He opens up my mind
In a way that nobody else has ever
He opens up my dreams
Now the life I see is so much brighter
What makes it so One can touch another
In such a way
- Merril Bainbridge: Power of One.
His surroundings were dark and lonely. Seclusive. The goblins that usually ran rampant in the castle had finally all passed out in the throne room. Outside the door he could hear a servant chasing a rat down the corridor. "C'mere you li'le vermin! I'll squich you like a." The voice faded away and again he was left with nothingness.
A lone candle stood at the corner of his desk, shedding little light around the confines of the room. His library. The place he came to think. Political business. The ruling of his domain. But mainly he thought about her. The one who defeated him at his own game. The one with courage and imagination he had never before seen. The one he had come to love.
The soft glow of the candle illuminated his face. Strong lines. Tight lips. Unruly hair, silvered by the yellow light. The tear tracing a path down the softness of his cheek.
He swiped at it clumsily with a black-gloved hand. Was this what she had reduced him to? He was nothing but a fool played by love. But he couldn't blame her. The enchantment had been no fault of hers. "But what no one knew was that the King of the goblins had fallen in love with the girl." The whisper broke the silence and he chuckled and closed his eyes. Her beauty and passion had crept up on his heart and taken it as their own. She had unknowingly taken him captive. He was a slave.
Opening his eyes, he stared into the golden flame. Reflections of it danced in his eyes in time with the cool breeze coming through the opened window. Tears glazed his eyes over. He blinked and one fell from each eye, slowly racing to reach his chin. He made no move to wipe them away. A quiet sob escaped him. Any other time he would be ashamed to be crying over a woman. She was only a girl. A child. But he could tell that his Labyrinth had made her grow, and that had been the last barb in the hook that had reeled him in. He had shown her what it was like to be independent and adult. He had shown her happiness and anger, fear and pain. Love. She had not seen the love in his eyes, not yet mature enough to recognise it.
He shook his head and his hair fell over his face, wondering if she had any idea at all. The tiniest clue as to what she'd done to him. Did she feel even slightly for him as he did for her? Would it ever be possible? He doubted so. The thoughts that engulfed him at the very thought of her sent his mind spiralling out of control. His body screamed for her; a kiss, a whisper of her breathe, maybe a soft touch. The pain in his heart was the worst. He ached for her. He had never felt love in this way before and it was an incredible feeling.
But she had gone from him. Left him, his offer unsuitable to her. And where was she now? Living a life devoid of happiness? She would never know what she had missed with him. He could have shown her true love, the kind of thing she could only read about in mortal faerie tales. Suddenly a thought came over him. Maybe he could show her.
Forming a crystal, he slowly danced it over his fingers, its clear surface reflecting the candlelight. A plan was forming in his mind, elegant in its simplicity and very pleasing to him. Trailing the sphere up one finger until it balanced upon the tip, he studied it, carefully weaving the spell into its depths. As the spell established, a picture began to form deep within. A dream for them both, for what he could see, he sent to her in her sleep. His ideas of a happy future.
She sat on the bridge overlooking the small lake near her home, the park where he had last seen her before the game had begun. Her legs dangled over the sides, toes curled and shoes sitting neatly on the wood next to her. A slight breeze ruffled her dark hair causing it to swirl delicately around her neck and shoulders. She wore a simple cardigan and her jeans against the chill in the air. Beside her sat a book, pages dog-eared with age, the cover showing the love its owner beared for it. The Labyrinth. Where it all began.
The breath hitched in his throat at the site of her. Sarah. The most beautiful vision he had ever seen. He licked his lips and breathed in deeply, a tingle of electricity down his spine.
She picked up the book and held it in her hands, glancing at its cover. She smiled. A shadow arose behind her as a figure approached her. Sarah looked over in their direction and a look of pure happiness overcame her. Her eyes lit up. He came and sat down beside her, giving her a quick peck on the cheek, lips lingering no longer than necessary.
It was him. A small smile graced his lips at the sight. She had smiled because of him. She was happy. If only it were true.
