Sorry this took so long, been kind of sick for a few weeks and I found it
hard to try and write in between trips to the bathroom. I hope this meet
with everyone's approval.
By the way, before anyone asks, I have decided against writing a lemon for this story. I just don't think I could get that..detailed. Sorry!
Jade hairpin part 3
Inuyasha made his way back toward the house. Sango's scent was faint but she had come this way. He wasn't worried too much about her being hurt, at least not by some human or demon, Sango was an excellent fighter and could hold her own. No Inuyasha had a feeling she was sitting at home worried and nervous about today, most human women got that way, and he would have to find some way to console her. How he was going to do that he had no clue. He wasn't the best with words.
'I probably should have brought Kagome with me. How do I know how a woman feels before she gets married? But still, if she doesn't want to come back I sure as hell ain't gonna be the one to hold a sword to her head.' But he really didn't want to be the one to tell Miroku she was standing him up either. Besides, she had nothing to worry about really. Miroku may be a pervert but he would never cheat on his wife. Humans were so odd sometimes.
As he neared the house, Sango's scent became stronger. However it was not coming from the house like he expected it to. Her scent was coming from the woods. Not only that but there was someone else with her. He paused and tried to place the familiar smell. He definitely recognized it was but he just couldn't think of who it could...
"Oh shit...Kohaku."
He took off towards the scent. Memories of the siblings previous encounters running through his mind. Kohaku might be free from Naraku' s control but then again who knew what Naraku had done to him. Sango could very well be dead.
He ran through the woods following the scent.
Kohaku felt his body begin to slip further off the cliff. He looked down into his sisters panicked eyes and cursed himself. She was the only family he had left in this world and because of his stupidity she was going to die. This was all his fault, he never should have come anywhere near her.
His body slipped a bit more and he felt himself fall over the side entirely. Just as he thought they would begin to fall he felt a strong arm wrap around his waist.
Inuyasha grabbed Kohaku by the waist and Sango by the arm. As quickly as he got hold of them he bounded away from the ledge and back up the cliff side.
Back at the village Miroku was growing impatient. He really didn't think Sango would hold up the ceremony this long over a pair of shoes. Something else was going on. Determined to find out he left the shrine hall and went over to the preparation rooms.
He softly tapped on the door. "Sango? Are you in there?" when he received no answer he knocked louder. He opened the door to find the room empty and Sango's clothes still lying untouched. Now he knew something was definitely wrong.
Leaving the room he returned to the hall and began looking for Kagome. He should have known something was wrong when Kagome was acting so funny earlier. 'She must know what's going on.' Not finding her in the hall he took his search outside. Rin was picking some of the flowers around the shrine and making a small bouquet.
"Rin, do you know where Sango is?"
Rin looked up at him and smiled. "Sister Sango had to go back to the house to get her hairpin, but she hasn't come back yet. Sister Kagome said she was going to find her and that Rin should wait inside till they got back. But Rin got tired of waiting so Rin came out here."
Miroku glanced around. "Rin, do you know where Kagome is now?" Rin looked at her flowers and thought for a moment. "Sister Kagome was talking with brother Inu a while ago, they went that way."
She pointed towards the path to the woods. "Thank you Rin." With that he went to find Kagome and some answers.
Inuyasha placed an unconscious Sango on the ground and began looking over her injuries. Aside from a few scrapes and bruises she seemed fine. Kohaku stood silently behind him.
Kohaku watched as Inuyasha inspected his sister. He'd hurt her again, this time of his own free will, there was no Naraku to blame. His fists balled in anger at his sides. He knew he shouldn't have come here. He should have just left well enough alone. He turned and began to walk away.
"Where do you think you're going?" Inuyasha said without turning around to look at the escaping boy. Kohaku sighed. Why wouldn't they just let him leave? "Away, I think I've done enough damage to last a lifetime."
Inuyasha laughed and rose to his feet. He turned and stared at the young boy's back. "You think running away will solve anything? You know your sister better than anyone, she'll just come after you." Kohaku turned to face the annoying demon. "What does it matter if I stay or go. Look what happened, Sango almost died again because of me, Naraku had nothing to do with this. It's better if I leave."
