A/N: Alright, here is chapter 6... Sorry for the late update. Hope this makes up for my neglect. The Japan Chapter will be more chapters than I believed. There is definately some ooc-ness. I tried working on that, but the ooc-ness is internal. Don't know if that makes sense. Well, hope you enjoy and don't forget to review.

Wearing Black Chapter 6

It was quiet as the trio rode off towards the airport, where they would take Lord Saki's private jet to Japan. Mikey was quiet as he thought about the past few days. So much had happened and he was surprised by how things had turned out in so short a time. His family was relieved of one of their worse threats, but there was another threat that needed to be dealt with. Plus he and his previous enemies had found a peaceful truce between them. The most surprising part of the entire ordeal though, was Lord Saki.

The Shredder was nothing like he had thought. Sure, against his enemies, Shredder was cold and ruthless. He was sometimes even down right cruel. But when it came to his clan, his own people, he was so different. He was still cold, but not in the same way. He was stern and expected alot from his people. He trained them to the point of exhuastion, but they were given recouperation time. He wanted them to stay safe.

He didn't show it though. Any one, even his brothers or father, would think that Lord Saki was a cold bastard to his people, with out any ounce of care. But Mikey had seen it, even before now. It was something you wouldn't really notice though. He could admit, he wouldn't have believed it if he hadn't noticed it that first time. The Shredder showed up, just as his people were losing. Just as they could have gotten hurt. He showed up, and that distraction gave his ninjas time to escape with out any worse injuries.

Saki cared for his people, alot. But he couldn't let that show. Because if his enemies found out that every ninja in his clan was a potential weakness, well...his clan would be put in even greater danger than it already was. He confirmed all of this during his stay at Shredder's HQ. He was amused at how tsundere Lord Saki was. Mikey thought of Saki stoic on the outside, but inside jumping up and down in joy at the success of his ninjas. He snickered at the image of Saki jumping up and down in joy in his armor; clank. clank. clank. With each landing.

"What are you smirking about Michelangelo?" Saki's voice snapped Mikey from his thoughts. He looked up to see Karai and Lord Saki looking at him. Mikey's eyes found the Shredder's and he tried to cover his giggle as a cough.

"N-nothing Lord Saki." Mikey answered, voice tight with suppressed giggles. Saki's eyes narrowed, but was kept from pressing the matter once they had arrived to the airport. A few minutes later, they were parked infront of a beautiful silver jet with a flower symbol with a foot shaped center. Mikey froze as he saw the flower. That was the Hamato Clan's symbol.

Mikey-through the veil- turned wide eyes to Saki for an explanation. Saki sighed as he motioned for the two teenagers to follow him to the jet. "Many years ago, before your father and I had our... fallout, with eachother, we were actually apart of the same clan. The Hamato-Oroki clan. We were, put in simple terms, family. Yoshi and I were brothers. We were the last two of this clan, before our children. After our fight, we split apart. Yoshi disappeared before the official splitting of the clan could be completed. So, while I am the leader of the Oroki-Foot Clan, and Yoshi is the leader of the Hamato-Lotus Clan; we are actually all apart of the same clan." Mikey heard something in the man's tone. It was barely there, but it was there.

"So, me and my brothers are actually apart of your Foot Clan, while Karai, Bradford and them are apart of our Lotus Clan?" Mikey said softly. Saki nodded. "This is alot to take in." Mikey muttered.

"Well, you have a 14 hour flight to wrap your mind around it." Karai told the younger teen, finally speaking up. Mikey nodded as the trio climbed onto the jet. The inside of the jet was done in cream and wine red colors. It was nice, actually. Mikey took his seat by a window on one side as Karai sat across from him. Saki himself sat at a window seat across the aisle. It was barely a couple hours in the air when Mikey came to terms with what he had found.

'We were never really given a reason for their fall out. All we knew was that they were once close, before something happened and they were suddenly enemies.' Mikey paused at that. 'That something in Saki's tone, when he was talking about splitting the clan. It was something closer to regret and, maybe longing?' his eyes widened as he looked to the view below. 'Dad always had that tone in his voice. I don't know if the others ever heard it. But when he talked about the Shredder, it was with that same tone hidden far underneath his words. And when he looked at that picture...' Mikey's thoughts trailed off.

When he had been seven, he had found a photo in the storage area of the lair. It was of two human men infront of a dojo. They looked similar enough to be brothers, if not twins. They looked...happy. He had taken the photo to Sensei, curious about it. He wondered if he and his brothers would ever be as happy as that. Sensei had been surprised to see the photo. He told him about how close he and his brother had been. Mikey could hear that longing and fondness in his dad's voice. When Mikey asked what had happened, he simply said there had been a fall out. And they had been enemies since then.

'Could it be, that Lord Saki and Master Splinter both regret their fall out? Could they both miss eachother, but be unable to make up, due to pride?' Mikey wondered at that thought. 'Maybe, they can be family again?' Mikey snuck a glance to the side where Saki sat going over documents for something in one of his companies. He'd have to find out what happened. What the fight had been about. 'But not now. Maybe after this whole thing is settled.' he decided. It had been close to five hours since they had taken off.

'Still nine hours to go.' Mikey thought. 'And I'm bored.' seeing that Karai had fallen asleep, he knew he wasn't going to get any relief from her. His eyes darted to Saki. The man had a few laptops over there. 'I could get cracking on that drive.' he figured. He looked back at the man. He seemed really busy. 'I don't want to bother him, but I also need something to do, since I'm not going to fall asleep anytime soon. Besides, the drive could contain info we need for this mission.' gathering up his courage, Mikey silently stood. He didn't want to wake the girl up. He made his way to Saki and stood patiently.

