"Ichigo-kun, I am pregnant"

She had called him that she wanted to tell him something important but he would have never guess it was this. 'So that's why she wanted to meet up'.

"Are you sure?" He didn't doubt her but he knew women sometimes jump to conclusions.

"Yes" She looked flushed and embarrassed.

His looked astonished then turned into a wide smile and he held her hand into his "I-I want to keep it... I am really happy"

She then looked relieved and returned his wild smile back "Me too. I thought you would be.. upset.. you just graduated a few months ago"

"I know but we would manage.. we will be happy" He then squeezed "I wanted this with you anyway doesn't matter when." She blushed and smiled the most beautiful smile "I have also dreamed about it for so long"

He then smiled a mischievous at her "really? Since when?"

He was teasing her but she won't surrender "the same time as you"

He then moved from his place to hers, kissed her and hugged her "We should get married."


A/N: this how I imagine things happened since they had their child young but they loved it anyway.