"I think your sister would have a different opinion about that. She'd think it was very important that you stay." Inuyasha took a few steeps closer to Kohaku. "Look, you can wallow in self pity if you want. Personally I don't care how you feel, but I won't have Sango hurt any more over you. Her happiness depends on your actions. You want to take responsibility so badly for what you've done then try making up for it."
Kohaku averted is eyes to the forest floor. "How do you expect me to do that? After everything I've done." Inuyasha reached out and silenced the boy by placing his hand on his shoulder. "By making her happy. She's the only one you have left right? The only one you can do anything about."
Kohaku nodded and Inuyasha continued. "So you have to do all you can to see that she is taken care of and happy. Live every day of you life for her, live to make her happy. You can start by staying with her, and being there for her when she gets married today."
Kohaku shook his head and pulled away from Inuyasha. "That's just it, she has him to make her happy. She has you and everyone else living in that house. If I stay I'll remind her of everything's she's lost, everyone I killed. She'll begin to hate me. I can't have her hate me, I have to leave."
"Kohaku please don't leave me."
Sango's shaky voice came from behind them. Kohaku looked at her and his heart broke. She was sitting on her knees looking up at him, tears streaking her face. "I could never hate you Kohaku, never. Please give me a chance."
Kohaku shook his head and backed up a few steps. "I don't think I can."
Sango sunk forward till her arm rested on the ground. Tears feel freely down her face now. "Kohaku you just can't leave me again. I need you. Please. I love you." her sobs echoed through the forest. Inuyasha moved towards Sango and stood behind her. "Don't hurt your sister anymore Kohaku." Kohaku was still for a few moments and then moved and fell to his knees before her. Sango lifted her self up and wrapped her arms around him cradling his head on her shoulder.
Inuyasha let the siblings have their moment. "I'm glad you stayed kid." Kohaku looked up at he hanyou. "I really didn't want to have to break your legs." said Inuyasha with a smile.
Kagome paced nervously outside the shrine. Inuyasha shouldn't be taking this long and now she was worried something bad had happened to both of them. She was trying to decide whether or not she was going to go after them herself when she felt a tap on her shoulder. "Kagome?" she jumped in surprise and let out a little scream before turning around and facing Miroku.
"Oh, Miroku you scared me."
"Kagome where is Sango?" Kagome turned around and went back to looking for Inuyasha. "She's. in the dressing room with Rin. I'm sure Inuyasha will be back... any minute now with the shoes." Miroku sighed and crossed his arms over his chest. "Oh really? Then why did Rin just tell me Sango is still not back from going home to get her hair pin?"
Kagome fluttered for a moment trying to find a excuse. "Well you see.."
Miroku yelled. "Kagome where is Sango?"
"Here Miroku." Called Sango.
Miroku started towards her when he caught sight of Kohaku. He stopped in his tracks and Kagome bumped into his back. "Miroku why'd you stop.." She moved out from behind him and looked ahead of her catching site of Kohaku as well. "Kohaku?"
Sango, Inuyasha and Kohaku all came walking down the path. Sango approached them with her arm around Kohaku. She looked a bit beat up and mussed but she looked happy. "Look who came home." She said sweetly smiling at her brother. Kohaku not knowing what to say just stared at the ground.
Miroku walked over to them. "Kohaku, welcome back. It's good.. to see that you are doing well.." Miroku put his arm around Sango's shoulder. With his other hand he smoothed down her hair and pushed a few stray locks behind her ear. "I'm glad you're both doing well."
Sango smiled up at him. "I hope you don't mind if your bride has a few bumps and bruises." He hugged her tighter and brought his head closer to her's. "As long as you're in one piece."
Kagome watched the three as Inuyasha came to stand by her. "It was hard trying to convince him to stay. Hopefully he'll stay put and not try to leave again. Kagome nodded her head. "We thought he was dead for so long. It's a miracle he survived." Inuyasha nodded his head.
Kagome walked over to them. "So will we still be going through with the wedding today?"
Miroku looked at Sango. "We can postpone if you don't feel up to it." Sango shook her head. "No, this is the perfect day to get married. I have my whole family around me now."
Kagome, knowing that Sango would want Kohaku close, asked if he would like to help get his sister ready. He agreed and the four of them went back to the preparation room. Kagome noticed that Rin and Kohaku seemed to know each other, but didn't say anything, she'd have to ask about that later. Right now they had a hall full of guests waiting for them.