"Yes, Michelangelo?" Saki asked, not looking up from what he was looking at.

"Um, can I borrow one of your laptops so I can start looking into this drive?" Mikey asked. His answer was a laptop being handed to him. "Thank you." Mikey said, accepting the laptop, and he decided to sit diagnally across from the man. He smiled at Saki's look, before powering up the laptop. It took him a couple minutes to get into the laptop and a few more to send extra backups of all of the data on the laptop's hard drive to Saki's seperate email account, meant for this data specifically.

"Any reason you're sending me the data from that computer?" Saki asked, just a hint of confusion and slight irritaion in his voice. Mikey held back his snicker as he answered.

"In case the data on this drive is supposed to send out a virus that'll corrupt any of the data on here." Mikey replied, looking up at the man. There was a minute of pause before he nodded and went back to his work as Mikey plugged in the drive and started it up. 'Now, where to start?' he wondered. It took him a minute to decide on the folder with the data on the drive the man and the kraang exchanged. Once the folder was opened though, Mikey regretted it.

Saki was looking at a new document when he heard the small sound of distress from the teen infront of him. He flickered his eyes up and saw the boy's eyes wide in horror and disgust. There was a look of anger and sadness in there as well. "Michelangelo?" he asked, voice emotionless, though honestly, he was worried. The teen didn't hear him, he just continued going through the files he was looking at, the emotions only increasing. "Michelangelo?" he said, loud enough to startle both teens.

Karai was over there immediately, worried as she saw the tears the bright teen was holding back. She looked at the files on the screen, before she ran to the bathroom, bile rising in her throat. Saki was tired of being in the dark and took the laptop from the horrified teens hands. He looked at the file, and felt his anger swimming to the surface.

"Children." Michelangelo's voice said in the silence, his voice cold and furious, as he took the laptop back and Karai re-entered to sit with them. "They are experimenting on children. These people are messing with the mutagen. They want to try and create a mind controlling side effect. It works, but not for long. They're using younger children in hopes that they'll be able to better control them. Many of the children die during the mutating process."

"Those that do survive, are forced through several different painful tests to see just how well it's working. Alot of the survivor's are forced to kill their own families as a final test. Many of them go insane when the mind block fails. They then either kill them selves, or they kill anything in sight, even the other test subjects. And then they have to be killed and then are dissected." Mikey took a deep breath before continuing.

"They're also grabbing mutants to see if they are able to control them. Since mutants are pretty good at keeping themselves hidden and a secret, they're not successful in that area. The Kraang are providing them with mutagen, while this guy is providing the kraang with what ever materials and test subjects they want." Mikey said shakily. With all this information were videos and pictures.

"The man's name is Katsuya Lee. He's CEO of Katsuya Bio and Engineering." Lee was in his late 40's early 50's. He had long black hair, dark green eyes, and pale skin. There was a pretty noticable scar, jaggedly going across his right eye. He wore a red and grey kimono. "From the information I'm finding, there are two other CEO's that they are working with. And they're trying to get another CEO onboard with them. But it doesn't say which ones. It also mentions they have a target or something like that. So we need to keep an eye on this Katsuya Lee guy, and who-ever he might be in cahoots with. Once we figure that out, we'll need to figure out who the three of them have as their potential partner, and who they seem to be keeping an eye on." Mikey said, voice suddenly tired as he closed out of the information.

"We'll need to be extra-careful then." Karai muttered. It was silent before Saki gave a sigh and began to speak.

"We have a little over eight hours before we land you two. I suggest you get some sleep. We'll have just enough time to get to the hotel room and freshen up before we head to the meeting." Saki told the two teens. They nodded numbly before going to try and get atleast a little bit of rest.

'This is going to be more dangerous than I thought.' Saki sighed, looking out over the dark clouds. 'I'll have to keep an extra eye on those two. If the enemy gets even a little suspicious, it'll put them in danger. I can only hope that they don't draw anyone's attentions.' Saki thought, deciding to get some rest as well, since he wouldn't be getting much in Japan. He looked at the laptop that Michelangelo had been using. He closed it. 'For some reason, I feel like Michelangelo's going to be placed in the most danger on this mission.' Saki looked at the boy who was in an obviously uneasy sleep, Karai mirroring him. 'Damn those files.' Saki growled to himself.

'But why?' he wondered, closing his eyes, back to his previous thought. 'Is it the paranoia of some one finding out about his status as a mutant? Or will it be because of his status at the meeting? They won't go after Karai, or Kai, as we'll call her during our time here. Because they will believe her to be my son. And they know that my child is able to look out for themself. Michelangelo on the other hand, or Angel as will be his name if any one asks, will be seen as a woman. A woman important to me. They'll go after him if they get suspicious, because they don't believe a woman able to fight.' Saki allowed his mind to start emptying as he thought about how Michelangelo was able to defeat all of his best warriors. 'If they try going after him, they will be shocked when he proves them wrong.' with that, Saki allowed himself to fall into a light, but uneasy sleep. 'May Tang Shen and Aya Shang watch over us.' were his last thought. Tang Shen for her son, Aya Shang for her husband and child.

When they landed eight hours later, fully rested; despite the difficulty of falling asleep, they were more than ready. As he watched the two of them mentally prepare themselves for this mission, he allowed himself a split moment of pride at how well they were handling things. 'Now if we can get through this as safely as possible.' he thought, motioning the two teens into the limo waiting for them, all three keeping their eyes peeled for anything. With that, they drove off, heading for the mission.

A dangerous mission, where so much was going to be tested, and so much revealed.