A letter was placed directly into his hands today. The act was so strange, accepting letters, that Jack had immediately thought it to be a mistake. He gave the letter back to the lad, and told him that he must have given it to the wrong man.
"You're Captain Jack right?"
"This is for Captain Jack." The boy points at the two words as he speaks. "Ergo it is for you." The young lad holds out his hand, waiting for payment.
"Hmm, well that it is." The Captain agrees before walking away. The young boy call out after him for payment as the Captain turns onto another street to escape the high pitched whines.
He opens the letter and squints. The writing was neat, and clear which made it easier to read the print. Whoever it was knew not to make the letters to small for the pirate. It was when he read the name of the signature at the bottom of the page is when confusion truly struck him.
"Smyth? Where do I know that name from?" He ponders as he picks up a cup of ale from under the nose of another man. He looks around to see if the possessor of the name would appear before him. Instead he finds his first mate, talking to a girl much to gorgeous for him. "Gibbs!" Jack shouts making his way over to the two as quickly as he could manage without falling.
"Aye, what is it Jack?"
"Do we know a Smyth?" Jack asks showing the letter to Gibbs as he wraps his arm around the shorter man's shoulders perfectly blocking his view of the woman. Jack takes the opportunity to catch an eyeful.
"Tis from Margaret Cap'n. The woman Barbossa and ye met together soon after the war."
Jack gives him a blank expression before looking back at the woman behind them. "One moment dear." He says with a smile.
"Jack it is the one that sailed with you two. Not fer long since you were always at each others' throat but ye do know her."
"What does she want?" Jack asks expecting Gibbs to read the rest of the letter either to him or just giving him the gist of it all.
Gibb's eyes grow wide as he reads the letter. "That's not a good sign is it? Is that a good sign Gibbs?"
"Cap'n she wants ya to visit her. Says Barbossa would ne'er ask but they could use your help."
A smug look takes over the captain. "Barbossa?"
"And this Margaret Smyth was she pretty?"
"Well where are they?"
"England sir."
"We sail right away!" Jack declares as he takes back the letter. "Gather the men from whatever spoil spot they have sod themselves this time about."
"Aye, aye, sir."
"Good man that Gibbs." Jack says in an aside to the woman as Joshamee takes off towards a tavern. "Riddle with crabs though. Poor fool." She crinkles her nose and leaves before Jack could finish his plane to woo her. She wasn't that pretty anyways he supposed.
"They be headin' for th ship cap'n." Gibbs informs the pirate as he catches his breath.
"Good we will be needin' a few provisions for the trip. I trust you can go and fetch 'em Mister Gibbs."
"Aye of course Cap'n." The man says and he holds out his hand.
Jack stares at it with displeasure before digging into is suit and pulling out a small coin bag. He was reluctant to part with it. "Make sure to buy some rum."
"Of course captain." Gibbs says with a smile. The white haired man takes his leave as the captain watches him go.
"Back to the ship." He reminds himself. Calling him free from his thoughts. He goes through his memories as he walks back trying to place a face to the name he had been given. Even Gibbs seemed to remember the woman. A she ponders on the thought somehow his feet were still able to take him back to this ship.
"Prepare the sails men! We are heading to England!" He calls out as the men give a shout.
"Why Cap'n?" One asks.
The captain taps his chin. He could say to visit an old friend, but he doubt the men would go along with that. "Nevermind why!" Jack shouts. "Ready the ship so we can be off." He orders stumbling into his captain's quarters. As he takes a seat in his chair picking up the bottle of rum from the table he recalls a face. With chestnut hair, and a smile that could make any man's gut twist. Ah yes, that was Margaret's face alright. It would be nice to see her again.