Looking again into the crystal he watched as she leant her head against his shoulder, his arm wrapping around her waist. It seemed that no words were needed between the two, love laced in their gazes and in the way they softly touched. A tingle ran through his body and he could wait no longer. Concentrating for a moment, he changed the picture from them on the bridge to them in Sarah's bedroom. Instantly he gasped. Inside the crystal he saw them kissing wildly, passion flaring and making itself known. He felt the sensation as she pushed him towards the bed, invisible hands providing the small amount of pressure against his chest. Knees hitting the edge of the bed, he chuckled as he felt the bed hit his back while watching it happening in the crystal.
Shaking his head, he wondered if he was being terribly perverted. When he saw and felt her straddle his hips, all thoughts failed and he moaned softly. Tangling his fingers into her dark locks, he pulled her down for another searing kiss. She carefully bit down on his bottom lip, soothing it afterwards with her tongue. He licked her lips playfully in return. Two could play at this game.
He flipped her over onto her back and sat up. A whimper escaped her and his lips turned up at the corners. Trailing his fingers down her chest, he used his magic to undo the buttons of her cardigan. Opening it at the front, he was faced with a simple white cotton bra. Underneath him, Sarah squirmed and he decided that they could go as slow as he wanted next time. Tonight was about pleasing her.
In his library, Jareth shifted in his chair. Every single expression of lust he gave in the crystal was mirrored by him, echoing through the darkness. It was a wonder no one had come to check on him yet. But, he guessed, the time was late and most of the staff would have been in bed hours ago. He sighed and turned his attention back to the dream.
Thinking for a moment, he rid them of his clothes. They moaned in unison as the sensation of skin on skin heated their already burning flesh. He moved up to her forehead, pressing a lingering kiss to her hairline. Her tongue darted out and licked at his neck. Humming quietly, he brought one hand up to her breast, thumb tracing her nipple slowly. Her tongue drew back and she sighed, eyes closing. Leaning down his lips closed over her other nipple sucking gently, teeth scraping the areola just enough to make her shiver.
"Jareth, please." The whisper caught him in the haze of his lust and he began to kiss between the valley of her breasts. Her hand on his shoulder stopped him. "No, I have you right where I want you." Legs wrapped around his waist and realisation dawned in his eyes. Giving her a toothy grin, he leant down so his lips her tracing her ear.
"Your every wish is my command." He rose slightly over her and positioned himself between her legs. She reached down between them and guided him to her. With a slow push, he was finally home.
The moan that the feeling of finally being inside her elicited caused the air in the library to tingle with energy. Staring into the crystal with wide eyes, he would not do anything about the increasing pressure in his breeches. This was her experience, he just happened to be along for the ride. The slight push against his back turned his attention back to the crystal. Following her urges, he pulled slowly out of her and slammed back in quickly. He heard her cry as though it were a thousand miles away and right next to him all at once. He set the rhythm for their lovemaking and Sarah matched it with ease, her cries of pleasure echoing in the small room. It was as though they had been made for each other. And wasn't that a possibility?
He felt his climax coming all too soon; the feeling of being with Sarah and the amount of time since he had last made love to anyone quickly catching up on him. Judging by the tension in her, he could tell Sarah was close too. He reached down between them and stroked her, feeling their joining with every movement they made. A quiet gasp escaped her and she moaned his name, shuddering in his arms. Her nails dug into his back and her inner walls spasmed around him, sending the most delicious sensations throughout his body. He let go and he filled her with his essence. He lay his head on her shoulder as her hands ran over his back. The quiet whisper brought him back to her.
"I love you, Jareth." He slowly lifted his head to look into her eyes. They were shining, happiness radiating through her, cheeks glowing. He was sure his eyes mirrored her feelings.
"And I love you, Sweetheart." He leant down and brushed his lips over hers - the most chaste of kisses - then he buried his face in her neck. "I always will."
The image shimmered and faded and soon he was left with an empty crystal. He dropped it to the desk and it popped like a bubble. Looking over at the candle, he realised how long it had actually been - it was only a short way from the bottom. A hand reached up to his lips that tingled from her kisses, gently running a finger over them. He had kissed her, made love to her. He had felt everything that his dream figure had. He just hoped that she wouldn't hate him more after she woke up.