Rin and Kagome got Sango dressed in her kimonos. Then Rin and Kohaku helped put up Sango's hair. Kohaku carefully placed the jade hairpin in the completed bun. Kagome painted Sango's face a pale white and her lips deep red. When all was completed Sango looked like a china doll, beautiful and fragile.
Kagome insisted that Sango wear the traditional hakoseko* and kaiken*. "Not that you need any more luck, but for the sake of tradition. After all, you were very lucky to find Kohaku." Sango giggled and nudged Kohaku with her elbow. "Hear that, you're my personal lucky charm."
A small smile graced the corners of his mouth. "You look beautiful sister." Sango smiled back and took his hand. "Thank you."
They met Miroku at the entrance to the shrine hall and all but Sango took their seats. Sango and Miroku walked down the aisle side by side. "You look beautiful." Miroku whispered to her. Sango blushed but it could not be seen under all that makeup. "So I've been told. You look very handsome as well." She whispered back.
Kaede was waiting for them at the front of the hall. Smiling as they knelt before her. Kagome watched as Kaede began the purifying ritual. A small tug on her sleeve brought her attention to Shippo. "I can't see what they're doing. Pick me up." Kagome picked Shippo up and held him up to her chest so he could see the proceedings.
After the purifying came the san san ku do.* Miroku took three sips of saki form the three cups and Sango did the same. Afterwards they offered sakaki* to god.
With that, Kaede introduced the couple for the first time to their family.
************* The reception was wonderful with everyone congratulating the bride and groom. Some presented small gifts and tokens of good luck. Sango now wore a more colorful silk kimono on top of her wedding one. There was plenty of sake and music and dancing.
Shippo entertained everyone by changing into different animals and even imitating a few of the guests. Inuyasha acted as if the whole thing bored him and spent most of the evening leaning against the wall, eye's closed as if sleeping.
Kagome on the other hand was having a wonderful time talking and joking with the guests. Everything was going well until she heard a familiar sound. It was the sound of Sango's hand meeting the side of Miroku's face. Turning around she saw a very red faced Sango glaring at a smiling Miroku. Obviously marriage would not stop a pervert.
What ever Miroku said had been worth it, because it got a wonderful reaction out of Kohaku. Since they had left the preparation room he had been quiet and withdrawn. He spent the entire party sitting next to Sango not really look at or talking to anyone. Miroku's little joke, or whatever it had been, had brought a smile to Kohoku's face and for the first time he laughed. The sound was one she hoped to hear often.
Rin had been siting next to Miroku when all this happened and was now making her way to Kagome. "Rin what's up." Rin seemed to think for a moment and then looked up at Kagome. "Sister Kagome, what do people do on their wedding night?"
This took Kagome by surprise and she wasn't quite sure how to answer. "Why do you want to know Rin?" Rin looked back at Miroku and Sango. "Because sister Sango was talking to Kohaku about what they would do tomorrow. Then brother Miroku said it would all depend on if sister Sango were tired tomorrow or not. Then Kohaku said that was true because tonight was their wedding night after all. And both Kohaku and brother Miroku laughed but sister Sango got all red in the face and slapped brother Miroku." Rin raised her hand and swung it in imitation of Sango.
Kagome felt her own face blush. "Rin, what is it exactly that you are asking me?" Rin huffed and crossed her arm in front of her chest. "Rin wants to know what's so funny? And why did sister Sango get so mad? And what do people do on there wedding night to make them tired?"
Kagome glanced around looking for any excuse not to answer the girl's question. " see Rin.I'll.I need to help Kaede right now. We'll talk about it tomorrow, ok?" Kagome turned and quickly walked towards Kaede, Rin following close at her heels. "But Rin want's to know now."
"Rin I said later."
"But Rin want's to know now."
After the reception everyone returned home. Sango picked out a room for Kohaku and the two talked for a while.
"You should get to bed sister." Said Kohaku as he playfully nudged her with his elbow. Sango wrapped her arm around his neck and roughly ran her knuckles through his hair. "Hey now, you keep in mind that I'm still older and stronger than you. I can still kick your butt."
Kohaku wiggled out of her grasp. "Yeah well I'm going to kick your butt if you don't go and spend some time with your husband. Besides you have forever to talk to me." Sango stood and looked him in the eye. "You promise you'll be here when I wake up tomorrow? You're not going to run away in the middle of the night or anything?"
