It had been three weeks since Kara had set foot in the DEO for anything other than her weekly medical assessments. Supergirl level disasters had been non-existent but J'onn was still managing a few lower level incidents, easily flitting between the guises of the Girl of Steel and the Director of the DEO. Alex secretly thought that he kind of enjoyed being Supergirl, being able to fly freely around the city, the unrelenting adoration of the public or maybe it was the uniform.

Alex straightened her stance as she tried to shove the thoughts out of her mind, J'onn was currently stood next to her in front of the team, briefing them on their new mission. They were going after what they believed to be a small Cadmus operation on the outskirts of the city. Usually it was the kind of mission that Supergirl, the real Supergirl, would tag along to, to provide cover in case anything went wrong. She hadn't called her sister though, she had kept her promise to give her the time she needed away from the DEO, which is why she struggled to hide her surprise when Supergirl entered the command centre, ready for action.

She watched as Kara mouthed her apologies to J'onn and stood at the back of the room, listening intently. She looked good, maybe a little bit tired, but she looked more like her old self, radiating strength and hope, even in the dim light of the command centre.

Alex shifted her weight awkwardly as Kara caught her staring and mouthed 'are you okay?' with a touch of a crinkle. Alex responded with a nod and turned her attention back to J'onn, who was finishing up the briefing.

"Any questions?" he asked the group.

No one answered out loud but a couple of agents shook their heads in response.

"Alright, we leave in five minutes," J'onn announced and glanced at his watch as the agents stood and headed to the garage.

As the last of the agents disappeared, J'onn approached Kara, as did Alex.

"Sorry I was late," Kara took a nervous step back as she apologised. "I've got to get used to getting out of L-Corp."

"I understand, do you need me to go over what you missed?" J'onn asked.

"No, I heard most of it on the way over."

"I'm glad you are here," J'onn squeezed her shoulder and then headed for the garage.

"Agent Danvers?" he called over his shoulder, indicating for her to follow.

"I'll be one minute," Alex nodded before turning to Kara. "Are you sure you are ready for this?" she asked. She knew that Kara had been working herself hard to try to impress her new colleagues at L-Corp.

"Yep," Kara nodded but didn't offer further reassurance.

"Okay, please be careful."

"You too," Kara hugged her, "You better go before J'onn gets impatient and comes looking for you," she whispered as she let go of Alex.

Alex laughed to herself and headed to the garage as Supergirl took off out of the window, heading to the suspected base to keep up surveillance discreetly before the DEO agents arrived.

Of course the Cadmus base had kryptonite. Why wouldn't it? Fortunately, Lillian Luthor was no where to be found and the low-level minions at the base didn't really seem like they knew how to use the green rocks to their advantage once they had finally retrieved them from the lead lined safe.

Alex and her team managed to take down and arrest all six of Luthor's soldiers with barely any help from Supergirl.

"Do you need anything else?" Kara asked as she loaded the last piece of weaponry from the base into the DEO van.

"I guess not," Alex glanced around at the now empty shell of a warehouse, "But you should really come to the debrief."

"I've got to get back to L-Corp."

"Yeah, okay, well we can go back through all this stuff at the DEO when you've finished for the day."

"It's games night tonight, remember?" Kara frowned as Alex looked blank. "You're still coming, right?"

"Sorry, yeah, of course." Alex became flustered, "I'll make sure I finish at a reasonable hour. We can go through this stuff later in the week."

Kara didn't agree but she didn't refuse either, instead she shut the van door and then wiped her hands down her skirt to get rid of the dirt.

"I probably won't have time to go grocery shopping, I've got a late meeting with Lena, would you be able to bring some beer, or whatever you want to drink? I've not got much in."

"Sure, do need me to bring anything else?"

"No, I'm going to order pizza. Just bring yourself around seven, that's when Winn and James are coming."

"I'll see you later then," Alex smiled as Kara prepared to fly off.

"See you later," Kara called as she jumped into the air.

"I thought you were supposed to be a secret agent?" James laughed as Alex yet again lost a game of Clue. Everyone else had won a game and Winn had won three now.

"Well luckily for me a game of Clue isn't part of the selection process," Alex groaned and took a swig of beer from her bottle, stealing a glance at Kara.

Her sister looked a little bit worn out. Alex caught James' eye and nodded towards Kara, James nodded subtly back.

"Hey Kara? Me and Winn better get going."

"Are you sure? We can play something else."

"I've got an early meeting at CatCo and I'm Winn's ride," James stood up and collected the empty plates and placed them down on the kitchen counter.

Kara got to her feet and hugged James as he re-entered the living area.

"Thank you for coming," she held him tight and he stroked her back.

"Let's not leave it so long until the next games night," he whispered into her ear before pulling away.

Winn swiftly replaced James and awkwardly threw his arms around Kara. Kara snuggled into his shoulder and neither of them said anything until James put his hand on Winn's shoulder.

"I'll see you at the DEO soon, yeah?" Winn asked as he removed himself from Kara's grip.

Kara nodded and walked with her friends the short distance to her front door.

"Thanks for tonight," James started before Kara pulled them both in for another hug.

"Hey Alex," James called on his way out of the door, "Maybe next time invite Maggie to help you out."

Kara shut the door before Alex got a chance to shout back and the sisters started cleaning the apartment, Kara began tidying the living room as Alex washed the dishes and glasses that had accumulated throughout the evening.

"That went well," Alex called across the apartment to Kara.

"I guess," Kara responded without any of her usual enthusiasm.

"What's wrong?" Alex put down the plate she was drying and made her way over to her sister.

Kara shrugged and carried on putting the board game away.

"Talk to me Kara," Alex took the cards her sister had been sorting and placed them on the table and then guided Kara to the couch.


"It's just so hard now," Kara snuggled into Alex's shoulder, "It's not as easy as it used to be."

"It will get better," Alex stroked her hair, "Your friendship with Winn and James is worth the effort."

"Everything is different now."

"You just don't see each other as often, you're not all working at CatCo anymore so you have to try to make the time for each other."

"I've never been very good at relationships," Kara mumbled and Alex pulled her closer to her.

"Me neither."

"You've got Maggie."

"I know, and I love her, but its not exactly a record breaking length for a relationship, I could still mess it up."

"You won't."

"I hope so," Alex kissed Kara's hair.

"And you'll always have me," Kara whispered.

"Isn't that my line?" Alex poked her and Kara nudged her back.

"So, sisters' night tomorrow?"


So, I'm going to end this fic here. With this chapter I just wanted to show that things were getting back to some kind of normality for Kara. At some point I feel like this story ended up going in a different direction than I originally thought and so now the title doesn't really fit but I'm going to leave it as it is.

Thank you to everyone who has read this, especially those that have left a review.