His surroundings were dark and lonely. Seclusive. The goblins that usually ran rampant in the castle had finally all passed out in the throne room. Outside the door he could hear a servant chasing a rat down the corridor. "C'mere you li'le vermin! I'll squich you like a." The voice faded away and again he was left with nothingness.
A lone candle stood at the corner of his desk, shedding little light around the confines of the room. His library. The place he came to think. Political business. The ruling of his domain. But mainly he thought about her. The one who defeated him at his own game. The one with courage and imagination he had never before seen. The one he had come to love.
The soft glow of the candle illuminated his face. Strong lines. Tight lips. Unruly hair, silvered by the yellow light. The tear tracing a path down the softness of his cheek.
He swiped at it clumsily with a black-gloved hand. Was this what she had reduced him to? He was nothing but a fool played by love. But he couldn't blame her. The enchantment had been no fault of hers. "But what no one knew was that the King of the goblins had fallen in love with the girl." The whisper broke the silence and he chuckled and closed his eyes. Her beauty and passion had crept up on his heart and taken it as their own. She had unknowingly taken him captive. He was a slave.
Opening his eyes, he stared into the golden flame. Reflections of it danced in his eyes in time with the cool breeze coming through the opened window. Tears glazed his eyes over. He blinked and one fell from each eye, slowly racing to reach his chin. He made no move to wipe them away. A quiet sob escaped him. Any other time he would be ashamed to be crying over a woman. She was only a girl. A child. But he could tell that his Labyrinth had made her grow, and that had been the last barb in the hook that had reeled him in. He had shown her what it was like to be independent and adult. He had shown her happiness and anger, fear and pain. Love. She had not seen the love in his eyes, not yet mature enough to recognise it.
He shook his head and his hair fell over his face, wondering if she had any idea at all. The tiniest clue as to what she'd done to him. Did she feel even slightly for him as he did for her? Would it ever be possible? He doubted so. The thoughts that engulfed him at the very thought of her sent his mind spiralling out of control. His body screamed for her; a kiss, a whisper of her breathe, maybe a soft touch. The pain in his heart was the worst. He ached for her. He had never felt love in this way before and it was an incredible feeling.
But she had gone from him. Left him, his offer unsuitable to her. And where was she now? Living a life devoid of happiness? She would never know what she had missed with him. He could have shown her true love, the kind of thing she could only read about in mortal faerie tales. Suddenly a thought came over him. Maybe he could show her.
Forming a crystal, he slowly danced it over his fingers, its clear surface reflecting the candlelight. A plan was forming in his mind, elegant in its simplicity and very pleasing to him. Trailing the sphere up one finger until it balanced upon the tip, he studied it, carefully weaving the spell into its depths. As the spell established, a picture began to form deep within. A dream for them both, for what he could see, he sent to her in her sleep. His ideas of a happy future.
She sat on the bridge overlooking the small lake near her home, the park where he had last seen her before the game had begun. Her legs dangled over the sides, toes curled and shoes sitting neatly on the wood next to her. A slight breeze ruffled her dark hair causing it to swirl delicately around her neck and shoulders. She wore a simple cardigan and her jeans against the chill in the air. Beside her sat a book, pages dog-eared with age, the cover showing the love its owner beared for it. The Labyrinth. Where it all began.
The breath hitched in his throat at the site of her. Sarah. The most beautiful vision he had ever seen. He licked his lips and breathed in deeply, a tingle of electricity down his spine.
She picked up the book and held it in her hands, glancing at its cover. She smiled. A shadow arose behind her as a figure approached her. Sarah looked over in their direction and a look of pure happiness overcame her. Her eyes lit up. He came and sat down beside her, giving her a quick peck on the cheek, lips lingering no longer than necessary.
It was him. A small smile graced his lips at the sight. She had smiled because of him. She was happy. If only it were true.