Kohaku rolled his eyes. "Gee sis, I never realized you were so paranoid." Sango walked to the door and leaned against the doorframe. "Promise me you won't leave."
Kohaku sighed "All right, I promise. Now good night, I've had a hard day. Some crazy girl chased me through the wood and beat the snot out of me. That kind of makes you tired you know."
Sango laughed. "Well I'm sure she had a good reason. Good night Kohaku."
"Good night Sango."
Sango made her way down the hall and to her room. She was a bit disappointed to see the light in her room off. She had hoped Miroku would have been up waiting for her. 'After all the years he spent trying to get me into bed. And here he is sleeping.'
She opened her door, the light from the hall falling on her futon. She was disappointed once again, Miroku was no where to be seen. A slight breeze caught her skirt. Looking to her right, she saw that the door to the back porch was opened. She walked outside and found Miroku siting on the porch steeps. "Well this is a fine place for you to be."
Startled he turned around. "Oh Sango you scared me. I thought you might have fell asleep in Kohaku's room. I didn't want to wake you." he got up and walked over to her. "Do you want to sit out here for a while? It's a nice night."
Sango shook her head and wrapped her arm's around him. "No, I'd rather go inside." Miroku smiled and rested his head on top of hers. "I love you."
"I love you to."
Authors notes
Hakoseko and Kaiken -Like American weddings, there are traditional wedding accessories that are worn for tradition and are said to bring good luck. The bride carries a small purse style sack called a hakoseko and a small encased sword called kaiken.
San san kudo- the ancient wedding custom of sharing sake. The sharing of sake is one of the oldest traditional Japanese wedding ceremonial customs dating back to the 8th century. The sharing or toast of sake symbolizes a formal bond between the bride and groom. The exquisite miniature sized sake set consists of three flat cups escalating in size. Starting with the smallest of the three cups, the groom will lead taking three sips and then the bride. They will then proceed to the middle size and then to the large. At the conclusion of the sake toast ceremony, both families drink a cup of sake to signify not only the union of the bride and groom but the unity of two families. This beautiful custom is called San San Ku Do, which means "three sets of three sips equals nine".
By the way, before anyone asks, I have decided against writing a lemon for this story. I just don't think I could get that..detailed. Sorry!
Jade hairpin part 3
Inuyasha made his way back toward the house. Sango's scent was faint but she had come this way. He wasn't worried too much about her being hurt, at least not by some human or demon, Sango was an excellent fighter and could hold her own. No Inuyasha had a feeling she was sitting at home worried and nervous about today, most human women got that way, and he would have to find some way to console her. How he was going to do that he had no clue. He wasn't the best with words.
'I probably should have brought Kagome with me. How do I know how a woman feels before she gets married? But still, if she doesn't want to come back I sure as hell ain't gonna be the one to hold a sword to her head.' But he really didn't want to be the one to tell Miroku she was standing him up either. Besides, she had nothing to worry about really. Miroku may be a pervert but he would never cheat on his wife. Humans were so odd sometimes.
As he neared the house, Sango's scent became stronger. However it was not coming from the house like he expected it to. Her scent was coming from the woods. Not only that but there was someone else with her. He paused and tried to place the familiar smell. He definitely recognized it was but he just couldn't think of who it could...
"Oh shit...Kohaku."
He took off towards the scent. Memories of the siblings previous encounters running through his mind. Kohaku might be free from Naraku' s control but then again who knew what Naraku had done to him. Sango could very well be dead.
He ran through the woods following the scent.
Kohaku felt his body begin to slip further off the cliff. He looked down into his sisters panicked eyes and cursed himself. She was the only family he had left in this world and because of his stupidity she was going to die. This was all his fault, he never should have come anywhere near her.
His body slipped a bit more and he felt himself fall over the side entirely. Just as he thought they would begin to fall he felt a strong arm wrap around his waist.
Inuyasha grabbed Kohaku by the waist and Sango by the arm. As quickly as he got hold of them he bounded away from the ledge and back up the cliff side.
Back at the village Miroku was growing impatient. He really didn't think Sango would hold up the ceremony this long over a pair of shoes. Something else was going on. Determined to find out he left the shrine hall and went over to the preparation rooms.
