Hello everyone! First I want to say RIP to Mark Salling. He clearly had issues but I do feel bad for his family to have lost him in that way. Because Noah Puckerman is just a character I will continue writing Puckleberry and hope you all will continue to read and enjoy them. Now onto the story!

Chapter 3

As she walked into school a week later, Rachel took a deep breath. She had tried to convince her dads to let her be homeschooled for her junior year but they weren't buying it. They, along with her therapist, felt that she was ready to return to school. After reaffirming her meal plan with her dietitian, Rachel finally felt like she was ready. As much as she didn't want to admit it, she did miss school.

"You okay?" Sam asked, looking at her.

"Yeah I'm fine," she quickly nodded. "Just nervous that's all."

"Hey everything will be fine. I'm here to help and Dads made it so that we have the same lunch so I'll be there too."

She frowned. "I'm sorry, I didn't realize they did that."

"Rach it's fine. I actually volunteered to do it." When she looked at him confused, he sighed. "Look I knew coming home meant you were going to need all the support you could get and I just wanted to make sure you know I'm here for you. With whatever you need."

Rachel gave a small smile at her brother's encouragement. "Thanks Sam. I really do appreciate it."

"Of course."

"Hey guys," Quinn smiled as she walked up to them. "Ready for the day?"

"I feel like I'm the new kid," Rachel admitted. "Everyone's already been here for a month and I'm just starting."

"Hey everything will be fine. You just have to take one step at a time right?"

"Right," she nodded, remembering her therapist's words. She noticed Sam and Quinn smile at each other but stayed silent as the bell rang. As she and Quinn walked to class, Rachel glanced at her. "Hey what's going on between you and Sam?"

"What do you mean?"

"You two have been giving these subtle smiles to each other lately and when we were at the race you seemed really into him."

Quinn hesitated. "Well I am. Into him I mean."

"Really? Does he like you?"

"Yeah, he does," she answered. When Rachel stayed silent she frowned. "Oh no you hate me don't you? Look the only reason we didn't tell you was because we weren't sure how you'd react and we didn't want to upset you or anything."

"Quinn relax. I'm happy for you two."


"Of course. Just promise that if things don't work out our friendship won't be ruined."

"Promise," she smiled as they reached their class.

As she went throughout the day, Rachel could feel all eyes on her. It shouldn't have been surprising that everyone would be talking about her being back but it didn't make it any easier. Having Quinn by her side helped but unfortunately Quinn wasn't always around.

By the time lunch came around, Rachel didn't have it in her to sit in the cafeteria and be a spectacle so she went and sat outside in the courtyard. She knew Sam would be looking for her but she felt like she needed the air.

As she sat on a bench, she noticed Puck flirting with a cheerleader and tried to ignore the distaste she felt. Of course he wasn't flirting with her the night of the race. They haven't even spoken since then so why should she care that he was paying attention to another girl? Not that it would've mattered anyway. She was still in recovery, she couldn't handle a boyfriend right now anyway.

"Rachel?" a voice said, bringing her out of her thoughts. She looked up and saw Puck standing in front of her.

"Oh hey Puck," she smiled, trying not to make it obvious that she was staring.

"Shouldn't you be at lunch? Sam said he was supposed to be eating with you."

"Yeah, I'm not really in the mood to be around everyone in the cafeteria. I thought I'd eat out here."

Puck nodded and sent a quick text to Sam letting him know where Rachel was while she wasn't looking. "Mind if I sit?"

Shocked, Rachel shook her head as he sat down. "I didn't mean to interrupt what you were doing."

"Don't worry about it. So how's it feel being back in school?"

"Like I'm an animal in a zoo exhibit honestly. Everyone's looking at me and whispering about me. I expected it but it just feels weird."

"Anyone actually say anything to you? You know Sam and I will go after them."

She smiled. "Thanks but I'm fine. No one has said anything to me directly and besides, I don't want you or Sam getting into any trouble."

"Hey you know that's what we're best at," Puck smirked. "All those times we got into trouble when we were kids and you always tried to cover for us."

"Yeah because I didn't want Sam in trouble. I didn't care much about you."

"Ouch," he laughed. "Should've known that though, seeing how I was always the one to get us into trouble to begin with."

Rachel giggled, trying to ignore the butterflies in her stomach when she heard his laughter. She didn't understand what was happening but she knew it couldn't be good.

Before she could respond, Sam came outside and looked at her. "Hey you okay?"

"Yeah just taking a break from being the latest animal on display."

He raised an eyebrow and looked at Puck who shrugged. "Everyone's been paying her extra attention today."

"Oh well we knew that would happen. Don't let them get to you."

"I'll try," she nodded.

"Well since you guys have everything settled I'm going to go see if Rebecca Harrington wants to have a little fun before lunch is over," Puck said as he stood up.

Rachel frowned as she watched him walk away. Once again she got her hopes up in thinking that Puck was interested in her when he was actually just being nice.

"Rachel," Sam said, getting her attention. "Not trying to be like Dads but…"

She saw that he was motioning to her untouched lunch and nodded. This was her life now. She had a routine to stick to and that couldn't be messed up with fantasies of her and Puck. No matter how great those fantasies were.


Puck sighed as he left his usual hiding spot after hooking up with Rebecca. Normally he would've been feeling on top of the world but he just wasn't into it today. He hated to admit it but part of him felt guilty for running off on Rachel and Sam. As much as he wished he could've stayed, he knew that it wasn't his place. Rachel had clearly been through a lot and needed her family more than some guy she's barely ever spoken to.

After school, he walked into his house and found his mom in the kitchen.

"Noah is that you?" she called.

"Yeah it's me," he replied walking in. "Where's Sara?"

"Over a friend's house for a little bit. How was school?" she asked as she started cooking dinner.

"School pretty much."

"I heard that Rachel Berry is back. How is she doing?"

"She's okay I guess. I haven't really talked to her," he lied. The last thing Puck needed was his mom questioning him about his interactions with Rachel, especially since one of them happened to be after a race.

"Well I hope she's doing well. Eating disorders are no joke so it's a good thing she got help. I hope you're being nice to her."

"Well like I said, I haven't really talked to her. Just Sam and he says she's still getting used to being back home but they're trying to get everything back to normal."

"I'm sure. Make sure you tell her I said she's welcome here anytime if things get too intense at home."

"I will," Puck replied before taking his stuff upstairs.

As he got settled in, he thought about his mother's offer. He wasn't sure how he felt about having Rachel over. They were never close to begin with so it's not like she'd consider coming here as a safe place. Still, that didn't keep his mind from thinking of all the possibilities that could happen if they got closer.

Looks like feelings are developing! Let me know your thoughts. Bye for now :)