Looking again into the crystal he watched as she leant her head against his shoulder, his arm wrapping around her waist. It seemed that no words were needed between the two, love laced in their gazes and in the way they softly touched. A tingle ran through his body and he could wait no longer. Concentrating for a moment, he changed the picture from them on the bridge to them in Sarah's bedroom. Instantly he gasped. Inside the crystal he saw them kissing wildly, passion flaring and making itself known. He felt the sensation as she pushed him towards the bed, invisible hands providing the small amount of pressure against his chest. Knees hitting the edge of the bed, he chuckled as he felt the bed hit his back while watching it happening in the crystal.
Shaking his head, he wondered if he was being terribly perverted. When he saw and felt her straddle his hips, all thoughts failed and he moaned softly. Tangling his fingers into her dark locks, he pulled her down for another searing kiss. She carefully bit down on his bottom lip, soothing it afterwards with her tongue. He licked her lips playfully in return. Two could play at this game.
He flipped her over onto her back and sat up. A whimper escaped her and his lips turned up at the corners. Trailing his fingers down her chest, he used his magic to undo the buttons of her cardigan. Opening it at the front, he was faced with a simple white cotton bra. Underneath him, Sarah squirmed and he decided that they could go as slow as he wanted next time. Tonight was about pleasing her.
In his library, Jareth shifted in his chair. Every single expression of lust he gave in the crystal was mirrored by him, echoing through the darkness. It was a wonder no one had come to check on him yet. But, he guessed, the time was late and most of the staff would have been in bed hours ago. He sighed and turned his attention back to the dream.
Thinking for a moment, he rid them of his clothes. They moaned in unison as the sensation of skin on skin heated their already burning flesh. He moved up to her forehead, pressing a lingering kiss to her hairline. Her tongue darted out and licked at his neck. Humming quietly, he brought one hand up to her breast, thumb tracing her nipple slowly. Her tongue drew back and she sighed, eyes closing. Leaning down his lips closed over her other nipple sucking gently, teeth scraping the areola just enough to make her shiver.
"Jareth, please." The whisper caught him in the haze of his lust and he began to kiss between the valley of her breasts. Her hand on his shoulder stopped him. "No, I have you right where I want you." Legs wrapped around his waist and realisation dawned in his eyes. Giving her a toothy grin, he leant down so his lips her tracing her ear.
"Your every wish is my command." He rose slightly over her and positioned himself between her legs. She reached down between them and guided him to her. With a slow push, he was finally home.
The moan that the feeling of finally being inside her elicited caused the air in the library to tingle with energy. Staring into the crystal with wide eyes, he would not do anything about the increasing pressure in his breeches. This was her experience, he just happened to be along for the ride. The slight push against his back turned his attention back to the crystal. Following her urges, he pulled slowly out of her and slammed back in quickly. He heard her cry as though it were a thousand miles away and right next to him all at once. He set the rhythm for their lovemaking and Sarah matched it with ease, her cries of pleasure echoing in the small room. It was as though they had been made for each other. And wasn't that a possibility?
He felt his climax coming all too soon; the feeling of being with Sarah and the amount of time since he had last made love to anyone quickly catching up on him. Judging by the tension in her, he could tell Sarah was close too. He reached down between them and stroked her, feeling their joining with every movement they made. A quiet gasp escaped her and she moaned his name, shuddering in his arms. Her nails dug into his back and her inner walls spasmed around him, sending the most delicious sensations throughout his body. He let go and he filled her with his essence. He lay his head on her shoulder as her hands ran over his back. The quiet whisper brought him back to her.
"I love you, Jareth." He slowly lifted his head to look into her eyes. They were shining, happiness radiating through her, cheeks glowing. He was sure his eyes mirrored her feelings.
"And I love you, Sweetheart." He leant down and brushed his lips over hers - the most chaste of kisses - then he buried his face in her neck. "I always will."
The image shimmered and faded and soon he was left with an empty crystal. He dropped it to the desk and it popped like a bubble. Looking over at the candle, he realised how long it had actually been - it was only a short way from the bottom. A hand reached up to his lips that tingled from her kisses, gently running a finger over them. He had kissed her, made love to her. He had felt everything that his dream figure had. He just hoped that she wouldn't hate him more after she woke up.