He softly tapped on the door. "Sango? Are you in there?" when he received no answer he knocked louder. He opened the door to find the room empty and Sango's clothes still lying untouched. Now he knew something was definitely wrong.
Leaving the room he returned to the hall and began looking for Kagome. He should have known something was wrong when Kagome was acting so funny earlier. 'She must know what's going on.' Not finding her in the hall he took his search outside. Rin was picking some of the flowers around the shrine and making a small bouquet.
"Rin, do you know where Sango is?"
Rin looked up at him and smiled. "Sister Sango had to go back to the house to get her hairpin, but she hasn't come back yet. Sister Kagome said she was going to find her and that Rin should wait inside till they got back. But Rin got tired of waiting so Rin came out here."
Miroku glanced around. "Rin, do you know where Kagome is now?" Rin looked at her flowers and thought for a moment. "Sister Kagome was talking with brother Inu a while ago, they went that way."
She pointed towards the path to the woods. "Thank you Rin." With that he went to find Kagome and some answers.
Inuyasha placed an unconscious Sango on the ground and began looking over her injuries. Aside from a few scrapes and bruises she seemed fine. Kohaku stood silently behind him.
Kohaku watched as Inuyasha inspected his sister. He'd hurt her again, this time of his own free will, there was no Naraku to blame. His fists balled in anger at his sides. He knew he shouldn't have come here. He should have just left well enough alone. He turned and began to walk away.
"Where do you think you're going?" Inuyasha said without turning around to look at the escaping boy. Kohaku sighed. Why wouldn't they just let him leave? "Away, I think I've done enough damage to last a lifetime."
Inuyasha laughed and rose to his feet. He turned and stared at the young boy's back. "You think running away will solve anything? You know your sister better than anyone, she'll just come after you." Kohaku turned to face the annoying demon. "What does it matter if I stay or go. Look what happened, Sango almost died again because of me, Naraku had nothing to do with this. It's better if I leave."
"I think your sister would have a different opinion about that. She'd think it was very important that you stay." Inuyasha took a few steeps closer to Kohaku. "Look, you can wallow in self pity if you want. Personally I don't care how you feel, but I won't have Sango hurt any more over you. Her happiness depends on your actions. You want to take responsibility so badly for what you've done then try making up for it."
Kohaku averted is eyes to the forest floor. "How do you expect me to do that? After everything I've done." Inuyasha reached out and silenced the boy by placing his hand on his shoulder. "By making her happy. She's the only one you have left right? The only one you can do anything about."
Kohaku nodded and Inuyasha continued. "So you have to do all you can to see that she is taken care of and happy. Live every day of you life for her, live to make her happy. You can start by staying with her, and being there for her when she gets married today."
Kohaku shook his head and pulled away from Inuyasha. "That's just it, she has him to make her happy. She has you and everyone else living in that house. If I stay I'll remind her of everything's she's lost, everyone I killed. She'll begin to hate me. I can't have her hate me, I have to leave."
"Kohaku please don't leave me."
Sango's shaky voice came from behind them. Kohaku looked at her and his heart broke. She was sitting on her knees looking up at him, tears streaking her face. "I could never hate you Kohaku, never. Please give me a chance."
Kohaku shook his head and backed up a few steps. "I don't think I can."
Sango sunk forward till her arm rested on the ground. Tears feel freely down her face now. "Kohaku you just can't leave me again. I need you. Please. I love you." her sobs echoed through the forest. Inuyasha moved towards Sango and stood behind her. "Don't hurt your sister anymore Kohaku." Kohaku was still for a few moments and then moved and fell to his knees before her. Sango lifted her self up and wrapped her arms around him cradling his head on her shoulder.
Inuyasha let the siblings have their moment. "I'm glad you stayed kid." Kohaku looked up at he hanyou. "I really didn't want to have to break your legs." said Inuyasha with a smile.
Kagome paced nervously outside the shrine. Inuyasha shouldn't be taking this long and now she was worried something bad had happened to both of them. She was trying to decide whether or not she was going to go after them herself when she felt a tap on her shoulder. "Kagome?" she jumped in surprise and let out a little scream before turning around and facing Miroku.
"Oh, Miroku you scared me."
