The voices that had previously been silent were now back with a vengeance. Over the multitude of murmured whispers, Kagome could swear that she also heard someone choke back a fit of laughter. Strangely, it seemed to be coming from the direction Touga was sitting. Kagome was aware that she needed to do something – say something – that would help her gather the reins and take control of this situation.
Before she could speak, Miroku, once again, beat her to it. "Then by all means, please state your vows," He hummed with the corner of his mouth kicking up with a smirk.
Sesshomaru turned towards her then, easily towering over her petite frame. Kagome gaped up at him like a fish out of water, her mouth opening and closing while her brain tried to piece together some protest. She needed a moment to gather her thoughts. She needed to wrap her head around just what exactly is going on.
In response to seeing her pathetic attempt at stalling, Sesshomaru narrowed his eyes a fraction of an inch and looked at her menacingly. Kagome took that as her cue to politely keep her mouth shut. With an audible click of her teeth, she shifted stiffly in his direction. She was sure she looked like a deer caught in the headlights, doe-like cerulean orbs staring up at him with a mix of confusion and apprehension.
When he spoke again, his voice had picked up in volume, though it dropped an octave. It was a deep and husky baritone that Kagome had never heard him use before.
"I vow to you today, and a thousand times over that I will never let you leave my side. I invite you to take all of me, to come into my life and to share all I have to offer. I humbly give you all that I am and pray that you choose me on this day and all of our days hereafter."
The longer he spoke, the quieter the church seemed to become, all listening to words that were so sincerely expressed. They wrapped around her, caressing her skin with an unparalleled warmth. She could feel the hairs on the back of her neck stand to attention as she listened to his vows. A cascade of pink dotted on the pale skin of her cheeks as she stared, once again slightly slack-jawed, at the man before her.
This man who she barely knew.
This man who had come to her in her time of need.
This man.
This man was supposed to be her brother-in-law.
There was something in his gaze that she could not quite place, something that turned cold amber into molten, golden fire. He was looking at her; through her. It was almost as if he was seeing someone that was not her. Was he imagining someone else standing next to him? Her stomach twisted in a knot, but this time she wasn't so sure that the cause was the anxiety of the situation.
No. This was something else.
Miroku took advantage of her stunned state. He wanted to get this entire ceremony over and done with. The sooner the procession ended, the quicker he could get Kagome away from all of these prying eyes.
"Do you…er…," He floundered for a moment before collecting himself. "Sesshomaru Taisho take this woman to be your lawfully wedded wife? To have and to hold, in sickness and in health, in good times and woe, for richer or poorer, keeping yourself solely unto her for as long as you both shall live?" Miroku asked.
"I do," Sesshomaru supplied in a clipped tone, his eyes never once leaving Kagome.
Miroku then looked towards Kagome, who was still flushed with stunned awe. "Do you Kagome Higurashi take this man to be your lawfully wedded husband? To have and to hold, in sickness and in health, in good times and woe, for richer or poorer, keeping yourself solely unto him for as long as you both shall live?" He asked again.
She didn't answer right away. She couldn't answer right away.
What was there to say? What could she say? How did she end up in an even more confusing situation than the one she had already been in? Out of everything that could have occurred today, standing here facing a man she barely considered an acquaintance and vowing her entire life away was not something that she figured would happen.
A cold chill of dread slithered its way up her spine. She should not be doing this. If it were up to her, she would not be doing this. It was hypocritical to think that she would have been alright with this entire thing if it was Inuyasha standing next to her. What made it so different now that it was Sesshomaru standing here? She needed to remember what she was doing this for. Who she was doing this for. What was that burning desire that fueled her through this much of the ceremony?
This was her father's legacy; she would not let it die.
She pulled her lower lip between her teeth for a moment, gnawing at it slightly while staring up at Sesshomaru. A million questions were floating through her mind, but there was only one seemed to stand out more than the rest.
Releasing a ragged breath, Kagome squared her shoulders and straightened her spine.
"I do," she stated quietly.
Everything else around her seemed to fade into darkness. The church, the guests, even Miroku and Sango. Kagome merely gazed at the man before her. The realization dawned quicker than she had anticipated and it caused unease to bloom within her stomach once more.
She had pledged eternal love to a man that she hardly even knew….and he was supposed to be her brother-in-law.
Thank you, everyone, for reading!
last updated: 02/22/18
word count: 7,747
ja mata ne