"Kagome where is Sango?" Kagome turned around and went back to looking for Inuyasha. "She's. in the dressing room with Rin. I'm sure Inuyasha will be back... any minute now with the shoes." Miroku sighed and crossed his arms over his chest. "Oh really? Then why did Rin just tell me Sango is still not back from going home to get her hair pin?"
Kagome fluttered for a moment trying to find a excuse. "Well you see.."
Miroku yelled. "Kagome where is Sango?"
"Here Miroku." Called Sango.
Miroku started towards her when he caught sight of Kohaku. He stopped in his tracks and Kagome bumped into his back. "Miroku why'd you stop.." She moved out from behind him and looked ahead of her catching site of Kohaku as well. "Kohaku?"
Sango, Inuyasha and Kohaku all came walking down the path. Sango approached them with her arm around Kohaku. She looked a bit beat up and mussed but she looked happy. "Look who came home." She said sweetly smiling at her brother. Kohaku not knowing what to say just stared at the ground.
Miroku walked over to them. "Kohaku, welcome back. It's good.. to see that you are doing well.." Miroku put his arm around Sango's shoulder. With his other hand he smoothed down her hair and pushed a few stray locks behind her ear. "I'm glad you're both doing well."
Sango smiled up at him. "I hope you don't mind if your bride has a few bumps and bruises." He hugged her tighter and brought his head closer to her's. "As long as you're in one piece."
Kagome watched the three as Inuyasha came to stand by her. "It was hard trying to convince him to stay. Hopefully he'll stay put and not try to leave again. Kagome nodded her head. "We thought he was dead for so long. It's a miracle he survived." Inuyasha nodded his head.
Kagome walked over to them. "So will we still be going through with the wedding today?"
Miroku looked at Sango. "We can postpone if you don't feel up to it." Sango shook her head. "No, this is the perfect day to get married. I have my whole family around me now."
Kagome, knowing that Sango would want Kohaku close, asked if he would like to help get his sister ready. He agreed and the four of them went back to the preparation room. Kagome noticed that Rin and Kohaku seemed to know each other, but didn't say anything, she'd have to ask about that later. Right now they had a hall full of guests waiting for them.
Rin and Kagome got Sango dressed in her kimonos. Then Rin and Kohaku helped put up Sango's hair. Kohaku carefully placed the jade hairpin in the completed bun. Kagome painted Sango's face a pale white and her lips deep red. When all was completed Sango looked like a china doll, beautiful and fragile.
Kagome insisted that Sango wear the traditional hakoseko* and kaiken*. "Not that you need any more luck, but for the sake of tradition. After all, you were very lucky to find Kohaku." Sango giggled and nudged Kohaku with her elbow. "Hear that, you're my personal lucky charm."
A small smile graced the corners of his mouth. "You look beautiful sister." Sango smiled back and took his hand. "Thank you."
They met Miroku at the entrance to the shrine hall and all but Sango took their seats. Sango and Miroku walked down the aisle side by side. "You look beautiful." Miroku whispered to her. Sango blushed but it could not be seen under all that makeup. "So I've been told. You look very handsome as well." She whispered back.
Kaede was waiting for them at the front of the hall. Smiling as they knelt before her. Kagome watched as Kaede began the purifying ritual. A small tug on her sleeve brought her attention to Shippo. "I can't see what they're doing. Pick me up." Kagome picked Shippo up and held him up to her chest so he could see the proceedings.
After the purifying came the san san ku do.* Miroku took three sips of saki form the three cups and Sango did the same. Afterwards they offered sakaki* to god.
With that, Kaede introduced the couple for the first time to their family.
************* The reception was wonderful with everyone congratulating the bride and groom. Some presented small gifts and tokens of good luck. Sango now wore a more colorful silk kimono on top of her wedding one. There was plenty of sake and music and dancing.
Shippo entertained everyone by changing into different animals and even imitating a few of the guests. Inuyasha acted as if the whole thing bored him and spent most of the evening leaning against the wall, eye's closed as if sleeping.
Kagome on the other hand was having a wonderful time talking and joking with the guests. Everything was going well until she heard a familiar sound. It was the sound of Sango's hand meeting the side of Miroku's face. Turning around she saw a very red faced Sango glaring at a smiling Miroku. Obviously marriage would not stop a pervert.
What ever Miroku said had been worth it, because it got a wonderful reaction out of Kohaku. Since they had left the preparation room he had been quiet and withdrawn. He spent the entire party sitting next to Sango not really look at or talking to anyone. Miroku's little joke, or whatever it had been, had brought a smile to Kohoku's face and for the first time he laughed. The sound was one she hoped to hear often.
Rin had been siting next to Miroku when all this happened and was now making her way to Kagome. "Rin what's up." Rin seemed to think for a moment and then looked up at Kagome. "Sister Kagome, what do people do on their wedding night?"
This took Kagome by surprise and she wasn't quite sure how to answer. "Why do you want to know Rin?" Rin looked back at Miroku and Sango. "Because sister Sango was talking to Kohaku about what they would do tomorrow. Then brother Miroku said it would all depend on if sister Sango were tired tomorrow or not. Then Kohaku said that was true because tonight was their wedding night after all. And both Kohaku and brother Miroku laughed but sister Sango got all red in the face and slapped brother Miroku." Rin raised her hand and swung it in imitation of Sango.
Kagome felt her own face blush. "Rin, what is it exactly that you are asking me?" Rin huffed and crossed her arm in front of her chest. "Rin wants to know what's so funny? And why did sister Sango get so mad? And what do people do on there wedding night to make them tired?"
Kagome glanced around looking for any excuse not to answer the girl's question. " see Rin.I'll.I need to help Kaede right now. We'll talk about it tomorrow, ok?" Kagome turned and quickly walked towards Kaede, Rin following close at her heels. "But Rin want's to know now."
"Rin I said later."
"But Rin want's to know now."
After the reception everyone returned home. Sango picked out a room for Kohaku and the two talked for a while.
"You should get to bed sister." Said Kohaku as he playfully nudged her with his elbow. Sango wrapped her arm around his neck and roughly ran her knuckles through his hair. "Hey now, you keep in mind that I'm still older and stronger than you. I can still kick your butt."
Kohaku wiggled out of her grasp. "Yeah well I'm going to kick your butt if you don't go and spend some time with your husband. Besides you have forever to talk to me." Sango stood and looked him in the eye. "You promise you'll be here when I wake up tomorrow? You're not going to run away in the middle of the night or anything?"
Kohaku rolled his eyes. "Gee sis, I never realized you were so paranoid." Sango walked to the door and leaned against the doorframe. "Promise me you won't leave."
Kohaku sighed "All right, I promise. Now good night, I've had a hard day. Some crazy girl chased me through the wood and beat the snot out of me. That kind of makes you tired you know."
Sango laughed. "Well I'm sure she had a good reason. Good night Kohaku."
"Good night Sango."
Sango made her way down the hall and to her room. She was a bit disappointed to see the light in her room off. She had hoped Miroku would have been up waiting for her. 'After all the years he spent trying to get me into bed. And here he is sleeping.'
She opened her door, the light from the hall falling on her futon. She was disappointed once again, Miroku was no where to be seen. A slight breeze caught her skirt. Looking to her right, she saw that the door to the back porch was opened. She walked outside and found Miroku siting on the porch steeps. "Well this is a fine place for you to be."
Startled he turned around. "Oh Sango you scared me. I thought you might have fell asleep in Kohaku's room. I didn't want to wake you." he got up and walked over to her. "Do you want to sit out here for a while? It's a nice night."
Sango shook her head and wrapped her arm's around him. "No, I'd rather go inside." Miroku smiled and rested his head on top of hers. "I love you."
"I love you to."
Authors notes
Hakoseko and Kaiken -Like American weddings, there are traditional wedding accessories that are worn for tradition and are said to bring good luck. The bride carries a small purse style sack called a hakoseko and a small encased sword called kaiken.
San san kudo- the ancient wedding custom of sharing sake. The sharing of sake is one of the oldest traditional Japanese wedding ceremonial customs dating back to the 8th century. The sharing or toast of sake symbolizes a formal bond between the bride and groom. The exquisite miniature sized sake set consists of three flat cups escalating in size. Starting with the smallest of the three cups, the groom will lead taking three sips and then the bride. They will then proceed to the middle size and then to the large. At the conclusion of the sake toast ceremony, both families drink a cup of sake to signify not only the union of the bride and groom but the unity of two families. This beautiful custom is called San San Ku Do, which means "three sets of three sips equals nine".